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  1. #641
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    President of the Republic to receive a telephone call from the American Secretary of State, the American ambassador to Iraq

    March 8, 2007March 8, 2007

    .Received by President Jalal Talabani, on Thursday evening 3 - 8-2007, a telephone call from the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to inquire about the health of His Excellency We wish a speedy recovery and a speedy return of President Talabani to the country.
    And Rice said in the context of speaking with the President of the Republic, "I have heard that silence has improved and this is cause for rejoicing."

    The minister praised the role of the American president in the promotion of national unity in Iraq, saying "you are you a distinct role in Iraq. and that the country desperately needs you because you are serving the Iraq and all Iraqis, as you are you an essential role in promoting unity national in the country. "

    In contrast, The President of the Republic expressed his gratitude for the position of Secretary Rice in support of the Iraqis, stressing the need to strengthen relations with the United States in the interests of the Iraqi people in the fight against terrorism in the country and to support the Iraqi national unity government in its efforts to establish security and stability in Iraq.

    The President also received a telephone call from the American ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, who expressed his desire to go to Amman to check on the health of President Talabani, the improved health of the President of the Republic have prevented this, said Khalilzad in this context, "It would have been my intention to Azorkm in Amman, but I heard you ms from the hospital soon, when you return Sarakm to the country. " He and the American Ambassador, President Talabani, good health and a speedy return to Iraq.

    In turn, President of the Republic expressed sincere thanks and gratitude to Ambassador Khalilzad to ask him about his health
    Translated version of

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #642
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    Credit Bank's Director General called all the brokers and Employees together and told them Foreign Investment in the ISX is starting very soon, ISX's Dir General confirmed as well. ISX Server is being installed in the Green Zone for protection even though ISX will remain at its current location. 1 Jun still target for e-trading, apparently they are shooting for FI before e-trade, I don't know how logistically that is possible but thats what they said. IBM Amman is installing the systems. Lady in charge of the computer systems at the ISX said she thought E-trade and FI would be at the same time. They will start testing the system very shortly for about a month. Mr. Tabatabaie has a meeting with the Prime Minister this Sunday to discuss how Foreign Investment is going to be implemented (that's this Sunday the 11th)

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #643
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    17 delegations regionally and internationally starting conference is unprecedented in the

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-03-2007
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    17 delegations regionally and internationally begin an unprecedented conference in Baghdad

    From the hushed Abdulamir Santa Mikhail Hadi Hadi
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Delegates began 17 regional and international unprecedented conference today, Saturday, at the headquarters of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry in Baghdad to discuss the Iraqi situation current.

    This is the Bahrain delegation headed Mandil Zuhair, headed by Ambassador Hani Khalaf, headed by Abbas, Iran Arakji, The Kingdom of Jordan headed Khaldoun Talhouni, headed by Mansour Al-Awadi, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, headed by Turkish larger, headed by Ahmed Arnus Syria, and Turkey, under the chairmanship of Ahmed Gelkosen, and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, headed Mahdi Fathalla, Ahmed Ben Hali, the League of Arab States.

    This would represent the United Nations, Ambassador Ashraf Qazi, China Dong Ciao, France ambassador in Baghdad Gelert certified, and Russia, Vladimir Jammu , and British Ambassador Dominique Ascoith, while the American delegation headed by its ambassador in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad, headed by Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari Iraqi delegation participating.
    A well-informed source said that the presence of diplomatic delegations is the participation of agents and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and high-ranking officials, They are entitled to their countries of the signing of the decisions taken by the Conference.

    The agenda of the conference opening speech by the Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki, then interventions participating delegations.

    After intermission was assembled to discuss and approve the meeting document and the agreement on the date and venue of the next ministerial meeting.

    After another break and then concludes with the conference are open to interviews, according to a statement by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, issued today.
    H M

  4. #644
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    The text of a speech by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, which

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-03-2007
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    The text of a speech by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, which he delivered at the international conference in support of Iraq

    The name of God the Merciful

    Your Excellencies, you beg

    Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

    Welcome to your, which convenes in Baghdad, back to Baghdad again embrace our brothers and friends, and looks forward to the restoration of the leading role of civilization the capital of culture, government and heritage for hundreds of years. Mustansereya Baghdad, and Baghdad translated heritage of the whole world for more than a thousand years. Baghdad imams and Islamic jurisprudence, not surprisingly is the capital of Iraq with all its might historic and heritage that extends for thousands of years. Iraq was always the lead, it was mental schools in Islam, and neither, as in Kufa and Basra, and poetry did not find home Iraq using pre from the al-Jawaheri, and modern poetry of experience to Nazik Angels.

