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    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    UMMMM...Does this mean what I think it may mean? Can I get a few opinions on what others may think this means? We already know their budget is based on dinars not dollars.


    This article is about "apportionment" in law. See also apportionment (politics)
    The legal term apportionment (French apportionement; Med. Latin apportionamentum; derived from Latin portio, share) means distribution or allotment in proper shares.

    It is a term used in law in a variety of senses. Sometimes it is employed roughly and has no technical meaning; this indicates the distribution of a benefit (e.g. salvage or damages under the Fatal Accidents Act 1846, § 2), or liability (e.g. general average contributions, or tithe rent-charge), or the incidence of a duty (e.g. obligations as to the maintenance of highways).

    In its strict legal interpretation apportionment falls into two classes: "apportionment in respect of estate" and "apportionment in respect of time."[/QUOTE]

    You want to translate that adm in terms of the article?

    Last edited by DayDream; 27-01-2007 at 04:17 PM.
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    Default Where to now?

    Quote Originally Posted by adm View Post
    The House of Representatives held its usual after quorum

    (صوت العراق) - 27-01-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 27-01-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    مجلس النواب يعقد جلسته الإعتيادية بعد إكتمال النصاب القانونىThe House of Representatives held its usual after quorum
    من سانتا ميخائيلFrom Santa Mikhail
    (لإضافة عقد الجلسة واكتمال النصاب)(In addition to the meeting and quorum)
    بغداد- (أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    عقد مجلس النواب العراقى جلسته الإعتيادية اليوم السبت بعد إكتمال النصاب القانونى للجلسة وبحضور أكثر من 200 عضو .The Iraqi parliament held its usual today, Saturday, after a quorum of the meeting and the presence of more than 200 members.
    ونوه رئيس المجلس محمود المشهداني فى بداية الجلسة الى أن إقرار موازنة عام 2007 المقرر اليوم يعد عملا عظيما ينتظره الشعب العراقي.He commended the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani at the beginning of the meeting that the adoption of the budget 2007 decision today is a great job waiting for the Iraqi people.
    كان عضو بمجلس النواب عن قائمة التحالف الكردستانينوزاد صالح قال فى وقت سابق اليوم السبت لوكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة إنه "في حال إكتمال النصاب القانوني لجلسة النواب اليوم فسيتم قراءة مشروع الموازنة للتصويت عليها من قبل اعضاء المجلس."Was a member of the House of Representatives from the Alliance list Kardstaninozad Saleh said earlier today, Saturday, the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent that "in the event of a quorum for the House of Representatives today will be reading of the draft budget of the vote by members of the Council."
    وأضاف صالح "في حال عدم إكتمال النصاب القانوني لجلسة اليوم سيتم تأجيها الى بعد العاشر من محرم ."Saleh added, "in the absence of a quorum for today's meeting will be to Tajiha after the 10th of Muharram."
    ومن جانبه , قال عباس البياتي عضو مجلس النواب عن الائتلاف العراقي الموحد لـ(أصوات العراق) "ان مشروع الموازنة قطع أشواطا من الاتفاق السياسي بين الكتل , حيث ساهم لقاء قادة الكتل يوم الخميس الماضي في التقريب من نقاط الخلاف ولم يبق غير فقرة واحدة أو إثنين تم وضع آراء لها."On his part, Abbas Al-Bayati, Member of the House of Representatives of the United Iraqi Alliance told (Voices of Iraq) that "the draft budget cutting ahead of the political agreement between blocs, which contributed to meeting the leaders of the bloc last Thursday in bringing the points of contention, leaving nothing but a single paragraph or two views have been developed."
    وتابع البياتي "اغلقت جلسة يوم الخميس الماضي ولم تعد مفتوحة، أي أننا اليوم نحتاج الى أكتمال النصاب القانوني (138 عضوا من مجموع 275 ) لعقد الجلسة , وإذا إكتمل النصاب سيم التصويت على الموازنة."He continued Bayati "closed meeting last Thursday and no longer open, any day, we need a quorum (138 of the total 275) for the meeting, and if a quorum was Sim vote on the budget."
    وكانت جلسات البرلمان قد تم تأجيلها أكثر من مرة في الشهر الماضي بسبب عدم إكتمال النصاب القانوني (اكثر من نصف عدد الاعضاء البالغ 275 عضوا) ، مما اضطر المجلس الى عقد جلسات تشاورية.The parliament sessions have been postponed more than once in the last month due to lack of quorum (more than half the members of 275 members), forcing the Council to hold consultative meetings.
    كما كانت الجلسات قد توقفت في الفترة السابقة بسبب عطلة عيد الاضحى المبارك وسفر العديد من الاعضاء لأداء فريضة الحج.As the meetings had stopped in the previous period due to holiday Eid Al-Adha holiday and travel many members to perform the Hajj.
    ح مH M

