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  1. #661
    Senior Member DinarDevildog's Avatar
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    Iraq seeks international support to combat violence Baghdad-5-11 : The United States Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad had the results of the International Conference on the restoration of security in Iraq, which concluded Saturday in Iraq is positive. He added that he had spoken to the Iranian delegation participating in the conference attended by all the delegations, "we raised our concern with the sources to which I have referred in my statement during the Conference and the outcome of discussions with them have been positive and things are progressing towards a solution." But further pointed out : "We have to wait to see what happens on the ground with regard to the transit of arms to Iraq and supporting the armed groups to cross the borders." No American president who defaulted on a tour in Latin America to make its mark on the conference as stated on the eve of the conference that his letter to both Syria and Iran have not changed and that "we expect both of you to help the fledgling democracy in Iraq and will defend ourselves and the Iraqi people against the smuggling of arms to Iraq." It is noteworthy that the United States accuses both Syria and Iran, participating in the conference, supported acts of violence in Iraq. Khalbl Zadeh described the positive results of the conference as head of the Iranian delegation described to the conference Abbas Aragchi positive results of the conference, but pointed out that his country had expressed fears during meetings of the Conference and denied direct negotiations from the American side. In reference to the presence of the MKO, the Iranian opposition on the Iraqi territories Aragchi said, "We are concerned about the double standards with regard to terrorism in Iraq and we must distinguish between the various terrorist groups in Iraq." He denied Aragchi his country's interference in Iraq's internal affairs, said that achieving security in Iraq to achieve security for the equivalent of Iran in terms of importance. The conference was inaugurated on Saturday morning with the participation of delegations representing Iraq's neighboring countries and a group of regional states in addition to the United Nations and the League of Arab States and the Organization of the Islamic Conference to support the Iraqi government. The conference was opened with an address by the Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. Then, the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki speech in which he said that Iraq would not be allowed to be an arena for settling the accounts of others. The Maliki blamed "international terrorism" for the tense situation prevailing in Iraq. He described al-Maliki as "terrorism" as "an international epidemic," the Iraqi people pay the price and said that his country is the first line of defense against him and that "requires greater international cooperation to deal with terrorism and especially the neighboring countries in order to battle the big fight Iraq : explosions continued while the conference was to discuss the issue of security in Iraq and the al-Maliki said : "n the heart of all regional States to stop its interventions in the affairs of Iraq and stop its attempts to influence the internal politics of Iraq through its support for ethnic groups or religious grounds. " I hope to see Maliki "regional and international efforts in support of a unified Iraqi people without any discrimination on the basis of religious or sectarian or ethnic." For his part, called Zalmay vinegar Il increased from Iraq's neighbors "to exert more efforts to help Iraq through this transitional phase to live." The American position and added Khalil added that "Iraq's neighbors could provide full and unequivocal support for Baghdad during the stop the flow of combatants and weapons and all means of support to militias inside, and stop the mobilization and political propaganda that could incite Might j violence. " Khalilzad had concluded by saying that "the United States will not stand idle in front of the foreign fighters involved with the violence in Iraq." in contrast Aragchi that his country on any relationship violence going on in Iraq and bear the responsibility for the presence of the American army in Iraq. He said the Iranian envoy told reporters that "the development agenda Zim Nee for the withdrawal of the American army in Iraq will solve the problem of violence. " condemned Aragchi, who holds the position of Vice-President of the Iranian government for Legal and International Affairs explosions targeting religious places and events, and five days after the death of more than 117 people, a double suicide bombing targeted Shiite worshipers in Hillah. and Saturday afternoon, the Minister of Iraqi Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari, describing the UAE and the decisions of the helpful, as he had been "the establishment of committees dealing with security, refugees and oil and energy." explosions and while Congress was in session, the sound of explosions near the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is hosting the conference. The news agency Reuters reported eyewitnesses as saying that the two explosions took place between the al-Rashid Hotel and M. Penny Foreign Ministry, noting that the two explosions, possibly caused by mortar shells. In Sadr City in Baghdad, a car bomb explosion led to the deaths of at least 20 people and wounding dozens. Police reported that the explosion targeted Iraqi civilians, and that the bombing was by a remote control. The police added that the number of casualties candidate t while the continued rise in the transport of the wounded to nearby hospitals. In other incidents : Two people were killed and 14 result defend occurred Saturday afternoon between the visitors during their entry to the Imam Abbas in the line of the visit Shiite Imam Hussein. A source said healthy in Karbala that among the dead were an Iranian and a visitor while the two women were among the wounded. he said the American army in Iraq that the Iraqi security forces D Aumh security advisers Saturday morning, the Americans launched a crackdown in Sadr City in the east of Baghdad. They were arrested six suspects in this process is believed they were involved in the abduction and killing of a number of civilians

