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  1. #261
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    جريدة الصباح الجديد - العراق يشارك في الملتقى السياحي في برلين

    No. (802) in the March 7, 2007

    Iraq participate in the forum of tourism in Berlin

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Dr brigade come and Minister of State for Tourism and Antiquities in the Arab German Tourism Forum to be held in Berlin on March 7 instant. The spokesman said media in the ministry : The invitation sent to the Minister of State for Tourism and the effects of Abdul Aziz Othman Bytyçi Secretary-General of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Arab German governing Forum in collaboration with the Berlin exhibitions. The spokesman added that the forum will be held in the framework of the World Tourism Fair Exchange ITB in Berlin. It is noteworthy that the German Arab Tourist Forum has evolved into one of the most important Arab-German forums of dialogue in the field of tourism and contribute to the the definition of tourism potential in the Arab countries, the German-Arab cooperation and to shed light on the movement of Arab tourism and orientations, and the role of the media in improving this picture, in addition to the exchange of expertise and communication between actors and German-Arab tourism and global general and the definition of investment potential in developing tourism Arab. It should be noted that approximately (400) prominent Arab and German sectors of tourism, investment and tourism information in addition to specialists in tourism and marketing organizations will participate in the Forum. The spokesman media that the meeting will be held at the conference hall Fair Berlin International Tourism. It is to be hoped that the Iraqi delegation during his participation in building bridges Arab-German relations and expand the horizons of the Arab German in addition to the Arab tourism ministers meet on the sidelines of the Forum, and access to the most important scientific achievements in the field of tourism industry and Tknlujia information and communication technologies in the field of tourism information.

  2. #262
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    The Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi all ministries to direct the implementation of its plan for the current year, the Finance Minister emphasized the readiness of his ministry to provide support and help them, especially with regard to the projects of interest to citizens

    The minister added that his ministry has a new fiscal policy to address inflation problems and the advancement of economic reality and service in the mishap and create all ways to for the success of that mission, pointing out that his ministry has launched a number of funds to begin implementing projects in Baghdad and other governorates.

    Translated version of
    Last edited by Adster; 07-03-2007 at 02:06 PM.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #263
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    The Union of Arab Banks intends to open an office in Baghdad to train Iraqi bankers
    الوطنية العراقية – ونا / مكتب الاردن / كشف أمين اتحاد المصارف العربية الدكتور فؤاد شاكر عن انه عرض على الحكومة العراقية افتتاح مكتب للاتحاد في بغداد لتدريب المصرفيين العراقيين.Iraqi national-Luna / Office of Jordan / The Secretary of the Union of Arab Banks, Dr. Fuad Shaker he presented to the Iraqi government to open an office in Baghdad for the training Iraqi bankers.
    واكد شاكر في تصريحات على هامش اعمال مؤتمر السلامة المصرفية في عمان انه عرض "على الحكومة العراقية فتح مكتب للاتحاد مقابل المستحقات المالية المترتبة عليها والتي تصل الى مليون دولار", مضيفا ان تدريب مصرفيين عراقيين خارج البلاد لها تكلفة مالية عالية ونحن على استعداد لتدريبهم ليكونوا مدربين في بلادهم.The new in the statements on the sidelines of the safety of banking in Amman that the "Iraqi government to open an office of the Union against receivables financial implications, which amount to one million dollars, " bankers adding that the training of Iraqis outside the country's high financial cost and we are ready to be trained as trainers in the country.
    وتصل موجودات البنوك العربية بحسب أمين عام اتحاد المصارف العربية الى تريليون ومائة مليار دولار فيما يصل إجمالي الودائع الى 860 مليار دولار.The assets of Arab banks hit by the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks to one hundred billion and one trillion dollars in total deposits to 860 billion dollars.
    ويضم الاتحاد الذي يتخذ من بيروت مقرا له 320 مؤسسة مصرفية عربية.The Union, which is based in Beirut is located 320 Arab banking institution.
    م ي انتهىM Y ended
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #264
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    The Union of Arab Banks intends to open an office in Baghdad to train Iraqi bankers
    الوطنية العراقية – ونا / مكتب الاردن / كشف أمين اتحاد المصارف العربية الدكتور فؤاد شاكر عن انه عرض على الحكومة العراقية افتتاح مكتب للاتحاد في بغداد لتدريب المصرفيين العراقيين.Iraqi national-Luna / Office of Jordan / The Secretary of the Union of Arab Banks, Dr. Fuad Shaker he presented to the Iraqi government to open an office in Baghdad for the training Iraqi bankers.
    واكد شاكر في تصريحات على هامش اعمال مؤتمر السلامة المصرفية في عمان انه عرض "على الحكومة العراقية فتح مكتب للاتحاد مقابل المستحقات المالية المترتبة عليها والتي تصل الى مليون دولار", مضيفا ان تدريب مصرفيين عراقيين خارج البلاد لها تكلفة مالية عالية ونحن على استعداد لتدريبهم ليكونوا مدربين في بلادهم.The new in the statements on the sidelines of the safety of banking in Amman that the "Iraqi government to open an office of the Union against receivables financial implications, which amount to one million dollars, " bankers adding that the training of Iraqis outside the country's high financial cost and we are ready to be trained as trainers in the country.
    وتصل موجودات البنوك العربية بحسب أمين عام اتحاد المصارف العربية الى تريليون ومائة مليار دولار فيما يصل إجمالي الودائع الى 860 مليار دولار.The assets of Arab banks hit by the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab Banks to one hundred billion and one trillion dollars in total deposits to 860 billion dollars.
    ويضم الاتحاد الذي يتخذ من بيروت مقرا له 320 مؤسسة مصرفية عربية.The Union, which is based in Beirut is located 320 Arab banking institution.
    م ي انتهىM Y ended