    He commended the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani at the beginning of the meeting that the adoption of the budget 2007 decision today is a great job waiting for the Iraqi people.

    Folks is it saying that the House passed 2007 Budget today?

    Where does it go now and would not the HCL had been part of the budget process? If you don't have an HCL agreement how could they know what to propose for the budget revanue?

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  4. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    This article is about "apportionment" in law. See also apportionment (politics)
    The legal term apportionment (French apportionement; Med. Latin apportionamentum; derived from Latin portio, share) means distribution or allotment in proper shares.

    It is a term used in law in a variety of senses. Sometimes it is employed roughly and has no technical meaning; this indicates the distribution of a benefit (e.g. salvage or damages under the Fatal Accidents Act 1846, § 2), or liability (e.g. general average contributions, or tithe rent-charge), or the incidence of a duty (e.g. obligations as to the maintenance of highways).

    In its strict legal interpretation apportionment falls into two classes: "apportionment in respect of estate" and "apportionment in respect of time."
    You want to translate that adm in terms of the article?


    Wow that's clear as mud now!!!

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  6. #644
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    The Oil Fund promises to drop Iraq’s debts in return for reforms
    Finance Minister announces raising the dinar exchange rate
    Translated by - [27/01/2007]

    The Iraqi Minister of Finance, Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi, described the budget of 2007, as “ambitious” seeking to resolve the problems of the country in the area of security, investment and unemployment, and expressed his hope that it will to contribute to increased economic growth to 8 or 10%.

    The minister said in a press interview that oil resources forms 93% of the budget, while the rest will be secured from taxes and fees. He referred to the allocation of more than ten billion dollars for investment eight billion for security, in addition to about seven billion dollars to support the Ministry of Oil.

    He pointed out that the latter amount came from the sale of oil derivatives to citizens, in addition to three billion dollars, for the implementation of projects and building new refinaries.

    As for the role of the budget in raising the value of the dinar against the dollar, Azzubeidi said that a decision was made to raise the value of the dinar against the dollar in the budget, and the rate was determined purely by 1260 dinar, hoping to return to its normal state like the Gulf currency, as befits a country rich in oil and other wealth, and hoping to decrease the rate of the dollar to 1000 dinar during the three or four years.

    And on the subject of lifting support from oil derivatives, he pointed to an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which pledged to cancel $ 100 billion of Iraq's debt in return for the implementation of economic reforms, pointing out that these reforms developed by international experts, in coordination with the Iraqi government, the Ministry of Oil and Iraqi economists.

    He pointed out that the Ministry will continue to support oil derivatives with about seven billion dollars this year, by providing the refineries with free crude oil by 400 thousand barrels a day. The ministry then will sell oil derivatives to citizens, in order to allow it to recover the outstanding amounts estimated at seven billion dollars for the implementation of projects, in addition to allocating three billion dollars of the budget to develop the drilling of oil wells, extending oil transport pipelines and building new oil refineries. He explained that the increase in the prices of oil derivatives will include high-quality imported gasoline, used by luxurious cars, according to the source.

    He stressed that dealing with inflation lies in the dinar, since its low rate against the dollar is the main cause of inflation, in addition to obstructing the arrival of goods to the Iraqi depth. He pointed out that the current inflation is temporary and the high prices of oil derivatives are another cause for it, since it affects the prices of other goods and services.

    He emphasized that the crisis of the arrival of goods from the border outlets to the Iraqi market, caused by the deteriorating security situation, the presence of criminal gangs, and administrative corruption, which led to the loss of large quantities of goods and the revival of smuggling operations.

