Hi everyone,

Before I get into the main part of this post, there is still nothing to report on PIPS and BNM it is still ongoing and I cannot put any time frame on anything because I just DO NOT KNOW.

For those that are slamming HA LOTTO, please get a little longer sighted. The Lotto under PIPSAID was always a part of the PIPS group and HA Lotto is no different, it WILL benefit the PIPS members.

OK. Now on to the main part of the post.


I am working with some of the really good networkers and the first one is coming in.

Frederick Mann, who I have known and worked with previously over the last 4 years has agreed to work with us at HA Lotto.

Frederick is the owner of Bigbooster, MonsterPrelaunch and TEM.

He has agreed to put HA Lotto in to TEM as one of the back-end programs which will be available to the total membership, currently at 26,000+

We will also be putting together some special promo pages to go up on their site.

From our point we also need to do some reciprocal work, which means getting as many of our members into MPL and TEM.

The good thing about this is that it is free to join and through TEM you will get your downlines building with people that are networkers and very interested in working online. These members can not only be used for your HA Lotto downline, but for other programs that you may be in as well.

Frederick is pretty good at networking and this is a great downline building opportunity for us all.

I have already joined MPL and TEM, so the next step is for you all to follow and then watch your HA Lotto downlines start to explode.

To signup go to: http://www.monsterprelaunch.com/30863

It will take a little time and reading to realise the full benefits of MPL and TEM because there is so much there.

Look forward to seeing everyone in.

Still working on some other BIG DOGS.

If you have not joined HA Lotto yet, do it now before it explodes and you are left behind regretting it: http://halotto.com/guest/register.php?id=rolclub
