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  1. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by pparrott View Post
    Do the peace lovers have no influence? The peaceful seem weak and helpless. Why?

    They are expecting us to fight their battles instead of bravely stepping up and doing it themselves like they should have a long time ago.
    Last edited by danny51; 09-03-2007 at 07:02 AM.

  2. #492
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDevildog View Post
    This is what I had mentioned to you in the Truck on our way back from Star.
    Do you know?
    I didn’t know!
    How could we?

    Did you know that 47 countries’ have reestablished their embassies in Iraq?

    Did you know that the Iraqi government currently employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

    Did you know that 3100 schools have been renovated, 364 schools are under rehabilitation, 263 new schools are now under construction and 38 new schools have been completed in Iraq?

    Did you know that Iraq’s higher educational structure consists of 20 Universities, 46 Institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating?

    Did you know that 25 Iraq students departed for the United States in January 2005 for the re-established Fulbright program?

    Did you know that the Iraqi Navy is operational?
    They have 5 - 100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

    Did you know that Iraq’s Air Force consists of three operational squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

    Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?
    Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?
    Did you know that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

    Did you know there are more than 1100 building projects going on in Iraq?
    They include 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.
    Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?
    Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

    Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and phone use has gone up 158%?

    Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?
    Did you know that the Baghdad Stock Exchange opened in June of 2004?

    Did you know that 2 candidates in the Iraqi presidential election had a televised debate recently?




    Instead of reflecting our love for our country, we get photos of flag burning incidents at Abu Ghraib and people throwing snowballs at the presidential motorcades.
    Tragically, the lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes

    It is intended to undermine the world’s perception of the United States thus minimizing consequent support, and it is intended to discourage American citizens. ---- Above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web site.
    U.S. Department of Defense Official Website
    .......Pass it on! Give it wide dissemination!
    GREAT POST! Excellent. Now all we need to do is wait for it to RV.

  3. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by pparrott View Post
    Spiderman - In attempting to understand this issue, I assume that fear must captivate the millions of peace loving Muslims so that there is no majority voice of peace heard in these Muslim nations. It stands to reason that the peace loving folk have relatives that actively participate in sectarian violence. Do the peace lovers have no influence? The peaceful seem weak and helpless. Why?

    From what I understand, the "Muslim nation" has no real leader or head, just a bunch of imam sorts who probably range from truly good and spiritual to the vicious hatemongers that we hear about in the news. Whatever one might think about the Catholic church, they do have one main guy who sets the tone and tells them what to do. That leaves them in a state of self determination, which as we know as humans, can be a very good thing if you're strong and decent, or bad if one allows oneself to be led by fanatics.
    As reported in a very good hour report on NPR.