  2. #662
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    تفاصيل الاخبار

    قناة الفرات الفضائية

    http // %3D38513 - صوت العراق

    جريدة الصباح - سياسيون: نجاح مؤتمر بغداد ينعكس إيجاباً على الوضع الأمني

    جريدة الصباح - ترجيحات بشـن حمـلة عسكرية واسعة لتطـهير ديالى من أوكار الإرهاب

    جريدة الصباحf%3Dinterpage%26sid%3D38538

    جريدة الصباح - مشاريع قوانين تنتظر القراءة في مجلس النواب

    تفاصيل الاخبار

    جريدة الصباح - علي الحلفي: مبادرة وزارة النفط خطوة جريئة على طريق تعطيل دور القطاع الخاص

    جريدة الصباح - البــدء بمشروع الخارطــة الزراعيــة الستراتيجية في نينـــوى

    جريدة الصباح - أهمية التوثيق الاحصائي في تقدم الشعوب

    جريدة الصباح

    جريدة الصباح - بإعفاءات ضريبية لمخصصات موظفي الدولة والخاص

    Ananova - BG Group Looks To Invest In Iraq

    جريدة الصباح - الزراعة تضع برنامجاً لتـحسين انتـاجيــة النخيــل

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News:6

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: Iraq to set up Great Port project

    Kuna site|Story page|Jordan, Iraq address debts, frozen assets ...3/11/2007 - صوت العراق
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 11-03-2007 at 03:53 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #663
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    العامهThe media office of public integrity
    رئيس لعامةChairman of the public integrity participate in a meeting on budget

    شارك. chairman of the public integrity Judge Radi Hamza Radi at a meeting called by the Minister of Finance, Mr. Barham Salih auspices of the Deputy Prime Minister under the slogan (to accelerate the implementation of the investment budget for 2007) on March 7, 2007 attended by the ministers and heads of the competent departments
    The body of Mr. President that the amount of the budget for 2007 and of 41 billion dollars, the amount of good, but what is more important is the seriousness involved in the implementation of reconstruction plans in accordance with due process of law and
    .It also commended Mr. Judge LAWSUIT Economic Committee in the Council of Ministers in charge of all the laws of the State of the obligation of contracts and instructions at the conclusion and implementation is the cornerstone of the success of the reconstruction process and the preservation of public money to serve the Iraqi citizen.

  4. #664
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    oil contracts subject to prior review and scrutiny

    رجيBaghdad-Tariq Al-Araji
    اكدت .The Ministry of Oil that all contracts previously subject to a thorough review take into account the interests of the Iraqi people and in keeping with the law of the new oil and gas.

    .He said the official spokesman of the Ministry of Oil Assem Jihad told (morning) : The ministry is committed to all contracts that guarantee the interests of the Iraqi people in line with the new oil and gas, which underlines the need to update information and ratios between Iraq and the contracting firms previously, the value of the contract and the technology used. He added that the government had stressed the need to review all previous contracts, especially that there are many decades and years ago it many are not in conformity with the present situation noting that the ministry was seeking to deal with all States and international companies, and welcomes all investment bids submitted, provided that it meets the interests of Iraq first and foremost. The cabinet had ratified the Law of oil and gas, which referred it to the parliament for ratification, and before ratified investment law , which welcomes all companies and investors from all States and the world according to new standards include the interest of Iraq and its people. %3D38513

  5. #665
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    World oil demand growth set to double
    by Reuters on Thursday, 08 March 2007 World oil demand growth, led by China and the United States, will nearly double in 2007, putting pressure on OPEC producers to boost production later this year, a Reuters poll found on Thursday.

    "OPEC is going to have to boost output in the second half of the year since non-OPEC supply growth will be unable to meet global demand," said Mike Wittner, analyst at investment bank Calyon.

    Analysts forecast average world oil demand growth this year at 1.39 million barrels per day. That is up from 800,000 bpd last year, according to the International Energy Agency.

    Story continues below ↓

    The poll also showed demand for OPEC crude oil rising 270,000 bpd to 30.38 million bpd.

    "Unless OPEC production is permitted to rise in the coming months, oil prices could once again set off in an upward direction as refiners chase scarce barrels to meet summer demand," the Centre for Global Energy Studies said in a recent oil report.

    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, source of more than a third of the world's oil, pledged to reduce supply by 500,000 bpd from Feb. 1, in addition to a 1.2 million bpd cut that took effect in November.

    Several OPEC ministers have indicated that OPEC would keep oil output unchanged when it meets on March 15 in Vienna if prices remained at current levels.

