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  1. #381
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Virtue Party announced its withdrawal from the coalition bloc.

    Preparation and submission : Ahmad Zubaidi - Baghdad

    The spokesman for the bloc, the Islamic Virtue good-Shamari said that the political blocs on the Iraqi arena had formed on a sectarian basis, or ethnic, and the Virtue Party does not wish to be part of the sectarian formations, and will work to dismantle those blocs, and during the faring of the reasons that prompted his Party to withdraw from the coalition bloc, He was a member of the House of Virtue Party Nadeem Al-Gabri announced the withdrawal of the party at a conference Wednesday. (Ahmad Zubaidi) prepared the following coverage and continued a first reaction from the coalition bloc.

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Shahrastani : reduced proportions of the remaining debts of Iraq

    07 / 03 / 2007-17:54

    Dr. Hussein Shahrastani oil minister today, Wednesday, that the Iraqi delegation had succeeded in his talks with the International Monetary Fund to reduce the remaining portion of the debt, amounting to 20% out of 80%.

    Shahrastani said in a statement issued by the ministry said that "Iraq is able to reduce Iraq's debt by 20%, which is 28 billion dollars during the negotiations conducted by the Iraqi delegation with the delegation of the International Fund in the United Arab Emirates, which also included the Minister of Finance Jabr Al-Zubaidi and the Central Bank Governor Sinan Al-Shabibi. "

    Shahrastani, according to the statement added that "the Iraqi delegation was also able to convince the IMF delegation to withdraw its demand to raise the prices of oil derivatives the world price levels and maintain a proposal to raise prices by 15%, to the fact that the living situation of the Iraqi people does not allow the imposition of more of this increase. " He explained that "the International Monetary Fund will be in April next report to the creditor to Iraq in the Paris Club explaining Iraq honoring its commitments on economic reforms that request. "

    Shahrastani and appealed to Arab and foreign countries to emulate the United States, which abolished the debt of Iraq (100%), reducing Britain The debt ratio in Europe by 80%. Shahrastani and that the "consequences of the Iraq debt totaling 140 billion dollars had been reduced the last period in the form of percentages against economic reforms resorted to Iraq, mainly to raise the prices of petroleum products, Iraq was able to work this Agreement and the reduction ratios of the remaining debts amounting to 20%.

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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    ??????Key : Governor of the Central Bank : This year's budget focused on increasing the volume of investment in Iraq

    ????? ? ??? ????:Baghdad : Ali Jasim
    ???? ??????? ???? ??????? ????? ????? ??????? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ??????? ????????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ??? ?????????.Dr. Sinan Shabibi Governor of the Central Bank that this year's budget, the budget investment because it focused on the size of the investment Ziada.
    ???? ??????? ??? ??? ????? ??????? ????? ?? ?????? ???????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ??????????.And Shabibi said that the Central Bank's role is to address the imbalance resulting from the development process that will produce changes in the the economic infrastructure master.

    ????? ??? ?? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ??????? ?? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????? ???? ???? ????????? ????????? ??????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ?????.He pointed out that the work of the Central Bank is to achieve development in a stable monetary attention through all means and policies achieve economic stability and moderation in the environment straight and moderate inflation rate.
    ?????: ?? ??????? ?????????? ????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?????? ??????.He continued : "Our budget for the preservation of resources, and will be achieved through combat inflation.
    ????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ??? ??? ??? ???????.Stressing that the bank had several measures including raising the exchange rate of the dinar.
    ????? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ????????? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ??????.He pointed out that the impact of this action on the budget through the impact on the purchasing power of the government, will increase by addressing inflation.
    ????? ???????: ?? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ????? ???????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??????.He added Shabibi : Such a policy will increase the confidence dinars, which will pull some of the money to the banking sector and the rationalization of government spending for it the impact on inflation.
    ????? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ??????? ??????? ??? ?????.He indicated that this action will lead to the reduction of prices of import goods such as private sector imports and the import of the government's development comes the transfer of the Iraqi dinar to the dollar.
    ????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ???? ?????????????? ???? ????? ???????.He added that this policy at the time weakens the ability of the government to buy the dinar, it strengthens Aldenarabraghi owned by the government.
    ????? ??? ?? ????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ????.Pointing out that the bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

    Translated version of جريدة الصباح الجديد - محاY´ظ البنك المركزي: ميزانية ه<ETH>ا العام ركزت على زيادة حجم الاستثمار Y´ي العرا<THORN>

    Were in the moneyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!
    Hello everyone. I think this is one of the most powerful statements we have seen as to what the plan is for the currency. Since this is from the President of the CBI and not some economist or politician, we should be excited. Several of his comments are worth noting. "reduction of the prices of imports"! Only one way to do that is raise the exchange rate of the dinar. "To affect the economic and monetary and policy by making the dinar a valuable tool". My take of this is he is telling all of us that he intends to raise the value of the dinar. Nothing new here we haven't discussed before, but coming from him we have a CLEAR cut idea of what the plan is. No mention of dates or times, but they intend to raise the value of this currency and they have a plan. So, sit back and let it happen. Thank You.

