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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    OK, I know Iraq won't do a reprint!!! I was answering a post to billknows post. Afganistan DID do a reprint, but Iraq WON'T do a reprint. NO LOP OR REPRINT FOR IRAQ.
    Afghanistan did not lop zeros and did not do a reprint.
    Please check your facts before you start misinforming others!
    Last edited by billknows; 21-12-2006 at 10:36 PM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by billknows View Post
    Afghanistan did not lop zeros and did not do a reprint.
    Please check your facts before you start misinforming others!
    Sorry, That's what I understood it to be. If not, my bad and I appologize. If they didn't then great for us. How about that.

  3. #63
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    Default Chill out man.

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    I never asked a question so how could I answer it! It was a comment towards billknows comment.
    Remember what Frankie say's 'RELAX'.

  4. #64
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Afghan did a reissue, which lopped the old, then a revalue.

  5. #65
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    OK, Afganistan did a reprint and took 3 zero's off their currency. Read the web adress below and make your own assumptions because I might be thinking wrong. And I am relaxed, there's no hard feelings, we're all one big family so we're allowed a spat every once in awhile. Peace.

    [edit] Second afghani, 2003 - present
    On January 2, 2003, a three-month transition period ended, swapping old afghani banknotes for a new currency. The new afghani received a new ISO 4217 code of AFN and was worth 1000 old afghanis. Thus, the new afghani was valued at 43 AFN per USD"

    Afghan afghani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  6. #66
    Senior Member TEXASGIRL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rudutdo View Post
    and i hope your mother dies in a freak boating accident
    So out of line!!

  7. #67
    Senior Member clintstella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwood View Post
    Pasted link:

    UPDATE:Iraq Kurdish PM: Oil Law Deal Reached With Baghdad

    12-21-2006 7:34 AM EST

    (Updates an item timed at 1039 GMT with background.)

    The prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government in northern Iraq, Nechirvan Barzani, said he has reached an agreement with the federal government on the control of oil in the region, a major source of friction between the Kurds and Baghdad and a stumbling block that was delaying the issuance of a crucial hydrocarbon law.

    Barzani also said that the Iraqi federal government would discuss in a few days a final draft of an Iraqi hydrocarbon law before sending it to the parliament in Baghdad for approval.

    A hydrocarbon law is crucial for Iraq as a basis for international oil companies to begin discussions on investing in the country's under-exploited and run-down hydrocarbon sector and to generate much-needed reconstruction revenues for the country's coffers.

    "After long discussions we have reached positive and good results on the issue of oil," Barzani told reporters in the Kurdish city of Erbil Wednesday night after concluding several days of talks in Baghdad.

    The Kurds are pressing for control of oil resources in their northern territories and a significant share of oil revenue, which has provoked anger in Baghdad. Officials in the capital say oil resources across Iraq should be controlled by the federal government in Baghdad.

    The issue of who should sign oil contracts with international companies in the Kurdistan region was the main sticking point preventing the federal hydrocarbon law from being accepted.

    A preliminary draft copy of the law, obtained by Dow Jones Newswires earlier this month, stated that all oil contracts with international companies should be handled by the Iraqi Oil Ministry in Baghdad.

    According to the new agreement reached between the Kurds and Baghdad, negotiations with international companies planning to invest in the Kurdistan region would be carried out by local officials along with a representative from the federal government in Baghdad, Barzani said.

    Before a final signature of any contract, a draft copy would be sent to Baghdad for review and if the authorities in Baghdad agree on the details, the contract would be signed in Kurdistan with the company, he said.

    Barzani said the federal government in Baghdad will set up a committee of experts to review and approve oil contracts.

    He said it has been agreed that oil revenues should be distributed evenly among all Iraqis whether the oil produced in the north, center and south, a point already stated by the draft law.

    Iraq has huge reserves, third only after Saudi Arabia and Iran. But its oil sector needs up to $20 billion in investments to raise crude oil production to 3 million barrels a day from below 2 million b/d at present.

    The sticking point over a hydrocarbon had had always been the issue of how much control the regions should be given over resources in their areas.

    Although Baghdad has been displeased with the fact that the Kurds have awarded contracts to oil minnows in the mostly unexplored northern part of Iraq, they are more worried it could set a precedent, particularly in the oil-rich south, where most of the country's giant hydrocarbon structures lie.

    The four main principles for the draft law currently under debate remain the issue of federal versus regional control, the sharing of oil revenues, the types of contracts that are awarded and the formation of an Iraqi National Oil Company to handle the country's oil production, exports and exploration.

    The Kurdish authority has already signed agreements with several small oil and gas companies, including U.S.-based Calibre Energy Inc. (CBRE), Norway's DetNorske Oljeselskap (DNO.OS) and Turkey's Petoil.

    But without the hydrocarbon law, many of the large oil majors have been reluctant to make deals despite the huge oil prospects and relative security in northern Iraq.

    Thanks! stick to what you best at, this.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by sallyl View Post
    Tender NO. (12/2006)
    TheCentral Bank of Iraq invites all professional and Specialized Companies and Bureaus to participate in the above mentioned tender related to supplying computer , printer and ( ups ) accordeing to conditions and specifications that can be obtained from the Procurement Management Division within aperiod of Twenty eight day of pubilishing the announcement . The close date is 2/1/2007.

    I offered them an old but working PII and Canon Bubble Jet I have in storage, waiting for a reply.

  9. #69
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    ok im a total dinar newbie so forgive my ignorance.

    where are these RV numbers coming from, I here that its $1.47 some say $0.31. Also, how can they simply change the currency value? isnt the value based on econamy or trade? I can accept that the value will increase as the country gets stronger but isnt Iraq in complete disorder at the moment.

    If anyone can fill me in Id be very grateful, cause its very exciting to me.


    PS... Is it normal that i cant stop counting and playing with my dinar? Or is this just a phase? :)

  10. #70
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=rudutdo;152358]ok im a total dinar newbie so forgive my ignorance.

    where are these RV numbers coming from, I here that its $1.47 some say $0.31. Also, how can they simply change the currency value? isnt the value based on econamy or trade? I can accept that the value will increase as the country gets stronger but isnt Iraq in complete disorder at the moment.

    If anyone can fill me in Id be very grateful, cause its very exciting to me.


    PS... Is it normal that i cant stop counting and playing with my dinar? Or is this just a phase? :)[/

    LOl sorry only one cure for that malady, a big fat rv!! I can't answer the other questions to well, other than to say it's not simply revalued, it's been a long and bumpy ride, much economic haggling, and sweating, but it's happening slowly but surely, though this past week or so seems to be zooming by with rates dropping like crazy

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