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    Default How China reports the Arab world

    How China reports the Arab world

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    中国朋友。我真的很想知道你们对这作者结论的意见 ?
    “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

    Jamie Paolinetti

    “Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”

    Oscar Wilde

    “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

    Jimmy Dean

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    Below is a post that I took from a Chinese Forum. A Chinese businessman took a two day trip to Iran.....Enjoy
    漂在迪拜(伊朗之行)Drift in Dubai (Iran trip)




    阳光,绿地,纯净的清真寺水池,以及阳光穿过云层所折射出的黑色的影子,都迅速的随着车子的行驶在我的脑海 里离去,在伊朗境内的旅行我放弃来飞行,在长途汽车上跟着伊朗人一起旅行。

    惊喜,惊奇,每一次都是这样。这次的伊朗之行目的行强了很多,到了伊朗便直奔市场,来不及留意身边的美景。 整个伊朗有一些灰蒙蒙的,也许是经济封锁的原因吧,但是当看到人潮汹涌的市场时,对这里的未来充满了信心。 现在的我也许商人的成分占据了主要部分。没有很多的调查伊朗的资料,只知道迪拜的很多客人都是来自伊朗,所 以便直奔而去。迪拜是个世界城市,在这里你可以接触到几乎世界上所有的语系,所以自己也就被感染了很多,波 斯语受到了阿拉伯语很大的冲击,但是依然保持着自己独特的发音。平时很少去学习波斯语,在去之前临时补了一 下,会一些简单的交流,到了之后才发现远远不够,真后悔没有多学习点,但是能够应付简单的生活了。很多时候 语言是很有意思的事情,伊朗人极少数会讲英语,即使会的也只能说简单的几句,于是用英语交流就很困难。怎么 办呢?我就问阿拉伯语会不会,如果会就用阿拉伯语,不会阿拉伯语没关系,我会一点波斯语,就这样大家几种语 言的混合下交流起来。

    签证:中国很幸运的成为了唯一一个享受伊朗落地签(直接飞到伊朗在机场办理签证)政策的国家,这绝对是一种 殊荣。但是很多国人还是享受不了这个待遇,因为在中国没有签证是不能出境的。伊朗几大城市都可以可以办理落 地签(Tehran,Esfahan,Shiraz,Tabriz,Mashhad),最早停留期限为7天 ,费用50美金,但是不知道何时改的政策,中国公民普通护照可以办理十五天的落地签证,费用为50欧元每人 。伊朗通用美元。

    饮食:伊朗人的饮食非常的简单,与欧美很类似。酒店一般都有早餐提供,但是有的酒店要提前谈好。早餐很简单 ,大饼(类似新疆的饢),黄油,蜂蜜,一壶伊朗茶。午餐就是长长的面包里面夹牛肉,西红柿,以及酸菜,青菜 。还有三明治,比萨饼(推荐)以及免费。晚餐大致相同。西红柿是伊朗人最喜欢的食物,几乎不管什么都会有西 红柿夹杂其中。也许饮食是国人最不习惯的。但是绝对值得一试。因为生活本来就是不同的。尝试另外一种生活岂 不也是一种享受。

    住宿:伊朗酒店条件不是很好,但是用心的话还是找到比较理想的酒店的,最好提前查询。一般费用 大约为10-30美金不等,单双人间几乎同价。外国游客价格比较高,所以如果认识伊朗人的话会对伊朗之行带来很多方便的 。但是旅游景点就没办法了,外国游客的费用比伊朗人要贵很多,但是相比国内的旅游景点还是很便 宜的。

    行:伊朗交通还算发达,几大城市之间每天有一个小时一个班次的公交车,火车很少,飞机还是有很多方便的。价 格均不是很贵,可以说是便宜。建议坐公交车旅行,如果时间允许的话。出租车价格不贵,跟国内大致相同,但是 要提前谈好价格,不然肯定会要被宰的。伊朗机会到处都是出租车。备注:伊朗司机开车很是凶悍,过马路一定要 小心。