    Iraq is weighing historical and converged Division, and the tremendous resources, and its strategic refuses to be anything other than a leader, and regional actor, and the players on the level the tender, and the positive interaction with the neighboring countries and the world after the fold the pages of dictatorship, which provided Iraq and the region into a series of wars The disaster.

    Oh dear conferees

    The construction method of the Iraqi people through its adoption of the permanent constitution of Iraq has not known for more than half a century, the first constitution Iraqis voted by more than ten million Iraqi However, we eventually. We have decided to reconsider it in accordance with the established constitutional mechanisms. And on the basis of this Constitution, the Iraqi people elected their representatives in the House of Representatives, emerged on the basis of the government of National Unity, which represents all the Iraqi people.

    On the first day of the government's confidence in the House of Representatives announced its containing the draft national reconciliation which we from the very first day option strategically to broaden the base of representation and still continue in the program of reconciliation, which we have declared, and the steps other undeclared, and was declared conferences of the clans, and other political forces, and civil society organizations, and officers of the Iraqi army. And we have formed a supreme committee for reconciliation following the conference outcomes and results from the recommendations. It also emerged over the initiative to bring about reconciliation, mechanisms of action, and government programs, and bills. The Iraqi government launched a campaign worthy of a comprehensive reconstruction of Iraq and Iraqis, and has made this year's biggest annual budget in the history of Iraq, services will be directed to reconstruction and investment, and had obtained the approval of the Chamber of Deputies to the investment law which provides a sound legal framework for investment national and foreign, including does provide enormous opportunities in the areas of investment, industrial and agricultural, construction, and opening the Iraqi market before the big investors. The government submitted to the parliament a draft law oil, which is considered a national heavily on the political and economic levels and guarantee for the unity of Iraq. where is this wealth belong to all the Iraqi people, and all the resources back to the central treasury to be distributed equitably to all citizens. This law will contribute to the creation of a more coherent convergence between the spectrum of Iraqi society, and would give impetus to the political process, which starts in front of, as well as the economic impact and huge investments.
    Ladies, gentlemen

    That march, which hampered the political and economic reconstruction in Iraq, and threatened civil peace is terrorism, which tried to sow communal discord between the the sons of the Iraqi people and claimed the lives of thousands of them across the booby-trapped cars, suicide bombers and murderers who target everyone, they kill children in Anbar also in Baghdad, new, and they blow up mosques in Ramadi as blowing up the visitors of Imam Hussein in peace on their way to Karbala. In attempts to terrorists to spread darkness deems targeting universities and scientists were large share of Mustansiriyah University of martyrs commensurate with the historic Gaha, and Mutannabi Street, Street books, culture and poetry since the Abbasid target for those Oppressive.

    The Baghdad security plan, which we have dubbed the plan to impose law started from our awareness of the importance of security and the protection of the sons of the capital all terrorists and outlaws and various militias, and we continue to assert that this plan will not distinguish between the outside law and another, or between the regions of Baghdad and the other, and between the armed group and the other, have no place in any outside Baghdad the law, in force only by the security forces.

    While the plan to impose the law is still in its early stages, it has achieved positive results on the level of activity to return to the markets, and the opening of hospitals, and low levels of sectarian violence, and the return of more than two thousand families of the displaced people to their homes, have found the interactive popular big in various areas of Baghdad and its suburbs. That plan to impose law in Baghdad is not the end of the day, but the spirit that we will continue to prosecute after all killers and terrorists in the every inch of the land of Iraq good. The plan coincided with the formation of committees supporting headed by senior state officials for the provision of services and economic support and the crowd and political support.

    Ladies, gentlemen

    Terrorism, which kills Iraqi citizens in Baghdad, Hilla, Mosul and Anbar is the same terrorism that intimidates the citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, It is aimed at the people of Egypt, which exploded hotels in Jordan, which exploded Trade Center in New York 11 September also targeted subways in Madrid and London. This global epidemic, which is now the price of the Iraqi people, and that Iraq is the first arena of confrontation, needs support international in general, and stop by the brothers and neighbors, in particular for its support in this battle that danger is not limited to Iraq, , but will extend to all the countries of the region. Hence the importance of activating the decisions of the conferences of Iraq's neighboring countries on terrorism, and the Security Council resolution No. 1618 of utmost priority. The face of terrorism requires Dear brothers to stop any form of financial support, and media cover religious as well as a logistical support and providing arms and men who turn into Mfajkhat kill our children and our women and our elders, and the explosion of mosques and churches. Accordingly, we look forward to your This would be a great turning point in the stand with the government of national unity in the face of this danger.

