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  1. #11
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    Default Privacy Rights Protection Act


    For those in the U.S in particular, if you haven't heard, every day more and more of our personal data is being leaked out and our personal private data is going to be misused over and over again. Just look at the last few months to see the direction of this serious problem. The VA Admin lost millions of personal data files, including SS# and DOB, the most critical of all our information, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. We heard millions in credit card data was lost or hacked into. Then millions of bank records lost, then AOL data lost in cyberspace, our own local hospital had a computer stolen with hundreds of thouands of private records stolen, including SS# and credit card numbers. I had to cancel my account used, so this problem is getting worse and worse.

    Most people don't have a clue what is going on and how their personal private data is being sold and profits of billions a year is being earned by 30,000 companies. So doesn't that piss you off? After what I just went through with medical records being stolen, and the hassles involved in protecting my credit data, this doesn't stop my medical data from being sold and misused, and this is even more serious for some.

    What would you pay for privacy protection? With 100,000,000 plus already registering on the FTC Do Not Call list, do you think people are not concerned? We all have the power to change this abuse and profits at our expense, so it is time to WAKE UP, FIGHT BACK..........but like every decision, how much is your privacy worth? Some don't have a pot to piss in, so maybe it doesn't matter to these people. Others are soon to be wealthy, or may already be millionaires, so how much are you willing to pay for privacy protection?

    Well, not matter what end of the scale you are on, you can protect yourself for FREE.........FREE..........FREE. So can you afford FREE?
    Now for the best part. We are just launching the PrivacyArmy, and the final web site is going up as I speak. The FREE option will be up next week, but more importantly, who would like to earn thousands every month with passive effort of handling FREE leads of people who want maximum privacy protection along with sharing in the class action law suits we are initiating as I speak. AOL breach of data is first, with hundreds more to follow.

    If you have been wasting money in every HYIP to come along, isn't it about time to look at a solid worthwhile investment which will provide each of us thousands as a share of mutual fund from class action suits grows and grows as more and more companies are sued for violating our privacy rights. PEOPLE, you need to get educated, and the FREE registration is no available for this reason. Once you learn what we know, you will want to tell everyone you know about us. Now imagine getting paid 80% commission on every free referral you make, as well as from the FREE leads you can qualify for. You will never see a more powerful opportunity with a more powerful message and forth right mission than with this. I am so convinced about this that I will guarantee your success or provide a full refund, after all, it is FREE. (g)


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    Default Privacy Protection Rights Army

    10 things that you can do to protect your precious name.

    Every 79 seconds there is another victim of identity theft. Perhaps too, this victim having thousands of dollars stripped from their accounts, new accounts opened in their name, their dependable credit history contaminated--maybe even arrested for a crime they did not commit.
    Unfortunately, this scenario is not far-fetched, it happens all the time. Maybe not in most cases, but it happens enough--leaving a path of financial destruction that may take the victim years to recover.
    With identity theft being the fastest growing crime in the United States and it alone, accounting for over 42 percent of all complaints filed with the Federal Trade Commission, it’s no wonder so many people are concerned.
    Grandmas and Grandpas, adults from all walks of life--even teenagers, are all wondering how they can protect themselves from becoming the next identity theft victim. The following are 10 basic, yet very effective, things that you can do to protect your identity:

