Our names are Farajalla and Agony, the owners of Offers4All.net.

We would like to invite you as publisher or advertiser to our new offerwall.

For our publishers we offer our offerwall contains various opportunities to monetize your members by letting them clicking advertisements, offers and small jobs. the integration of the offerwall is done effortless and easy.

For our advertisers we have several ways to reach out to people end get their interest into your products at a low and affordable cost. We offer a Rotator, Paid to Click ads, Banners, Paid to Signup and many other ways of advertising.

You might want to give it a try, visit us at: http://www.offers4all.net/

Best regards,
Farajalla & Agony,
Owners of Offers4All.net,
Lexiadz, Adzbazar, Clixblue & Ultimateclixx