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  1. #161
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    It looks like everybody graduated training early....must need them on the job I would say.....!!!

    The Iraqi Center for Economic Reform terminate several training sessions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-03-2007
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    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the National Center for Media

    Media Relations

    A press statement / Press Release

    Tuesday, 3-6-2007

    The Iraqi Center for Economic Reform terminate several training sessions in which many members of the House and the discretion of managers in various joints State

    Ended the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform several training courses attended by dozens of members of the House and hundreds of managers discretion in various ministries and the State joints.

    The sessions focused on the theme of management and to take responsible decisions through electronic government assumed (a similar situation to Iraq), politically, economically The social, and security.

    Here, the Iraqi Center graduates all who have expressed their thanks and appreciation to the Prime Minister for their efforts in this area.

  2. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Mike View Post
    That last note from Mr. I says March 2006. Or is it in error?

    Error, there is a big meeting tomorrow. Plus the emails to me last couple of months ago stated FIL implemented in April. The jury is still out on this at the moment for me.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #163
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    Said Fawzi Hariri, the Iraqi Minister of Industry that Iraq is now one of the largest investment center in the Middle East and encouraged each investor Iraqi , Arab and foreign to benefit from the great opportunities available in all fields including industry, agriculture.

    ونفى .Al-Hariri said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" of any contract between the Ministry of Industry and the American Army for the processing elements of the Iraqi army clothing military.

    وفي 2007:The following is the text of the interview conducted with him on March 5, 2007 :

    س-تكم؟X-through visit Paul Brinkley, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Iraq, which discuss the new orientation of the industrial renaissance, the the results at this level and in your ministry?
    ج- .C - I met Mr. Brinkley during his previous visits to Baghdad and during his current visit, we discussed all the issues that are the focus of tour in Iraq.
    .Mr. Brinkley is the important consideration of the humanitarian support some industrial sectors in Iraq have been diagnosed through the Ministry of Industry a group of companies have also been studying the mechanism of support through the purchase of certain products. ونحن .We are now in the process of study and debate how to reach this goal.

    س- وما ع؟O-Is Iraqi factories operating at the present time and what these plants?
    ج- هذه المصانع.C-stopped Iraqi industry in 2003 is 1-0 in terms of production, currently at the rate of production plants of Iraq and Iraqi companies is between 20 to 30% and the clear progress in the past three years and that the best proof of the ability of the industry Iraqi and competencies in the re-operation of these plants.
    .The sectors in which they operate now is the private construction and cement factories, the private sector and pharmaceutical chemical fertilizers and textile sectors.
    عموما وقد تكون كبيرة.Generally all sectors currently operating in a certain likely to be low and could be as large.
    اه.Our ambition to develop these capabilities in order to reach the high rates of production, and we have plans in this direction.

    س- هل سكرية؟Question-Is it true that contract has been signed between the Ministry of Industry and the American Army for processing wearing military uniforms?
    ج- لن .C-will not happen this decade, we will bring to the Iraqi army clothing and some other equipment, but for the American companies with the tough American private companies given to us by Mr. Brinkley. .The examination of some products of leather clothing and miscellaneous clothing and some other products, we expect to obtain some contracts during the month next.
    أما .As for dealing with the American army there is anything about this at the present time.

    س- ما انة؟Question-What is the future of the company Alescandron auto especially since there recently for use as a maintenance?
    ج- ية.C-there is the capacity and qualifications for manufacturing and for the maintenance of military equipment and civilian. .Alescandron stations and one which we are currently pursuing is to maintain the mechanisms of the Iraqi army and Iraqi police. الجه.We are ready to provide foreign agencies, including the American companies Pmentjatna We hope to sign contracts in this regard, special attention is Balescandron at the present time.

    س- ما الظرف.Question-What message directed to the investor Iraqi, Arab and foreign at this time.
    ج-حاليا.C-Iraq is currently the largest investment center in the Middle East, if not the world, and the proceeds will be very large to each investor is the current situation. نشجع.We encourage each investor Iraqi, Arab and foreign careful study of the status quo in Iraq and take advantage of the great opportunities available in all spheres. , including industry, agriculture and other areas.