    1. Protect Your Social Security Number.
    Your Social Security Number is of great significance to an identity thief. Do not keep it on your person; keep it in a locked, secure place. Give your Social Security number only when it is necessary.
    I recommend that you review your Social Security earnings report annually. Check your employment history and earnings for accuracy. Report any discrepancies to the Social Security Administration.
    2. Monitor Your Financial Statements.
    It is imperative that you know when your statements should arrive in the mail. If they are more than a couple of days late, contact the appropriate bank or financial institution immediately. A missing statement could indicate a thief is at work.
    Review your statements thoroughly for any unauthorized transactions or suspicious activity. Many times, a thief will make small purchases; such transactions are much more likely to avoid detection. If there are ANY discrepancies contact your financial institution to understand what is happening.
    3. Monitor Your Credit Reports.
    Monitoring your credit reports every 4-6 months should be a part of your identity theft prevention strategy. You should verify that all the information is correct. Many times your credit report can be the first clue that an identity thief is at work to steal your precious name.
    4. Monitor Your Postal Mail.
    The United States Postal Service acknowledges that mail is involved in a significant number of identity theft cases. Make it a point to retrieve your mail shortly after it is delivered--the longer it stays unattended in your mailbox, the greater the chances of someone stealing it. Never place outgoing mail in your mailbox for the carrier to pick up. Take your outgoing mail to the post office for delivery. If you are going away for any length of time, notify your local post office to hold your mail while you are away.
    I suggest reading Stolen Mail and Your Identity and Dumpster Diving - What's in your trash can help them steal your precious name to further understand how identity thieves use your mail to assume your identity.
    5. Secure Your Personal Documents.
    Your personal documents contain personally identifiable information (PII). For those documents that you are required to keep, place them in a locked, secure place.
    6. Shredding Your Mail and Personal Documents.
    If you are serious about protecting your identity, then shredding your mail and any personal documents that you are not required to keep MUST be part of your strategy. Shredding your mail is absolutely essential to protecting your identity.
    7. Tips to Secure Your Online Presence.
    The internet is a great resource but securing your online presence is essential to your identity theft prevention strategy. My article will give you the tips that you need to secure your online presence.
    8. Secure Your Computer.
    If you are like most Americans, your computer holds personally identifiable information (PII). Therefore, it is important that your computer be secured. I suggest an excellent article, 5 Steps To Secure Windows XP Home written by Tony Bradley, the About Guide to Internet/Network Security. The article provides you the guidance that you need so that you can take steps to secure your Windows XP based computer.
    9. Beware Of Shoulder Surfing.
    When logging on to your computer, at the ATM, or doing anything else that you are entering a password or viewing personally identifiable information, be aware of your surroundings. Make sure that no one else can view this information.
    10. Shop Online Merchants That You Know and Trust.
    If you are shopping online, make sure that the site is secure. The URL or web address should begin with "https." It is also recommended that you use a low-limit credit card for your online purchases. About Guide to Family Internet, Marcy Zitz, has an excellent article, Tips to Protect Yourself While Shopping Online that can help you in doing just that.

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    Default You Cannot Hide??????????

    Big Brother in Your Dumpster

    Local authorities in Britain are secretly bugging "wheelie bins" (rolling dumpsters) to investigate the contents of what you throw away. The bins are equipped with a RFID device which transmits information about the contents to a database. This database then analyzes the waste disposal habits of more than 500,000 British households.

    The top-secret surveillance initiative has never been openly debated or even proposed in any of the British cities where it's now in effect. Now that the press has alerted the public to the program, politicians are now scrambling to come up with excuses. Some of their fumbled excuses include "improving efficiency" and "settling disputes between neighbors over wheelie-bin ownership."

    But if that's the case, why the secrecy? And why the need for a central database to analyze your garbage disposal habits? It seems more likely that the technology has been developed so that households can be billed by the amount of waste they produce, and fined if they place recyclable materials into their garbage.

    What's next? Will bureaucrats begin equipping home toilets with RFID chips to detect if you're flushing any "non-approved" materials down the loo?
    MARK NESTMANN, Privacy Expert & President of The Nestmann Group

  4. #14
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    Default Wake Up People.........time Is Running Out


    Consumer Reports makes this abundantly clear in the Oct 6th issue. Going beyond this to the aggressive snooping sophistication is exposed by Kathryn Albrecht in her book Spychips , a #1 best-seller in America. Millions have read her book and been scared witless. The problem is that those who expose the problems have no answers other than ranting and moaning.

    Only YOU and I TOGETHER are the answer, taking effective action.

