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  1. #251
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    In the last two weeks Iraq has finally hit its target for oil production for the first time in a long time!

    target is the black line the last red bar is February 19-25

    Name:  Oil production.jpg
Views: 489
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    "The expert at the "Central", Majid Assuri, expected a remarkable improvement in the rate of the dinar, due to the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months."

  2. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by choochie View Post
    Is there anyway to get a link to this chart. Would love to read it, but it is too small for me to see it here. Thanks!

    page 15
    "The expert at the "Central", Majid Assuri, expected a remarkable improvement in the rate of the dinar, due to the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months."

  3. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pippyman View Post
    WOW! That was quick! Thanks!

  4. #254
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    Wednesday, March 7, 2007; Page A13
    President Bush said yesterday that there are "encouraging signs" that his new strategy in Iraq is working and bluntly challenged a divided Congress to provide funding for the war with no restrictions on commanders.
    The president's appraisal, his first detailed assessment of the war since unveiling his new plan for Iraq on Jan. 10, was immediately attacked by congressional Democrats as a new attempt to raise false hopes about a deteriorating situation in Iraq. Advisers said Bush's comments were based on briefings from commanders on the ground and were designed to counter the argument from many Democrats on Capitol Hill that his Iraq strategy is destined to fail.

    Paul Morin of the American Legion introduces President Bush, who gave an optimistic assessment of his new Iraq plan at the group's conference. (By Charles Dharapak -- Associated Press)

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    var technorati = new Technorati() ; technorati.setProperty('url','') ; technorati.article = new item('President Cites \'Encouraging Signs\' From New Iraq Plan','','President Bush said yesterday that there are "encouraging signs" that his new strategy in Iraq is working and bluntly challenged a divided Congress to provide funding for the war with no restrictions on commanders.','Michael Abramowitz and Jonathan Weisman') ; document.write( technorati.getDisplaySidebar() );Who's Blogging?

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    Bush said the Iraqi government has completed the deployment of three additional Iraqi army brigades to Baghdad and has lifted restrictions on U.S. forces going into certain neighborhoods in the capital. He said the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has also started delivering on promises to meet political benchmarks, such as a new law to distribute oil revenues throughout the country.
    "It is too early to judge the success of this operation. . . . This strategy is going to take time," Bush told hundreds of veterans gathered at the American Legion conference in Washington. "Yet even at this early hour, there are some encouraging signs."
    Bush's comments seemed calculated to exploit divisions among Democrats who were swept into power by opposition to the war but have not agreed how to oppose it effectively. Congressional leaders are struggling to reconcile lawmakers who want to cut off funding and quickly end U.S. involvement in Iraq with others wary of interfering with the war.
    Appearing before a friendly audience, the president said that some lawmakers think the mission in Iraq can succeed without the additional 21,500 troops he has ordered to the theater.
    Other lawmakers, Bush added, "seem to believe that we can have it all: that we can fight al-Qaeda, pursue national reconciliation, initiate aggressive diplomacy and deter Iran's ambitions in Iraq -- all while withdrawing from Baghdad and reducing our troop levels. That sounds good in theory, but doing so at this moment would undermine everything our troops have worked for."
    Congressional Democrats gave little credence to Bush's assessment of the situation in Iraq or of their legislative plans. Rep. Patrick J. Murphy (D-Pa.), whose combat tour in Iraq propelled him into politics, was in Baghdad last week and said yesterday that he saw little change. Iraqis "are still sitting on the sidelines," he said, watching idly as their countrymen thwart progress toward reconciliation and tear down the electrical grid, while they wait for U.S. troops and money to intervene.
    "At some point, you have raise the BS flag," the gruff former Army paratrooper said. "Every single Iraqi home has an AK-47 with 50 rounds of ammunition. It's the will of the people that's the problem."
    Rep. Nancy Boyda (D-Kan.), who returned from Iraq Monday night, said U.S. commanders were cautiously optimistic as they described efforts to protect marketplaces and allow life in Baghdad to regain a semblance of normalcy. The Baghdad morgue's nightly body count had dropped to 10 from 100, but the officers, including Gen. David H. Petraeus, were not ready to draw conclusions, she said.
    "They were really downplaying expectations" and for good reason, Boyda said. A recent bombing in a Baghdad book market filled the morgue again and set back the commanders' efforts to allow residents some measure of security.
    The president had offered relatively little public assessment of the situation on the ground in Iraq since his Jan. 10 speech outlining a new strategy including the additional troops and a greater emphasis on Iraqi forces taking the lead in securing Baghdad. The White House has been clearly cognizant of the damage done to its credibility by its repeated promises of improvements being undone by rising sectarian violence in Iraq.

