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  1. #181
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    Default Iraqi Investments

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    A lot of conflicting reports going around about todays turn out.......

    Iraqi Parliament Fails To Show Up For New Session

    BAGHDAD, Iraq: Iraq's parliament failed to reconvene as scheduled Tuesday because so few members showed up after the month's recess.

    Only about a dozen of the 275 members of parliament appeared at the Green Zone parliament building. Officials said the assembly would not try to meet again until sometime next week.

    The legislature has several urgent items to consider including the oil law, constitutional review and changes in regulations that effectively bar many Sunnis from government jobs.
    That's the whole AP report - no explanation, no relation to other events, nothing.
    Hey Adam,

    You hit the nail on the head there, a lot of misinformation indeed. I would suspect most didn't show up as they surely expect to get the axe if they did. lol

    Good luck to all, MIke

  2. #182
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hey Adam,

    You hit the nail on the head there, a lot of misinformation indeed. I would suspect most didn't show up as they surely expect to get the axe if they did. lol

    Good luck to all, MIke

    Hi Mike, good to hear from you.

    Or jail!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #183
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    adster, Is there any reliable source about what is happening? one prson posts This ---and the Other person Posts That. WHAT info is the truth? I thought that the RV woul have taken Place by Now.< but noone person seems to have the real scoop on this. Who Holds the POWER to call The PLAY? BOB

  4. #184
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    Default This is a few days old but first I have seen of it

    The World Today - Tuesday, 27 February , 2007 12:18:00
    Reporter: Barbara Miller
    ELEANOR HALL: Overseas now, and as the US continues its security surge in Baghdad, the Iraqi Government has taken a major step toward resolving one of the key points of political division between the country's three rival groups.

    After months of debate, a draft bill has now been approved by the Cabinet on how to divide up Iraq's oil reserves.

    The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says the agreement is a gift to the Iraqi people.

    But analysts say while it's a positive sign, the deal is far from done.

    This report from Barbara Miller.

    BARBARA MILLER: Iraq is thought to have the world's third largest oil reserves. But until now the country's Shias, Sunnis and Kurds have been unable to agree on how to divide up the revenues.

    Now, the Cabinet has presented a draft bill, under which the money would split among Iraq's 18 provinces according to population levels.

    Some details have still to be finalised before the bill is put to the vote in Parliament but the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says it's an important step forward and places national interests above sectarian divisions.

    NOURI AL-MALIKI (translated): The Government realises the importance of the oil and gas law, which will ensure that all segments of the Iraqi people will benefit from this wealth. This will boost the unity of the Iraqis and their social cohesion.

    BARBARA MILLER: Those sentiments have been echoed by the US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack.

    SEAN MCCORMACK: This is an important step in that the agreement represents an agreement among all the major political factions in the Iraqi Government.

    It is also important in that it represents an indication that this Government is in fact working on an Iraq that would benefit all Iraqis.

    BARBARA MILLER: Most of the oil is located in the Kurdish north and Shi'ite south, so the deal represents a big concession to the Sunni areas in the centre of the country.

    Professor Amin Saikal is the Director of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at the Australian National University. He says the other ethnic groups saw it as the only way of getting the Sunnis on board.

    AMIN SAIKAL: If they don't do it, then the present conflict and bloodshed will continue indefinitely and I think this is their way of basically trying to reassure the Sunni minority that under a post-Saddam Hussein arrangement, they will not be deprived of having a share in the natural resources of Iraq, which they had enjoyed more exclusively under Saddam Hussein.

    BARBARA MILLER: But that doesn't mean the Sunnis involved in the insurgency will be won over.

    AMIN SAIKAL: The main problem that they have is not so much with ordinary Sunnis, but more with the resistance. And whether the elements of the resistance will defect to the side of the Government as a result of this new law which has been passed, that remains to be seen.

    BARBARA MILLER: Feisal Istrabadi is Iraq's Ambassador to the United Nations. He thinks the draft deal will encourage the much-needed foreign investment.

    FEISAL ISTRABADI: I think that a reason that there has been some hesitancy on the part of the major players in terms of the international oil companies has been the fact that Iraq has not yet passed a hydrocarbon law, an oil and gas law.

    So, I think that as this law is seen to unite Iraqis, and as it is, I think it will be welcomed by the major players and I think that we will start to see the development of investment in the infrastructure in Iraq from the private sector.

    BARBARA MILLER: Fadel Gheit, a senior energy analyst for Oppenheimer and Company in New York, is not convinced.

    He says while oil companies will be enticed by news of the draft deal, they won't be packing their bags just yet.

    FADEL GHEIT: First of all they have to find a stable government to negotiate with, to sign a contract with.

    Two, they have to worry about personal safety here. The profit motive obviously is very big but I don't think that any company that I know of will be rushing to send engineers, geologists and technicians in Iraq, facing all the current anarchy, the sectarian violence and the lawlessness that is taking place.

    BARBARA MILLER: That's a view shared by Amin Saikal.

    AMIN SAIKAL: I think it is more a question of wait and see. You know, it's not so much a question of passing a law, it's more important whether you are really in a position to implement that law. So what Iraq is really lacking is security and that is what is really deterring outsiders to invest in Iraq at the moment.

    ELEANOR HALL: Amin Saikal from the Australian National University, ending that report from Barbara Miller.
    The World Today - Iraqi Cabinet approves oil law

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hey Adam,

    You hit the nail on the head there, a lot of misinformation indeed. I would suspect most didn't show up as they surely expect to get the axe if they did. lol

    Good luck to all, MIke

    I have always thought that the problems they were having with members not showing up was because these members or their families were being threatened by outside forces - death threats, though I can't prove it.
    "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything."

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob1940 View Post
    adster, Is there any reliable source about what is happening? one prson posts This ---and the Other person Posts That. WHAT info is the truth? I thought that the RV woul have taken Place by Now.< but noone person seems to have the real scoop on this. Who Holds the POWER to call The PLAY? BOB
    Shabs baby! LOL.

    Bob, we've been in this long enough to hang in there for another few weeks if necessary. We know it's exceedingly unlikely they will negotiate big oil deals with foreign companies at their current artificial rate. Why would they? We also know that Libya and possibly Iran, (if sanctions aren't made against them) may well be the first port of call for foreign companies IF Iraq don't pass this HCL very soon.

    The time to panic, IF, and it is a big IF, is if we have no revalue once FIL and HCL are implemented.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #187
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    Parliament fails to meet due too many no-shows

    Actual AP Article

    BAGHDAD, Iraq: Iraq's parliament failed to reconvene as scheduled Tuesday because so few members showed up after the month's recess.

    Only about a dozen of the 275 members of parliament appeared at the Green Zone parliament building. Officials said the assembly would not try to meet again until sometime next week.

    The legislature has several urgent items to consider including the oil law, constitutional review and changes in regulations that effectively bar many Sunnis from government jobs.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Parliament fails to meet due too many no-shows

    Actual AP Article

    BAGHDAD, Iraq: Iraq's parliament failed to reconvene as scheduled Tuesday because so few members showed up after the month's recess.

    Only about a dozen of the 275 members of parliament appeared at the Green Zone parliament building. Officials said the assembly would not try to meet again until sometime next week.

    The legislature has several urgent items to consider including the oil law, constitutional review and changes in regulations that effectively bar many Sunnis from government jobs.
    Would you show up to work if you knew that you were probably going to get fired?

  9. #189
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by michaeljordan View Post
    Would you show up to work if you knew that you were probably going to get fired?
    Or arrested???

  10. #190
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