    Let me point out a strategy clarification regarding filing our opt-out letters with our vendors. Rather than piecemeal them in ones and twos, the Privacy Army strategy is to target specific vendors at one time with an avalanche of opt-out letters from masses of our people, each backed up by matching letters from our law firms averring that they have knowledge of a contract in force for each of us which gives us legal standing to have asserted our rights and be emotionally damaged and financially damaged by the continuing selling of our data by the vendor. We shall be contacted at the time and we each make our individual decision for each targeted firm as to our own participation in that particular outreach. Fully ethical and chillingly effective. Imagine yourself being an officer of one of these privacy piracy corporations and you receive thousands of letters during the same week from thousands of individuals with the same branding and coupled in each case by a letter from known, powerful class-action attorneys. Now imagine your reading that you are reading being put on legal notice that to resist opting each of us out of the continuing selling of info for each of the plaintiffs demonstrates a pattern of repetitive, purposeful defrauding of members of the class, which initiates RICO laws. Now you know that you can no longer hide behind the corporate veil. You learn that you cannot escape even by quitting your job, because you were in position when the theft-reselling violations took place. You have now two choices : either let these families off the hook by removing them and their data from future sales, or else face the personal and corporate consequences of your resistance. As you compare this collective, thoughtful action to regain control of our own private property, do you think you would have the same impact by writing your own letter to the same pirates ? [we should be able to hear their laughter from where we sit ].

    Privacy Piracy Snooping & Cross-Referencing
    In order to add value to their respective data files
    on you, the data moguls dig deeply into all available
    records, public and private. Is this what you want ?

    Utility company info Settlements in the past
    Past Employment info Garnishments
    Present employment info Liens
    Mortgage info Levies
    Real Estate info Debt records
    Medical info Newspaper clippings
    Bank account(s) info Savings accounts
    Credit card(s) info Checking accounts
    Debit card(s) info Insurance policies in force
    Department store info Retirement accounts
    Fuel card info Ownership of debt instruments
    Wholesale card info Ownership of equities
    Grocery store info Travel patterns, history
    Pharmacy info Hobbies
    Car dealership info Disabilities of record
    Tax preparation info Military record
    Internet surfing habits info Veteran records
    Affiliate group info Preferences for every category
    Alumni assoc. info Mother's maiden name
    Health insurance info Every password/non-secure sites
    Car insurance info Answers to password questions
    Life insurance info Every email address
    Friends & others who have been references
    Membership info for all group involvement
    Passport info Names of all relatives and addresses
    Drivers license info Every past street address
    Hospital data Schools of your kids, grand kids
    Viewing data from satellite TV & cable TV
    Birth records Linkage to past spouses
    Marriage records Online purchase history
    Divorce records Every check you have ever written
    Civil suit records Every traffic incident of your life
    Criminal records Current pending suits
    Credit complaints pending Above sold daily to all who pay for it.


    Good luck to all, Mike

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    Default Wake Up Are Being Ripped Off???

    Google privacy battle likely to end in compromise

    Dominic Timms
    Wednesday March 15, 2006

    A legal battle between the US justice department and internet giant Google looks set to end in compromise, after a US judge signalled he intended to make the company surrender some, but not all, of the data on its huge search database. The US district court judge James Ware told a hearing last night he would make a decision "very quickly", adding that he would allow the justice department access to some of Google's index of websites and search terms.
    The two sides came to court after Google refused the demands of the attorney general, Alberto Gonzales, to hand over records of the searches made on its website in January, to aid the administration in its battle against online child pornography.
    In January, the justice department had demanded access to records of more than 1 million searches but it has dropped its demands to just 50,000 URLs - internet addresses - and 5,000 search terms of which, it said, it would only look at 1,000.
    Judge Ware said he remained concerned about Google users' privacy but said the reduced requests, coupled with a government promise to compensate the company for lost programming days, meant he would grant the government at least some of its demands.
    "It is my intent to grant some relief to the government," said Judge Ware of the US district court for the Northern District of California.
    Facing similar demands from the justice department, other internet operators such as AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo! have agreed to hand over similar records.

    * * * *
    Thought you would like to see more into the trend. Insatiable appetites for info exceeding the Nazis. Who cares eough to act ?

    I think you know who.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  6. #16
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    Default Wake Up And Fight Back With

    An All-Out Assault On Your Privacy
    – 08-31-05 –

    The federal government has quietly begun using an incredibly intrusive new census form called "The American Community Survey." Up to 1 million households a year will receive this form.

    This new "census" form is 24-pages long, and demands that you lay bare every detail of your life, including how much you earn, what your home is worth, details of your health, when you leave for work, previous addresses, pregnancies, monies received from government, and on and on.

