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  1. #21
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    Hi angie how is it all going, just checking to see if you have an update

  2. #22
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    I sent my info 6 days ago and haven't gotten anything,yet.
    Just wondering.

  3. #23
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    Smile Hi Friends,

    I am in the " same boat" as you are.

    I think we need to excercise "P" as angie said before.

    Angie answered an e-mail from me and told me she was ill last week.

    Lets wait for her answer, and pray for her good health.

  4. #24
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    Default Update

    This is a General Update From our Team leader:Also it explains that our programmer is on vacation, which is the cause of the delay some of you may be experiencing...slow to receive your acct or slow to cycle at the moment....But there are "No Problems"...Just "P" is required.
    .................................................. .................................................. ....
    Hi Everyone,

    Here is an update on our Pure Fortune downline. Please take a few
    to read the entire email.

    Welcome the nearly 150 new members who have been benefactored since the
    last update. We now have 750 members and this does not include the new
    groups which will be added over the next week. New members and those of
    you who want a refresher into the way we are working our downline,
    the link below.(Link remove....details below)
    .................................................. .................................................. ....
    Steps we/you take in our Pure Fortune Downline

    Read below to see the steps we are taking to keep our downline moving and growing. It is amazing how fast the downline is growing. A good number of people are cycling every day. We would be able to cycle more but if we had more people to place in the downline. If you have cycled already or have your more than 9 names ready for when you cycle, please email the name(s) and persons email address you would like to refer to our downline. These referrals will fill out the second levels of members who do not have all 9 people.
    This will help everyone move through the phases more quickly. Word is getting around that we are cycling people and are doing our best to make everyone cycle. We need your help to continue to make this happen.

    Also, please participate in DCI Express. That will help generate money for those in the downline who cannot afford to pay for the one position on their second line as well as earn you some income. I believe we can raise thousands of dollars through DCI Express and cycle a lot more people (again helping us all). To purchase a position (up to 4), email Linda and she will send you the appropriate signup information (email removed)

    Please read the information below so you understand how the program works.

    Save this email for future reference.

    Here are the steps we take in order to help everyone cycle.

    1. You are benefactored a position into Pure Fortune.
    2. We place three people on your first level which count as 3 sponsored
    positions for you which means you receive $3000 for each position as they cycle the Executive level!
    3. Once you have three positions on your first level, you must make a decision on whether or not you want to invest. I will help those who cannot afford all $99.00 (see below).
    4. When you purchase a position, it will be for the first position on your second level. Linda Williams who heads our overall downline will then "lend" you $800 to benefactor 8 people to fill your second level which cycles you and places you into the Sr. First Class matrix!
    The $800 that you would have earned for cycling this position is given back to Linda so she can help the next person. The 9 people on your second level are not your sponsored positions. The 9 people go under your first level people 3 each.
    Please leave your password as is and leave Linda's e-bullion account number in your account until after she cycles you and takes back the $800 she used to help you fill in your second level. After she withdraws the $800, change the password and put in your e-bullion number. From this point on, all bonuses are yours to keep.
    You do not have to make another investment after purchasing that first position on your second level! (Unless you have family members in the program-they too will have to make one purchase).
    5. Make your payment to me along with your list of up to 9 people (this should include the name and email address of the person who will fill that first spot on your second level of 9. If you do not know 9 people to benefactor, let me know and Linda and I will do our best to fill with others who have asked to be benefactored. Do not purchase the first position on your second level through your URL as it may not fall where you want it to. Include that person's name and email address in the list you send me after you send your payment.
    6. Once you have made your payment and sent me a full or partial list of 9, you are done however we would appreciate it if you could continue to look for people to benefactor as we will need a large supply of individuals. Send us names and the email addresses whenever you have some and we will place them asap.
    7. I am willing to help people with their one investment. The cost of the position is $99.00. If you send $39.00, I will pay the rest and give benefactor you 1 STI position.
    If you pay $69.00, I will pay the rest and benefactor you 3 STI positions.
    If you pay the full $99.00, I will benefactor you 5 STI positions.
    I will be using your name and email address for the STI positions. I am able to help those who cannot afford to pay as I have purchased several positions in the downline plus set aside a pool of my own money. Between the pool of money and my eventual cycled positions, I can help hopefully many people. Please, please, please, if you can afford to pay all $99.00 please do so as it will save money for those who cannot pay but want to be in the program.