  4. #384
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    إRelease 20 detainees from the symbols of the former Iraqi regime soon

    The news has been added on 3 - 7-2007, 14:3
    ... Release 20 detainees from the symbols of the former Iraqi regime soon

    -Amman-conscious -

    The lawyer, Badi Aref Izzat near the release of 20 detainees from the symbols of the former Iraqi regime still in the custody of the forces American lack of evidence against them during the subject of investigative procedures.

    The lawyer said Badi Aref Izzat instructed the executive branch to the American forces supervising the prison to take the necessary measures to speed up the release released. "

    He refused to reveal the names of those released, saying : subjects of the release of senior officers and leaders in the former Iraqi army, especially in the leadership of the Republican Guard. "

    He said : "This is the first step taken by the government in the framework of the release of officials of the former regime did not guilty of any charges from them, despite the passage of years on the arrest. "

    43م43 m
    وكالة الأخبار العراقية :: إطلاق 20 معتقلا من رموز النظام العراقي السابق قريباً

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  5. #385
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    Red Cross : International Women's Day : special attention to women who had migrated because of the war

    The news has been added on 3 - 7-2007 15:25
    Red Cross : International Women's Day
    Special attention to women who had migrated because of the war

    Geneva (International Committee of the Red Cross) - "I had to escape from the villages because the armed men were forced to the kitchen and laundry and all they ask for us. " This is what you say "us", Colombian women now living in Bogota, saying goes : "If we do not do what we say, they Ihaddonna send our children to us. I wish that Come back to my home and never lived in the villages with my kids. " We believe, in all parts of the world, how to pay the threat of attacks The harassment, and the risk of falling into the furnace of violent confrontations, and the loss of vital utilities and services million civilians to flee their homes in areas ravaged by armed conflicts. The displacement affects a profound impact and always-at all levels, including physical, psychological, social and economic-in the lives of those who were forced to flee.

    Often, women are forced to leave the environment in which they live. The requests were not unaccustomed roles-it had become the main breadwinner of the family-without access to help the next of kin or members of their communities, who are often separated them after the flight. Faced with these daunting challenges, demonstrate countless numbers of women on the strength and skill of wealth to ensure survival and the survival of their families under life. However, the burden of having to seek refuge in a strange and hostile environment, leading to serious consequences for the these women and their children and other family members who live in care. In addition to the struggle for survival, faced by women, in many cases, increased risks related Bslamthen and health. They were also more at risk of sexual violence and other forms of abuse.

    The objective of the International Committee of the Red Cross in working order for the population to remain safely in their homes despite the ongoing armed conflict and other cases of violence. But if the population was forced to flee to another part of the country, the International Committee and its partners in the international movement of the Red Cross. The Red Crescent provide assistance and strive to ensure their protection. These organizations and enable women to return home in peace and security, while wishing that the circumstances permit.

    And attached particular importance to the needs of displaced women, and the international committee made its best efforts to help them overcome the difficulties they face.

    Says Ms. "Florence Tersee", the head of the International Committee to assist women in the war : "On the occasion of International Women's Day, we express our appreciation this year of the large numbers of women who were forced to abandon their environment familiar. these women deserve special attention and support by the International Committee and other organizations that provide assistance and talents. "
    وكالة الأخبار العراقية :: الصليب الاحمر:اليوم العالمي للمرأة:اهتمام خاص بالنساء اللواتي نـزحن بسبب الحرب

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  6. #386
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    Sources: al-Sadr disappeared Iran will not appear until authorize Mahdi