  4. #494
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Accord Front : must not be lifting the immunity of al-Janabi politically
    من هادي الهاديBy Hadi Hadi
    بغداد-( أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    قال المتحدث باسم جبهة التوافق العراقية سليم عبدالله اليوم الخميس إن الامر القضائي الصادر من مجلس القضاء الاعلى حول موضوع رفع الحصانة عن النائب عبد الناصر الجنابي لاينبغي ان يكون سياسيا.A spokesman for the Iraqi Accord Front Salim Abdullah today, Thursday, that the Order issued by the Supreme Council of the Judiciary, on the theme lifting the immunity of MP Nasser al-Janabi and must not be political.
    وأوضح عبد الله في تصريح لوكالة أنباء ( أصوات العراق) المستقلة أن توجيه تهم المشاركة لعضو البرلمان بدعم (الارهاب) والمساهمة في عمليات اختطاف لمواطنين مدنيين لا يوجد لها دليل اثبات."Abdullah explained in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) to bring charges against the independent participation of a member of Parliament support (terrorism) and the contribution the abductions of civilians has no evidence. "
    ووصف المتحدث باسم جبهة التوافق العراقية(45 مقعد)أمر مجلس القضاء الاعلى برفع الحصانة عن النائب عبد الناصر الجنابي بالامر الحكومي وليس القضائي...وقال ان الامر القضائي جاء بسبب " موقف الجنابي من رئاسة الوزراء اثناء انتقاده للحكومة."The spokesman described the Iraqi Accord Front (45 seat) is the Supreme Judiciary Council to lift the immunity of MP Nasser al-Janabi States government, and not judicial ... He said that the Order was due to "the position of prime minister Al-Janabi during criticism of the government."
    وأضاف أن رفع الحصانة عن النائب الجنابي قد يؤدي الى تاجيج ما تم احتوائه من ازمات طائفية ومذهبية، وتمنى ان لايكون للحكومة طرف في القضية وان الاشتباه حقيقي ولاعلاقة له بمساءلة النائب الجنابي لرئيس الوزراء وما دار من حوار واتهام بين النائب ورئيس الوزراء.He added that the lifting of the immunity of MP Al-Janabi may lead to what has been fueling contain the crises of sectarian and factional, and hoped that neither of the government party in the case and that the real suspect and bringing him relating to the Deputy Prime Minister al-Janabi and the House of dialogue, accusing - Deputy Prime Minister.
    واشار الى ان جبهته تنظر الى الموضوع من جانبه القضائي البحت- بعيدا عن التداخلات السياسية - وان كلمة الفصل فيه ستكون لمجلس النواب.He pointed out that his forehead consider the matter from a purely judicial part-away from political interference-and the word Chapter will the House of Representatives.
    وكان نائب رئيس مجلس النواب العراقي قال اليوم الخميس إن البرلمان تسلم طلبا من مجلس القضاء الاعلى يطالب فيه باسقاط الحصانة البرلمانية ضد النائب عبد الناصر الجنابي احد اعضاء جبهة التوافق السنية على خلفية اتهامات (بالارهاب) موجهة ضد النائب الجنابي.The vice president of the Iraqi parliament said today, Thursday, that the Parliament acknowledges a request from the Supreme Judiciary Council, urging drop parliamentary immunity against MP Nasser al-Janabi one of the members of the Sunni Accord Front against the backdrop of accusations (terrorism) is directed against the deputy al-Janabi.
    وأوضح خالد العطية في تصريحات نقلتها قنوات تلفزيونية ان البرلمان " تسلم طلبا من مجلس القضاء الاعلى يوم امس (الاربعاء) يطالب فيه برفع الحصانة عن النائب عبد الناصر الجنابي المرشح عن قائمة التوافق العراقية."Khalid al-Attiyah, said in statements reported on television channels said that the parliament "received a request from the Supreme Judiciary Council yesterday (Wednesday) calling for the lifting of the immunity of MP Nasser al-Janabi candidate on the list of the Iraqi Accord. "
    واضاف أن "رئاسة المجلس (البرلمان) ستجتمع الاسبوع المقبل من اجل ادراج هذا الموضوع ضمن جول اعمال مجلس النواب للجلسات القادمة."He added that "the presidency of the Council (parliament) will meet next week for the inclusion of this topic in the House of Jules for the forthcoming meetings."
    الجنابي هو مرشح قائمة التوافق العراقية السنية عن مجلس الحوار الوطني وعن محافظة الانبار.Al-Janabi is the candidate list of the Sunni Iraqi Accord on the National Dialogue Council and the Anbar province.
    ح نH n


  5. #495
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    Even Al Jazeera Sees Improvement in Baghdad Situation
    By Mark Finkelstein Correspondent
    March 07, 2007

    ( - Indications that the new U.S. military strategy in Iraq is starting to improve conditions in Baghdad came from an unlikely source Wednesday -- the Qatar-based al Jazeera television network.

    "I was just earlier this afternoon [Iraq time] with Al Jazeera English, talking to their reporter," Multi-National Force spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell told Cybercast News Service from Baghdad.

    "She gets downtown [Baghdad] a lot. She was the one who told me, 'You know, General, there's a real change in the city right now.' And I said, 'Well, I can't tell you I definitely know that.'

    "But she said, 'No, there is. I'm down there all the time, and there's a positive change in the city. The people are feeling like something is different - not able to articulate exactly what's different, but they're feeling that something is different.'"

    Caldwell, who made the comments during a conference phone call, was responding to a question about whether he has seen any change in media coverage of the situation in Iraq in recent days.

    He predicted that the improved conditions in the capital would "speak for themselves" and in time be reported by the U.S. media when reporters are embedded with military units in the days ahead.

    Caldwell told Cybercast News Service that reporters have begun to embed with the 2nd Brigade of the 82nd Airborne Division, operating in Sadr City, and he expected positive media reports soon.

    "Everybody had predicted that the Sadr City movement would be very challenging, but it's actually proving to be very much a cooperative effort between us, the Iraqi security forces and the citizens, the residents, of Sadr City.

