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  1. #35121
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    Economic: Slowdown in the commercial market and citizens prefer to nearby markets

    The feast at the door
    Baghdad Haider spring

    Although very few days separate us from the Eid Al-Adha holiday, but the supervisor of the Iraqi market has slowed considerably find in the sale and purchase movement and demand in general, especially on those requirements, which are necessary in the days of Eid Al-Adha such as clothing, pet and some sweets (especially in markets Chairperson), which used to provide the people of Baghdad day of Eid.

    Observers attribute the reasons for this reluctance of traders to buy the poor security situation in the class basis, although the overall material is relatively stable prices, as well as many shops started Baltfra in residential areas near the houses, because many people are reluctant to attend started to large markets and specialized, and became resort to small stores near their home areas. He says Hashem Al-Salihi. Merchants in the Arab market in Baghdad one of the largest and most important markets frequented by people of panic : There is a big difference in the ratios of demand to buy between these days, which is very close to the Eid Al-Adha and its counterparts in previous years as a very large turnout. He adds Salihi. The security situation has become more impeded by the family to attend to (Arab market) Specifically, as the fear of accidents, God forbid. It stresses that all cargo is relatively stable in terms of prices, and this is expected to rise in the probability that to the state of stagnation in the overall market.

    With Mohsin Nahi's shop selling children's clothes in the Arab market to the low rates of procurement by the people to their lowest levels this year and explain why the developments in the markets of Baghdad from terrorist attacks Almetbdhaina assault, which resulted in the reluctance of attendance and purchases. He adds. I believe that most customers and Almetbdhaina become prefer buying from the market and the shops close to the shops leaving because of the dominating the market, which is (Alsenter) claimed the lives of dozens of people, as well as terrorist acts occur in the areas of these markets. The Nahi to stabilize prices in markets large and Chairperson rise in shops and markets scattered in residential areas, which is natural, given the treatment of vendors, small shopkeepers of the difficulties in the access to Alcheorgh example.

    Markets. The materials. Alternative Holiday

    The followers these days there are alternative markets to flourish and grow on the ruins of terrorist acts that affect markets in Baghdad and the President of one of those markets, is the market Palestine Street extends along the street, where vendors spread it, as well as shops. Observers attribute the causes of prosperity and citizens that the market relative to the security and stability enjoyed by the market. He says Rahim Hashim's shop selling women's clothing and children there. There is high demand, and the reason for this demand is the difficulty of access to major markets in Baghdad, such as market Alcheorgh reason to repeated attacks that claimed tens Almetbdhaina as well as the closure of many of the stores in Alcheorgh Chairperson by their owners.

    He adds. I believe that the demand for high this year, and I think that the reason for that is the price stability that prompted people to purchase large, although we encounter many difficulties in providing everything they need, because we rely heavily on market Alcheorgh in providing cargo, and now we are counting on (peddlers) who sell their wares to the shops. Youssef Nouri. His shop selling noodles in Palestine Street believes that the demand for purchasing in the days leading up to Eid Al-Adha in the continuing spiral pointing to the high turnout of people to buy various types of noodles, which became prefer submission feast days instead of (Alclejeh), which has become Baher because of the high costs of materials as well as the cost (gas), which is necessary in the preparation. He says. Known people who buy us, that the security situation is the most important obstacle that stands in their way to go to the large markets. , Which forced them to close the feast needs of the stores near their home.

