I am not the admin of the program.


$$Benefits For Members$$

* Membership with this site is totally Free! !
* All Emails Worth $0.1, All ptc worth $0.05
* Paid by EG(10% fee) or PP with in 72 hours!
* $1 signup bonus $0.5 referral bonus
* Redeemption starts only $55
* You must be able to Read and Understand English
* No Requirements on account activity to keep it live
* 2 Ref levels of commission under you: 35% ,15%

$Benefits For Advertisers$

* The most cost effective advertising
* Targeted Advertising Available
* Advertise to 100% Opt In Membership
* We Will Customize Your Ad Campaign
* Fast, Reliable, Courteous Service
* Absolutely NO Spam!!!!
* Ad usually be processed within 24 Hours
* Cheaters are deleted daily
* Ad Stats Available for all advertisers without joining!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.