    You have 5 days to decide if you want to stay in the downline. If you decide not to, then we will give your position away. If we stick to the 5 day period, we can cycle people quickly through the different phases. If you need an extra day or two, let me know right away.

    I will take paypal if it makes it easier for you. Add $2.00 to any paypal payment you make to me to cover fees. When you send the payment, please select service in the drop down menu and type in your name, Pure Fortune id, and email address you noted when you joined Pure Fortune. My paypal is (removed)
    My e-bullion number is(removed) - SEND e-currency not gold! Be sure to note your name and pure fortune id in the memo area.
    You can also send payment by intgold xxxxx Be sure to note your name and Pure Fortune Id number.
    Or stormpay -(removed)

    Then send your list of up to 9 people you want benefactored on your second level to me at (removed)
    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    .................................................. .................................................. ....
    Steps Finished.
    .................................................. .................................................. ....
    Update Continued
    .................................................. .................................................. ...
    We have approximately 30 people to cycle. Pure Fortune?s programmer is
    on vacation. He has been kind enough to check in twice a day to send
    back Linda?s cycle money but this limits Linda and Barb to cycle only 4 or 5
    people a day. They will be able to cycle the entire list when the
    programmer gets back later next week. Until then they will cycle 4 or 5 a day. We appreciate
    your patience and understanding if you are one of the 30 waiting to be
    and for those of you who will be included on the list to cycle shortly.
    By the end of the week, I believe we may have another 30 or so to be
    as things are moving along nicely.

    Some of you may not have read the Pure Fortune web site information. I
    an occasional email discussing the $800 when you cycle out of Sr. First
    Class and move into the Executive Club. There is no bonus when you
    the Sr. First Class structure. The next payout comes when you cycle the
    Executive club. You earn $3000 at that point and another $3000 each for
    your first level people when they cycle.

    You receive a paid position in Executive Club and a paid position in
    First Class structure (you do receive $800 when you cycle this phase).
    just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding a few people may have had.

    Continue purchasing the $25 DCI positions for family or friends.
    Linda directly and let her know how many positions you want to buy. She
    will send you an email with what you would need to do next. For the new
    members, we have purchased several positions in DCI. The money we earn
    these DCI positions will all go towards paying for downline members who
    cannot afford to pay all or some of the cost for the first position on
    second level. Our goal is to have 300 people under these positions in
    within the next week. Once we have about 350 or so, we can help 150 to
    people pay for their second position! So please help and buy up to 4
    (use different family names for each one).

    We will continue to promote DCI as long as our PF leg continues to grow
    strong. DCI Express is a lot of fun and you can make money while having
    the fun. It is in its beta testing and while it is in its beta testing,
    Linda is taking all requests and making sure you sign up under the
    id so we build deep under our PF positions owned in DCI. Eventually,
    can promote your own id.

    If you have requested an email from Linda and have not received a
    please email her again. If you received your response and have not
    your DCI positions, please do so. Linda is trying to keep that
    as solid as possible so we cycle the 6 positions we have in DCI to
    money for our downline. Send your request to Linda at

    For more information about DCI, please click on to the following link:

    (Links not allowed)

    Lastly, if any of you are creative at making a splash page that all of
    can use to promote our benefactoring program into Pure Fortune (include
    information about DCI too), please create it. I will host it on my
    If we get several submissions, I will share these with you all and we
    pick one.

    Thanks for participating and have a great day or night.

    .................................................. .................................................. ....

    So there you have it! Please Please again don't worry you will receive your acct if you sent me your details.
    *30 members to cycle means adding 9 to each of their downline = 270 new accts!!.

    I have answered every email I have received
    I have provided downlines of 9 for many many of you
    I have process everyone info submitted to me for acct creation

    There is Nothing eles I personally can do to speed up this process.The most important step is when Linda pays for these accts.Cycling one acct getting the $800 back then repeat the process again...this takes time...not much time but it is a tedious task.

    Thank You all

    P.S. PM me for a benefactored position Subject: benefactor me

  5. #25
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    I haven't received your e-mail,yet,but you must be swamped at this point.I'll wait a little longer.