    The Nuri that different types of noodles were friendliness of the Iraqi family, became the most important sold to the day of Eid, because all materials have affordable and acceptable to everyone.
    جريدة الصباح - تباطؤ في حركة السوق التجارية و المواطنون يفضلون الأسواق القريبة

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #35122
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    Wink slow and steady - Oanda

    Monday, December 25, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007539 US Dollar

    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1,326.40 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:
    You buy 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0007539 US Dollar
    You sell 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0006905 US Dollar
    You buy 1 US Dollar : 1,326.40 Iraqi Dinar
    You sell 1 US Dollar : 1,448.30 Iraqi Dinar

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006905 / 0.0007539 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006905 / 0.0007539
    Maximum price = 0.0006905 / 0.0007539

    Tuesday, December 26, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007543 US Dollar

    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1,325.70 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:
    You buy 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0007543 US Dollar
    You sell 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0006908 US Dollar
    You buy 1 US Dollar : 1,325.70 Iraqi Dinar
    You sell 1 US Dollar : 1,447.60 Iraqi Dinar

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006908 / 0.0007543 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006908 / 0.0007543
    Maximum price = 0.0006911 / 0.0007546

    Wednesday, December 27, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007552 US Dollar

    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1,324.20 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:
    You buy 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0007552 US Dollar
    You sell 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0006916 US Dollar
    You buy 1 US Dollar : 1,324.20 Iraqi Dinar
    You sell 1 US Dollar : 1,445.90 Iraqi Dinar

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006916 / 0.0007552 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006916 / 0.0007552
    Maximum price = 0.0006916 / 0.0007552

  3. #35123
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    for anyone who doesnt have my bookmarks here is the link again!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #35124
    Can read but not post. motomachi's Avatar
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    Arrow Good man!

    Former President Gerald Ford dies at 93 - Yahoo! News
    I believe he was a good man! He tried hard to fill some big shoes, but then he did help more then some others did in the short time he was in the White House!

    Former President Gerald Ford dies at 93 - Yahoo! News
    By JEFF WILSON, Associated Press Writer
    7 minutes ago
    LOS ANGELES - Gerald R. Ford, who picked up the pieces of Richard Nixon's scandal-shattered White House as the 38th president and the only one never elected to nationwide office, has died, his wife, Betty, said Tuesday. He was 93.

    "My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather has passed away at 93 years of age," Mrs. Ford said in a brief statement issued from her husband's office in Rancho Mirage. "His life was filled with love of God, his family and his country."

    The statement did not say where or when Ford died or list a cause of death. Ford had battled pneumonia in January 2006 and underwent two heart treatments — including an angioplasty and a pacemaker implant — in August at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

    "The American people will always admire Gerald Ford's devotion to duty, his personal character and the honorable conduct of his administration," President Bush said in a statement Tuesday night. "We mourn the loss of such a leader, and our 38th president will always have a special place in our nation's memory."

    Ford was the longest living president, followed by Ronald Reagan, who also died at 93. Ford had been living at his desert home in Rancho Mirage, Calif., about 130 miles east of Los Angeles.

    "I was deeply saddened this evening when I heard of Jerry Ford's death," former first lady Nancy Reagan said in a statement. "Ronnie and I always considered him a dear friend and close political ally.

    "His accomplishments and devotion to our country are vast, and even long after he left the presidency he made it a point to speak out on issues important to us all," she said.

    Ford was an accidental president, Nixon's hand-picked successor, a man of much political experience who had never run on a national ticket. He was as open and straightforward as Nixon was tightly controlled and conspiratorial.

    Minutes after Nixon resigned in disgrace over the Watergate scandal and flew into exile, Ford took office and famously declared: "Our long national nightmare is over."

    Article is long, but a great read!

  5. #35125
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    ايران و الجرم المشهود في العراقIran and the crime witnessed in Iraq
    محمد كريشان - القدس العربي : : 2006-12-27 - 08:10:58Mohammed Kreishan-Quds Al-Arabi : : 2006-12-27-8:10:58

    ايران و الجرم المشهود في العراقIran and the crime witnessed in Iraq
    محمد كريشانMohammed Kreishan