    14号下午两点半的飞机,经过一个小时左右的飞行飞机缓缓的降落在伊朗的Shiraz,Shiraz是个位 于伊朗中南部的工商业城市。在Seleucid (312–175 BC), Parthian (247 BC–AD 224)和 Sasanian王朝,他都扮演着重要地位,直到10-11世纪的伊斯兰王国(?)时期它的经济和文化事业达到了顶点。在14世纪铁木尔占领设拉子之前,它已经成 为成为与巴格达对峙的伊斯兰核心城市。1774年阿富汗入侵者占领该城,但之后又成为波斯“赞得”王朝(1 750-1794)的首都。该地人杰地灵,尤以葡萄酒,花园建筑,朝圣地,清真寺闻名于世。它也是波斯诗人Sa'd i和Hafez的出生地,他们的陵墓也在那。

    一般旅行者选择的旅行都是德黑兰,所以我们的航班上就只有我和朋友两个中国人,让这个飞机上的伊朗人对我们 很感兴趣。下了飞机之后出关很顺利,办签证要50欧元,很快就办好了,护照上面就多了一张波斯语的签证,比 阿曼简单很多。身上没有美金,只是带了些迪拉姆(阿联酋货币),但是伊朗一些城市可以用的。与司机谈好价格 后就直奔Sasan Hotel了,因为提前有准备,Sansan Hotel 是PL上推荐的酒店,包早餐,酒店老板会讲英文,双人间30美金,有一个小小的电视,但是播放的节目都是一 些我们无法理解的宗教讲座,很是无聊,尽管我也喜欢古兰经,可是用的是波斯语。去伊朗要自己准备洗漱用品, 酒店一般不提供,除非很好的酒店。设施很一般。如果行李不多,还可以带一些方便面(清真的也许可以过关)。 车费大约40RMB,由于目标明确,我们就直奔市场里,shiraz的市场叫Vakil Bazar,商品几乎全部来自中国,转悠了几个小时之后就返回酒店了,我们决定第二天直奔Esfahan 。
    晚上看了会电视就睡了。第二天直接打车到了车站,买了去Esfahan的车票,六个多小时的车 程。

    15号下午四点左右到达Esfahan,伊斯法罕的历史可以追溯到阿赫梅尼德时期。当时它叫“加巴勒”。1 1世纪的一些建筑物一直保存到今天。伊斯法罕于1235年遭到成吉思汗的征服,但破坏不大。当该城第二次遭 到蒙古人入侵时,居民先和贴木儿妥协,后来又起来反抗,有70000人遭到屠杀。但贴木儿王朝的后代也信奉 了什叶派伊斯兰教,并保护了文物。该城在中世纪是一个地区的首府和著名的贸易和手工业中心,并几次成为小王 朝的首都。它的顶峰时期是在沙发维王朝的时候,阿巴斯一世于1591把沙发维王朝的都城从加兹温迁到伊斯法 罕,使它很快就变成了一个强大、广阔而稳定的帝国的行政、商业和文化中心。当时人口50多万,已是一个十分 繁华的城市。伊斯法罕进行了大量建筑,但它的核心至今仍是阿巴斯王广场,今天还可以看到当时马球场球门的石 柱。阿巴斯王广场的四周分别是今日的国王清真寺、沙伊赫路夫特夫拉赫清真寺、通往王宫的阿拉卡普门以及美丽 的商场正门。1722年,伊斯法罕遭到了阿富汗人的劫掠,损失很大,以后该城就衰落下去了。
    Esfahan是伊朗最干净的城市之一,放下行李,我们就直奔市场了,Bozorg Bazar是Esfahan最大的市场,市场规模明显大于Shiraz,但是由于当时赶上星期五(星期五是 穆斯林日历的休息日),所以整个市场都关门了,我们大概考察了地形之后就准备回酒店了,但是路上却巧遇阿巴 斯王广场,霎那间被震撼了,美的惊人,蓝天,绿地,清真寺。我们像是到了天堂,沉迷于其中。伊朗人的生活很 是自由,三五成群的聚集在草坪上。逛了很久,知道累了我们才准备回酒店。这次很不幸,我们找好的酒店客满了 ,店主很好客,介绍了一家酒店给我们,结果我们找错了酒店,住在Toos hotel,酒店是我在伊朗住的最好的,30美金,在伊朗算是很不错了,但是设施比其他的酒店好,位于市中 心很是便利,店主很喜欢我,哈哈,最好决定免费给我早餐。最后竟然还给我1万伊朗币作为补偿。跟他的交流是 在英语和波斯语的混合下交流的。伊朗的市场都是非常古老,bazar这一英文单词便来自波斯语,中文译为巴 扎,直到现在中国新疆等少数省份仍然沿用巴扎这个名词作为市场。市场像是地道一样,四通八达,店铺密集。第 二天很早便起来了,重游市场,去了几家店铺大概的介绍了一下自己,希望他们去迪拜买我们的货物。逛完整个市 场之后我们决定去德黑兰。最后竟然迷路在Esfahan,在小小的胡同里乱走,最后问了一个伊朗人,那个人 很热心的带我们回酒店。打车去车站,在站外有直接去德黑兰的车,正要开走的车停下来等我们,我就急忙赶上去 ,但是突然间警察来了,公路上不许停车,他们把我拉上车就走了,等我上了车一回头,突然间想起来朋友还没有 上来,于是我拼命的叫喊,但是他们很是疑惑的样子,我赶忙换成波斯语,他们竟然在没有停车的情况下让我下车 ,差点小命就呜呼了,这是我在伊朗最不高兴的事情。在Shiraz被小偷盯上,赶忙跑到警察那里才得救。以 及后来在德黑兰被酒店宰的事情都不是很开心,但是旅行就是这样,总有很多事情我们不可预料,也许这才最值得 我们期待的事情。Esfahan是我最迷恋的伊朗城市,平静而优美。与恋人牵手重回Esfahan岂不也是 人生很浪漫的事情呢?


