You want to make money while you surf ? With 20Dollars2Surf, continue to use your computer as you've always done, but in addition, make cash.
Make money cash, it's free and as easy as 1.2.3 !
- Make cash while you surf on the net.
- Earn 10% on 10 referrals levels.
- Make cash and you receive the best internet offers.

Payment of your winnings
You can request your payment once the payment threshold of $ 20 reached. To do so, enter your Paypal email account where you want to receive it. We pay the last day of the month of your request.

With the 20Dollars2Surf referral's system, you earn 10% of all your referral's points on 10 level. Each new member who join by clicking your referral link, become your referral.
Each exposure of your referral's banner give you 1 point and each click on your referral link give you 10 points (per day and per IP, maximum 1000 points when you have a new direct referral).

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