    The news has been added on 3 - 7-2007 20:48

    Sources : al-Sadr disappeared Iran will not appear until authorize Mahdi

    WAI-agencies - up-Hammad Firas
    He said close to the Shiite leader, "Muqtada al-Sadr", which disappeared from sight for a month before the start of the current security plan in Baghdad and its environs : that al-Sadr remains stable in the region of Iran (Qom) in the old house of Sheikh "Fairuz Karimi" old friend and father.
    The sources close to Sadr that the latter claimed he will emerge from his self-imposed retreat to authorize him to leave as Elmahadi command Ba'tcav first time.
    The sources added that al-Sadr instructed to assist "Hazim Al-Araji," the management and leadership of the Mahdi Army, in his absence, to reach his latest aphid.
    It is noteworthy that al-Sadr, who is 28 years of age leading political bloc belongs to the Sadri trend led by addition to the leadership of the militia Mahdi Army daily massacres committed against the Sunnis in Iraq.
    The sources in the city of Najaf to the residents of the city say that the Shiite Mahdi came to the chest at night to avoid vision before people. And pretend that once seen the lights in the house of Muqtada closed this means that the Mahdi meet with al-Sadr, where people to start enlargement and prayers, and the next according to wallow Muqtada house walls.
    وكالة الأخبار العراقية :: مصادر: الصدر مختفٍ بايران ولن يظهر حتى يأذن المهدي

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  7. #387
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    Bush : International Conference on Iraq a test of Syria and Iran
    Compatibility between Front and the Iraqi political process to correct the 721 killed in the bombing of a double incursion into Baghdad

    Washington Mercy Abotouq
    Baghdad, Mohamed al-Musawi
    Damascus Munther Stables

    The American President George Bush said yesterday that sectarianism is out of control and threaten to destroy democracy in Iraq.
    Bush stressed to the Assembly of veterans in Washington that it is early to judge the results of Baghdad security plan implemented by the thousands American soldiers and Iraqis to curb sectarian violence.

    He said, "The International Conference on Iraq to test the intentions of Syria and Iran," and pointed out that "the goal of the enemy is the authority in Iraq" and said "those can Narzihm through diplomacy "at the time of continued acts of violence and suicide attacks and assassinations in Baghdad and surrounding towns and caused the death of hundreds, with nine American soldiers were killed in two separate attacks in a new strategy aimed at the armed men moved the battle to parties to the Iraqi capital to exploit the vulnerability of the proliferation security. The militia assassinated the Palestinian writer and journalist living in Iraq, Ahmed Mustafa Rabahi.

    He said Bush will continue to chase the military base and work with the forces of moderation to achieve reconciliation in Iraq and asked, "Does the Congress with the old General Petrois the new commander of the American forces in Iraq, which has Pthqati and confidence of the Senate. " He expressed bewilderment enactment of a law in the House of Representatives against the general direction of the U.S. commander in Baghdad. Bush said that "there is in Congress voted to cut off funding for the war in Iraq."

    He stressed that the "national reconciliation difficult when the government headquarters under siege", and said that "the withdrawal from Baghdad before securing ensuing increase in the the attacks, and the enemy who hopes to withdraw its emergence from anarchy bolder and more resources. "We did not dismiss Al Qaeda from Afghanistan to find a safe haven in Iraq. He stressed that "failure in Iraq is the failure of America." The statements made by President Bush at the time of An opinion poll indicated that 28% of Americans believe that the United States will triumph in Iraq.

    According to the same poll finds 59% of Americans that the war was a mistake, the highest rate of response to this question since American forces invaded Iraq in March 2003 and was also in this poll by Gallup that 60% Americans want Congress to set a calendar for the full withdrawal of American forces by the end of the year .2008 is also 75% Americans that Congress may decide to withdraw all American troops in the event of Iraqi officials has not fulfilled their promises in reducing the Violence Unit. Internally, the President announced Adnan Al-Dulaimi Accord Front yesterday announced the establishment of a new political front with the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi charged the title (the Iraqi National Front). He called Al-Dulaimi political views from inside and outside the political process to join this front.

    Iraqi sources said that the National Dialogue Front led by Saleh Almtalk and Reconciliation and Liberation Front headed paper Al-Jabouri, the Virtue Party within WIN the United Iraqi Alliance list headed by Abdul Aziz Hakim to join the front. The new alliance calls for dialogue with the non-participation in the political process outside Lineups sectarian and ethnic..On the other hand, he met with Syrian President Bashar Assad Iraqi Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi in Damascus, which stressed the importance of the role Syria to help Iraq out of its current condition. The Iraqi police announced the killing of at least 127 and wounding 200 in a double suicide bombing near the town of Hilla, south of Baghdad, targeted visitors to the forties of the martyrdom of Al-Hussein, peace be upon him. The car bomb had exploded earlier yesterday in the Yarmouk area west of Baghdad, killing five and wounding a number of other injured. The explosion of a truck bomb in front of a police station in Mosul, killing and wounding dozens of not found any other details.