    留个小时左右的车程到了德黑兰,由于笔记本忘记在行李包里,就打车让司机帮忙找了,结果司机找的都是非常贵 的酒店,最后带我们到了Mehr Hotel,不喜欢这个酒店,25美金,不含早餐,打电话被店主宰了,不开心。但是就当是一种经历吧。出去 溜达时看到了自己写在笔记本上的酒店,后悔之极。去问已经客满了,于是便没有计较。开始了德黑 兰之行。
    “德黑兰”一词是古波斯语“山脚下”的意思。在公元9世纪时,这里还是一个隐蔽在梧桐林中的小村庄,公元1 3世纪日渐兴旺,直到1788年,伊朗恺加王朝才把这里定为首都。20世纪60年代以后,由于伊朗石油财富 剧增,这座城市也获得了空前的发展,并成为一座规模庞大、繁华热闹的大都市。目前,它不仅是伊朗最大的城市 ,也是西亚最大的城市。拥有人口1100万。
    在德黑兰停留了两天,市场太大,几乎逛不到边,惊奇伊朗的市场的潜力,毕竟是首都,这里充满了机遇,但是由 于伊朗对外国人经商的限制,所以极少会有外国人开店铺,可以说没有。但是伊朗商人对中国充满了渴望。有一些 大的伊朗客人在义乌和广州设有办事处,专门为一些小商人供货,在市场里当我们和他们洽谈时,他们都很兴奋, 不停的问着所有的价格,似乎我们代表了整个中国。两天时间全部游离在市场里。

    一路上有一件事情让我很是郁闷,我们总是被当作日本人或者韩国人,这也难怪,因为大部分游客来自日韩,从飞 机上的注释都可以看出。伊朗的美女多是出了名的,大街上几乎到处是美女,哈哈,也许这是男人向往的天堂吧。 一夫四妻在伊朗很少见。德黑兰也可以看到很多很时尚的年轻人。丝巾是伊朗最畅销的产品,因为伊朗女性必须佩 戴头巾,包括外国游客,到了机场你会得到一个头巾,如果你愿意还有黑袍。在伊朗境内如果不戴头巾很带来很大 的麻烦,警察肯定会找上你的。但是现在头巾已经成为伊朗女性最美的风景。各种颜色的都有,建议爱美的美女自 己准备漂亮的丝巾。女人爱美是天性,伊朗女性也是如此,紧身裤,颜色各异的丝巾,现在政策放松了很多,很多 女性都会露出刘海儿,染成黄色的,很是漂亮。