    27/12/200627 / 12 / 2006

    اللغط الكبير الذي أحدثه اعتقال القوات الأمريكية في بغداد لشخصيات ايرانية وصفت بأنها أمنية رفيعة المستوي يثير في الحقيقة من التساؤلات تجاه الأمريكيين أكثر مما يثيره تجاه الايرانيين لسبب بسيط للغاية هو أن الوجود الايراني في العراق والنفوذ الواسع لطهران هناك سواء من خلال عناصر ايرانية قحة أو من خلال رجال ايران هناك وهم معروفون لم تكن بحاجة، لنقف عندها بالدليل القاطع، الي خبطة علي طريقة الأفلام البوليسية.The great clamor caused by the arrest of the American forces in Baghdad to the Iranian figures, described as High-level security is, in fact, questions to the Americans rather than to raise the Iranians to the very simple reason is that the Iranian presence in Iraq and the widespread influence of Tehran there either through Iranian elements cynical or through Iran, men are renowned for not need to stand then beyond doubt, the cards on the way films dogs.
    لا أحد يدري الي الآن علي وجه الدقة من هي هاتين الشخصيتين الايرانيتين المعتقلتين عندما كانا في زيارة الي أحد مكاتب المجلس الأعلي للثورة الاسلامية، وهل صحيح أنهما من قيادات الحرس الثوري الايراني أو من جهاز الاستخبارات الايراني النافذ، هل هما فعلا في بغداد بدعوة من الرئيس جلال طالباني المستاء من التصرف الأمريكي تجاه ضيفيه ، وما هذا التعاون الأمني الذي جاءا يبحثانه في بغداد، وفق رواية طالباني، دون أن يكون الأمريكيون علي علم مسبق به، ولماذا يتركان الآن في عهدة السلطات العراقية، كما ذكرت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز التي كشفت القضية، وما هي تلك الوثائق الخطيرة التي قيل انها ضبطت بحوزتهما وتدين ايران بالتخطيط لأعمال قتل في البلاد، ولماذا لم ينبر موفق الربيعي مستشار الأمن العراقي للتبجح بهذا الاعتقال في مؤتمر صحافي مهيب بعد أن صارت تلك وظيفته الرئيسية في أعقاب كل عملية اعتقال تقدم عليها القوات الأمريكية في العراق، كل هذه الاسئلة وغيرها لا أحد يملك جوابا شافيا عليها مما يزيد في ارباك كل من يبحث عن دلالات ذات قيمة علي محور العلاقة الأمريكية ـ العراقية في هذه المرحلة خاصة وأن هذه الفضيحة تمس، عرضا علي ما يبدو، تيار عبد العزيز الحــكيم الذي لم يمض علي استقباله في البيت الأبيض الثلاثة أسابيع.No one knows for now, to know exactly is the these two personalities Khodaro, specialized Almataklten when they were on a visit to one of the offices of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution, Is it true they are part of the leaderships the Iranian Revolutionary Guard or from the Iranian secret service in force, But do they actually in Baghdad, at the invitation of President Jalal Talibani dissatisfied from the American action as towards the Ziveh, etc. this security cooperation which came Ibhthanh in Baghdad, according novel Talibani, without the the Americans on the prior knowledge of it, and why still leave presently in the custody of the Iraqi authorities, as I mentioned The New York Times newspaper, which uncovered the case, What is that documents the serious, which it was said that they seized possession, condemns the Iran planning of killings in the country, and why did not accentuate Moufaq Al Rabie Security Advisor Iraqi bragged about the of this arrest in a press conference-Muhib Having become those the principal function in the wake of each arrest progress by the the American forces in Iraq, all these and other questions no one has clear answer by the thus further embarrasses Anyone looking for connotations of value to the axis of the relationship the American-Iraqi at this stage especially since this scandal touch upon, made a presentation on what seems, the trend of Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, which has not moved to receive him in the White House three weeks.