    Ladies, gentlemen

    The strength of Iraq stems from its diversity, diversity of sectarian, religious, national and cultural. Iraq can not be an Iraq without those components, which gives it privacy and his distinguished. The site and the wealth of Iraq represents a distinctive additional his less in the world. Iraq is passing through a phase of transition from totalitarian rule to the individual democratic, pluralistic and federal government does not accept that turns its territory, towns and streets to the arena for settling regional conflicts-regional, regional-international. Iraq also does not allow any form of the plaza to the influence of any State, or to be a platform for sharing power a regional or international. We have assembled gentlemen, and finally the international community to realize that the specificity of Iraq's historical, social, and can only move some of the States or regional and international parties that have quota, or the impact on the Iraqi reality through the move to a , national or party. To understand that Iraq is a country unified Bmzahbh and religions and ethnicities and regions. And so we ask our brothers and friends unified position from all the Iraqi people without any fragmentation or discrimination on the basis of sectarian, , or national or region. Iraq does not accept that interfere in the affairs of others, or that their land base to launch an attack against anyone, and we at the same time we expect others to the same position.

    We call for giving priority to the language of dialogue in resolving differences peacefully, including the international differences - regional, and international disputes-international and regional differences - regional. Iraq firmly rejected by the arena for settling such differences he declares his willingness to play a positive role in the settlement of this the differences and find peaceful solutions to them.

    Ladies, gentlemen

    The Arab and Islamic identity of Iraq, unity is to pull together all Iraqis. No Iraqi believes Baraghith accept alienating love the soil and one of Iraq's territory. The unity of Iraqi soil is not accepted bargaining by the government of national unity, not by the entire Iraqi people.

    Dear Attendance Karim

    Our meeting today with you, and your meeting with some of you in Baghdad is in support of Iraq, but the government of national unity in its efforts to face the challenges facing Iraq on the levels of the fight against terrorism, and levels of development and reconstruction plans, and areas push the political process forward. Iraq looks forward to the support of its neighbors in order to create a solid and stable relations based on cooperation and joint interests and mutual all fields. We also look forward to the support of our neighbors to stop trigger feed the harbingers of all ill fortune, death and destruction. Iraq also looked forward to more effective international participation in reconstruction and development efforts, and support for the project of an international conference (International Covenant with Iraq). The support of the political process in Iraq. The support of gratitude, gentlemen essential to the strengthening of democracy and stability in Iraq. We put everyone in front of their moral take a clear position against terrorism and the forces in Iraq, and we expect cooperation in the field of drying the sources of terrorism and its assets.

    Oh dear conferees

    The constitutional situation in Iraq, including three from the authorities and institutions, based on the popular legitimacy of the elections and recognized by the United Nations fairness, still, millions have achieved this achievement present to defend him, and not ready to concede him, and to return to the era of elimination and dictatorship.

    No one can be waived under any pretext, or satisfy any party. The international community demands the protection of this democratic achievement, and support various forms of support and protection and support.

    Finally, we wish you a pleasant stay in the country between Iraq and the people who know Bakramh of guest and you are capable of honor.
    Peace be with you.

    . ÑÆíÓ ÇáæÒÑÇÁ ÇáÚÑÇÞí äæÑí ÇáãÇáßí

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    Although none of us know for sure when an RV will happen...I think these three are closer to being completed then we think.

    Rice Remarks To Senate Appropriations Committee
    We are also continuing to rally international support for Iraq's political and economic success in the form of the International Compact for Iraq. In March, dozens of countries will gather at the United Nations to finalize agreements on the compact. This compact outlines international responsibilities to Iraq as Iraq meets its responsibilities to its own people.
    Scoop: Rice Remarks To Senate Appropriations Committee

    Iraq poised to end drought for thirsting oil giants
    Iraqi government sources say the hope is to have the law on the books by March.
    Independent Online Edition > Business News

    Iraq to join WTO, says U.S. source
    "The Iraqi government is now getting ready to have its first dialogue with WTO in April 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland," Greg Howell, Director of Private Sector Development at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), said in a press conference.
    Iraq to join WTO, says U.S. source | Iraq Updates

    Unless something terrible happens, i don't think RV will be dragged to September. To be a member of WTO , a country does NOT need a revalued currency nor it needs to revalue after becoming a member. Obviously, being a WTO member will help, but I don't see it as a condition for an RV.

