I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to EliteClicks
Earn money by clicking on our sponsor's ads

Here at Eliteclicks, we strive to provide perfection to our users while still innovating to keep our users happy. We have done our best to provide what is needed to stay afloat and keep users happy clicking ads and making money.

What members get for joining
# Earn up to $0.02 per click.
# Earn up to $0.02 per referral click.
# Earn up to 5% of referrral purchases.
# Rent referrals to bring profits to a maximum!

You will be able to access detailed statistics of your referral clicks and your clicks(Coming soon).
Also, you will not ever have to worry about not receiving your payment because payments are completely instant(Under Construction).

Advertise on EliteClicks
Make EliteClicks your home for advertising

Advertising has never been easier. With our click packages, it is simple to just add clicks to your current advertisements. There are a variety of click packs to choose from and only registered users of the site count towards those click packs. This means that outside user clicks are free clicks for you! Each ad click is 30 seconds long and members are required to view the ad for that alotted time.

What you get as an advertiser
# Choose the click pack that fits your budget.
# View detailed statistics of your advertisement.
# Anti-cheat protection to ensure legit clicks.
# Demographic filter included for free.

Advertising here will benefit you in every possible way. It is so easy and effective that you will absolutely see your page rank and SEO go up. Take the time to advertise today!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.