    من هنا انصرف اهتمام أغلب المحللين في قراءة دلالات هذه الحادثة الي التركيز بشكل خاص علي المسار الأمريكي ـ الايراني في أعقاب أجواء التصعيد التي رافقت الملف النووي الايراني بعد قرار مجلس الأمن الدولي الفارض لعقوبات علي طهران والتوجه العام الذي يبدو أن ادارة الرئيس بوش حسمت أمرها في اتجاهه وهو عدم مهادنة طهران ناهيك عن السعي الي الحوار معها كما أوصت بذلك لجنة بيكر- هاميلتون. بهذا المعني المرجح تصبح فضيحة ضبط ايران بـ الجرم المشهود في التدخل في الشأن العراقي بعض الحق الذي يراد به كل الباطل أي أن الهدف من ورائه شروع واشنطن في ضغط ميداني معين مع طهران في الملف العراقي لا أحد بامكانه أن يجزم قاطعا في هذه المرحلة ان كان سيتحول لاحقا الي تصفية حساب مفتوح علي الأرض العراقية بعد فترة طويلة من غض النظر عن الدور الايراني هناك أو محاولات توظيفه أم أنه سيكتفي بما جري ورصد تفاعلاته الايرانية الي أي منحي قد تميل.From here left most analysts attention in reading the significance of this incident to a particular focus on the course of American-Iranian airspace in the wake of escalation that accompanied the Iranian nuclear file after the UN Security Council resolution imposer of sanctions on Tehran and the general direction seems that the administration of President George W. Bush put her in the direction which is not to appease Tehran not to mention the search for a dialogue with it, as recommended by the Baker-Hamilton Commission. This effect is likely become a scandal control Iran flagrancia interfering in Iraqi affairs some right which is intended every wrong that is the goal of behind proceed to Washington in the pressure of a particular field with Tehran on the Iraqi file, no one can be sure conclusive at this stage that it will turn later to liquidate the account open on Iraqi soil after a long period of a blind eye to the Iranian role there or attempts hired or that he would accept what happened and monitor interactions of Iran to any aspect might be inclined.
    واذا ما تأكد هذا الطابع دون غيره الذي رجحه خبراء مطلعون علي السياسات الأمريكية فاننا قد نكون علي أبواب مرحلة عض أصابع أمريكية ايرانية هناك، لكن المعضلة هنا أن هذه الأصابع ليست لا ايرانية ولا أمريكية بل عراقية وفوق ذلك أصابع يد لجثة مرمية ويمكن أن تسجل بأنها مجهولة الهوية كما تذكر الأخبار يوميا عن عشرات الجثث المعثور عليها كل يوم في أنحاء البلاد.If confirmed this nature without which other Rgha knowledgeable experts on American policies, we may be on the threshold of a stage of biting the finger of American-Iranian there, but the problem here is that these fingers are neither Iranian nor American but Iraqi and above fingers hands of a body dumped and could be recorded as unidentified also recalls the news daily on dozens of corpses rediscovered by every day throughout the country.