    " This compact outlines international responsibilities to Iraq as Iraq meets its responsibilities to its own people." - give them money & jobs

    " Iraqi government sources say the hope is to have the law ( HCL) on the books by March" - share the oil

    I am pretty sure - at that point - they will have to RV. And I don't see it happening AT THE HCL&FIL implementation; it would have to be a little before that - so the market adjusts prices and get the books in order at the new value ( a week, two weeks before ). THEN the contracts would start being signed.

    You see what I am saying? Is it wrong?
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  6. #646
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    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the Regional Conference

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-03-2007
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    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the regional conference in Iraq

    Security / Iraq / conference / mm
    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the regional conference in Iraq

    Baghdad-3-10 (KUNA) -- mortar shells fired earlier near the Diplomatic Training Institute, near the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, where Regional Conference of Baghdad.

    The correspondent noted the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) proliferation protection teams accompanying the delegates on the site of the conference, which was attended by the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the Security Council in addition to officials from Iraq's neighboring countries.

    The number of victims was not clear yet.

    The Iraqi government had decided to hold the conference outside the Green Zone severe immunization and specifically in the building of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in reference the improvement in the security situation in Baghdad, where he walked in the streets yesterday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki.

  7. #647
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the Regional Conference

    (Voice of Iraq) - 10-03-2007
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    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the regional conference in Iraq

    Security / Iraq / conference / mm
    Mortar shells fall near the venue of the regional conference in Iraq

    Baghdad-3-10 (KUNA) -- mortar shells fired earlier near the Diplomatic Training Institute, near the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, where Regional Conference of Baghdad.

    The correspondent noted the Kuwaiti News Agency (KUNA) proliferation protection teams accompanying the delegates on the site of the conference, which was attended by the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the Security Council in addition to officials from Iraq's neighboring countries.

    The number of victims was not clear yet.

    The Iraqi government had decided to hold the conference outside the Green Zone severe immunization and specifically in the building of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs in reference the improvement in the security situation in Baghdad, where he walked in the streets yesterday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki.
    Unbelievable! Now, didn't we read an article saying that "an easy death" will be waiting for these guys?
    We'll hear about that soon...
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  8. #648
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    Translated version of

    Saturday, March 10, 2007

    The American embassy : the completion of the oil and gas budget and expedite the rebuilding of Iraq

    Iraqi national-Luna / local / the company completed the Iron and Steel Institute, an affiliate of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals of the project on the delivery of water from the industrial water station Allorki affiliated to the company to a power station with gas. This was stated by Information Office in the ministry, saying : This project amounting to bite (225) million dinars been by the size of the Engineering and Technical Company, adding that the company continues processing Company for Petrokimiaoyat and Khor Al-Zubair water through a local water of the company.

  9. #649
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    Two blasts near Baghdad conference venue
    10 Mar 2007 10:34:52 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    BAGHDAD, March 10 (Reuters) - Two blasts that sounded like mortars rocked the building where delegates from regional and world powers were meeting in Baghdad to discuss stabilising Iraq, Reuters witnesses said.

    The blasts appeared to be mortars which landed in an area between the Rasheed Hotel, inside the Green Zone, and the Foreign Ministry, where the conference is being held, one of the witnesses said.

    There was no immediate word on casualties. Mortars frequently land in the Green Zone, usually without causing casualties.
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    BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - China National Petroleum Corp, the parent of PetroChina Co Ltd (HK 0857), is expected to obtain new exploration rights to the al-Ahdab oil field in Iraq, CNPC-owned China Oilnews said.

    Assem Jihad, a spokesman for the Iraqi Oil Ministry, was quoted as saying that CNPC officials arrived in Iraq on March 6 to negotiate a new contract to jointly develop al-Ahdab.

    After China won exploration rights to al-Ahdab in 1997, activities at the field were suspended due to UN sanctions and postwar security problems.

    The field has projected reserves of up to one bln barrels, it said.

    The 1997 contract was valued at 700 mln usd over 23 years. Planned oil production was 90,000 barrels per day.

    In February, the Iraqi Cabinet approved a draft Oil Law aimed at encouraging international companies to exploit the country's petroleum reserves, estimated at about 115 bln barrels.

    The legislation is pending approval from parliament, it said.

    [email protected]

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