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    Default Merry Christmas (Politically Incorrect)???

    Well good evening my ROLclub/P**ster friends!

    I think this is now my third post (getting up there yay lol). I will admit that I'm more of a reader than a poster.

    I'm sitting here on a Friday evening reading my local newspaper. I'm from Ontario, Canada by the way!

    This post is about CHRISTmas. That is correct. CHRISTmas! I feel like letting off a bit of steam if that's alright with everyone?

    I was walking downtown this evening with my girlfriend and she and I were admiring all of the beautiful Christmas decorations and lights and we were wishing random people a Merry Christmas when a woman who identified herself as of Somalian decent told my girlfriend to keep her mouth shut because and that she should not be wishing people a Merry Christmas.

    I informed this woman very politely that as a Canadian, my girlfriend and I have been celebrating this national holiday since birth and we have NO intentions of erasing such an amazing holiday.

    I have been reading all over the newspapers lately that saying Merry Christmas is politically incorrect and that we should be saying Happy Holiday. What that just ticks me off even more lol. First of all, Happy Holiday? WHICH HOLIDAY? In Canada, the US and many other parts of the world, we celebrate more than one holiday. The holiday that we are currently celebrating in which we recieve gifts is CALLED CHRISTMAS. There IS NO other name for it! It is Christmas and HAS BEEN Christmas for as long as anyone can remember it! Do we change the name of Hanukkah? NO we don't. So why change the name of Christmas??

    I am by no means racist in any way and I have no problem if people want to celebrate their own holidays and stick to their traditions but DO NOT try to change a Joyous Festive Wonderfull holiday such as Christmas.

    This is MY holiday and nobody has the RIGHT to take that away from ME!!!

    I would like to thank those for reading this and allowing me to blow off a bit of steam. Now, on a lighter note, 9 days until CHRISTMAS everyone

    Nobody is going to ruin this wonderfull time of year. Nobody!


    BRYAN AND SHARON, If you happen to read this, May the two of you have a blessed and wonderfull CHRISTMAS and a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Cheers everyone!

    P.S.: This would be about the time we all break out in song...."Deck the halls with bells of....."

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  3. #2
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    i wonder how long it will take people in the "free" world realise that their freedom is a figmant of propaganda. maybe u guys will wake up one day and realise that the ones defending your "freedom" are teh ones enslaving your mind (and beliefs).

    just remember one thing. slavery did not happen over night. think of the frog in the water getting boiled slowly. before you know's teh new world order and by then, ulll be burned at the stake for wishing people happy birthday.

    someone very powerful in the oval office said the along the lines of "the constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper".

    welcome to the rise of facism.

    all the best to humanity.

  4. #3
    Senior Investor everwiser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yhlc
    someone very powerful in the oval office said the along the lines of "the constitution is just a goddamn piece of paper".

    welcome to the rise of facism.
    No one can get an inside line into this administration...What makes you believe for a second that "even if" someone inside of this administration had heard that exact phrase from "our" President, that this same person would just up and tell it to a major "news" outlet? You and the rest of your liberal/anarchist friends are dreaming again and making the news up as you go.

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    Have to agree with you Rob.

    It's still called Christmas down in Oz.

    However I'd truly be interested to hear from someone as to how this might be offensive so I can be aware in the future.

    I would think if that lady didn't celebrate Christmas she might have just smiled at you, said "thanks", and walked on.

    People out there need to relax.


  6. #5
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    Default Here's the clue.

    If the lady said she was from Somalia she probably shared the same religion which requires in the "Rome" of its faith that all of the people who are citizens be of its faith. And I am using Rome only in the sense that it is the capital of the religion. In no way am I speaking about Roman Catholics. In that country, Christians, Jews and Baha'is are persecuted. In North Korea, no religion is tolerated. In Cuba, a formerly Catholic country, the Roman Catholic Church is continually given trouble by its "enlightened" leadership.

    While I am at it, chly, there are few countries which give willingly to the world, and they don't include the Gold Coast. I admit that I know very little about your country, but I would be willing to bet that there is not universal suffrage there. I would also be willing to bet that your legislators are not from many different ethnic, religious and racial groups, honored by their constituents and subject to their will. Facism (your spelling), is in the eye of the beholder.

    The quote about the Cnstitution is an old one and should not be attributed to the present resident of the Oval Office.

    Of course it is still called Christmas in Australia; as it is in Canada and in most countries which do not have an established religion other than Christianity. The fact is that people who do not believe in this particluar religion in most cases will thank the other party and give them the same wish in return. It is only common courtesy. In my country, people will wish one a happy holiday, whatever their faith. Sometimes, people not my faith wish me a happy whatever even when they do not realize that the particlular holiday which is coming is not in the least happy. All they know is that it is a holiday and they are wishing me well. I take it in the spirit in which it is given.