  6. #35126
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    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    I believe he was too. He did a good job under very tough circumstances and his wife has helped many people out of the prison of addiction.

    Celebrity deaths usually come in 3s:

    1. James Brown
    2. Gerald Ford
    3. ?

    Could #3 be Saddam?
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

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    Default A Banking expert: Iraqi company for banking guarantees is a right start

    A Banking expert: Iraqi company for banking guarantees is a right start

    The Iraqi company for banking guarantees intends to hold an extensive meeting with heads of the boards of the private banks that fall under the standard of the company at the beginning of 2007 in Amman. Small and medium-sized enterprises owners hopes on the role which should be played by the Iraqi company for the bank guarantees to provide facilitated loans necessary for the activation of their projects, and this is one of the main objectives of the company.

    The Banking expert and member of the company's board, Zuhair Al-Hafiz, said that: the meeting to be held in Amman early 2007 aims at briefing the participants with the company's work and the mechanism it adopted in order to activate its role in promoting the march of development, construction and reconstruction in Iraq.

    Al-Hafiz also revealed that the private banks of : Baghdad, the Middle East for investment, Basra Private, the Iraqi Private Bank, Sumar Commercial Bank, Alwarkaa for investment, Al-Mosul for Development and Investment, the Bank of the North, Assyrian International for Investment, the Gulf Commercial and the Iraqi Investment Bank took it upon themselves to establish this company which aims at developing the local lending market.

    He also said that the objective of the company is to grant the small and medium-sized enterprises access to formal credit sources of funding and banks.
    The banking expert, Zuhair Al-Hafiz, confirmed that the company's activities will strengthen the role of the private sector in: the development process, the reconstruction projects and in leading the economic process. The company's loans provided to small and medium-sized enterprises will be guaranteed to activate those important projects.

    He explained that the company will help the qualified small and medium-sized enterprises to get credit facilities from private banks. It will support the modern practices in credit and the right banking practices in the process of granting loans to small and medium-sized enterprises as well as assisting private banks to develop new sectors.

    Al Hafiz explained that special criteria laid down by the Iraqi company for bank guarantees must apply to the borrower so that the company will guarantee him with the bank referred to which will complete and submit the file of the loan insurance request to the company as well as ascertaining the completion of the necessary procedures of subscription properly. As for the possibility of other banks joining this program, Al Hafiz explained that the private bank which desires to join it should meet the conditions contained in the Convention of the Participant Banks which clarify the obligations of each bank and the Iraqi company for bank guarantees; also, the bank must be licensed by the Iraqi Central Bank and committed to all its rules and instructions, pointing out that the company do not deal with the borrowers directly, but with the participant bank only.
    He pointed out that the company had identified the terms of guarantees between 1-5 years to the qualified loans for fixed assets and working capitals, while the term of the short-term loans financing working capitals is not more than 360 days. The loans are paid back in monthly installments. There will be a permitting period to the loan determined by the bank and depends mostly on estimates of cash flows.

    A member of the company's board said that the company guarantees loans of the newly established projects.

    It should be noted that the Iraqi banking sector needs comprehensive reform to enhance its role in the economic development process in Iraq and to be able to meet the needs of the construction and reconstruction of Iraq, and the company is a sign of starting off towards effective role of the private banks in development.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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    Default Ibraheem Bahr Al-Uloom: Technical Committee between Iraq and Kuwait discussed joint f

    Demanded using energy as an integrated hub between States
    Source: Translated by

    Iraqi former Minister of Oil, Ibrahim Bahr Al-Uloom, said that the statement of the Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain Sharistani in a press conference, on the sidelines of the OPEC meeting held in Nigeria "Abuja" last week, included the activities of the Iraqi Oil Ministry with the regional States in matters concerning the issues of oil and benefit from the common borders between Iran, Kuwait and Iraq, pointing out that the technical committee set up in 2003 between Kuwait and Iraq discussed important topics between the two countries, and the most important of which is the common fields.

    Bahr Al-Uloom mentioned that there are more than 50 fields which are either: productive, discovered or partly developed and their potential geological composition contains hydrocarbons that are found in states such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria, Jordan and Kuwait.

    Bahr Al-Uloom called for using energy as an integrated strategic hub between the regional countries in order to reach economic an vision, which might be an entrance of the political relations among them.

    He pointed out that the Iraqi oil ministry is discussing the draft law of oil and gas which defines the management of Iraqi oil wealth, the power of the ministry and the relationship between the regions, noting that this draft will be completed by the end of next year.

    The Iraqi Oil Minister Hussain Sharistani stressed, during his statements in the last OPEC meeting, the need for a new law on hydrocarbons products which will enable companies to conclude national oil contracts for the first time since the overthrow of the Iraqi regime.