    I say demand because you can be fined up to $1,000 for each of the 72 questions you don?t answer or which you answer "incorrectly." However, so far no one has been fined for not answering, nor are they likely to be if public resistance is strong.

    The ways the government could use this information to harm you are mind-boggling. For instance, any financial discrepancy with IRS or Social Security records could result in your criminal prosecution. Knowing when you leave for work could enable police, acting under the Patriot Act, to secretly enter your home.

    The American Community Survey also demands that you to report on the activities of relatives, employers and roommates. Joseph Stalin could hardly ask for more surveillance powers. You can download the survey at

    Article I of the Constitution allows the government to conduct a count of the American people once every ten years to determine voting districts. Nothing in the Constitution gives government the power to continuously spy on the people or probe every intimate detail of their lives.

    As Congressman Ron Paul observes, questions on the American Community Survey are "both ludicrous and insulting," and this information is simply none of the government's business. I fervently hope that millions of Americans will burn their forms or accidentally lose them.

    < >
    Towards Liberty: The New Census

    Good luck to all, Mike

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    Default WAKE UP PEOPLE.....Timing Is

    WAKE UP PEOPLE.....Timing Is

    All around us we are seeing the facts come to the surface about our privacy being violated every singe day of our lives. What is wrong with people who do not care? This is the reason we are all in this situation, WE LET IT HAPPEN. If you don't value your Constitutional Rights to Privacy, then you will lose it.

    Timing is everything in life, and here we have an opportunity to spread the word of what the PrivacyArmy is all about, it is ABOUT YOU, ME and EVERYONE in the free world. Why anyone would not get involved with us is beyond my comprehension. ROL members are international, this we know, but for those in U.S. and CAN to start is just the beginning.

    Over the years I have seen many opportunities come and go, and I have researched thousands, but I have never seen one even close to what we have here. A common interest of everyone in these days where we see how our personal private data is being sold to hundreds of thousands every day. How does this make you feel when commercial enterprises are profiting off of YOUR NAME?

    I don't know how to better put it, this is ILLEGAL. DO YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL PRIVACY RIGHTS? Well, evidently not for only a few dozen have registered to date. We have not yet officially launched, but come on, it is FREE and you can EARN while you LEARN, so what is it, you DON'T CARE about companies profiting off YOUR PERSONAL PRIVATE DATA?

    Bottom line is this, we are being robbed, and unless you do something about it, it will not stop, and in fact, it is getting worse every day. No matter who you are, you are being robbed, so when are you going to wake up and put your foot down and STOP IT? Do it TODAY. If not for the reasons listed above, then do it OUT OF GREED. (g)

    For those who are more interested in making money than preserving our Constitutional Rights to Privacy, then fine, that is OK with me. We are all money motivated or we would not be here on this forum. We have all lost money, and we see many complaining about it, so lets do something to change this around. PrivacyArmy is just such an opportunity which can and will change your life and provide you financial freedom.

    Skeptical, yes, so way I, but once you learn what I have, this is better than anything I have ever seen before, and believe me, I have seen it all. (g) We are all people who enjoy helping others, so now is the time to step forward and prove it. Share this valuable information with everyone you know. Yes, I know all about the NFL club, no friends left, after all, we have all been burned by programs we have shared with others, but here is the opportunity to change all that. This is a mission you can be proud to educate others about, as there is nothing as near or dear to us than our RIGHT TO PRIVACY granted under the CONSTITUTION.

    Look in the news, privacy issues are front page headline news. Who here has not heard that the VA Administration records were stolen, banks losing our credit card records with all our personal private data attached. What about the credit bureaus who sell your information to anyone who registers as a subscriber? So many companies who are leaking our information, including AOL which was in the news last week, Google giving up your privacy, and on and on it goes.

    TIMING..............This is what we have here, perfect timing. The press is selling our Privacy Rights Message for us. And when we launch, and OUR PRESS RELEASES start with a legal solution to issue, watch what happens next. WE WILL BE OVERWHELMED WITH INQUIRES, and we NEED YOU to handle the questions as a CONSUMER ADVOCATE with the PRIVACYARMY.
    The TIME IS NOW to JOIN US..............and it is FREE TO REGISTER.