    I would wish my Christian friends a very merry Christmas. The quotation which should follow that is "Peace on Earth to men of good will." Too bad not everyone believes that.

  7. #6
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    and that's what humanity is all about. celebration and learning of diferrences. some poeople don't get it and they want uniformity by force. never works. never will.

    keeping in mind that i do understand and agree with the original poster. unfortunately, bcos of labels we are forced into a position where we have to keep quiet when injustice (in this case) and opression is prevalent bcos we don't want to ADMIT wrong.

    as far as im concerned, i will only side witha party that has humanity as it's priority rather than nationalism and power. i've said it before and i'll say it again. when people are oppressed, tehy will rise. history repeats itself. question is how long does it take to stand up for your rights? the longer you take, the more people(especially innocents) get hurt.

    it's time people realise that at the core we are allthe same and one sees wrong/injustice/etc, u should be able to stand up and voice regardless of which party/group you represent and may upset. we force ourselves to become a minority when that wasn't the idea in teh first place.

    i was just reading an article where a jewish guy was apologising on behalf of his race for this christmas issue. he goes on to prove how jews are behind it. that takes a lot of guts but i disagree with him. there are many elements working together to divide society.

    they are not confined to one race. only one ideology and that's power over people. nothing to do with religion, race or political preference. that's the propoganda being shoved down our throats to keep us people divided and stop us from having unity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flash
    Sometimes, people not my faith wish me a happy whatever even when they do not realize that the particlular holiday which is coming is not in the least happy. All they know is that it is a holiday and they are wishing me well. I take it in the spirit in which it is given.
    Last edited by yhlc; 17-12-2005 at 08:45 AM.

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    actually, im one of those people that you cannot label. i don't stand on any side.that requires sacrificing the truth and more importantly, it stops people from waking up from their dreams. heck, i amaustralian and i don't like either parties in my country.

    i am neither anarchist. i am all for order and respect for humanity. obviously, by my statement i have pinched a raw nerve to deserve the kind of response you posted.

    just remember one thing ever, nothing is water tight. ur assumption that information cannot leak is unwise. history demostrates countless times where sensitive information has leaked out - much to detriment of the informant but nevertheless, things that should remain sealed have been leaked.

    i think you may be the one who is dreaming and preventing truth from surfacing. the question is why? how do you benefit humanity or is only a certain part of humanity that bows to your beliefs deserves to be protected.

    i know the above link does not sway towards your persuasion. nevertheless, it is credible to others who can see that your governments actions is contrary to teh vision your forefathers had.

    like i said, you maybe just a frog cooking slowly. i don't really car that much about the USA. i do however feel sorry for teh citizens who are trying to livea decent life while their government is pulling the wools over their eyes.. i just hope my country doesn't turn into a facist regime. we still have time.

    Quote Originally Posted by everwiser
    No one can get an inside line into this administration...What makes you believe for a second that "even if" someone inside of this administration had heard that exact phrase from "our" President, that this same person would just up and tell it to a major "news" outlet? You and the rest of your liberal/anarchist friends are dreaming again and making the news up as you go.
    Last edited by yhlc; 17-12-2005 at 08:46 AM.

  9. #8
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    In the USA the official holiday is Christmas. It is recognized by the government and all
    federal employees get the day off. Hanukah is not official; Kwanzai is not official.
    However, there are stores (and public school officials) who ban their employees from saying "Merry Christmas" or using the word Christmas in any way for any purpose yet these same people recognize Hanukah and Kwanzai. Therefore, there is discrimination against Christians even though surveys have shown that 96% of Americans of whatever religion celebrate Christmas.

    There has been some success at restoring the use of Christmas by boycotting certain stores and writing letters in protest of the non-use of "Christmas". More stores are now selling "Christmas trees" instead of "holiday trees" and "Christmas decorations" instead of "holiday decorations."
    We finally have some organizations to countermand the relentless attacks on Christmas by the ACLU such as the ADF. the ACLU has long misused the separation of church and state issue to pretend that it refers to no public use of any Christian symbol. The separation of church and state by the US Constitution merely limits the Congress from making any law establishing any religion as "official" i.e. supported by tax dollars and from interfering with the free exercise of any religion. The limitation is on Congress -- not on the citizens of the USA.

    Merry Christmas to all!!

  10. #9
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    a great point. how easily people forget. whatever happened to the term "public servant"?

    Quote Originally Posted by maxie
    The limitation is on Congress -- not on the citizens of the USA.
    Merry Christmas to all!!

  11. #10
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    merry christmas to all and happy new year. we all should keek saying merry christmas. we are in the good old usa.

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