    Azzaman International Newspaper - Issue 2637 - Date 7/3/2007Azzaman International Newspaper-2637-Issue Date March 7, 2007
    التاريخ 7/3/2007Newspaper (Azzaman) - The International 2637-the date March 7, 2007

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  8. #388
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    We meet for the future

    .Iraqi Exhibition Corporation has big press conference was covered by local media and was on the sidelines of the Arab Gulf Forum Iraq to be held in Manama, Bahrain call for the period 3 - 1 in November 2007. This press conference in addition to the forum is sponsored by gold company raised MTC the giant in the field of mobile communications, which took it upon themselves to contributing to the revitalization of such events and contribute to the company as a broader widespread and the broader extension of the transmission lines from the south to the north.

    The concept developed in the mind from the start is that the Forum Gulf Iraqi governing outside Iraq is for the sake of promote and support the relationship between Iraq and the Gulf states. Iraq and the political and economic causes of many was surrounded strictly in its relations with the world of business space. It was due to political wrangling, the variables is unable to access sources of the products and services provided by Arab or foreign companies .

    .It is hoped that this forum provides great opportunities for both government institutions or private companies so that the Iraqi development process economic through this interaction compared with the use of intermediaries or unfavorable trade fairs held in other countries. The trade exhibition will pave the process of establishing successful working relationships for years to come as long as the interruption of Iraq from such actors around the 15 years. .Hence, the opportunity will be available to all government sectors and Iraqi companies to obtain the experience of other states, especially the Gulf and enjoy the expertise and great potential, in particular in relation to construction materials which Iraq needs now.

    It is expected to attend the forum between ten thousand to twelve thousand people representing Iraqi companies and entrepreneurs the private sector in all areas as well as the relevant Iraqi ministries and major companies in the Arabian Gulf interested in the establishment of Iraq and the decades brain Ssat reconstruction of Iraq in addition to the donor countries and officials from the ministries of trade of a number of participating countries and representatives of the Iraqi economy, such as Chambers e Trade and Industry Union.

    He commended the director general of the Iraqi opposition during the press conference held by the company raised the support of mobile communication, considering the proactive step for a large company on the path to building the civilization of Iraq and praised the efforts of its workers, which he described as a model player unprecedented forum for it provided jobs exceeded twelve ten thousand jobs directly and indirectly added to the hard work in contributing to the revitalization of the work of many of the economic and cultural institutions and sports and the Iraqi humanitarian and through the Iraqi cadre, which has become a model in the ambition and determination.

    Welcome to ALrafidayn: The Iraqi information service
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 08-03-2007 at 12:52 AM.

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  9. #389
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    Parliamentarians expect the success of the International Conference on Iraq

    Baghdad-3 - 7 : parliamentarians expected to achieve international conference to be held in Baghdad this month great successes, and believed that the mere held in Iraq is the official recognition of the legitimacy of the political process in the country, which had long questioned some of the neighboring countries.

    It is scheduled to be held in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad on the 10th of this month, the international conference called for by Iraq and which attended by representatives of Iraqi neighboring states and the five permanent members of the Security Council, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States.

    The conference aims at supporting the political process in Iraq.

    He said MP Alalosi example of a list of the Umma Party, "I think that this conference has succeeded from the moment of acceptance of the parties invited to the meeting Baghdad. "

    The deputy Alalosi in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent "This conference where key advantage is that the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the neighboring countries, four years ago questioned the legitimacy of the political process in Iraq, but that by accepting the presence of Congress has started to recognize the legitimacy of the political process in Iraq and timid correct positions. "

    He added, "and that everyone seemed aware of the gravity of terrorism, as we have said previously that terrorism will move to the neighboring countries of Iraq, and actually started up to Jordan, Iran, Bahrain, Turkey, Syria, therefore, the desire of these countries to attend the conference is to learn from the experience Iraq in dealing with terrorism, because Iraq has had the experience of not belonging to another country in dealing with the techniques of terrorism. "

    He stressed that "Iraq will not delay in help."

    He said, "Maitman and gives hope of a successful conference is the presence of major countries in the UN Security Council, this would mean that the differences the national with an international dimension. "

    For his part, the MP Sami military, the United Iraqi Alliance list that this conference is a good step, as it represents a participation States are outside the alliance, such as Russia and France.

    He added that "this conference is broader frameworks of previous conferences, and Iraq should benefit from it."

    He continued, "especially since the objective of the conference is to support the political process, national reconciliation, and support the reconstruction of Iraq. and this conference was an Iraqi initiative. "

    السياسية "The deputy said Abbas Bayati, a member of the United Iraqi Alliance, "I think that the international conference will get recommendations serve the political process"

    He continued Bayati "These recommendations deal with the reality on the basis of support for the Iraqi government as the most important factor for the stability of the political and security situation in the Iraq. "

    Welcome to ALrafidayn: The Iraqi information service

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