  4. #164
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    Foreign investment in the Iraqi oil sector within the national legislation Nafti (strategic options)

    عمان- الملف برسAmman-file Press

    عرضبدقة. The Iraqi oil expert Farouk denominator scene investment in the oil sector is an unfortunate situation that requires quick action, so that increased oil production and the contribution of foreign investment in a transitional period has become an urgent need to restore the national economy to be done within the framework of legislative and contractual studied carefully.

    و اكد . and expert Farouk Kassim, who serves as the adviser for international oil companies abroad that with respect to the discovered fields there there is no reason to exaggerate the situation has ended special because it is possible to recover the country's capacity for self-financing through a few years, so can not excessive number of contracts concluded in this critical period of transition, because the country would be in a better position to negotiate with after explaining that the companies international trend that reflects the reality of the growing interest in oil states to impose control on the national wealth, especially With regard to the level of control quickly petroleum operations in order to protect the national economy from inflation, as well as increasing production and control of then the level of revenue and investments in the petroleum sector.

    و عالج الخبير . , addressed the expert Farouk denominator many topics concerning legislation oil and the oil-governmental organization, especially the restructuring of oil company national "Enoch" as a holding specific benefits and rewards that can be achieved through the revitalization of the National Oil Company, Turning to the prospects for financing oil investment, an indicator of many strategic options, and including the self-financing or loans or through the involvement of international oil companies, confirms that a fourth method is a combination of these solutions, to ask after that asked whether the self-financing possible? to respond to this that the increase in production as two million barrels a day will lead to the formation of 36 billion dollars annually (at 50 dollars per barrel), and to achieve that we need a capital ranging between 4 - 2 billion dollars annually, for a period of three years. اما ..The loans are not only save the country from the payment of these amounts, but may defer payment until, in what may lead the task restrictions on the freedom of action of the country, not only in the oil sector, but even in other sectors. و .But can we afford loans and if the answer is no, what is the alternative? Can we involvement global companies not to lose national control?.

    و مع. and with denominator that tends to be self-financing, but is likely courses license to engage in the operations of international companies oil production and the development of the fields rather than licensing the IED, that the licensing courses pave the competition proper and accounting within the government and the companies participating in the session although the licensing courses may take longer than licensing improvised, but that the benefits justify the time, and because the experience of Iraq in management courses limited in time, which possesses expertise in the negotiations, it must issue instructions for the management of courses for to ensure coordination and to create healthy competition and achieve the desired transparency, and suggest in this regard a supreme body within the sector oil includes elements from outside to follow up this issue.

    و تجدر. and it should be noted that the expert Farouk denominator had contributed to the preparation of the draft law of Iraqi oil, which will be presented to the House along with all of the experts Tariq Shafiq, Thamer July 2001].
    Translated version of

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    Iraq-Currency :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Voices of Iraq: Iraq-Currency
    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 - 04:53 PM
    Demand for dollar jumps to more than 70 million in Central Bank auction
    By Dergham Mohamed Ali
    Baghdad, March 6, (VOI) – Demand for the dollar increased in the Iraqi Central Bank’s daily auction on Tuesday, reaching $105.320 million, compared with $35.555 million on Monday.
    In its daily statement, the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $10.720 million in cash and $94.600 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,279 dinars per dollar, unchanged since yesterday.
    None of the 15 banks that participated in Tuesday's auction offered to sell dollars.
    Ali al-Yaseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "the high increase in today's demand for the dollar was due to the surge in government foreign transfers to meet the Iraqi government's commitment to cover its contracts with international companies."
    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday.
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  6. #166
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    Japan defence chief wants to extend Iraq mission by two years Tue Mar 6, 3:13 AM ET

    TOKYO (AFP) - Japan's defence minister said Tuesday he wanted to extend an air mission supporting US forces in Iraq by two years, despite criticism in Tokyo of US policy in the war-torn country.


    "That would be my hope," Defence Minister Fumio Kyuma said when asked about reports that Japan would extend the deployment by two years when it expires in July.

