Standard Membership
Your Click: $0.01 (Standard Ad) $0.015 (Extended Ad) $0.003(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.005ref (Standard Ad) $0.0075ref (Extended Ad) $0.002ref (Short Ad)


Your Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.015(Extended Ad) $0.003(Short Ad)
Referral Click: $0.01(Standard Ad) $0.015(Extended Ad) $0.001(Short Ad)

Once you reach the minimum amount, you can withdraw your money instantly to either AlertPay and Liberty Reserve in the near future.

All AlertPay payouts are automated. Minimum payout for first payment is $2, 2nd payout is $3, 3rd payout is $5, 4th payout if $7 and 5th / 5th+ payouts are $10.00

First 2000 members will get a Signup bonus of $0.20 and Extended Membership!'s license is valid!

Free registration:

Wingbux - Paid To Click