    He pointed out that the port of Basra is unable to complete unloading cargo, as some ships delayed more than a month from the date of discharge, which costs the authorities huge fines. He also revealed that his ministry is preparing a study for the rehabilitation of “Khafar Al-Mai” outlet between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, associated to the Saudi port “Al-Ameeq”, to provide a route for the entry of goods into Iraq.

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  8. #645
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    Please tell me I am not reading what I think I am. Has it been delayed AGAIN?

    Al-Bayati : governing body decides lifting sessions of the House of Representatives to next Saturday
    من سانتا ميخائيلFrom Santa Mikhail
    (لإضافة تصريح البياتي)(To add a statement to Al-Bayati)
    بغداد - (أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال عضو مجلس النواب عن قائمة الائتلاف العراقي الموحد اليوم السبت إن الهيئة الرئاسية للمجلس النواب قررت رفع جلساته إلى يوم السبت القادم.Member of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance list today, Saturday, the governing body of the House of Representatives decided to adjourn to next Saturday.
    وكانت جلسة اليوم شهدت جدلا بين أعضاء الائتلاف العراقي الموحد والتحالف الكردستاني حول المنافع الاجتماعية للرئاسات الثلاث فى العراق (الجمهورية والوزراء والنواب) ما اضطر رئيس المجلس إلى رفع الجلسة لمدة ساعة، لكن لم يلتئم عقد المجلس.The meeting today witnessed a debate between members of the United Iraqi Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance on the social benefits of the three presidencies in Iraq (Republic, ministers and deputies) as President of the Council was forced to adjourn the meeting for one hour, but the Council has not healed.
    وقال البياتي في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة اليوم إن "الهيئة الرئاسية لمجلس النواب اجتمعت بعد ظهر اليوم وقررت رفع جلسات المجلس إلى يوم السبت القادم."Al-Bayati said in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that "the presidency of the House of Representatives met this afternoon and decided to raise the meetings of the Council to next Saturday."
    وأدت المناقشات الحادة والجدالات حول المنافع الإجتماعية ومخصصات رئاسة الجمهورية فى الموازنة العامة لعام 2007 إلى رفع جلسة مجلس النواب اليوم السبت لمدة ساعة.The discussions and arguments about the acute social benefits and the allocations for the presidency in the general budget for 2007 to the adjournment of the meeting of the House today, Saturday, for one hour.
    وإقترح محمود المشهداني تأجيل الجلسة "لحين الانتهاء من المناقشات الكتلوية والطائفية." على حد قوله، لكن المقترح لم يحظ بموافقة المجلس الأمر الذي أدى باعضاء التحالف الكردستاني الى الخروج من الجلسة، وأدى بالمشهداني الى رفعها.He suggested Mahmoud Almshahadani postpone the meeting, "pending the completion of the discussions Alktloeh and sectarianism." According to him, but the proposal did not gain the consent of the Council, which led the members of the Kurdistan Alliance to emerge from the meeting, and Balmshahadani led to the adjournment.
    وكانت الجلسة قد شهدت مناقشات حامية بين الائتلاف العراقي والتحالف الكردستاني حول المنافع الاجتماعية للرئاسات دفعت أعضاء التحالف الكردستاني (ثاني أكبر كتلة برلمانية ) الى الخروج من الجلسة.The meeting witnessed heated discussions between the coalition and Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance about the social benefits of the presidency prompted members of the Kurdistan Alliance (the second largest parliamentary bloc) to emerge from the meeting.
    Here's to a very prosperous year in 2007.

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    U.S.-tailored Iraqi oil alarm for producers, consumers
    By Nicola Nasser*
    Jan 27, 2007, 17:10

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    While the Iraqis were busy counting their death toll of more than 650,000 since March 2003. The United Nations is next with 34,000 dead in 2006 alone with 3,070 for the Pentagon. The U.S. treasury was counting the more than $600 billion of taxpayer money spent in Iraq so far, stealthily and suddenly. The U.S. occupation’s oil prize sounded louder than war drums to alert the regional oil producers as well as the major world consumers to guard against the looming threat coming out of Iraq. After listening to the monotonous and incredible U.S. lies for four years about how “we are not there for Iraq’s oil,” the oily truth is now unfolding.

