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  1. #19291
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    Iraq Looms over U.S. Elections

    An honor guard in Arlington National Cemetary lays to rest a marine killed in Baghdad. (AP/Gerald Herbert)

    Updated: October 31, 2006
    Prepared by: Robert McMahon

    It was not the kind of October Republicans would have hoped for on the war front ahead of the U.S. midterm elections. U.S. monthly fatalities in Iraq broke the one-hundred mark (AP) for only the fourth time since the war began amid ongoing sectarian bloodshed in the country. A range of opinion polls continue to show high levels of disapproval of President Bush’s Iraq policy and for Republicans in general on the war in Iraq. To further emphasize the point, a new Pew Research Center survey of competitive districts in the U.S. House of Representatives found strong support for Democrats (PDF), especially on the issue of Iraq. The Atlantic Monthly’s Jack Beatty notes that in the five congressional elections held in wartime since 1860, the party of the president has suffered a major defeat, adding “if the Republicans lose on November 7, Iraq will be why.”
    Iraq is the lead issue in a midterm election unusually focused on foreign policy concerns . Republicans in Congress have tried to stress their national security chops by passing legislation on port security, establishing special tribunals for terrorists, and authorizing the construction of a border fence to try to stem illegal immigrants from Mexico. They have repeatedly raised alarm at the prospect of Democrats in a position of control, an issue debated this week on by former Clinton administration national security official P.J. Crowley and the Hudson Institute’s Richard Miniter.
    President Bush has not shied from addressing Iraq, saying in a recent press conference he was dissatisfied with the situation there and was keeping options open for other steps to bolster security reforms. His comments came at a time of increased grumbling from prominent Republicans and hints from a blue-ribbon panel cochaired by James A. Baker, III that “staying the course” was no longer an option in Iraq. Some, such as Laura Rozen of The American Prospect, saw Baker’s comments as a way for the Bush administration to indicate it would reveal a course change in Iraq after the elections (BosGlobe). CFR President Richard Haass writes that Bush-administration policy in Iraq is not politically sustainable and that the real choices “all involve withdrawals of one kind or another of U.S. military forces from Iraq” (YaleGlobal).
    Democrats, meanwhile, are increasingly eager to show their alternatives to the present policy in Iraq. Party chief Howard Dean told CBS’ Face the Nation that while Democrats generally support a pullout of forces from Iraq in short order, “We’re going to have to leave a special operations force in the Middle East in order to deal with the terrorist situation” (PDF). The Hill newspaper notes rising interest in, if not outright support of, a plan offered by Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE) and CFR President Emeritus Leslie H. Gelb for decentralizing Iraq into “three strong regions with a limited but effective central government.”
    CFR Senior Fellow Lee Feinstein tells’s Bernard Gwertzman he believes there might be some increased oversight of administration actions in the event of Democratic control of one or both houses of Congress but no sharp changes in administration policy. A number of Washington insiders, interviewed by Foreign Policy, believe a majority Democratic Congress might overzealously pursue investigations into various aspects of the Iraq war campaign. Though some fear Democratic overreaching if they gain power, a new article in Foreign Affairs by political experts Norman J. Ornstein and Thomas E. Mann says congressional oversight of the executive branch on foreign and national security policy has collapsed in recent years.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #19292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    The Ministry of Commerce attributed the reasons for the delayed payment of a grant of Eid al-Fitr to the refusal of the Ministry of Finance and preparations for the grant distribution mechanisms through agents foodstuffs in Baghdad and other governorates, and its insistence on distribution through banks because of the security situation and ensure the maintenance of these amounts and delivery to every citizen. The spokesman of the Ministry of Information traders e in a press
    ان وزارته اكملت جميع مستلزمات آلية التوزيع عبر الوكلاء مباشرة ووضعت خطة عملية للتنفيذ قبل عطلة عيد الفطر مشيرا الى ان الوزارة شكلت غرفة عمليات يرأسها وزير التجارة للاسراع في توزيع المنحة البالغة 10 الاف دينار لكل مواطن بواسطة الوكلاء المتواجدين حسب الرقعة الجغرافية لكل زقاق ومدينة بهدف ت حقيق الدقة والسرعة وتسهيل المهمة على المواطن وانقاذه من الزحام الشديد عند بوابات المصارف.
    Said that his ministry had completed all the requirements of the distribution mechanism through agents directly and developed a practical plan for implementation before the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, pointing out that the ministry set up an operation room headed by the Minister of Trade to speed up the distribution of the grant amounting to 10 thousand dinars for each citizen by agents there as geographic each lane and the city of view T. tough accuracy, speed and facilitate the task of the citizen and saved from the massive crowding at the gates at the banks.
    ولفت الى ان خطة وزارة التجارة رفعت الى وزارة المالية بغية تسلم المبالغ الخاصة بالمنحة البالغة 300 مليار دينار الا ان المالية رفضت خطة التجارة وكان رأيها ان يكون التوزيع عبر المصارف الحكومية معللة ذلك بضمان الحفاظ على هذه المبالغ من السرقات وعدم تحميل الوكيل مسؤولية فقدان المبلغ علاوة على ا لوضع الامني الذي لا يساعد على التوزيع عبر وكلاء المواد الغذائية.وطمأن الناطق الاعلامي المواطنين كافة بان ملاكات وزارة التجارة المكلفة بالاشراف على عملية التوزيع اكملت اعداد القوائم باسماء المواطنين الموجودة في سجلات البطاقة التموينية وتم تسليمها الى وزارة المالية بهدف صرف المنحة عب ر المصارف المنتشرة في انحاء العراق خلال الايام المقبلة وكما معمول به سابقا في توزيع تعويضات نقص مواد البطاقة التموينية.
    He pointed out that the plan of the Ministry of Trade rose to the Ministry of Finance in order to recognize amounts for the grant amounting to 300 billion dinars, but the financial plan refused to trade and it was felt that the distribution would be through government banks justified by ensuring the maintenance of these amounts of thefts and not to hold the agent responsible for the loss amount in addition to a the security situation is not conducive to distribution through agents of foodstuffs. The spokesman assured the press that all citizens tables and Trade Ministry in charge of supervising the distribution process completed the preparation of lists of names of citizens exist in the records of the ration card was handed to the Ministry of Finance in order to distract the onus grant R. banks scattered throughout Iraq in the coming days, as the case earlier in the distribution of the compensation shortage of materials ration card.
    wow great find adster, my thoughts on the 10k are that the funds for the "gifts" are the frozen and they needed to be unfrozen by signing a VIII and asking for there oil back. just a thought
    Last edited by Hope Full; 01-11-2006 at 11:42 AM. Reason: Spelling it gets me every time!