    德黑兰在年轻一代中挣扎在现代化与传统的宗教规则之间,人类是聪明的。总是会创造出各种办法来表现自己。这 点不止伊朗人,全世界人民都一样。

    德黑兰的两天之行结束与傍晚,到车站买了票之后就坐上了长达14个小时的返回Shiraz之行,长途的旅行 是很累的,尤其是公交车,但是也还是一种享受吧,享受旅行的艰辛与快乐。到Shiraz已经是凌晨5点了, 匆匆找了酒店之后就睡下了,第二天醒来重游市场,临走时做了一件很有意思的事情,在朋友的怂恿下去了理发店 理了个伊朗发型,哈哈,不好看,但是就算保留波斯特色吧,也许可以保留两个月呢。

    人生不断行走,身为年轻人,我很能体会到当今社会的艰辛,我们有时充满了希望,有事却又迷茫而不知方向。人 在国内,却每天都关注着国内的新闻。就业,似乎成了大学生的鸡肋。在广州找工作时我也曾经迷茫过,找了一个 多月由于没有经验没有找到,最后找到工资也不高,但是我很努力,后来一切都变得好了起来。因为我即使身处逆 境,我没有放弃。相信自己。
    经历使人成熟,很久之前写过这句话,现在看来自己伊朗还是坚持。喜欢这句话,不断的向别人学习。不断的成熟 ,做一个合格的企业家。
    此刻也许你还迷茫,但是如果你能看到夜空的星星以及晨起的太阳,你就应当重新振作起来,作为一个男人承担起 责任,勇往直前。
    没有借口,只有努力使自己成功。记得教《英文文学概况》的雷老师说过,人生有三大权利,生存,工作以及寻求 更好生活的权利,我想我们都不应放弃寻求更好生活的权利。如果你觉得自己已经不行了,那就就放松的去旅行, 重新振作起来。

    迪拜很晚了,国内的太阳也许已经略微露出些阳光,一切又重新开始了。明天还是充满阳光,向着新 生活前进。



    Drift in Dubai (Iran trip) (For our English Speakers)

    Travel, is a mood, a different kind of life.
    Iran's entire line of life, full of exotic colors, hearts long coveted.
    Finally, in looking forward to opening a Cinderella after a long veil.
    Perhaps it is fate.

    Walk among the history of Iran as the shuttle,
    In my mind, Shiraz is red,
    Esfahan is sacred blue,
    And Tehran is the overlap between the gray and white that world.

    Sunshine, green, pure mosque pool, as well as the reflection of sunlight through the clouds of black shadow, are driving the car as fast in my mind to leave, I travel in Iran to give up flying, long-distance Iranians traveling along with the car.

    Surprise, surprise, every time like this. The purpose of the visit of Iran's strong line of a lot, then went straight to the Iranian market, time to pay attention to the beauty around. There are some gray throughout Iran, and perhaps the reason for the economic blockade, but when you see the crowded market, where the future is full of confidence. Now I may take a business major part of the composition. Iran is not a lot of survey data, only know that a lot of guests in Dubai are from Iran, so they went straight away. Dubai is the world's cities, where you can reach almost all the world's languages, so a lot of their own will be infected, Arabic, Persian has been a great impact, but still maintained their own unique sounds. Rarely to learn Farsi, before going to temporarily fill a moment, the exchange will be some simple, to find enough before, I really regret not studying more points, but able to cope with the simple life. Language is often a very interesting thing, very few Iranians can speak English, even if the will can only say a few simple, so very difficult to communicate in English. How to do it? I asked in Arabic will not, if will use Arabic, not Arabic, it does not matter, I will point Persian, so we communicate in several languages ​​mixed up next.

