I am not the admin of the program.


Very cost effective advertising
No Spam - all ads go out to a opt-in membership
Fast and friendly service
Guaranteed Click-Through option
Clean Database: Inactives for 39 days deleted daily
Quality Control Links, English tests, IP checks
Customized adcampaigns
Outside advertising stats available
Fast responding webmistress
Support in English and German
I accept PayPal or AlertPay


Your Membership here is totally free
Only Members from the following Countries are Welcome to join:
Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, NewZealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
The database is backed up two times daily
Free Upgrade offered to each Member
PayOut at $0.50
No Requirement to earn from your Downline
You will be paid for:
Reading your EMails, clicking on Banners,
Using the ManualSurf, signing up for Programs
Searches are opt-in only for searchfriendly countries
Affiliate Pages paying $0.15/1000 Hits - Click here to purchase
PaidToPromote - $0.82/1000 Credits - Licence required
Is your Website on the List already?
Nice Referral Levels: 13% - 5% - 2%
2 Cents SignupBonus & 1/10 Cent ReferralBonus
PayOut via PayPal MassPay or AlertPay
Check site settings here

'All My Money For You' is not a MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) website nor matrix or network marketing website.
'All My Money For You' is a 'Paid To Read' website that pays members for reading advertisements via email or by visiting our site and clicking on links.
Members of 'All My Money For You' do not have any goods to sell nor 'All My Money For You' is dependant on members referring new members.
Membership at 'All My Money For You' is totally free to join.
'All My Money For You' does not offer/pay commission to recruit new members.
Recruiting new member is voluntary and completely optional and will not affect the membership of an individual in any way.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.