    Without a decisive military victory, the U.S. occupation of Iraq seems to be about to grab its oil prize by establishing a new sharing arrangement between a major national producer and the multi-national giants—an arrangement that Washington plans to set as the model to be followed both by the oil-rich region and the world at large. This prize has been the dream of successive U.S. administrations: on January 18th, they came one step closer to reality when Iraq’s Oil Committee approved the new draft hydrocarbon law, sent it to the cabinet within a week and, when approved, will go to the parliament immediately thereafter.

    The early draft of the law was prepared by BearingPoint American consultants, hired by the Bush administration, and sent to the White House and major Western petroleum corporations in July, and then to the International Monetary Fund two months later, while most Iraqi legislators and the public remained in the dark.

    The approved production-sharing agreements (PSAs) favor investing foreign oil companies with 70 percent of oil revenue to recoup their initial outlay, then companies can reap 20 percent of the profit without any tax or other restrictions on their transfers abroad.

    Iraqi Oil File Opened
    Several indicators have surfaced recently that point to bringing the oil factor in Iraq back from the back burner to the forefront of the public eye. The first was Ankara’s escalating drive to block the control of the northern Iraqi oil city of Kirkuk by the Iraqi Kurds, lest Kirkuk’s lucrative oil be used to fund a bid for secession from Iraq that could encourage separatist Kurdish guerrillas in Turkey herself.

    The second indicator is Iraq’s push forward on oil developments with Iran and Kuwait to determine control in the future of the cross-border oil fields, according to the Kuwait Times. Cross-border oil fields were contested and have been a cause of friction poisoning Iraq’s relations with its eastern and southern neighbors. A third indicator that the Iraqi oil file is being opened wide is the Iraqi - Syrian negotiations on the sidelines of the latest visit to Damascus by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to reopen the oil pipeline between the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk and the Syrian coastal town of Banyas on the Mediterranean.

    This pipeline was reopened in 1997 and drew U.S. disapproval; American air strikes damaged the Iraqi side of the pipeline at the start of the U.S.-led invasion. Since then, Washington was reported to favor reopening a Kirkuk-Haifa oil pipeline via Jordan, which was shut down after the creation of Israel in 1948. However the new Iraqi draft Hydrocarbon Law, if passed by the Iraqi parliament, would be a milestone not only to judge the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq as a success or a failure, but would more importantly determine the future network of relations between the oil-producing countries and the multi-national oil giants, to the detriment of the major consumers who will be held hostage to the whims of the American holder of the key to vital Middle Eastern oil resources.

    President George W. Bush in his “New Strategy” speech on January 10th sounded ambiguous and elusive in his definition of the success he is hunting for in Iraq. “A successful strategy for Iraq goes beyond military operations,” he said, adding: “Victory ... in Iraq will bring something new in the Arab world.” Bush stopped short of explicitly defining success and victory as economic in a framework that has an oil breakthrough at its core. In his speech Bush referred to oil twice, and only briefly.

    A failure of the U.S. in Iraq would enable the “Radical Islamic extremists” to “use oil revenues ... to topple moderate governments” across the region, he warned, and announced that “Iraq will pass legislation to share oil revenues among all Iraqis,” without even a hint to any U.S. interest, because he was very well aware of the hornet nest he would unleash had he prematurely even hinted at his oil prize.

    Republican-Democratic Consensus
    The Republican-Democratic electoral wrangling, no matter how ferocious it was or would become over internal issues, could not cross a “red line” consensus on never compromising the U.S. national oil strategic interests, which both parties are determined to defend regardless of how much American or non-American blood would spill in their defense.

    The bipartisan Iraq Study Group Report articulated that consensus concisely in straightforward language. It is noteworthy that Bush, who ignored the essential recommendations of this report, had selectively adopted recommendations 62 and 63. Recommendation 63 stipulates the US should “assist” Iraqi leaders in privatizing the national oil industry into a “commercial enterprise” to encourage investment by the multi-national oil companies. Recommendation 62 urges the US government to help draft an Iraqi oil law that “creates a fiscal and legal framework for investment” and, in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund, to “press Iraq to continue reducing subsidies in the energy sector...until Iraqis pay market prices for oil products.”

    The James Baker – Lee Hamilton Report proposes to make everyday life harder for average Iraqis so that the U.S. oil industry profits. The Bush administration, even before the 2003 invasion, planned to pass a new oil law for Iraq that would turn its nationalized oil system over to private foreign corporate control. Months after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, it was revealed that control of Iraq’s oil fields was one of the chief issues discussed in Vice President Dick Cheney’s Energy Task Force meeting with oil executives in 2001. Bush made his first public demand of the Iraqi government to pass the oil law in December. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad and General George W. Casey Jr., the senior American commander in Iraq, repeated the same demand.