    Here is latest link on CONSUMER REPORTS INVESTIGATION.

    Kansas City infoZine News - Consumer Reports Investigation Warns Your Privacy Is for Sale - USA

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    Default First Trial Press Release Launch

    This coming Saturday morn at 9a.m. Eastern time, over 100,000 people will hear the message of the Privacy Army
    on a national call arranged by Tom Chenault for his people. Larry Napier, George Blake and Ron Forberg will be part
    of an interview format. People will be challenged to go to the new free registration web site and register.

    While at that site they will be challenged to "learn more" and will see some of the plentiful privacy alerts from credible
    media sources. They will be given the choice to request to be contacted by an advocate of the Privacy Army if they
    have an interest in going further in this worthy cause / business model

    Those double-respondees will then be distributed to members of our team. This is a team project, arranged by our team
    for our team. In the process, however, the Privacy Army will greatly benefit. You and I will have a great privilege of
    helping one after another person of like beliefs enroll as advocates. This will be the first of many such outreaches.

    Some will be team projects. Some will be Privacy Army projects. We all participate in every project.

    That broadcast will also be taped and will be available at Tom Chenault's web site for one week. So, if you or anyone you care to influence miss that 9a.m. Eastern time of the call, you can simply go to the same web site and click on the link which replays the broadcast at your convenience. It will be dynamite.

    The site is

    Part of the timeliness of this is that the web sites will be fully functional by Saturday, including the use of credit cards
    for entry, for the first time. The banking has been approved already and they are now implementing it.

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    Default Privacy Rights Army Will Make You Wealthy..........

    "The Future of YOUR Privacy"

    By: Satvik Suryanarayana

    The thought-provoking talk on “The Future of Privacy in the Age of Information” by Bruce Schneier attracted as many as 600 people to the Rozsa center on October 2. Schneier has extensive knowledge in the field of cryptography and security threats. He is an internationally renowned security expert, referred to as a “security guru” by the Economist. “Security is one of the coolest things to work on,” stated Schneier as he began his talk. He emphasized on the fact that our ways of living are going to change drastically in the near future. Surveillance, data mining and data storage technologies are advancing at a lightning pace. As a result, it would be worthwhile to devote more time to think about the privacy of our data in the coming days. Schneier tried to make the public aware of the fact that surveillance is increasing at an alarming rate and one day every action of ours might be watched by someone. There are many types of surveillance: audio and video, satellite and Internet surveillance. An instance of aerial surveillance is the Baltimore city government’s practice of taking aerial photos every six months to look out for violation of building permit rules. is an example of Internet surveillance that keeps a track of the categories of items one browses through and what one finally buys. Similarly, credit card companies can keep a track of purchasing habits.

    A new concept called wholesale surveillance is also picking up fast in this insecure world. The police prefer to “watch everybody” so that they can track criminals and terrorists easily. “Follow every car” and “listen to everyone’s phone calls” are the new buzzwords in security agencies.
    The invention of the Radio Frequency Identification has made it easier to track people. RFID tags contain a transponder with a digital memory chip.

    They can transmit information to sensors when they enter the electromagnetic zone of the tag reader. Amazingly, such a tag can be read without the knowledge of the individual. So tomorrow, we could be leaving our entry and exit times at every place we visit. RFID tags are being embedded in passports issued by many countries. The first RFID passports (“e-passports”) were issued by Malaysia in 1998. Within the United States, the Colorado passport office is already issuing RFID passports and by the end of 2006, all passport offices across United States would be following in step.

    All this seems harmless in the first thought, as it promises to make the world a “safer” place, by helping government catch criminals easily. But what if the same advanced technology is used by miscreants to collect our private data? The consequences of our vital and confidential data falling into nefarious hands could be disastrous. The implications of this are tough to even imagine.

    The most important fact of the day is that: thanks to the latest advances in technology, vital data about anyone could be collected, consolidated and sold. Ironically, it’s cheaper to save data than throw it away. The collected data might fetch value to someone in the future. As technology improves, the data storage cost would reduce further and more data would accumulate. The point of concern is that the collected data could also be used for nefarious activities.

