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  1. #531
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    Ya gotta love Candy....Big conference tomorrow, Candy calls the, cooking...

    President of the Republic to receive a telephone call from the American Secretary of State, the American ambassador to Iraq

    March 8, 2007March 8, 2007

    تلقى رئيس الجمهورية جلال طالباني، مساء الخميس 8-3-2007، اتصالا هاتفيا من وزيرة الخارجية الأميركية كونداليزا رايس، للاستفسار عن صحة فخامته متمنية الشفاء العاجل و العودة السريعة للرئيس طالباني إلى البلاد.Received by President Jalal Talabani, on Thursday evening 3 - 8-2007, a telephone call from the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to inquire about the health of His Excellency We wish a speedy recovery and a speedy return of President Talabani to the country.
    و قالت رايس في سياق حديثها مع رئيس الجمهورية، "لقد سمعت أن صحتكم قد تحسنت و هذا مدعاة للسرور".And Rice said in the context of speaking with the President of the Republic, "I have heard that silence has improved and this is cause for rejoicing." و أشادت الوزيرة الأميركية بدور رئيس الجمهورية في تعزيز الوحدة الوطنية في العراق، قائلة "إنكم تلعبون دورا متميزا في العراق، و إن البلاد بحاجة ماسة إليكم لأنكم تخدمون العراق و جميع العراقيين، كما أنكم تلعبون دورا جوهريا في تعزيز الوحدة الوطنية في البلاد"., The minister praised the role of the American president in the promotion of national unity in Iraq, saying "you are you a distinct role in Iraq. and that the country desperately needs you because you are serving the Iraq and all Iraqis, as you are you an essential role in promoting unity national in the country. "
    في المقابل، أعرب رئيس الجمهورية عن امتنانه لموقف الوزيرة رايس الداعم للعراقيين، مؤكدا على ضرورة تعزيز العلاقات مع الولايات المتحدة خدمة لمصالح الشعب العراقي المتمثلة في مكافحة الإرهاب في البلاد و دعم حكومة الوحدة الوطنية العراقية في مساعيها لإرساء الأمن و الاستقرار في العراق.In contrast, The President of the Republic expressed his gratitude for the position of Secretary Rice in support of the Iraqis, stressing the need to strengthen relations with the United States in the interests of the Iraqi people in the fight against terrorism in the country and to support the Iraqi national unity government in its efforts to establish security and stability in Iraq.
    كما تلقى رئيس الجمهورية اتصالا هاتفيا من السفير الأميركي لدى العراق زلماي خليلزاد الذي أعرب عن رغبته في التوجه إلى عمان للاطمئنان على صحة الرئيس طالباني، إلا أن تحسن صحة رئيس الجمهورية حالت دون ذلك و قال خليلزاد في هذا السياق "لقد كان في نيتي أن أزوركم في عمان و لكنني سمعت أنكم ستخرجون من المستشفى قريبا، سأراكم عندما تعودون إلى البلاد".The President also received a telephone call from the American ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who expressed his desire to go to Amman to check on the health of President Talabani, the improved health of the President of the Republic have prevented this, said Khalilzad in this context, "It would have been my intention to Azorkm in Amman, but I heard you ms from the hospital soon, when you return Sarakm to the country. " و تمنى السفير الأميركي، للرئيس طالباني دوام الصحة و العودة السريعة للعراق.He and the American Ambassador, President Talabani, good health and a speedy return to Iraq.
    بدوره، عبر رئيس الجمهورية عن خالص شكره و امتنانه للسفير خليلزاد لسؤاله عن صحته.In turn, President of the Republic expressed sincere thanks and gratitude to Ambassador Khalilzad to ask him about his health.

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  2. #532
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdn Scrooge View Post

    Parliament supposed to re-convene on the 12th or 13th. Will need about 5 days (max) to pass the HCL.

    Big meeting this weekend on the 10th.

    ICI to be signed on the 16th.

    Looks like this could be a VERY BIG WEEK.
    Do we not also have the SBA from the IMF on the 22nd? And

    Iraq has met all requiremnts for membership in the WTO?


  3. #533
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    Turkey: Foreign firms want into Iraq oil | Iraq Updates

    Turkey: Foreign firms want into Iraq oil

    ANKARA, Turkey, 09 March 2007 (UPI)

    The Turkish energy minister says foreign companies are contacting its state oil company about ventures for oil in Iraq.Hilmi Guler said companies have contacted the Turkish Petroleum Corp. about exploration in northern Iraq, Iraq Directory reports.

    He said the state-owned company will soon evaluate the proposals.
    But what stands in the way of development is a tense relationship with Iraq, especially the Kurdistan region in the north. Ankara has warned possibly military action if the Kurds declare independence from Iraq and the two sides have disputed over oil products shipments.