    President Cites 'Encouraging Signs' From New Iraq Plan -
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #255
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    THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2007

    "There has been an economic transition underway post- Saddam Hussein. Some of it’s slow paced, but some sectors and some activities moving quite rapidly. I think anything on a small scale tends to move very rapidly, and particularly the IT sector, ICT sector, tended to move quite rapidly and there’s been very vibrant developments in both of those areas. Go ahead.

    There have been other bits of good news. I think probably an underreported story is a very stable currency, so at least trade and normal economic decision-making can be facilitated. Exports have gone up. A lot of that simply represents the spike in the price of oil last year, but nonetheless, that’s a positive trend. Go ahead. Also as a result, we see GDP and GDP per capita moving the same way. These are World Bank figures.

    But regardless of what our appetite is for going down this path, I think we can all agree that these companies – I think it’s on the next slide – these companies have to perform to the extent possible according to market incentives. Their pricing has to be in line with market pricing. Their input costs have to reflect market prices. There should be published accounts. There should be profit and loss statements. There should be quarterly numbers that are published. If we’re subsidizing them – the Iraqi government subsidizes them – we should at least understand the cost of the subsidy and then we should understand what’s the plan. How are we going to move toward market-oriented businesses?

    Let me close out – and I can go to questions – with three key points that we registered as very important short-term goals. Some of these are longer-term goals, but we wanted to leave our Iraqi hosts with three points to keep in mind that I think have to
    be viewed with some sense of urgency to help economic development. One were the investment regulations, that they passed investment law but they have not promulgated the implementing regulations. And by the way, that’s both a Baghdad issue as well as an Erbil issue because the Kurdistan region has its own investment code as well.
    So one was investment regulations. The second point, on which I’m glad to say there’s been some movement since our departure, was a hydrocarbon law, and as you saw in the press reports, the – it’s been approved by the Council of Ministers, and is going to he parliament.
    And I certainly can’t say that our trip played a role in that, but it was nice to see that of all of the sectors of the United States industry that might have an appetite for involvement in Iraq, I think most people would put the energy sector at the top, A, because there is a market need there, but, B, because this is an industry that is more comfortable than other sectors in working in very challenging environments. So get the hydrocarbon law fixed, and you’re going to see, in my view, response from U.S. industry.
    And the third point was focus on marquis (?) investments for the near term, short term, meaning the next six, 12, 18 months. Don’t focus as much on the terms of the deal, if you will, but focus on just making a deal happen, getting any serious investment take place at all because you’re trying to overcome a multi-decade-long legacy of economic mismanagement, and a more current challenge of security. So you have got a severe marketing challenge, and just to allow a transaction to take place would be enormously helpful. So the precise terms of the deal are going to be less important over the long run than the fact that a marquis (?) investment took place.
    And there are some U.S. companies that we are aware of that we have been talking with that are keenly interested in getting to Iraq, and whatever can be done to help that process along in the near term I think will be enormously helpful to just setting a better tone for the investment climate and business operating climate in Iraq. So those were our three final points we left with the mission."
    "The expert at the "Central", Majid Assuri, expected a remarkable improvement in the rate of the dinar, due to the low dollar exchange rate, over the next couple of months."

  6. #256
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    Default With markets are overheated escalation in the prices of agricultural products

    Baghdad Imad Principality

    With the Iraqi market is witnessing an escalation in the pace of price rises due to the irregularity of the policy of supply and demand the cost of (the food basket) were dropped shadows on the Iraqi family, which has become unable to provide most of their requirements, especially those with limited income who are the majority.

