I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to Roie O.C.S.

Our business is a "Unit user fund system" we don't take funds from one customer and share it with the others , so the return guarantee is 100% and its not depended to the clients investments.
News & Events

Perfect Money Payment system will be added to the system as soon as possible , if you want to invest via PM USD please contact us so we can estimate how many investors want to use PM to invest at roie.

Roie Tips

Professionall money manage team will trade with your funds securely.

We have a great support department try it at Contact us.
Pic 4

Minimum Amount: $50 usd

(We can not accept less than this amount)

Maximum Amount: $10000 usd

(We can't accept larger than this amount)

Interest Rate: 110% after 1 month

(Principal included so total profit is 10%)

If you wish to invest with us read the rules and then please click on the link below:

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.