  3. #19293
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    Hi everyone,

    I just registered, but I have been reading this forum for a while now.
    However, I have a question here:
    I have some dinars, and I wanted to buy some more in the last few days.

    I have read on this forum that Chase is selling dinars , so I went to a Chase branch in Chicago, IL and tried to get some . The MAIN Chicago branch - the currency exchange dept lady that I spoke to - said : "we do not sell dinars". That was on Monday, Oct 30. I asked her twice: " Are you sure? " She says: "Absolutely sure". Hmmmm...

    Then I was thinking: how come that the main Chase branch does not sell dinars - especially in Chicago, which is not some town lost in the mountains, but it has a pretty big population?
    There are two Chase branches that do currency exchange in the area and none of them were selling dinars as of Oct 30.

    Did anyone else here try to buy from Chase in the last few days? Cause this is burning by brains.:( Did they stop suddenly selling dinars or what?

    On the other hand, in my way to the bank I stopped to get gas at my gas station. The manager there is from Jordan. I asked him what he knows about the IQD.

    He did not tell me if he personally has invested into it, however, he said his brother - who is back in Jordan - bought about $50,000 worth of iraqi dinars.
    Now, I was thinking : okay, this guy did not buy all that dinars for nothing. He is right on the border with Iraq. He gets the news/rumors first hand...

    Okay, now back to my question: did anyone here buy dinars from Chase in the last few days?

    Last edited by Jola; 01-11-2006 at 12:56 PM. Reason: Okay, now I know, I did not read this thread. :( Don't bother people, just slow reader here...