    "It's very positive," he said. "Not a shot's been fired, and everything seems to be moving along in a positive vein."

    Caldwell cited the success of the "joint security stations" - combat outposts where U.S. troops are based within Baghdad neighborhoods alongside Iraqi policemen and soldiers. There are currently 23 such stations in operation, with another scheduled to be set up in the next two days.

    The initial plan was to establish 35-40 such stations, but Caldwell said, "given the interaction with the people, the successes we're starting to have in terms of receiving more information, tips, and the level of violence going down where these things exist, we're now looking at [creating] about 70 of them" in the capital.

    Al-Jazeera is often accused of having an anti-American slant and has been criticized for its frequent dissemination of threatening messages from top al-Qaeda terrorists and of video clips depicting hostages held by terrorists in Iraq.

    The Arabic-language network launched its English-language version last November.
    Even Al Jazeera Sees Improvement in Baghdad Situation -- 03/07/2007

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    On the eve of the Baghdad : Shiite coalition attacks <enter>

    (Voice of Iraq) - 09-03-2007
    This issue was sent to a friend

    On the eve of the Baghdad : Shiite coalition attacks <enter> Musa in the Iraqi issue.

    The meeting will continue tomorrow and the day examines mechanisms to activate the security agreements to contain the violence

    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    Denounced the United Iraqi Alliance (Shiite), ruling yesterday statements made by the Secretary-General of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, in recent times about the Iraq saying it is <a blatant interference in Iraqi internal affairs> two days before the convening of the international conference on Iraq in Baghdad tomorrow.

    A statement issued by the coalition by Khalid al-Attiyah said in a press conference in Baghdad that coalition <met with great regret that the floor he delivered the Secretary-General of the Arab League Amr Moussa at the opening meeting of the 127 Arab foreign ministers> considered <blatant interference in Iraqi internal affairs>, according to the Reuters. Moussa had been called on Sunday at the outset of the meeting of Arab foreign ministers to set a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign forces from the Iraq, disbanding the militias, and the preservation of all of Iraq one country is not divided under any guise, and the inclusion of such bases, all in the decision binding of the Security Council must all Iraqi actors and others in a current role in Iraq be respected and followed.

    So, she said Mariam Al-Rayes, adviser of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said that tomorrow's conference will be of regional and neighboring countries, in addition to the participation of both Egypt and Bahrain. She told <Middle East> : <there will be delegations of the Arab League and representatives of the United Nations as well as representatives of the five permanent members (the United States, and Britain, France, China and Russia)>. And on the representation of these countries said the president <representation will be ambassadors or foreign agents, and represent the Arab League Assistant Secretary-General Ahmed Bin Hali, in addition to the possibility of the presence of the Deputy Foreign Minister, and Ambassador and representatives from China and the Turkish ambassador in charge of the Iraqi file in the Turkish Foreign Ministry, the Ambassador of Kuwait and foreign agents for each of Iran, Syria and Jordan>. Regarding the duration of the conference, attendees said the Iraqi <conference will be for one day only, and the Prime Minister will attend the conference to deliver his speech, as well the presence of Iraqi Foreign Minister>. The main axes, which will be at the conference said the president <part of the conference will support Iraq in the area of security and output defining the mechanisms and the formation of a working group to implement the resolutions of this conference, in addition to a number of security agreements between these countries and discuss mechanisms in order to put these agreements>. For his part, Mahmoud Othman, a member of the Kurdistan Alliance, told <Middle East> to help the Iraqi people <be the focus of the conferences get out of the crisis and involve differences and problems of these countries within the Conference>, adding <when the Iraqis were able to agree on speech one political agenda and one with the assistance of other States, there will be a solution to the problem of Iraq>. And the most important problems facing the conference, he said <Iraq has a certain policy, the United States has a certain policy, there are inconsistencies and errors committed, Iraq paid a heavy price, especially the Organization of sectarian violence that has reigned in the country, and therefore, Iraq is in need of assistance from others the entry of these states and hidden inside Iraq struggling against>. The Salim Abdullah, spokesman of the Accord Front, told <Middle East> that <Iraqi arena is becoming a settling of accounts, including the the conference is taking place in Baghdad anyway to discuss the situation in Iraq and that there would be no settling of accounts in other countries has nothing to do with Iraq their problems>. He added <look with optimism and hope that the conference would lead to its international obligations find practical>.
    Middle East

  7. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    The Republic of Iraq
    مجلسلاميةMedia Relations
    بيان صحفي / Press ReleaseA press statement / Press Release
    الخميس 8-3-2007Thursday, 3 - 8-2007

    Ministry of Labor invites retirees to receive their salaries and set on the 12th of March, the date of this

    .The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the date pay retired workers for the months of January and February two years.

