I am not the admin of the program.


Member Benefits

* FREE to Join!
* Get Paid to Read Emails
* All emails between 0.25 and 2 cents!
* Earn up to $1 per Free Signup!
* Earn Points for Free Advertising!!
* International Members Welcome
* No Activity needed To earn Referral Earnings! (Only click 1 link each 30 days to stay active)
* $10 Payout for Non-Gold Members
* No-Minimum Payout for Gold Members
* 2 Cent Per Level 1 Referral!
* 6 Referral Levels
* Level 1 = 10% - Level 2 = 5%
* Level 3 = 5% - Level 4 = 3%
* Level 5 = 2% - Level 6 = 1%

Advertiser Benefits

* Advertiser Benefits
* Great Prices!
* eMail Advertising or Banner Advertising
* Guaranteed Clickthru Ad Options
* All Members are Opt-In
* Advertise to 1000's or as little as 500
* Tracking available also when you are not a Member of youromail.com
* Weekly Ebay Auctions
* Reliable, Friendly Service
* Live Contact with MSN messenger Available!
* Target Paid Email starting at $0.01
* 10,000 PTC Visitors (10sec) $3.00
* 100,000 Banner Impressions $5.00

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.