I am not the admin of the program.



Hello, my name is Walter Troy. As a current investor, I know how hard it can be to made a solid cashflow in online programs. Either the program crashes because they cannot support the investors, or the admins decide to take the funds and run. Inclusive Invest is different. We invest in multiple markets to make sure your money is safest.

You get the full deal here at Inclusive Invest. Minimum deposit is $5 and maximum is $20000. There is no need to sign up as the money will be deposited to your Liberty Reserve account daily. After 14 days you will need to reinvest your money to keep earning.

Please click the Invest link to get started.


You can invest in our program by clicking on this link:

You can also send a direct payment to Liberty Reserve Account #U3388045

Any payments received under $5 will not be invested! No payments will be made on investments under $5

Remember, payments will be sent automatically to your account!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.