  6. #26
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    Default Updates

    (Excertp from update)

    9/29/2005 Update,

    Hi Everyone,

    Pure Fortune Downline Update and DCI donation program

    The Programmer will be back by the end of the weekend. Linda and Barb have
    over 50 people to cycle! They will catch up early next week
    .................................................. .................................................. ..
    2nd update Posted at forum (edit out emails)

    Please note, we have over 50 people (that means over 450 new people being benefactored) who have paid and will be cycled over the next few days.

    With our programmer away, Barb and Linda can only cycle a handful a day. I believe the programmer will be back by the end of the weekend so cycles will be brought up to date.

    Please send your requests to be benefactored to me.

    Also, thanks for the fantastic support of DCI. DCI will help us grow our PF downline!

    Thank you,

    .................................................. .................................................. ...


    I know for a fact that alot of accounts where created in the past few days
    So Congrats to those of you who received your acct...and "THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE"

    Yes,its takes time (for some upto 2wks)
    But please know this is a BIG a costly task,so continue to bear with me/us until the programmer gets back to speed things up.

    The hardest part is waiting for your acct...after that its smooth sailing
    1.You get a paid position
    2.You get help with your 2nd level
    3.You get 9referals to benefactor to complete your cycle (at your request...some people fill their own downlines with family and friends)

    So the hard work is left to those that are creating the accts for you and I.

    Enjoy You Day

    PM me or email me "Subject" benefactor me, if your interested in making $3,000 with a benefactor position.

  7. #27
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    Just checking;has my acct. info been sent to my e-mail?If so,if it landed in my junkbox,I may have inadvertently deleted it.
    You can reply to this via PM if you prefer.If your not sure,please see my addy in my profile.If you've already sent it,you may have to re-send it,just let me know what the subject heading would be so I can keep a lookout for it.
    So sorry for any inconvenience.


  8. #28
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    Smile Hi rahly

    Hi rahly,

    I may be in the same boat as yourself.

    I have not received my account too.

    The programmer has been away on vacation.

    And they expect to have things back to normal by early next week.


    Quote Originally Posted by rahly

    Just checking;has my acct. info been sent to my e-mail?If so,if it landed in my junkbox,I may have inadvertently deleted it.
    You can reply to this via PM if you prefer.If your not sure,please see my addy in my profile.If you've already sent it,you may have to re-send it,just let me know what the subject heading would be so I can keep a lookout for it.
    So sorry for any inconvenience.

    Watch "the movie" and make money:

  9. #29
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    Default Update 10-2-05


    Hi Everyone,

    Good news update ? The Programmer is back from vacation ?
    Pure Fortune

    The programmer is back from a well deserved vacation and he, Linda, and
    Barb will be very busy cycling over 60 members in the next few day (60 times
    9 = 540 new benefactored members to be added to our downline)! By the end
    of the week, that number may climb to 7 or 800 new benefactored members
    so please keep on sending in people who would like to be benefactored. Send
    them to me.

    .................................................. .................................................. ..
    "So finally acct creation & Cycling will speed up again" :)

    contact me if interested

    .................................................. .................................................. ..

    P.S. "The email you will receive will look like this,below:(BTW*rahly I could not see your details in your profile,However you can pm your details so I can check)

    *It is important that we are given a working email address and not a Junk mail address for similar reasons.

    .................................................. .................................................. ...
    "" <[email protected]>
    Subject : Congratulations <Your name here>

    <Your name>, you’re a very welcome new Jr. First Class member in Pure
    Fortune. The benefits you receive for joining our club are available
    in your Back Office. Talk with your sponsor to learn how to share
    our club with others. You should start NOW! Here's to a GREAT

    You will need this to Login your Back Office:

    Your Username: xxxxxx
    Your Password: xxxxxx
    Your Website URL:

    Sponsor’s e-mail:

    Pure Fortune

    P.S. You need to print this for your records.

  10. #30
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    Default More Positions available

    Pm/email me your details as Followed (I still get request that include name only)


    And you will receive a Benefactored acct,If your in my downline I will supply you with a list of 9 (at your request) which will cause you to cycle to "Sr.First Class Member" when your ready to fill your 2nd level.

    This benefactor process will go on for a very long time !!
    So its never too me

    Enjoy Your day

  11. Sponsored Links
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