    Iraq has 115 billion barrels of proven reserves but development of its oil sector has been slowed by violence, U.N. sanctions and years of misuse under Saddam Hussein. A law governing the operations of the oil sector has also not been finalized, though the Iraqi cabinet has approved it.

    This month Iraqi, U.S. and Turkish representatives are to meet about exploration in Iraq's north.

    Guler told the Turkish Daily News Kurdish leaders will not be at the meeting. He said Iraqi officials instigated the meeting.

  4. #534
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    Default Iraqi MPs optimistic about Baghdad''s upcoming regional forum

    BAGHDAD, March 9 (KUNA) -- Iraqi MPs expressed optimism about Baghdad's regional conference that will kick off tomorrow with the aim of supporting Iraq militarily, economically and politically, in addition to recognizing its sovereignty.

    MP Ayad Al-Samarrae, from the Iraqi Accord Front (IAF), said nations interfering in Iraq's internal affairs had to realize that a negative global aftermath would result from Iraq's failure.

    He said his nation's problems could only be solved through transparent dialogue between Iraq's neighbors to understand the extent of foreign interference.

    On her part, MP Safiyah Al-Suhail, from the Iraqi List, termed the forum as an important event for the launch of Iraqi diplomacy, hoping the Arab, regional and international views would include comprehensive programs and strategies to support Iraq through all possible means.

    United Iraqi Alliance's MP Sami Al-Askari said the forum was a leap for Iraqi diplomacy, noting that attending this forum signified regional and international recognition for Iraq's efforts and government.

    Other MPs considered holding the forum a sign of triumph after four years since the former regime's fall, noting that the forum was a success since participating nations accepted the invitation.

    The forum is a positive step to end the unrest and the conference's recommendations and commitments should be binding to all participants, they noted.

    Iran, Syria, the US, UK, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will be attending the forum.(end) mhg.
    Kuna site|Story page|Iraqi MPs optimistic about Baghdad''s upcoming reg...3/9/2007

  5. #535
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    Default Baghdad int''l conf. to discuss Saturday support for Iraq security, economy

    Analysis by Mohammad Al-Ghazzi BAGHDAD, March 9 (KUNA) -- The Baghdad International Conference, slated for Saturday, will discuss the security, political, and economic support provided by Iraq's neighbors, as well as reducing debts and national conciliations.
    The conference will allow for the first time for representatives of the US and Iran to sit together on one table, which could lead to bilateral dialogue that would reduce the gap that separated them, at least with regard to Iraq.

    The conference draws importance from the current Iraq national conciliation project and the Baghdad security "law enforcement" plan.

    Moreover, the participation of the US, Iran, and Syria in the meetings is in itself an important step for Iraq's stability.

    Syrian Foreign Minister Waleed Al-Mualem had said in a statement that deliberating with the US over Iraq was "a step in the right direction" as regional issues were linked.

    For its part, US Department of State said its Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad was ready to sit down with Iranian representatives during the meeting to discuss Iraq security.

    Meanwhile, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow reiterated the need for Iran to take positive steps toward instilling stability in Iraq through preventing the infiltration of terrorists into the country and the smuggling of weapons used to attack and kill Iraqis and coalition forces.

    Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mohammad Ali Hossaini said, however, his country "will not hold bilateral meetings with the US on the sidelines of the Baghdad conference" but hinted that Tehran was looking into this issue as it supported all efforts toward Iraq security.

    The Iraqi government hopes the conference would be the beginning of greater international interest in Iraq's security, as Iraq's Foreign Undersecretary for Political Planning Affairs Lubaid Abbawi said this meeting was "to prepare for an expanded international conference" that would be held in April.

    Abbawi hoped tomorrow's meeting would create a positive atmosphere and bring views closer together over Iraq, thus arriving at a mechanism that would effectively help the country overcome its current crisis.

    Moreover, the conference may create greater credibility for Iraqi authorities, while politicians feared such a gathering would encourage interference in Iraq's internal affairs.

    Here, the question is raised on whether or not the conference would service to curb such foreign interference, and this would depend to a large extent on the performance of the Iraqi government itself. (end) mhg.
    Kuna site|Story page|Baghdad int''l conf. to discuss Saturday support f...3/9/2007

  6. #536
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    Default Baghdad conf. a significant step in resolving Iraq''s problems -- Satterfield

    (Curtain-raiser for Baghdad conference) WASHINGTON, March 9 (KUNA) -- For Iraq to succeed on all four key tracks -- security, political, economic and diplomatic -- it needs broader support from its neighbors, the region and the international community, said US Coordinator for Iraq David Satterfield late Thursday during a State Department briefing to preview the weekend Baghdad neighbors conference, which Satterfield will attend.