    وقال2007 .An official source in the Department of Labor and Social Security, the Chamber identified on the 12th of March, the date of exchange the salaries of retired workers for the months of January and February of this year, 2007.

    كما .The Chamber also stressed the need to attend to the inherent retired postal centers for receipt of their salaries instead of their agents, as the presence of retired inherent need for a certificate of life.

    اما .As for the retirees living outside the country, they send life certificate certified by the official quarters and hand them over to the Department of Labor and Social Security through their agen
    Translated version of
    pickin up the salaries at the post offices.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #498
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    القضاياThe Iraqi Foreign Ministry : Conference Baghdad to discuss all issues The Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lubaid Abbawi, announced that the Baghdad was "a preparatory meeting for an international conference and scale." وقال.He said that the conference will support Iraq's neighboring countries in the aspect of security, political, economic and reconstruction and the issue of debt reduction and the conditions of refugees Iraqis residing abroad and the Baghdad security plan and support the draft national reconciliation. أزمته”.The Iraqi official expressed the hope that "creates the Baghdad positive atmosphere for bringing views on the Iraqi issue and agreed to a mechanism to help them overcome the crisis. "
    .The Iraqi newspaper yesterday that the conference would be an indication of the Baghdad government that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki or failure in Iraq's leadership. ”.The "new evidence" that "the regional countries bordering sponsored by the United Nations and representatives of the five permanent members of the Security Council The Arab League, Syria, Iran, Egypt and the neighboring countries, regional, which will be held next Saturday in addition to a plan to impose law were in Baghdad an indication of the continuing government-Maliki or failure in the leadership of the country. " وقالت .She said that the failure of the conference and the security plan was "to pave the way for an emergency government failure Maliki government, and pointed to Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Iraqi Vice President the most prominent candidates, or may succeed former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to rally the support of Parliament for the prime minister. (د.ب.أ)(D. B. A)
    Translated version of

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    Default Sincere Thanks

    Boy do I appreciate everyone's posts. Thanks.


  10. #500
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    Default Main Players in Iraq Regional Conference

    I can't wait to hear what comes out of this conference.

    Main Players in Iraq Regional Conference

    Friday March 9, 2007 1:16 AM

    By The Associated Press

    A regional conference in Baghdad on Saturday aims to rally support behind the Iraqi government and map out ways to cooperate in easing the country's bloody conflict. But the participants are coming in with starkly different agendas. The session gathers diplomats from Iraq's Arab neighbors as well as Iran, Turkey, the United States and the four other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council.

    What the main players are looking for:

    - THE IRAQI GOVERNMENT: Dominated by Shiites and Kurds, the government wants greater support from Sunni-led Arab nations. It considers those nations biased in favor of the Sunni minority. The government has long been pressing for greater Arab action to stop support for Sunni insurgents.

    - THE UNITED STATES: The U.S. will likely press Iran on accusations that Tehran is backing Shiite militias blamed for fueling the violence in Iraq. Washington also hopes for greater Arab support for the Iraqi government.

    - IRAN: Tehran is seeking recognition of its interests in Iraq, where many in the Shiite leadership are its allies. But it will have to fend off U.S. accusations and Arab pressure on the Shiites. Looking down the road, Iran may hope the talks lead to dialogue with its rival, the United States, on a host of disputes, including over its nuclear program.

    - ARAB NATIONS: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and the Arab League are pressing Iraq's Shiite leaders to give the Sunni minority a greater political role in order to end the violence. The Sunni-majority countries are looking to stem the Iraqi Shiites' power, which they believe is an extension of Iran's influence.

    - SYRIA: Iran's ally, Syria has also faced American accusations that it is fueling violence in Iraq by failing to halt insurgents using its territory. It is looking to reduce U.S. pressure against it and is working to improve ties with the Baghdad government.

    Main Players in Iraq Regional Conference | World Latest | Guardian Unlimited

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