    In July last year, Energy Secretary Sam Bodman announced in Baghdad that senior U.S. oil company executives would not enter Iraq without passage of the new law. Petroleum Economist magazine later reported that U.S. oil companies put passage of the oil law before security concerns as the deciding factor over their entry into Iraq. Passing an oil law has also been a key demand of the United States in providing further military support to Baghdad’s “national unity government.”

    Iraqis in the Dark
    This law has been in the works even months before the invasion, when the Bush Administration brought in Phillip Carroll, former CEO of both Shell and Fluor, to devise “contingency plans” to pump the Iraqi oil after the invasion; Carroll was later made the head of the American “Advisory Committee” overseeing the oil industry of the conquered land.

    The U.S., the IMF, and the major oil giants are using fear to pursue their agenda of privatizing and selling off Iraq’s oil resources. They are taking advantage of an occupied, war-ravaged and internally divided nation to get control over as much oil as possible, on the best possible terms, and to get what they were denied before the war or at anytime in modern Iraqi history: access to Iraq’s oil under the ground, Iraqi academic and senior lecturer in Middle East economics at the University of Exeter, Kamil Mahdi, wrote recently. Most Iraqis remain in the dark about the new oil law.

    Iraq’s oil workers had to travel to Jordan to learn details of the law from the London-based research organization Platform. As a result, five Iraqi trade union federations released a public statement rejecting “the handing of control over oil to foreign companies, whose aim is to make big profits at the expense of the Iraqi people, and to rob the national wealth, according to unfair, long-term contracts that undermine the sovereignty of the state and the dignity of the Iraqi people.”

    The statement added that this was a “red line” they would not allow to be crossed. Washington has been unsuccessfully trying to camouflage her oil prize in Iraq since its invasion in 2003 and similarly she can hardly now smokescreen the oil factor in her escalating crisis with Iran. “Weapons of mass destruction” or “links to al-Qaeda” were not the true reasons for the U.S.-British invasion of Iraq as much as the real reason for the present U.S.-Iran crisis is not about Iran’s “nukes.” In both cases regime change was the goal, which if achieved could give Washington an access to almost 20 percent of the world’s proven Iraqi and Iranian oil reserves, respectively the third and fourth largest in the world.

    Iran the Next Target
    Iraqi and Iranian oil reserves are targeted per se, but clinching these assets out of national decision-making would also give Washington control over about 60 percent of the world’s conventional oil reserves located in essentially five countries in the Arabian Gulf region (described officially by Iran as “Persian”). Iran’s close proximity to these major oil resources and her balancing power in controlling access to them have made her the second major obstacle after Iraq that could block any U.S. strategic drive to gain control over them. In 2003, about 90% of oil exported from the Gulf transited by tanker through the Strait of Hormuz, located between Oman and Iran.

    The Iraqi bill would allow for the first foreign exploitation of Iraqi oil reserves since the industry was nationalized in 1972. The introduction of PSAs would also be a first in the Middle East. Washington wants the Iraqi law to be the rule that has to apply across the oil-rich region as well as worldwide. Most members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) nationally control their oil industries through state-owned companies with no appreciable foreign collaboration.

    Such an arrangement was impossible to pass through during the bi-polar world order, but has become possible following the collapse of the former USSR if the American uni-polar power could rein in the remnants of the ruling national liberation movements, or could topple them. Only within this context can the invasion and occupation of Iraq as well as the current U.S.-Iranian crisis be perceived. Since 1972 and 1979 respectively the U.S. was denied the banana-republic’s styled free hand over Iraqi and Iranian oil assets. Iraq was invaded and occupied while a regime change that would secure U.S. control is still in the works.

    Meanwhile Iran is being pressured and threatened with more sanctions and a U.S. military strike to change the regime in Tehran. The more vulnerable regional oil producers, as well as their counterparts in Central Asia, would be wiser to do their best not to allow the draft Iraqi law to pass to be the future yardstick to determine their relations with the multi-national oil giants, and to pre-empt a political and military environment synonymous with the one prevailing now in Iraq to be copied in Iran, which would inevitably lead to a gradual erosion or abrupt end to their beneficial current arrangements.