    Raiders trip to Iran (only business trip):
    Visas: China is lucky enough to be the only one to enjoy Iranian visa on arrival (direct visa at the airport to fly to Iran) National policies, this is definitely a great honor. But many people still can not enjoy the treatment, because in China is not leaving the country without a visa. Iran's major cities can apply for visa on arrival can be (Tehran, Esfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz, Mashhad), the first stop for a period of 7 days, costs $ 50, but do not know when to change the policy, Chinese citizens can apply for fifteen ordinary passport day visa on arrival at a cost of 50 euros per person. Iranian General U.S. dollars.

    Diet: Iranian diet is very simple, very similar to the U.S. and Europe. Hotels generally provide breakfast, but the hotel in advance to talk about some good. Breakfast is simple, pie (similar to the Xinjiang Nang), butter, honey, pot of Iranian tea. Lunch is long bread inside the folder beef, tomatoes, and sauerkraut, vegetables. There sandwiches, pizza (recommended), and free.Roughly the same dinner. Tomatoes are Iranians favorite food, almost no matter what, there will be one tomato mixture. Perhaps most people are not used to eating. But definitely worth a try. Because life has always been different. Try another kind of life would it not also a pleasure.

    Accommodation: Iran Hotels conditions are not good, but it is hard to find the ideal hotel, the best check in advance. Generally cost about 10-30 dollars range, single-double almost the same price. Relatively high price of foreign tourists, so if the Iranians know if Iran would bring a lot of convenient trip. However, tourist attractions no other way, the cost of foreign tourists were a lot more expensive than Iran, but compared to the domestic tourist attraction is still very cheap.

    Line: Iran traffic fairly well developed, few cities have one hour a day between the frequency of buses, trains rarely, there are still many convenient plane. Prices were not expensive, can be said that cheap. Proposed bus trip, if time allows. Taxi inexpensive, with roughly the same country, but to advance a good price, or will certainly be slaughtered. Iran's opportunity everywhere taxi. Note: Iran is a very aggressive car driver, be careful crossing the road.

    Psychological process:

    First stop: Shiraz
    2:30 pm 14 aircraft, after about an hour's flight aircraft landing in Iran slowly Shiraz, Shiraz is located in the commercial and industrial city in south-central Iran. In the Seleucid (312-175 BC), Parthian (247 BC-AD 224) and the Sasanian dynasty, he played an important role, until the 10-11 century Islamic kingdom (?) During its economy and culture reached its peak. Timur in the 14th century before the occupation of Shiraz, it has become a confrontation between Islam and the core city of Baghdad. 1774 Afghan invaders occupied the city, but later became Persia "praise was" Dynasty (1750-1794) of the capital. The way the old times, especially wine, garden architecture, pilgrimage, famous mosque. It is also the Persian poets Sa'di and Hafez was born, they are also the tomb of that.

    Travelers choose to travel are generally Tehran, so our flights only on my two Chinese friends, so that the Iranians on the plane we are interested. The next exit after the aircraft very smoothly, the visa costs 50 euros, quickly run up, on top of more than one passport visa Persian, Bi Aman much simpler. They do not have dollars, but with some dirhams (UAE currency), but can be used in some cities of Iran. Good price with the driver after a straight Sasan Hotel, because there are prepared in advance, Sansan Hotel is recommended by the hotel on the PL, including breakfast, the hotel owner speaks English, double $ 30, there is a small TV, but play programs are some we can not understand the religious lectures, it is boring, although I also like the Koran, but with the Persian. To Iran to prepare their own toiletries, hotel generally does not provide, unless a good hotel. Facilities is very general. If not much luggage, you can also bring some instant noodles (halal may be able to pass). Taxi fare is about 40RMB, as targeted, we went straight to market, shiraz market called Vakil Bazar, almost all goods from China, after a few hours wandering back to the hotel, we decided the next day went straight to Esfahan.
    Watched some TV and sleep a night. The next day a taxi directly to the station, bought a ticket to Esfahan, more than six hours by car.