    Oil has traded above $60 a barrel for the past few weeks, rebounding around 20% from mid-January, but still far from last year's record peak of $78.40.

    Analysts forecast prices to average $61.29 this year, down from 2006's average of $66.24 a barrel.

    Demand from China, the world's second largest energy consumer, was forecast to rise 430,000 bpd this year to 7.57 million bpd. That is up from 400,000 bpd last year, according to IEA estimates.

    "We believe that there is no other demand-side force with greater impact on the global oil supply-demand balance than growth in Chinese oil demand," said Lehman Brothers in a research note.

    Oil consumption in the United States, the world's top energy user, is also expected to surge this year.

    "There was a decline in U.S. growth last year and this year we see it increasing, so that is a big swing for demand," said Sarah Emerson, director of Energy Security Analysis Inc.
    Last edited by Mike5200; 11-03-2007 at 04:03 PM.

  6. #666
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    Iraqi FM: three committees to be established
    Last Updated(Beijing Time):2007-03-11 15:33

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said after Saturday's security conference that three committees would be established to deal with security, refugee and energy issues and the next minister-level conference would be held in a neighboring country.

    The minister said in a news conference that the participants exchanged views and had three achievements. Firstly, three committees concerning security cooperation, refugees and displaced Iraqis, fuel and energy will be set up.

    Secondly, though the location and date of the next minister-level meeting has not yet decided, there are two offers from participants, one in Egypt and the other in Turkey. Iraq will negotiate and cooperate with relative countries to decide the venue and date of the follow-up conference, Zebari said.

    Finally, the exchanges between the U.S. and Iranian and Syrian delegations are constructive and positive, Zebari said, adding the meeting totally focused on Iraqi security issues.

    On Saturday, delegations from Iraq's Arab neighbors as well as Iran, Turkey, the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, along with the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference, gathered in Baghdad for a regional security meeting, aiming to rally support behind the Iraqi government and find solutions to the relentless violence in Iraq.

  7. #667
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    Iraq security conference ends with limited results
    Last Updated(Beijing Time):2007-03-11 11:41

    A general view of the peace conference in Baghdad. A one-day security conference aimed at seeking solutions to Iraq's deteriorating situation ended with limited results in Baghdad on Saturday.(Xinhua/AFP Photo)

    A one-day security conference aimed at seeking solutions to Iraq's deteriorating situation ended with limited results in Baghdad on Saturday.

    In an emotional opening speech, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki urged neighboring countries and other countries to refrain from interfering in his country's internal affairs and to support his government to give a success to the ongoing political process and bring security to the war-torn country.

    "We call on our brothers and friends to take a unified stand toward the Iraqi people with no distinction along sectarian or ethnic lines," al-Maliki said, adding that Iraq would not intervene in other countries' affairs and in the mean time it would not accept interventions from others.

    "We will not accept, whatsoever, that Iraq becomes a battlefield for regional or international conflicts. Therefore, we demand the meeting delegations and the international community not let some countries support certain parties in Iraq," he said.

    He also warned that violence that is beating Iraq could spread throughout the region and that the price that is being paid by Iraqis would be paid by others.

    "Terrorism which kills Iraqis is the same that hits World Trade Center in New York and is the same that kills people in Saudi Arabia and other states," he said.

    The conference kicked off earlier in the day at a heavily fortified area at the edge of the Green Zone in central Baghdad. After al-Maliki's speech, the meeting turned to a closed-door session.

    The delegations were mostly represented by ambassadors in Iraq, but the United States sent David Satterfield, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's top adviser on Iraq, along with its Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

    At a news conference after the meeting, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said that the talks were "positive and constructive."

    He said that the envoys had agreed on the establishment of three technical committees concerning security cooperation, Iraqi refugees and energy.

    But the participants failed to agree on the date and venue of a following-up ministerial-level meeting, he said. Iraq hoped to host the meeting, but some proposed that the conference be held in Cairo or Istanbul.

    Meanwhile, the conference provided a rare opportunity for U.S. and Iran to hold one-on-one talks.

    U.S. Ambassador Khalilzad told reporters after the meeting that he held "constructive and businesslike" talks on Iraq's security with Iranian officials.

    "I met with them directly and I met with them in front of others and spoke to them across a table as well. The discussions with the Iranians and others with regard to Iraq were constructive, businesslike and problem-solving in orientation," he said.

    "The dialogue with Iran was a good step toward security in Iraq and we are waiting for the Iranians' commitment to what we talked about," he said.

    Also on Saturday, several bombings rocked Baghdad, killing at least 12 and wounding dozens, including a mortar attack near the venue of the security conference.

    The latest violence highlights the deteriorating security situation in the capital, though U.S. and Iraqi authorities have launched a new security plan, widely seen as the last chance to restore peace and stability in the war-torn country.

