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  1. #21
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    Merry Christmas everybody from Texas!

  2. #22
    Banned second mouse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yhlc
    hope you are not directing your at comments me. if so, then please have the courtesy to read my posts. you will note that i am all for christmas (and other religious and cultural festivals).in fact, i am for humanity.

    i did not insult your country. from my point of view, countries are masses of land created by god for his creation (all - not just humans). i am against the polcies and actions of your governement. the people make the country and not the governement. as wiser stated earlier, the people handed over their country to ? after ww2. i think it was when teh federal reserve was created. either way, the public lost. the servants won.

    i only support change when it benefits humanity. in this case, it divides people and i am strongly against it.thanks for taking the time to read and understand my posts.

    my comments were to reinforce the importance of religious occasions and appreciate our differences. i made it quite clear that i dont take political sides. i only ask for people to identify injustice and speak out against it regardless of one's political, religious or racial persuasion. in this case, vilification of the christian faith. it's unfair and people of all races and religions should stand up against this and otehr injustices to humanity.

    please don't drag me into politics. no corporation or bigot for that matter would be able to brainwash me. i think for myself (at least i try).
    __________________________________________________ ______

    My comments on Christmas were for anyone who might be reading this is, after all a Christmas thread. It would maybe be more appropriately named 'Merry Christmas (socially incorrect)!!!' , as it is more of a social issue imho. There is a push by some to eliminate the name and replace it with Happy Holiday's... Some of retail stores (nation wide) are selling 'Holiday' trees etc... and will not post the word 'Christmas' on any of their advertising... it is becoming a very heated issue in some places.

    But I have to admit I do take offense at some of your more political statements (which imho don't belong in this thread). I'm not sure if you realise that you are coming across this way... but they are demeaning... and not to the 'land mass' but to the people, a portion of the 'humanity' that you refer to.
    for example:

    "like i said, you maybe just a frog cooking slowly. i don't really car that much about the USA. i do however feel sorry for teh citizens who are trying to livea decent life while their government is pulling the wools over their eyes.."

    "i wonder how long it will take people in the "free" world realise that their freedom is a figmant of propaganda. maybe u guys will wake up one day and realise that the ones defending your "freedom" are teh ones enslaving your mind (and beliefs)."

    are you saying we are sleeping? I would recommend you not be so general... there are plenty of wonderful people in my country that are wide awake. And here's another thought... isn't Australia a 'free' country? sooo, are you sleeping my friend?
    I would never accuse you or any of your countrymen of's just inappropriate. Unless you want an argument or debate. If that's the case contact everwiser, and take it to the politics thread where it belongs.

    I appologize if I stepped on a raw nerve with my initial response to your post... but the demeaning manner of it hit one of my own raw nerves...

    "Don't worry about your neighbors steps,
    unless you are certain yours are clean."

    I too, am climbing down & putting the soapbox away now...

    and I sincerely wish you a happy holiday season... here's a Christmas smile, from me, to you .

    second mouse
    Last edited by second mouse; 18-12-2005 at 04:39 PM.

  3. #23
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    thanks moused,

    im sorry if my opinion came across very harsh. trsut me when i say that i have drastically softened over the years. i guess there is some residual from speding over 5 years in the world of international politics and relations. one thing that has been strongly pointed out to me both in teh real and academic world is that all is not as it seems. we have THE story and a COVER story (for civil rest or support). the real story never gets published but can be extracted by reading and watching between the lines.

    i am not a nationalist. i love australia very much but if my people turn a blind eye to injustice, i would be happy to move elsewhere.i love my country not bcos i spent most of my life here but bcos what it and the people have to offer. i do however do not beleive that australia is a free country anymore. i see thru the facade from my education and experience. we are fighting a war to preserve freedom and all the while legislations are being passed to take the very freedom that is being fought for.

    all i am saying is that if you want proof, look at legislations and scare tactics that regularly pops up. it's exatcly what past dictators did to control their public. again, i don't take sides. im not labour/libera;/democrat/republican/etc. not interested.

    i did not mean to generalise but i find when people refer to the media, then it's clear they're opinion is taken from a reporter or a political figure rather than thru research and reason. again, i am very aware that people have woken up. however, it saddens me when fall into the trap of thinking there is "evil" out there. it's normally within and i agree with your 'neighbours step" quote.

    again, not interested in politics as i am not taking any sides. never will. just standing up against injustice and educating people of the divisive policies implented by supposed public servants.

    have a great chrismatas and a greater new year.