    He sees Dr. Ismail Hammadi that the rise in prices is the result of the failed policies of price, which was previously produced It is normal that the rise in the prices of vegetables, meat and milk for the ineffectiveness of the theory of supply and demand means that any import unit dominating the the market because local production is almost represents only a few percentage of the actual need.
    (Morning) explored the views of citizens on prices and the effects of the level of living as affirmed that the Iraqi market in a state of rises price of most agricultural products, in spite of the commodity dumping of this material, the prices remained high and are a problem great cast a shadow over the owners of limited income.
    Citizen Muhammad Saad said : the prices of vegetables have become a burden on the citizen because of the continuing rise as the price of tomato to Alkgm 1250 dinars, and the like, while the prices of potatoes per Alkgm price of onions to 1000 dinars, as well as the prices of fruits, which reached prices unreasonable.
    (Saad) added that the price of the food basket of simple vegetables per day, up from 10 thousand to 15 thousand dinars what affect the standard of living of the individual and family alike.
    Citizenship arrows part Sadik pointed out that the same issue applies to the prices of animal products from eggs, chicken, meat and some, not seen in the past as is the price of milk derivatives, and other materials necessary consumer Journal of the Iraqi citizen.
    Economic expert Dr.. Ismail Hammadi described parameters that price policy to disclose the price is a significant factor encouraging producers to benefit most what can be productive capacities, pointing out that the measurement of the degree of response of the agricultural products of the change in prices is one of the means that can be used to determine the extent to motivate producers to increase production through price policy.
    D. Ismail also clarified Commenting on the rise in the prices of vegetables and fruits that factors affecting agricultural production in many could not control ex biological nature of this production and offered to pests and diseases that can not control and minimize the impact on the damage so I changing production capacities in the agricultural productivity of particular importance in studies (elasticities production available) or offer to easily provide statistics Special prices and documented.
    And between Hammadi that the previous time stages undergone by agricultural production marked by the intervention of (State) in the pricing of agricultural products during the control over the distribution outlets, as well as the distribution outlets (the private sector) was conditional license procuring Public Foundation for marketing agricultural pointing the State controlled the distribution of agricultural crops strategic outlook of grain and sell them at subsidized prices, as demonstrated this experience not economic feasibility is requiring the State to reconsider the policy of the state, describing the period prior to the price-fixing as a tendency to (Consumer Protection), ignoring at the same time (the product).
    He pointed to the suffering of the agricultural sector for the previous period of the interruption of imports and the lack of foreign exchange resources, which came from the base oil revenue The country's need for food imperative for the State to find ways to encourage the agricultural sector to make it even contributes to the minimum in the dam some paragraphs of the ration card, especially wheat, barley, rice and support remunerative prices and the adoption of the principle of compulsory marketing.

    Commenting on the foregoing, we may say that require urgent need to find a fertile environment and appropriate for the agricultural investment and encourage and support farmers soft loans through the activation of the performance of the Agricultural Bank, as well as the introduction of modern techniques and the adoption of the latest techniques in the planning and implementation the whole agricultural sector.
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  7. #257
    Senior Member Onenomad's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for all the fantastic news of late very helpful when looking after a 18month little girl, Adster great to see you back here
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  8. #258
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    الصفحة الاولى

    Countdown d 4978 date March 7 / 200 7

    Hassan Al-Sunaid expected majority vote by Parliament on oil law

    PNA :

    MP Hassan Al-Sunaid the United Iraqi Alliance list that the "oil law has been adopted on a national and constitutional important, which OWNING oil because of the people depending on the population. " Al-Sunaid MP continued, "and I think it will enjoy the support of the majority in Parliament because he was the product of more than eight months of discussions, of the various political blocs. " He added, "and this law gives clear evidence of the ability of oil wealth to build a future rights, the law provides relations balanced between European governments and the federal government in terms of overall economic development, as well as provide opportunities for the poor provinces to promote their regions. "

  9. #259
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    الصفحة الاولى

    Countdown d 4978 date March 7 / 200 7

    The integrity establish a conference under the slogan (Honor Charter for CSOs)
    بغداد-التاخي-محمدالدل وي:

    Service held relations with non-governmental conference under the title (of honor for civil society organizations) and the presence of Judge Radi Hamza Nadi chairman of the public integrity and representatives of the Ministry of civil society and the Ministry of Women and the Office of the Iraqi aid and a large number of organizations civil society.

    We discussed the role of civil society organizations in building social maturity, even now compete with institutions in the provision of services to citizens . The Judge Radi Hamza Radi that the current stage requires concerted efforts and to support the largest by civil society organizations to support the government in the new budget that will move forward the wheel of the economy and Iraq is a country rich in terms of human and material resources .

