This accounts ready for whatever you want to do. The spell damage gear is awesome and the healing gear is even more intense.
* Full T6 (only pieces that arent t6 are better from sunwell)
* All sorts of off pieces from of bt/hyjal
* 2500+ healing in pve gear
* This priest is ready and geared for the final bosses in sunwell
*Best Availible
* 500+ resil (upto 580+ if you really wanna go nuts)
* 4/5 S4 Mooncloth (chances are 5/5 when by the time it sells even through the current sholders dominate the s4 pvp one)
* Full satin S3 (spell damage) pvp gear
* The off pieces from sunwell can be used for a huge edge in arenas for pvp or shadow
* epic gems all aroud + many in the bank
* epic flier 3000+ gold (the mount is not your typical gryphon)
* level 60 alt with 3000+ gold on another server
* Maxed Enchanting/Alchy
* Beta Active
* Many achivements/Feats of strength come 3.0
* 1300+ shadow damage
* Many many more high end items/tidbits/pets/toys etc etc i did not want to disclose due to security reasons
Heres a few quick screenshots....
PvP Satin

Max Resil

T6 Healie

PvP Healie

If you have any questions feel free to email me at [email protected]
or AIM me at spikedtreak im open to all offers