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  1. #121
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    Thanks to Merek I came to Rolclub in Aug. 05 when the Pips forum closed down. This forum is the very best of all. good People and good posts. I passed up the Dinar posts for months, and then one day my sister called me and asked me what is the Dinar. I said i'm not sure but I thought it was about winning 2 free dinners and that I would look into it and get back to her. So I googled up Dinars and started doing some DD. When I called her back I could hardly contain my excitement. I told her "We've got to get in this as this is a once in a life time opportunity." We are both seniors and are receiving the Gov. joke, aka, socical security. We have been working all our lives and will always have to until we kick the bucket. So we and our other senior sister all hold a small amount but it will be enough for us to finally retire and enjoy life. We know in our hearts that it will happen soon.
    Last edited by Barbara919; 08-12-2006 at 05:00 AM. Reason: typed Sept. instead of Aug.

  2. #122
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    I was told about the Dinar by my mom. I really didn't take it too seriously, but she just kept talking about it all the time , and then she handed me some and said some day soon you will thank me for this. Then I stared doing some digging and decided she was on to something. Since then I have found out she has bought a lot but has given it all away to everyone she feels really needs a break in life, out of the 3 mil, she has only kept 350,000 for herself. She has been working for 40 years and is starting to get very tired. God bless her, I have since paid her the money back for the amount she gave me. I will be sharing with those less fortunate than me when I cash in. This is what she taught me. Who is my mom? Its that sweet lady thats posted right above me.

  3. #123
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    Hi all, my name is crave681 , and Im a dinaroholic!
    First heard about the investment while sitting in a dusty building that was being used as a barracks for my unit back in early 04, in Diwanijah, Iraq. I had to ask one of the Iraqi Nationals who was owner of the little deli on our post to go to the bank and get my dinars for me, which he did. I offered to pay him for his services and he refused my money. He said it would be about five years before those dinars could appreciate to their former levels, but maybe sooner. Therefore I knew that i was in for a long haul. I did not even start reading any forums until early 06, and did not find rc until a couple months ago, but I do believe it to be the best source of info on this investment , and others as well, and I will continue to come here long after I have CasHeD IN! Good luck everyone, and dont blow it all in Vegas!

  4. #124
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    Cool This Thread will Lock January 1st 2007..........

    Only 121 out of 390 History Making Dinar Gang Members, have posted their 1 Post Speach. Lets get those 1 Post Speaches in for the Books that will be written from this investment. Remember, NO QUOTES HERE IN THIS THREAD. All you members that are quiet this is your chance to put that 1st Post here.

  5. #125
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    Cool I am Re-Opening this Thread.

    For a Short Time. For those that want to post here in this Thread, please read the first post. No Quotes "ALLOWED"!!!

  6. #126
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    Wink How about This One.

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I have been dwelling on this allday. I wanted to do this for the "Whole Forum". In 200 WORDS are "More" please give your "OPINION" of what you THINK, FEEL, BELIEVE, DONT BELIEVE, or just simply want to say about your Investment on the "Iraqi Dinar".

    No comments are allowed to any post posted here. If there is I will delete them and it might get you banned if it is "BAD". This is a "1" POST let it out Thread. Enjoy the read of the whole "Dinar Gang", Everyone, I am expecting a "POST" from "ALL OF YOU".

    *******Even "You Silent" Members Too. Make This Your "First Post".*******

    PLEASE feel free to add your "POINT of VIEW".

    "This is for all", Yasayer or Nasayer.

    I know it's old but, we have somany New members and would like to here their story too.

  7. #127
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    Default tape10

    I became involved with rolclub after pips went down.was directed to hear by afriend that was involved in pips.Ivisited here as a guestfor a few months, then joined in nov of 06, that is when i bought my first million,I have been able to add to it sence then.I am 62 and ready to retire from this 9to 5 job, not ready to retire yet still love to work with my hands, just aworking stiff. not very good with computer or the spelling, still a one finger typer. i have learned so much lurking hear, so many great posters with so much great information, i love to read all the post negative and positive, i believe that we are there what a great ride and time i have had, i wish to thank all of you who poast.the mods are great they do a wonderful job. see you in the caymans love to meet all of you.GOD bless and may all you dreams come true.

  8. #128
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    Hey tape10 glad to see you posting!! I used to be a one finger typist but I have graduated to two fingers now!!! Whoopee!!!! Hopefully we won't have much longer to go to meet in the Caymans and enjoy our new found wealth. God Bless.

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