    Sharistani stated that all contracts which were signed under Saddam rule will be revised again; pointing out that the Iraqi Oil Council will supervise the new contracts.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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    Default 50 b yens as easy loans to develop oil ports in south

    50 b yens as easy loans to develop oil ports in south
    Source: Al-Sabah

    The Japanese government has approved to grant the Iraqi Ministry of Oil one million yen as an easy loans to upgrade crude oil installations in the southern ports while the ministry had decided to appoint 581 graduates of Oil institutes for the academic year 2003-2004.The Oil Undersecretary, the Eng.

    Ahmed al-Shama'h stated that the Japanese government had approved in 10th December to grant Iraq 50 billions yen to upgrade the oil export installations via southern ports.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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    Default Iraqi-Jordanian technical committees consider the suspended financial problems

    An attempt to put an end to the whole file

    The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kasasa, said that a joint Iraqi-Jordanian technical committee has finally been established to consider all aspects of the suspended financial file between the two countries since the Iran-Iraq war, in preparation of its closure.

    The statements of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance coincided with the statements made by the Commercial Counselor at the Iraqi embassy in Amman, Adeeb Agha, on claims presented by Jordanian exporters to Iraq under the contracts that had been implemented outside the framework of the commercial protocol between the two countries which continued until 2003, and they were estimated at about 450 million dinar, pointing out that Iraq will deal with it in a positive manner. He stressed that the concerned authorities in Iraq will conduct the required value of the receivables to their owners after the submission of documents and verifying them.

    The Iraqi Ministry of Trade has asked the Iraqi Central Bank to provide data on claims by Jordanian exporters which shows receivables implications on the Iraqi side under the Iraqi-Jordanian conventions.

    A statement released by the ministry recently said that it is now reviewing the claims of some Jordanian traders and their financial entitlements on Iraq, pointing out that the Iraqi Ministry of Trade is preparing a broad program to address requests for the material benefits of some traders and businessmen.

    The statement pointed out that the Iraqi-Jordanian committee, which was held in Baghdad recently, discussed the issue of some Jordanian merchants' money owed to Iraqi banks and traders as a result of transaction concluded away from the trade protocol between the two countries and the food-for-medicine program.

    The Committee referred to had emerged from a meeting between a Jordanian delegation headed by the Prime Minister, Dr. Maarouf Bakhit, and an Iraqi delegation headed by the Iraqi Prime Minister, Dr. Nouri Al-Maliki, in the course of a one-day visit made by the Jordanian delegation to Baghdad last July.

    As for the Trade Protocol, it is a Jordanian-Iraqi agreement that has been signed on annually by the two countries since the year 1992, following the end of the first Gulf War in the previous year, including commodities needed by Iraq from Jordan over the full year in return for oil granted to Jordan from Iraq at preferential prices.

    The oil-for-food program is a Convention concluded in 1996 between the United Nations and the Iraqi regime at that time, in which the United Nations allowed Iraq to sell part of its oil to finance the import of food and medical supplies to the Iraqi people under the control of the United Nations.

    But Jordanian traders had entered into trade agreements with the Iraqi government or with their counterparts in Iraq outside the framework of the Protocol and the Convention referred to.

    But the Iraqi-Jordanian financial file is much larger than that. It includes Jordanian debts, of 1.3 billion dollars, owed by Iraq since the days of the former Iraqi regime, accumulated over more than two decades. The debts began by about 50 million dollars during the Iraqi-Iranian war, which ended in 1988, but increased after the Jordanian government had bought the private sector's debts owed by the Iraqi government in 1991.

    The file also includes Iraqi funds in Jordanian banks where the previous Iraqi government had deposited in the form of guarantees for the commodities exported by the Jordanian company to Iraq. Following the fall of the former Iraqi regime after the American coalition invasion to Iraq in 2003, Jordan took a decision to impound these funds which are estimated at 650 million dinar to guarantee the rights of the Jordanian merchants, and distributed a portion of this amount estimated at 40 million dinar to about 500 Jordanian traders and industrial who had dues on Iraqi merchants.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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