    Second stop: Esfahan
    At 16:00 on the 15th to arrive around Esfahan, Isfahan's history can be traced back Danial Needham period. It was called "Jia Bale." Some 11th century buildings have been preserved to this day. Isfahan in 1235 was the conquest of Genghis Khan, but little damage. When the city was the second Mongol invasion, the residents of the first child of compromise and paste wood, and later up against, there are 70,000 people were massacred. However, children wood paste also believe in the dynasty of the descendants of Shiite Islam, and the protection of cultural relics.In the Middle Ages the city was a regional capital and the famous trade and handicraft center, and several times into a small dynasty's capital. Its peak is on the sofa when Victoria dynasty, Abbas I in 1591 sofa-dimensional dynasty moved the capital from Isfahan, Qazvin, it quickly became a strong, broad and stable Empire's administrative, commercial and cultural center.Population was 50 million, has a very prosperous city. A lot Isfahan architecture, but its core is still the king Abbas Square, may still be seen at polo field goal of the pillars. Abbas, King Square, around the mosque were the king today, 沙伊赫路夫特 Fula He mosque, leading to the palace of Allah Carp main entrance door and a beautiful mall. 1722, the Afghans were looted Isfahan, a great loss, after the decline of the city on the go.
    Esfahan is Iran's most clean cities, lay down their luggage, we went straight to the market of, Bozorg Bazar is the largest market in Esfahan, the market size significantly larger than the Shiraz, but because at that time to catch up on Friday (Friday is the Muslim calendar, the rest day), so the markets are closed, and we have examined the terrain and were preparing to return to the hotel, but the way they met up Abbas, King Square, grabbing was shocked, amazing beauty, blue, green, mosques. We like to heaven, indulge in it. Iranian life is free, small groups gathered on the lawn. Shopping for a long time and know we are tired to return to the hotel. This, unfortunately, we find a good hotel was full, the owner very well off, introduced to us a hotel, the results we got it wrong hotel, living in Toos hotel, the hotel is the best to live in Iran, $ 30 in Iran be very good, but good facilities than any other hotel in the city center was very convenient, the owner like me, ha ha, the best breakfast I decided to give free of charge. Finally, I turned back to 10,000 Iranian currency as compensation. Communication with him is a mixture of English and Persian under the exchange. Iran's market is very old, bazar will come from the Persian word in English, translated into Chinese Bazaar, now China's Xinjiang Bazaar and a few other provinces, the term still used as a market. Markets such as authentic, accessible, shops intensive. Up very early the next day, to re-visit the market, went to several shops around the introduced yourself, I hope they buy our goods to Dubai. Walk around the market we decided to go after Tehran. Finally, even lost in Esfahan, a small alley in the random walk, and finally asked an Iranian, a very enthusiastic person to take us back to the hotel. Taxi to the station, the station is directly outside the car to Tehran, was about to drive away the car so we stopped, I hurried to catch up, but suddenly the police came, the road must not stop, they took me one way or another car gone, so I got one back, suddenly come to think of friends yet, so I shouted desperately, but they are very puzzled look, I quickly replaced Persian, they did not stop even in the case of so I get off, almost his life on Alas, this is my most unhappy thing in Iran. Shiraz is a thief in the eye, where it quickly went to the police saved. Hotels in Tehran and later slaughtered things are not very happy, but the travel is so, there is always a lot of things we can not expect, perhaps looking forward to this most worthy of our things. Esfahan is Iran's most obsessed with the city, calm and beautiful. Would not hand back to Esfahan and lovers of life's very romantic thing?