  8. #668
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    oh yeah, whoever thinks that we sent dinar to iraq didnt read that story very well. dinar was flown into an area of iraq that was poor. never did that article say they flew in dinar from the usa, only that the united states plane was the one who flew it in. why if theyve got their own banks would we be flying some dinar in for them to float their bank in that area of iraq? think.

    i think one person gets the idea and it starts spreading like wildfire without everyone reading the article in question.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #669
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    'Neighbours must help end bloodshed'

    Baghdad: US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad urged Iraq's neighbours to do more to stop the flow of fighters, weapons and sectarian propaganda contributing to violence in the country.

    "Iraq's near neighbours and other friends can certainly do more to help in this transition toward stability and prosperity for Iraq," Khalilzad said in a speech to the conference, a copy of which was released to media.

    "I urge all neighbours to categorically reject the principle that selective violence against certain categories of Iraqis or against Coalition and Iraqi security forces is acceptable," he said in the speech.

    "Iraq's neighbours can only be counted as providing true and honest 'support' to Iraq's stability if they act decisively to halt the flow of fighters, weapons, and other lethal support to militias and other illegal armed groups, and cease sectarian rhetoric and other propaganda that could incite violence." Khalilzad said the future of Iraq and the Middle East was the defining issue of the moment.

    No benefits

    "No country represented at the table would benefit from a disintegrated Iraq; indeed, all would suffer badly," he said. He hoped their presence indicated they were "ready to take concrete, constructive actions" to support Iraq.

    Iraq called yesterday's meeting to enlist support to end violence four years after the US invasion. It was also a rare opportunity for officials from Washington and Tehran to meet at a time of growing tension over Iran's nuclear ambitions.

    Iranian delegates demanded the release of several Iranians captured by US forces in Iraq, a source at the talks said. US soldiers seized five men Tehran says are diplomats in a raid on an Iranian government office in Arbil on January 11.

    Apparently responding to the Iranians, Khalilzad said: "The Coalition does not have anyone in detention who is a diplomat."

    "The US and Coalition forces will continue to take appropriate steps under our mandate to protect Iraq's citizens, and our soldiers, from foreign elements who are contributing to violence in Iraq," he said. "No one should doubt our resolve."

    Envoy denies one-to-one talks with Americans

    The top Iranian official attending a regional conference on Iraq said yesterday he had no one-to-one talks with US officials.

    "There were no one-to-one meetings, everything was in the framework of the meeting," Abbas Araghchi, deputy foreign minister for legal and international affairs, told a news conference after the conference in Baghdad. "There were no direct talks between us and the Americans," Araghchi said.

    Asked if he had direct talks with the Iranians, US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad told an earlier news conference: "I did talk to them directly and in the presence of others. We engaged across the table as well."

    The discussions with the Iranians and others with regard to Iraq were constructive, businesslike and problem-solving in orientation," he said, after talks with Iraq's neighbours, also including Syria.

    "We will, of course, have to see what happens on the ground, both in terms of weapons crossing the border and support for groups of militants crossing the border," he said. Statements by Iran saying it supports peace and stability in Iran are welcome, he added, "but they are not enough, the next step is to see whether these sentiments are translated into positive actions."

    He also said US Secretary Condoleezza Rice would attend a planned ministerial meeting on Iraq expected to be held in Istanbul in April.

  10. #670
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    Help sought to end violence

    Baghdad: Iraq's prime minister urged regional rivals yesterday to stop using Iraq as a battlefield to fight out their proxy wars, addressing a meeting at which US officials sat down with adversaries from Iran and Syria.

    The conference in Baghdad aimed to stop sectarian warfare in Iraq and prevent the conflict's spread throughout the region.

    At the end of the one-day conference, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said the meeting had achieved good results and that US and Iranian delegates did engage in discussions but only about their relations in Iraq.

    "The meeting was constructive and positive in fact in its atmosphere and the composition," Zebari told a news conference after the meeting. "The issues discussed in the meeting were totally focused on Iraq's security and stability."

    The US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad said he talked directly to Iranian delegates as well as in a group setting.

    In his opening speech, Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki said all those with a stake in the peace of the Middle East should stand firm against terrorism in Iraq. "We call on all to take moral responsibility by adopting a strong and clear stance against terrorism in Iraq and cooperate in stamping out forces of terror," Al Maliki said.

    He said Iraq needed the support of its neighbours and the world in stemming sectarian violence, which he said could spill over to other countries in the region. "Confronting terrorism means halting any form of financial support and media or religious backing, as well as logistical support."

    The peace summit came as suicide bombers attacked army checkpoints in Baghdad, killing 28 people.

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