I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome To Better Bux PTC Site!
Earning Opportunity

At Better-Bux.com, you get paid to click on ads and visit websites. The process is easy! You will win up to $0.01 per each ad you see for 30 seconds.You will earn up to $0.005 for each ad your direct refferals see too. If you upgrade to our premium membership you can earn even more.
Affiliate Benefits
# Paid to Click
# Paid to Sign Up
# $1000 Referral Contest (In 10 Phases)
# 2 Cent Minimum Payout within 24-48 hours (during work week)
# 50% Downline Earnings

Cheap Advertisment

Setting up and displaying your link for Better-Bux.com members to visit is fast and simple. Each Visit will last at least 20 seconds. If you would like a large package then please feel free to contact us. We will review your website within just a few hours or less. But will NOT accept frame breakers.

Advertising Benefits
# Cheap Advertising!
# 24 Hours Unique Hits
# Free Live Stats
# Many Ways To Advertise
# Automated Transactions
# Try It Out Today!

For more information, visit
Better Bux PTC Site : Welcome To Better Bux PTC Site!

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.