    Voluntarily or grudgingly getting along with Bush’s old or “new” strategies, would never spare them. They should reconsider because Iraq was the first target and they are now the next targets. Iran also should reconsider Iraq because she is the next target. Major oil consumers in China, Japan and Europe should also be alerted to avert a possible suffocating U.S. monopoly or hegemony on oil resources at a time that their (as well as the American) demand for oil is on the rise; their economic competition or cooperation with the U.S. will only be adversely compromised by Washington’s grip on the vital mineral resource that is driving their industrial economies.

    U.S.-tailored Iraqi oil alarm for producers, consumers

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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaingirl View Post
    Please tell me I am not reading what I think I am. Has it been delayed AGAIN?

    Al-Bayati : governing body decides lifting sessions of the House of Representatives to next Saturday
    من سانتا ميخائيلFrom Santa Mikhail
    (لإضافة تصريح البياتي)(To add a statement to Al-Bayati)
    بغداد - (أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال عضو مجلس النواب عن قائمة الائتلاف العراقي الموحد اليوم السبت إن الهيئة الرئاسية للمجلس النواب قررت رفع جلساته إلى يوم السبت القادم.Member of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance list today, Saturday, the governing body of the House of Representatives decided to adjourn to next Saturday.
    وكانت جلسة اليوم شهدت جدلا بين أعضاء الائتلاف العراقي الموحد والتحالف الكردستاني حول المنافع الاجتماعية للرئاسات الثلاث فى العراق (الجمهورية والوزراء والنواب) ما اضطر رئيس المجلس إلى رفع الجلسة لمدة ساعة، لكن لم يلتئم عقد المجلس.The meeting today witnessed a debate between members of the United Iraqi Alliance and the Kurdistan Alliance on the social benefits of the three presidencies in Iraq (Republic, ministers and deputies) as President of the Council was forced to adjourn the meeting for one hour, but the Council has not healed.
    وقال البياتي في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة أنباء (أصوات العراق) المستقلة اليوم إن "الهيئة الرئاسية لمجلس النواب اجتمعت بعد ظهر اليوم وقررت رفع جلسات المجلس إلى يوم السبت القادم."Al-Bayati said in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today that "the presidency of the House of Representatives met this afternoon and decided to raise the meetings of the Council to next Saturday."
    وأدت المناقشات الحادة والجدالات حول المنافع الإجتماعية ومخصصات رئاسة الجمهورية فى الموازنة العامة لعام 2007 إلى رفع جلسة مجلس النواب اليوم السبت لمدة ساعة.The discussions and arguments about the acute social benefits and the allocations for the presidency in the general budget for 2007 to the adjournment of the meeting of the House today, Saturday, for one hour.
    وإقترح محمود المشهداني تأجيل الجلسة "لحين الانتهاء من المناقشات الكتلوية والطائفية." على حد قوله، لكن المقترح لم يحظ بموافقة المجلس الأمر الذي أدى باعضاء التحالف الكردستاني الى الخروج من الجلسة، وأدى بالمشهداني الى رفعها.He suggested Mahmoud Almshahadani postpone the meeting, "pending the completion of the discussions Alktloeh and sectarianism." According to him, but the proposal did not gain the consent of the Council, which led the members of the Kurdistan Alliance to emerge from the meeting, and Balmshahadani led to the adjournment.
    وكانت الجلسة قد شهدت مناقشات حامية بين الائتلاف العراقي والتحالف الكردستاني حول المنافع الاجتماعية للرئاسات دفعت أعضاء التحالف الكردستاني (ثاني أكبر كتلة برلمانية ) الى الخروج من الجلسة.The meeting witnessed heated discussions between the coalition and Iraqi Kurdistan Alliance about the social benefits of the presidency prompted members of the Kurdistan Alliance (the second largest parliamentary bloc) to emerge from the meeting.

    The House of Representatives held its usual after quorum

    (Voice of Iraq) - 27-01-2007
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    The House of Representatives held its usual after quorum
    From Santa Mikhail
    (In addition to the meeting and quorum)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The Iraqi parliament held its usual today, Saturday, after a quorum of the meeting and the presence of more than 200 members.