    The Ms. Joan Ahmed representative of the Ministry of State for Women that the efforts of the civil society organizations large, but we hope to intensify their efforts in the initiative of reconciliation and return of refugees to their home areas to be pressing the authority of the state to provide services to citizens, Wa Dah Mr. Falah Yasiri, a representative from the Ministry of State for civil society to the concept of a civil society and yet it has achieved much the achievements in the areas of awareness of administrative and financial corruption in supporting the initiative of national reconciliation.

  10. #260
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    جريدة الصباح الجديد - ارتفاع آخر يسجله المؤشر العام لسوق العراق للاوراق المالية في أول جلسات هذا الشهر

    No. (802) in the March 7, 2007

    High index recorded another year of the Iraq market for securities in the first meetings this month

    Baghdad : Ali Jasim The first meetings of the month of March for Iraq market for securities rise and all indicators seem that this rise reflected a positive Security Council Special Minister for allowing Msthmrin foreigners buying and selling of securities market in Iraq, it is the circulation of shares (38) is a joint stock company was circulation (708) million shares with a value exceeding (1.320) billion dinars Achieved through the implementation of a contract (361), the market index rose to four sectors : banks, investment, services and industry index dipped to only one sector is the hotel sector, which led to the rise in the index by market (0.741) when closed to a point (26.486). In the banking sector has been circulating shares (12) banking company shares rose rates (10) companies are : Bank of the Middle East (by 11.63%) and by the Iraqi National Bank (9.09%) and the Asian Alorka rate (8.33%), the investment bank rate (7.69%) and the Bank of Baghdad by (6.98%) and by Islamic Bank (5.56%) and the Bank of Babel by (4.76%) and Union Bank by the Iraqi (4.76%), Commercial Bank rate (3.45%) and the Bank Darussalam rate (1.32%), and the rate of the price of company shares by the Bank Cordstan only (2.27%) with the Asian economy maintained the same the rate of price astray at the previous meeting, the banking sector index closed b (36.694) points stable than in the previous meeting. The share of the banking sector of the number of shares traded exceeded (574) million shares of a rate (81%) of the total number of shares traded at a total value exceeded (1.070) billion dinars, or (81.1%) of the total volume. He achieved the highest rate of a commercial bank in terms of the number of shares traded amounted to (20.6%) in terms of the number of shares traded of the banking sector, after that was the circulation of more than (118) million shares valued exceeded (179) million dinars. Alorka Bank and achieved the highest proportion in terms of volume of transactions, amounted to (17.4%) in terms of the volume of transactions of the banking sector, after having been the circulation of more than (94) million shares valued exceeded (186) million dinars. The services sector has been circulating shares (4) companies increased SHARE PRICE Company globe by real estate (2.94%), decreased rates prices of shares of companies that are real estate by the Secretary (9.3%) and the Iraqi Company for Land Transport rate (1.67%), while the circulation of the company's shares pearl Basra Shipping for the first time since the Board of Governors approved the inclusion of the Iraq market shares on the market for paintings and closed index service b (74.131) points high rate (0.781%) of the previous meeting. The manufacturing sector has been circulating shares of the company (14) shares rose rates (10) companies are : by modern sewing (11.76%), the highest rate of increase at the meeting and the Iraqi dates (by 11.76%) and electronic industries rate (10%) and industrial Crescent by (5.56%), light industry rate (4.55%), a modern dyes (4.35%), bicycles and pipelines by (4.17%), Chemical Industries (by 3.7%) and engineering industries by (3.45%) and, finally, carpets and furnishings, (1.47%), decreased rates contributed two are : beer by the East (11.1%), the highest rate of decline in this meeting, the last rotation, the shares of the company as decided the Board of Governors of the Iraq stop the circulation of the company's shares, pending completion of the receipt of contracts and the issuance of certificates for new investors. With two maintained the same rates the shares at the previous meeting of Nineveh, a company in the food industry and Mansour of Pharmaceutical Industries and closed the index of industrial b (11.193) points high rate (0.584%) than in the previous meeting. In general circulation was (38) out of a total of (92) listed companies after the Board of Governors decided to write the inclusion of market shares agricultural company fruitfulness of its failure to submit the final accounts and the deteriorating conditions of the company, rates increased prices of shares of the company (23) and decreased rates (7) shares of companies with maintained (7) companies on the same rates of the previous prices, and the company has been trading for the first time, which is a pearl Basra shipping, but still (18) the company stopped trading because of the its annual general and the implementation of the resolutions of public bodies and (10) companies dependent on the trading decision of the Securities Commission of Iraq.

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