Well good evening my ROLclub/P**ster friends!

I think this is now my third post (getting up there yay lol). I will admit that I'm more of a reader than a poster.

I'm sitting here on a Friday evening reading my local newspaper. I'm from Ontario, Canada by the way!

This post is about CHRISTmas. That is correct. CHRISTmas! I feel like letting off a bit of steam if that's alright with everyone?

I was walking downtown this evening with my girlfriend and she and I were admiring all of the beautiful Christmas decorations and lights and we were wishing random people a Merry Christmas when a woman who identified herself as of Somalian decent told my girlfriend to keep her mouth shut because and that she should not be wishing people a Merry Christmas.

I informed this woman very politely that as a Canadian, my girlfriend and I have been celebrating this national holiday since birth and we have NO intentions of erasing such an amazing holiday.

I have been reading all over the newspapers lately that saying Merry Christmas is politically incorrect and that we should be saying Happy Holiday. What that just ticks me off even more lol. First of all, Happy Holiday? WHICH HOLIDAY? In Canada, the US and many other parts of the world, we celebrate more than one holiday. The holiday that we are currently celebrating in which we recieve gifts is CALLED CHRISTMAS. There IS NO other name for it! It is Christmas and HAS BEEN Christmas for as long as anyone can remember it! Do we change the name of Hanukkah? NO we don't. So why change the name of Christmas??

I am by no means racist in any way and I have no problem if people want to celebrate their own holidays and stick to their traditions but DO NOT try to change a Joyous Festive Wonderfull holiday such as Christmas.

This is MY holiday and nobody has the RIGHT to take that away from ME!!!

I would like to thank those for reading this and allowing me to blow off a bit of steam. Now, on a lighter note, 9 days until CHRISTMAS everyone

Nobody is going to ruin this wonderfull time of year. Nobody!


BRYAN AND SHARON, If you happen to read this, May the two of you have a blessed and wonderfull CHRISTMAS and a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Cheers everyone!

P.S.: This would be about the time we all break out in song...."Deck the halls with bells of....."