    When we ponder over this whole issue, we would soon realize that we are walking through our lives leaving digital footprints. “Most of the prints left behind are not controlled by you,” cautioned Schneier. Schneier pointed out that the primary usage of data might be benign and that it is the secondary usage that we have to be wary about. Data collected for one purpose could be used for another without regard to the purpose for which it was collected in the first place. Presently, we are living in a unique epoch of time as we can still see the surveillance devices and are aware that we are being watched. But a few years down the lane, technology would advance to such an extent that it would be tough for us to even realize that we are being watched. Unfortunately, the legal system is not keeping pace with technological improvements. Even the administration and infrastructure need to hurry up to be at par with technology.

    The call of the hour is the imperative need to formulate and implement more laws and regulations regarding the automatic collection of data and its usage. The European Union has already come up with a Data Protection Act: a comprehensive law governing the collection and usage of data. Schneier explained that all this finally boils down to a debate of liberty versus control.
    Liberty is due to forced openness in the government and control can be attributed to forced openness in the people. On similar lines, secrecy would give more power to the government and privacy would give more power to the masses. The crux of the whole issue lies is ensuring real security for the citizens through a balanced combination of liberty and privacy.

    Schneier is the author of eight books, including the latest best seller “Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly about Security in an Uncertain World, Secrets and Lies, and Applied Cryptography.” He has also published hundreds of academic articles and papers. The popular monthly newsletter Cryptogram published by him is read by over 130,000 people across the world. The Cryptogram has been translated into eight languages: Danish, Greek, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

    At the end of the talk, most of the students and faculty took the opportunity to talk to Schneier personally and many also took the privilege of getting his autograph on a copy of his latest best seller.

    The event was organized by the Committee for Campus enrichment and Valerie Pegg, Director of Rozsa center, was one of the main organizers who helped make the event a grand success. The Van Evera Distinguished Lecture series Endowment had sponsored the event. Most of the students and faculty who attended the event seemed to be excited by it. “It was an intriguing talk. It raised lots of questions in our minds about the subject of personal security versus data collection,” said Shawn Sullivan, a student at Tech.

    The talk also seemed to have stimulated many to give a thought to the whole issue of privacy in the future. “The talk provided us with relatively new information. It was mainstream news and was very thought provoking,” said Carl Knauss, a senior student at Tech.


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    Default Privacy Rights Army FREE Registration is Live

    IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT............................

    If you knew that your personal private property was being stolen without your knowledge every single day, what would you do about it? If you are like most normal people, you would be outraged and stop it at all costs, but sadly, most also don't have a clue this is happening to all of us daily.

    Did you know your personal private data is valuable to others, not just to you? Yes, our data being sold to others is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. In fact, over 30,000 companies are in the business of harvesting our personal private data and sell it to thousands of other companies every day.

    I don't know about you, but I do not want my personal private data sold for profit when it is MY DATA, shouldn't I get paid? That is exactly what PrivacyArmy is all about, taking back our Constitutional Rights to Privacy which are being illegally violated daily. How does Privacy Rights Army do it, very simple for you and I, but technically, a very sophisticated legal strategy is initiated giving you and I a legal standing and exclusive ownership of our own personal private data.

    With this unique patent pending commercial code legal strategy, no one can violate our privacy again without being liable for damages, and that is exactly what PrivacyArmy is all about, Legal Privacy Protection as guaranteed by the Constitution, yet to date, unenforceable in a court of law. Not any more, as a member of PrivacyArmy, you are protected like never before which allows us to initiate a class action suit against all violations of our personal private rights.

    If you would like to be part of this movement to take control of your personal privacy, then join us for FREE and register today. Looking for a business opportunity or FundRaiser, then this too is FREE, plus we will pay you for your efforts in sharing this valuable mission with other like minded people. With over 117,000,000 who have already registered with the FTC DO NOT CALL ME List, make no mistake, people are concerned over privacy issues. With Identity Fraud out of control, you need to protect yourself and in doing so, you will share in all our organizations class action suit settlements and awards as a member, so register for FREE today to learn more.

    Think this is not a huge problem, then refer to this months Consumer Reports or last months Time Magazine article to learn more. We are under attack, and most do not have a clue. Get educated on privacy protection and then join us in the war against our Constitutional Rights to privacy.

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