I am not the admin of the program.


Earn & Get Paid Instantly!

Advertise With Money-Bux!
At money-bux.com You will get paid $0.01
($0.015 for premium members) for every link you click. In addition, you also get paid up to $0.015
for every link your referrals click. We use AlertPay.

Money-Bux pays you to view advertisements provided by our sponsors. We strive to connect advertisers with potential customers. This way,
both parties benefit from our services.

Our innovative features for members give them flexibility and more earning potential. We are always ready to take any advice into consideration.

We offer you detailed statistics of your earnings through your own clicks and your referrals.

Money-Bux for Advertisers: If you need targetted visitors to your site, you've come to the right place.

Our cheap prices combined with our campaign system and anti-cheat sets us apart from other websites.

We have many interesting features such as pausing ads, distributing clicks amongst different ones, and even removing a campaign and replacing it with another.

You also can set demographic filters on your advertisement and benefit from other features.

*We are not a get-rich-quick, MLM, matrix or pyramid scheme. Please read terms before joining our site.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.