  4. #24
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    since when has anything political got anything right



  5. #25
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    Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!!!!

  6. #26
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    absolute bottom line; Solstice, period.

  7. #27
    Senior Investor everwiser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aeara
    absolute bottom line; Solstice, period.
    Well then have a Happy Yule-tide!

  8. #28
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    Merry Christmas to all I am not worried about it if it offends anyone that I say Merry Christmas to them :)

    Merry Christmas,


  9. #29
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    Thumbs up Should we go to Mc'Donald's to eat? I WILL

    Related To Story

    A fast-food restaurant in Raleigh has posted a religious message on its sign. One local woman thinks it is offensive and she is asking the company to take it down.

    Religious McDonald's Sign Draws Attention In Raleigh
    Woman Asks Restaurant To Remove Sign, 'Jesus Is The Reason For The Season'

    POSTED: 7:16 am EST December 14, 2005
    UPDATED: 10:25 am EST December 14, 2005

    RALEIGH, N.C. -- Everyone celebrates religion and holidays in their own individual ways, but currently there are questions about whether the two should be more connected. One of the latest places involved in the controversy is a McDonald's restaurant in Raleigh.

    Discussion: Christmas vs. Holiday Controversy

    The sign at McDonald's on the corner of Falls of Neuse and Spring Forest Road reads: "Merry Christmas, Jesus is the Reason for the Season." It is a holiday message that Amanda Alpert thinks comes on a little too strongly.

    "It offends me because it specifically talks about Jesus, Merry Christmas. It doesn't give credit to anyone else," Alpert said.

    Alpert called the McDonald's corporate office in Atlanta and requested that the sign be changed to the politically correct Happy Holidays. The response was the owner has the right to do what she wants with the sign.

    "I care because I'm Jewish, and the reason for the season is upsetting to me," Alpert said.

    Should businesses or restaurants be allowed to display religious messages?
    Yes, it's all about freedom of speech.
    No, it may offend certain people by having a religious message.
    No opinion

    Results | Disclaimer

    None of the drivers WRAL spoke to were offended by the sign.

    "I've always known it to be Merry Christmas, and it is Jesus' birthday," said Tom David of Smithfield.

    It's a debate that's struck a chord nationally and locally. The White House Christmas card surprised some with its "Happy Holiday Season" message. A proposed nativity scene in Raleigh recently drew a crowd at council chambers.

    McDonald's managers say the sign has been good for business. They say church groups have stopped by to eat, and some people who usually don't eat food from McDonald's have stopped by because of the sign. The store's owner did not return WRAL's calls.

    Reporter: Paul LaGrone
    Photographer: Bobbie Eng
    OnLine Producer: Kamal Wallace
    Copyright 2005 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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  10. #30
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    Default This pretty well sums it up


    'T'was the night before Christmas and all through the town
    Not a sign of Baby Jesus was anywhere to be found.
    The people were all busy with Christmas time chores
    Like decorating, and baking, and shopping in stores.

    No one sang "Away in a manger, no crib for a bed".
    Instead, they sang of Santa dressed-up in bright red.
    Mama watched Martha Stewart, Papa drank beer from a tap.
    As hour upon hour the presents they'd wrap

    When what from the T.V. did they suddenly hear?
    'Cept an ad.. which told of a big sale at Sears.
    So away to the mall they all flew like a flash...
    Buying things on credit...and others with cash!

    And, as they made their way home from their trip to the mall,
    Did they think about Jesus? Oh, no... not at all.
    Their lives were so busy with their Christmas time things
    No time to remember Christ Jesus, the King.

    There were presents to wrap and cookies to bake.
    How could they stop and remember who died for their sake?
    To pray to the Savior...they had no time to stop.
    Because they needed more time to "Shop 'til they dropped!"

    On Wal-mart! On K-mart! On Target! On Penney's!
    On Hallmark! On Zales! A quick lunch at Denny's
    From the big stores downtown to the stores at the mall
    They would dash away, dash away, and visit them all!

    And up on the roof, there arose such a clatter
    As grandpa hung icicle lights up on his brand new step ladder.
    He hung lights that would flash. He hung lights that would twirl.
    Yet, he never once prayed to Jesus...Light of the World.

    Christ's eyes... how they twinkle! Christ's merry!
    Christ's love... how enormous! All our burdens... He'll carry!
    So instead of being busy, overworked, and uptight
    Let's put Christ back in Christmas and enjoy some good nights

    Merry Christmas, my friends!....


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