    "We see the neighbors conference - the conference in support of Iraq that will be launched with an ambassadors and envoys level meeting on Saturday in Baghdad - as a significant step in that process, as complementary to the other efforts under way," Satterfield said.

    He said it included "the engagement by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with the Gulf Cooperation Council plus two (Egypt and Jordan) that had been ongoing since last fall, with our support for Iraq and the international community's engagement in the Iraq Compact process which also launched last fall." The Baghdad conference on Saturday "is another piece of a broad process of diplomatic engagement," Satterfield said.

    Iraqis see the conference as a process which allows them to articulate directly to all their neighbors, including Syria and Iran, what Iraqis are doing and what they have pledged to do in the future on security, political progress and economics, he said.

    "It is a way for Iraq to brief in detail to the neighbors not just its rhetorical commitment to a national agenda translated into security efforts, political reconciliation, economic outreach, but also a means of articulating in conjunction with what it is doing on those fronts what it needs from the neighbors, what it needs from the international community," Satterfield said. "Because this is a two-way exchange. We think this is a very important step." Iraq needs more on security, particularly with respect to borders; on the political process with respect to a clear legitimization, validation and support for the concept of a new national Iraq from its neighbors in the region; and on the economic side it needs support from private and public sectors, "from the debt holders in the Gulf as well as from private investment sources in the region and in the broader international community," he said.

    Satterfield said he expected further details during or shortly after the conference on next steps to elevate the process to a ministerial level "with, we would hope, greater inclusion of at least the G-8 countries" at a venue and date to be determined.

    The goal is to provide "a means of addressing in a progressive fashion Iraq's needs, Iraq's undertakings, how best the international community, the neighbors, the region can support Iraq as it moves forward," he added.

    Asked what role Iran and Syria should play in terms of helping Iraq, Satterfield said, " ... no arms crossing its borders; no contributions to violence, whether that violence is directed against coalition forces or innocent Iraqis; a halt to the provision of training for elements in Iraq who are engaged in fomenting or conducting acts of violence; meaningful efforts from the government of Syria with respect to two significant challenges to security and stability in Iraq, first the continued crossing of the Syrian border of 'jihadist' elements who are largely responsible, overwhelmingly responsible, for the bombings taking place in that country." As has been the case for some years, the vast majority of all bombings taking place in Iraq "are the responsibility of foreigners," he said. "The vast majority of those foreigners continue to come across the Syrian border. Action needs to be taken there." Syria also needs to act "with respect to the presence in their country of Baathist elements who have a significant role in financing direction of the insurgency (in Iraq)," he added.

    There are real concerns about behaviors by Syria and Iran which contribute to violence and terror within Iraq and are "destructive of the goals ostensibly espoused by both governments, Syrian and Iranian, of a stable, secure and peaceful Iraq," Satterfield said. "There is no secret that we feel strongly about this, the Iraqi government feels strongly about this, and if the opportunity arises we will make those views clear."
    Kuna site|Story page|Baghdad conf. a significant step in resolving Iraq...3/9/2007

  7. #537
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    Some timetable for the HCL - a long article - got only the end:



    The letter of the Council of Ministers addressed to the House of Representatives sets a timetable for the finalization of the Law and accompanying laws.

    It states that the Law, the four annexes and the principal basis for contracts criteria and models, should be presented to parliament simultaneously and as one package along with the "management of financial resources law," which determines the process and allocations of oil revenue distribution among the regions and the provinces. It states that all this should be done before March 15.

    The letter also orders the freezing of all licensing and development contracting in the "disputed territories" , that the Kurds claim as part of Iraqi Kurdistan , apart from the areas allocated to INOC . It also dictates that no new contracts and licensing be concluded by any Iraqi entity before the Law is enacted.

    The letter also dictates that the INOC law, the ministry of oil restructuring law and the modification of the Kurdistan law , to be compatible with the law , be concluded before the end of May 2007. Otherwise the prime minister and the president of Kurdistan would meet to find a solution.
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  8. #538
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    Do you hear a Cha Ching? Absolutely you do! This is outstanding news! Facts are better than rumors any day and next week looks to be a week to remember. Thanks Adster!
    Absolutely, though I like a good rumor always hoping I guess, however this is very good news. Based on the recent news i have to conclude our time now, meaning over the next thirty days or so. [only my second dancing bananna} since arriving.
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  9. #539
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    [QUOTE=Wm.Knowles;174244]Do we not also have the SBA from the IMF on the 22nd? And

    Iraq has met all requiremnts for membership in the WTO?


    Yes sir! Now there's the coining of a phrase
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  10. #540
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    Originally Posted by DinarDevildog
    This is what I had mentioned to you in the Truck on our way back from Star.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpongeDinars View Post
    GREAT POST! Excellent. Now all we need to do is wait for it to RV.
    What he Said!
    Just want to CASH in at $1.50 or higher
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