Welcome to Fast.sc
Fast.sc is a free, international service which pays users to click ads. We are new, and gain a high amount of advertisers who want you to click there ad. This is great to make a high side income for christmas, or simply some extra money for yourself. You can gain 75% of your refferals earnings and a bonus for refering someone else to earn cash, So you earn cash, refferals earn cash, advertisers earn members, everybody wins! This process is highly used, but we can assure you that you will have a really good time earning with Fast.sc!

How do I earn the cash?
Dependant on how much the advert pays you, you will have to view the advert for a certain amount of time, Once you get the green tick, you are directly paid. If you refer members, you will instantly earn a comission of there earnings too. If you want to make a little investment, you can upgrade to get more cash per click and gain more pay! We will pay you once you hit a minimum of $15.00 USD and we pay you with PayPal, Which is owned by eBay and accepts all major credit cards. No work, energy or payment required to earn, If you are lazy, this is very good to make extra cash, and still sitting on your chair!

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Fast.sc - Get paid, fast!

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