    The third station: Tehran

    Leave a hour or so drive to Tehran, the laptop forget the luggage bag, hit the cars to allow drivers to help find a result, drivers find are very expensive hotel, and finally took us to the Mehr Hotel, do not like this hotel, $ 25 , free breakfast, call shop was dominated, not happy. But when is it an experience. Walk out to see their writing in a notebook of the hotel, extremely sorry.Ask already fully booked, so they do not care about. Began a trip to Tehran.
    "Tehran" is an ancient Persian word "foot" means. In the 9th century, it was still a small hidden village in the Indus in the forest, growing prosperity of the 13th century until 1788, the Iranian dynasty Kai added here as only then the capital. 1960s, because of the sharp increase in Iran's oil wealth, the city also received an unprecedented development, and become a large, bustling metropolis. Currently, it is not only the largest city in Iran, is the largest city in West Asia. Has a population of 11 million.
    Spent two days in Tehran, the market is too large, while almost no shopping, surprised the market potential of Iran, after all, is the capital, here is full of opportunities, but due to restrictions on Iran's foreign business, so few foreigners have open shop, we can say no. But Iran is full of desire of Chinese businessmen. There are some great guests in Iran with offices in Yiwu and Guangzhou, specifically for the small business supplier in the market when we negotiate with them when they are excited, kept asking the price of all, it seems that we represent the whole of China. In two days all the free market.

    Along the way, one thing I was very depressed, we are always treated as the Japanese or the Koreans, this is hardly surprising, because most of the tourists come from Japan and South Korea, the comment from the plane can be seen. Iran's beauty is more than a name, almost everywhere on the street is beautiful, ha ha, maybe this is a man yearning for the paradise it.Kazuo four wives is rare in Iran. Tehran can also see a lot of very fashionable young man. Scarf is Iran's most popular products, because the Iranian women must wear headscarves, including foreign tourists to the airport you will get a scarf, if you are willing to have a black gown. If you do not wear the hijab in Iran is a great deal of trouble, the police will certainly find on you. But now the Iranian women's headscarf has become the most beautiful scenery. Have a variety of colors, it is recommended to prepare their own beauty beauty beautiful scarf.Nature of beauty is a woman, Iranian woman, too, tights, scarves of different colors, and now the policy to relax a lot, many women will be exposed children bangs, dyed yellow, it is beautiful.

    Tehran in the younger generation in the modern struggle between the rules of traditional religions, human beings are smart. Always create a variety of ways to express themselves. This is more than the Iranians, the world's people are the same.

    The end of a two-day trip to Tehran and in the evening, buy a ticket to the station after riding a 14-hour return trip to Shiraz, long-distance travel is tiring, especially buses, but it is still a pleasure and enjoy the travel hardships and happiness. To Shiraz is 5:00, and hurried to find the hotel after sleep under, and woke up the next day to re-visit the market, before leaving to do something very interesting thing, the encouragement of friends go on a barber shop manager of Iran hair, ha ha, look good, but even to retain the Persian character, maybe it can keep for two months.

    Life continued to walk, as a young man, I can understand the hardships of today's society, we sometimes full of hope, but something confused and I do not know the direction. People in the country, but every day watching the domestic news. Employment, college students seem to have become tasteless. I am looking for work in Guangzhou have also been confused, looking for more than a month because there is no experience not found, the last to find wage is not high, but I work hard, then everything becomes a lot better. Even in bad times because I am, I did not give up. Believe in yourself.
    Mature and experienced people, wrote this sentence long ago, it now appears Iran insists its own. Like this sentence, continued to learn from others. Continue to mature and become a qualified entrepreneur.
    Perhaps you confused at the moment, but if you can see the night sky of stars and early morning sun, you should perk up, as a man to assume responsibility and move forward.
    No excuses, only to make their own success. Recalls that "English literature profile" Ray said the teacher, the right to life, there are three, survival, work and the right to seek a better life, I think we should not abandon the search for a better life. If you think you have to die, then travel on to relax, to recover.

    Dubai late, the country might have been slightly exposed some of the sun the sun, everything started again. Tomorrow is full of sunshine, toward a new life ahead.

    Dream no limits, continued to move forward.

    Iran's greatest poets comes with a poem:
    Let daylight meteor meteor like two day let anyone know the beauty of our magnificent God when we work together and with burning burning sacred presence -
    Challenges and go beyond all description bliss and love

    “Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

    Jamie Paolinetti

    “Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”

    Oscar Wilde

    “I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

    Jimmy Dean

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