    He commended the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani at the beginning of the meeting that the adoption of the budget 2007 decision today is a great job waiting for the Iraqi people.

    Freedom isn't knowing your limits, but realizing you have none.

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    Default 2007 Budget

    SO do they have a budget?

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    Iraq :: كردستان - بنكKurdistan - Bank
    كتب: awatvinus02 في يوم السبت, 27 يناير, 2007 - 08:09 PM BTBooks : awatvinus02 on Saturday, January 27, 2007 8:09 PM-BT

    بنك بيبلوس يشارك في مجال الاستثمار بأربيلByblos Bank participates in the field of investment in Arbil
    من خضر دومليThe Khadr Domli
    دهوك-( أصوات العراق)Dohuk - (Voices of Iraq)
    ذكر مصدر مسؤول في فرع بنك بيبلوس اللبناني بأربيل اليوم السبت إن البنك يعتزم أن تكون له مساهمات إقتصادية في مجال الاستثمار ومنح القروض للمستثمرين في كردستان.An official source at the Lebanese branch of Byblos Bank Arbil today, Saturday, that the bank intends to have economic contributions in the field of investment and the granting of loans to investors in Kurdistan.
    وقالت عاطرة عبد القادر مدير فرع البنك اللبنانى في أربيل لوكالة أنباء ( أصوات العراق) المستقلة إن " البنك ، الذي يمتلك فروعا في العديد من دول العالم، سيكون له مساهمات إقتصادية في مجال الاستثمار ومنح القروض للمستثمرين من خلال فرعه في أربيل."She dedicated Abdel Kader Lebanese branch of the bank in Arbil News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent, "the bank, which has branches in many countries of the world, will have an economic contributions in the field of investment and the granting of loans to investors through its branch in Arbil."
    وأضافت أنه " سيتم افتتاح فرع البنك في أربيل خلال الشهرين القادمين وأنه يجري حاليا بتدريب كوادر محلية من إقليم كردستان في بيروت من أجل تأهيلهم لإدارة العمل المصرفي في أربيل."It added that he "will be the opening of a branch bank in Arbil in the next two months and that he is currently training local cadres of the territory of Kurdistan in Beirut in order to qualify for the management of banking work in Arbil."
    وأشارت إلى أنه " من المؤمل أن يفتح البنك فرعا آخر له في مدينة السليمانية في وقت لاحق من هذا العام" موضحة أنه تم الاتفاق مع حكومة الإقليم على كافة الإجراءات الرسمية بهذا الشأن."She pointed out that "it is hoped to open another bank branch in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the later this year," explaining that it had been agreed with the territorial government at all formal procedures in this regard. "
    يذكر أن بنك بيبلوس اللبناني تأسس في عام 1950 و هو أحد أكبر البنوك اللبنانية.It is noteworthy that Lebanese Byblos Bank was founded in 1950 and is one of the largest Lebanese banks.
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    Default The Norwegian D.N.O is optimistic about the contract of exporting oil

    The Norwegian D.N.O is optimistic about the contract of exporting Iraqi oil
    Translated by - [27/01/2007]

    The Norwegian company D.N.O is expecting to obtain a license for exporting Iraqi oil despite the apparent disagreement between Baghdad and the Kurdish regional government.

    D.N.O was the first western company that carries out oil exploration in Iraq in the post-war period and intends to start production from the Kurdish areas, which enjoys autonomy, in the first quarter of 2007.

    The company did not get the right to export crude oil and intends to do so initially by trucks before it stretch a joint to the Iraqi pipeline which reaches Turkey.

    Hamun Sandbourg, the Financial Executive Director of the company, said at a meeting with analysts and journalists: “We did not get an export license. This matter is being worked on by our Kurdish partners to accomplish it so that we can start production in the first quarter”.

    He added: “Discussions between the Kurdish regional government and Baghdad continues. We think, through what we have been informed of, that the matter will be resolved very soon, perhaps through the new oil law”.

    He added that he had been briefed of the press reports in which Kurdish officials denied the agreement with Baghdad on the new oil draft law, but said that the production agreement with the regional government is proper.

    The draft law gives a federal committee chaired by the Prime Minister the right to supervise future oil contracts and to review existing contracts which were signed under former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, as well as the ones signed by the Kurdish regional government, including the contract with D.N.O.

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