    1.1 trillion USD in deposits???

    nevermind.... I thought they were talking about the Iraqi banks.

  5. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    The Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi all ministries to direct the implementation of its plan for the current year, the Finance Minister emphasized the readiness of his ministry to provide support and help them, especially with regard to the projects of interest to citizens

    The minister added that his ministry has a new fiscal policy to address inflation problems and the advancement of economic reality and service in the mishap and create all ways to for the success of that mission, pointing out that his ministry has launched a number of funds to begin implementing projects in Baghdad and other governorates.

    Translated version of
    Great post Adster. (Apologies if someone else posted it first) I really like the sound of this. What, I wonder, is the Economic Reality? I hope this is another way of saying we need to get the Dinar Value UP! Come on CBI. It seems that lots of peoples are waiting for the Dinar to be worth something. Pick up the pace PLEASE!!!
    Just want to CASH in at $1.50 or higher
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  6. #266
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maddawg View Post
    Great post Adster. (Apologies if someone else posted it first) I really like the sound of this. What, I wonder, is the Economic Reality? I hope this is another way of saying we need to get the Dinar Value UP! Come on CBI. It seems that lots of peoples are waiting for the Dinar to be worth something. Pick up the pace PLEASE!!!
    Welcome, CP posted it, then someone before.

    Yea this is good news. They have tried to threaten with the lop philosophy last summer, which went down like a fart in an astronauts suit, then they tried the slow increase since November. What other options do they have......

    In particular, fiscal policy refers to efforts by the government to stimulate the economy directly, through spending.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #267
    Senior Investor notazbad2000's Avatar
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    It feels like they are driving the economy to revert back to their original exchange rate...what is your take on this Adster?
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  8. #268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Welcome, CP posted it, then someone before.

    Yea this is good news. They have tried to threaten with the lop philosophy last summer, which went down like a fart in an astronauts suit, then they tried the slow increase since November. What other options do they have......

    In particular, fiscal policy refers to efforts by the government to stimulate the economy directly, through spending.
    Nice to see you back Adam. I'm wondering, though, with the statement you made above, did you leave to become a redneck? Trying a little something new...?

    Cheers mate
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  9. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by notazbad2000 View Post
    It feels like they are driving the economy to revert back to their original exchange rate...what is your take on this Adster?

    That's their intention in time. 'To revert back to it's former rate'. The real rate is still there for all to see on Bank of Baghdads books and the CBI site. $3.22. Let me repeat, $3.22. Ahhh, that's better.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    Nice to see you back Adam. I'm wondering, though, with the statement you made above, did you leave to become a redneck? Trying a little something new...?

    Cheers mate

    With the latest failed diet not sure this 'big beer swilling guy' could get in one of their suits. Tent maybe. LOL.

    Good to see some familiar faces. I came back due to certain people asking, vowing to see this through here, and seeing too much BS/arguments here!

    So let's get this baby done and party.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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