  4. #19294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hope Full View Post
    wow great find adster, my thoughts on the 10k are that the funds for the "gifts" are the frozen and they needed to be unfrozen by signing a VIII and asking for there oil back. just a thought
    We need to keep an eye on this and when they're starting to go out. Sounds like they're making excuses for the delays......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #19295
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    We need to keep an eye on this and when they're starting to go out. Sounds like they're making excuses for the delays......
    yep! big excuses

  6. #19296
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    A new attempt today to a meeting of the deputies to attend Maliki
    تمت إضافة الخبر بتاريخ 1-11-2006, 11:44
    News were added on 11-1-2006 11:44

    ...محاولة جديدة اليوم لعقد جلسة لمجلس النواب بحضور المالكي
    ... A new attempt today to a meeting of the deputies to attend Maliki

    بغداد - واع - من اراس الناصري
    Baghdad-INA - chair of the Nasserite

    يحاول مجلس النواب عقد جلسة اليوم الاربعاء , بعد فشل انعقاد جلسة الامس بسبب عدم اكتمال النصاب , حيث المفروض ان يحضر 138 عضوا على الاقل لتحقق النصاب القانوني للانعقاد.
    Try the House of Representatives to hold a hearing today, Wednesday,, after the failure of the yesterday's meeting due to the lack of quorum. where should attend at least 138 members to achieve a quorum to convene.
    هذا ويشكو المجلس من ظاهرة الغياب شبه الجماعي للاعضاء وذلك لاسباب مختلفة معظمها سياسية وامنية واجرائية .
    They complain that the phenomenon of the virtual absence of the collective members and for a variety of reasons, mostly political, security and procedural.
    وياتي حضور المالكي بناء على طلب المجلس اذا تحقق النصاب .
    The presence of Al-Maliki at the request of the Board if the quorum.

    ومن المقرر عرض وثيقة مكة على المجلس اضافة لجدول الاعمال المقرر .
    It is a document to be presented to the Board of Mecca, in addition to the agenda decision.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #19297
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    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #19298
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    Question Read a little more

    It will be held from November 12 to 16 at the BIBF, Juffair, and conducted by a team of international experts from IMF and Fed NY(adster your right about it being about the forex).

    The BIBF was selected to host this important workshop because of Bahrain's excellent reputation as a leading world financial hub and the institute's ability to provide world-class training and business advisory services, said deputy director and head of Banking Learning Centre Hussain Ismail.

    "For the last two-and-a-half years, the IMF and the Fed NY have co-ordinated their efforts to provide technical assistance to the CBI to help in the reconstruction and development of the Iraqi economy," he said.

    "A comprehensive initial training curriculum was defined and has been implemented between 2004 and early this year for the staff of the CBI's Banking Supervision Department.

    "A series of joint workshops were also delivered, covering all key banking supervisory issues."

    The workshop will be focusing on the practical implementation in the field of banking supervision, said Mr Ismail.

    It will also review the actual work and outputs produced by the Iraqi supervisors in order to give them feedback and guidance on how to improve their scope and their quality, both for off-site and on-site supervision, he told the GDN.

    "The programme is part of a series of successful workshops, which will further contribute to the training and education process of the Iraqi people," said Mr Ismail.

    A similar workshop on banking supervision was conducted successfully at the BIBF in June 2004 .

    All right there trained there not trained there trained and again not whicch is it are some trained and others not or are the supervisors trained or are they not??????

  9. #19299
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    Talabani : the withdrawal of the multi-national readiness depends on Iraqi forces

    Thursday begins an official visit to Paris, confirmed that contacts with armed groups
    Baghdad morning
    The president said Jalal Talabani : The international coalition forces will withdraw from Iraq when the Iraqi forces readying to take over the security file, and can control their own, He emphasized that the contacts with the armed groups are underway for inclusion in the political process within the framework of national reconciliation, in the meantime, Talabani starts next Thursday an official visit to Paris.

  10. #19300
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    The government delegation, and the armed factions agree to postpone the reconciliation conference for two weeks

    Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, Syria, the next station to complete his
    Oman morning
    Increasingly indicators in Oman, which witnessed a series of meetings between a delegation representing the Higher Committee for National Reconciliation, and a number of political and intellectual figures, tribal chiefs and senior officers of the disbanded Iraqi army to the possibility of the involvement of the strong opposition to the political process in the reconciliation conference which is supposed to take place next month.

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