    "But the final decision will be made after the Cabinet Secretariat coordinates with ministries and agencies concerned. It is not up to the defence ministry to decide," Kyuma told reporters.

    Japan last year ended its historic deployment of 600 troops on a reconstruction mission to Iraq -- the first time since World War II that Tokyo has sent soldiers to a country where fighting is underway.

    But Japan continues to station some 210 personnel in Kuwait to fly personnel and supplies into Iraq on behalf of the US-led coalition and the United Nations.

    Kyuma caused a stir earlier this year when he described the US decision to invade Iraq as "wrong." US Vice President Dick Cheney did not meet Kyuma on a visit to Japan in February.

    Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki said the government was still studying extending the air mission.

    "There are benefits and disadvantages to the idea of a two-year extension," Shiozaki told a press conference. "We are hearing different opinions."

    The mission by Japan's air force -- known as the Air Self-Defence Force due to the pacifist constitution -- is seen as mostly symbolic aimed at boosting the alliance with Washington and showing Japan's global clout.

    Many pundits believe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will extend the mission before his expected visit next month to Washington, his first trip there since taking office in September.

    Abe's predecessor Junichiro Koizumi enjoyed strong bonds with US President George W. Bush. Abe has tried to diversify Japan's diplomacy but has faced sliding approval ratings due largely to criticism that he lacks authority

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jola View Post
    Iraq-Currency :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    Voices of Iraq: Iraq-Currency
    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, March 06, 2007 - 04:53 PM
    Demand for dollar jumps to more than 70 million in Central Bank auction
    By Dergham Mohamed Ali
    Baghdad, March 6, (VOI) – Demand for the dollar increased in the Iraqi Central Bank’s daily auction on Tuesday, reaching $105.320 million, compared with $35.555 million on Monday.
    In its daily statement, the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $10.720 million in cash and $94.600 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,279 dinars per dollar, unchanged since yesterday.
    None of the 15 banks that participated in Tuesday's auction offered to sell dollars.
    Ali al-Yaseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "the high increase in today's demand for the dollar was due to the surge in government foreign transfers to meet the Iraqi government's commitment to cover its contracts with international companies."
    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday.

    Is this New Information or has this phrase been seen at other times? Just wondering if this is as Huge as it sounds. Perhaps, I'm just too excitable at the moment.
    Just want to CASH in at $1.50 or higher
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  8. #168
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    Default Tuesday March 6, 2007 - That's quite a haul today!

    Number of banks 15 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1279 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ----- -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 105.320.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) -----
    Total offers for buying (US $) 105.320.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ----- -----

    Gooooooooooooood Morning RolClub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make".

    That's quite a haul they took in today! Haven't seen numbers like this in a while. I am constantly amazed at the amount of dinars that the CBI pulls from the economy. But when you think of it, every dinar pulled now will save them bunches later. If only we knew what their target was, it would sure make life easier. At this rate we'll be at 7 trillion before the 20th of March. Lets hope the termination of the SBA agreement at about that time will result in something great. Here's the numbers for today.

    1. 0 Dinar rate change today, it was 1279, it is now 1279

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 134,704,280,000 pulled out of circulation on today. (3/06/07)

    3. 15 banks participating today

    4. 96th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 157 days into the CBI's reval plan.

    6. 6,254,406,400,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    7. "0" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 198 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 13.405% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 1 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1280 at the end of last week, 1279 so far this week.

    10. 1 point drop in the month of Mar. Ended at 1280 in Feb, now stands at 1279.
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddawg View Post
    Is this New Information or has this phrase been seen at other times? Just wondering if this is as Huge as it sounds. Perhaps, I'm just too excitable at the moment.
    Would like to know that myself! I haven't seen that before. It does sound huge! But I am easily excitable too!

  10. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddawg View Post
    Is this New Information or has this phrase been seen at other times? Just wondering if this is as Huge as it sounds. Perhaps, I'm just too excitable at the moment.

    I have never seen this phrase before. I have heard "to make transfers abroad" but that is as close as I have ever seen....????

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