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  1. #201
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    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers the the First Amendment Law


    The Cabinet National Info Center Press Release

    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers to the first amendment law publication in the Official Gazette, the Chamber of Deputies.

    Transmitted by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers a copy of the draft law first amendment of the publication in the Official Gazette No 78 of 1977, proposed by the Council of Ministers penultimate regular 17 meeting on the 17 of April after scrutiny by the State Consultative Council to the parliament for ratification.

  2. #202
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    Default Completion of 53 thousand treatment for the extradition owners plots

    Sunday 22 April 2007
    Completion of 53 thousand treatment for the extradition owners plots

    Iraqi national-Luna / Baghdad office / Constitution / completed by the Ministry of Displaced Persons and Migrants 53 thousand special treatment displaced returning to Iraq to surrender land plots distributed in the ministry kind assistance and food among 650 families forcibly evicted in Tall Afar Diwaniyah and Camp An official source in the ministry said that the recent vet files currently displaced returnees by committees formed in the ministry pointed out that the completion of 53 thousand and 3 transactions at 860 treatment in Karbala and Diwaniyah in the 999 and 199 in Baghdad and 650 in 2295 in Babil and Najaf.

    The source added that the work was being coordinated with the Ministry of Municipalities and Works for the distribution of plots among eligible alluding to the ongoing commissions in completing transactions and propagated to the relevant departments for coverage of returning as soon as possible.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  3. #203
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    Default Land Registration Department to take new measures to preserve the rights of ownership

    Sunday 22 April 2007
    Land Registration Department to take new measures to preserve the rights of ownership

    Iraqi national-Luna / Baghdad office / local / Land Registration Department has taken new measures to preserve the rights of property ownership and to prevent the falsification of documents. An official source in the real estate that the new measures adopted by the adoption of a special numbering figures for the various bonds, records and publications to prevent the recurrence of any document. He added this measure comes after the discovery of attempts to manipulate the working mechanism adopted by the Chamber of some feeble.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  4. #204
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    Default Official : Dana Gas agreement with the Kurdistan region may evolve to participate in

    Official : Dana Gas agreement with the Kurdistan region may evolve to participate in the production

    He said the biggest official energy sector in the Kurdish regional government that the service agreement between the province and the UAE company Dana Gas may evolve into a long-term agreement for production sharing soon as the law of Iraqi oil. The Acti seminar Minister of Natural Resources Reuters that the production-sharing agreement would be discussed after the parliamentary ratification of the Law Iraqi oil expected If Dana Gas discovered large reserves of gas fields in the region. The government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq they will reject amendments to the law on oil proposes granting centralized control fields containing more than 80% of the country's reserves to a new national state-run oil.

    The seminar "amendments were subject after the debate now granted 82% of the oil and gas reserves of Iraq to the Iraqi National Oil Company, which was founded central post without clear safeguards to maximize returns on the Iraqi people. " The Kurdish government concluded by several of production sharing agreements with companies such as De. that. or Norwegian. Raised agreements disagreements with some members of the central government since signed long before the Iraqi Council of Ministers approved a draft bill on oil in February.

    The production sharing agreements raised some criticism nationalists. The seminar "contract services for a few years." He added : "After that, subject to the new law entered into force, we will consider other possibilities such as what we are going long-term agreement for production sharing if additional resources become available. What impressed with the resilience of gas is a long-term commitment. It invests Capital advance and not merely for the sake of a quick profit. "

    The government of Iraqi Kurdistan and Dana Gas Sunday services contract worth $ 400 million for rapid processing facilities, gas processing in the field of Khor Moore and pipelines and other installations set to start supplying gas to generate electricity by January 2008. The seminar that the government of Iraq's Kurdistan needed gas quickly after the central government began work on establishing an electricity station in the region to be inaugurated next year but did not provide gas required for its operation.

    He added that without gas, which is much needed for the territorial government will spend about $ 1.5 billion annually on the import of diesel for electricity generation. Under the terms of the contract Dana Gas longer study attests to the field of Chamchamal gas. As the government of Iraqi Kurdistan and Dana Gas agreements for the development of gas reserves in the region and plans for a huge run gas called City Gas Kurdistan
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  5. #205
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    Default Increased import of construction materials in the coming days

    Increased import of construction materials in the coming days

    The Ministry of Commerce said that the coming days will witness an increase in the import of construction materials from different origins to meet global market needs to keep abreast of the Iraqi reconstruction process.

    Her source in the ministry : "The Ministry of Trade and through the General Company for Construction Materials Trading, and a plan to import large quantities of construction materials have been contracted with a number of companies in this area in light of the revitalization of the movement of construction and reconstruction in all governorates, especially safe from them."

    Explained : The ministry continued processing of building permits or marriage contracts new construction materials at reasonable prices in Baghdad and other governorates, with imports and Trade Ministry, the origins of those materials worldwide, "saying :" There inspection tours by the officials of the ministry attributed the markets to know the prices of construction materials and hence determining the prices of those items sold Company for construction materials. " The farmer Abdul Sudanese Minister of Commerce had announced earlier that the current year will witness a quantum leap in the import
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  6. #206
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    Default The Iraqi Business Council is set up in the retail development

    The Iraqi Business Council is set up in the retail development

    The Business Council Chairman Iraqi initial agreement concluded with the Jordanian Ministry of Labor to implement projects in the private retail development on an area of 1000 dunums.

    Investments include about 15 projects, while not yet clear what the final details of the projects and their size, pending presentation to a joint committee between the Ministry of Labor and the Council for approval. He President of the signing final agreements for projects with the Jordanian government will be the presence of His Majesty King Abdullah II during the events Davos World Economic Forum, which will be held on 18th of the month next May in the Dead Sea.

    it should be noted that His Majesty King Abdullah II had been launched last November the retail development on an area of 9 kilometers first stage, up to 20 square kilometers with the end of the year 2025, total investment volume of up to 750 million dollars
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  7. #207
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    Default Training program for intermediaries of the stock market in Oman

    Training program for intermediaries of the stock market in Oman

    Iraq prepared the market for securities program to train and market intermediaries to the work of mediator in Amman stock exchange. The Executive Director of the market, Taha Ahmad Abd peace Saturday : "The Iraqi market for securities created a program to enable his intermediaries from training on the work of the mediator in the Amman stock exchange additional training is not within the training module basis has been agreed upon within the previous stages of training on the draft circulation mail."

    He added : "The program prepared on the backdrop of the cooperation of the Department of Market Iraq with executive management of the Stock Exchange of Jordan." He pointed to Abdul Salam : "The second phase of training of mediators was by experts in the Abu Dhabi stock exchange in addition to the sponsoring company for training and the use of the electronic trading
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  8. #208
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    Default A trade exhibition for Iraq reconstruction

    A trade exhibition for Iraq reconstruction

    Baghdad-East : Department of Commerce announced that it will be held in the second half of next month, the largest trade exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq in coordination and cooperation with a number of Turkish companies to participate more / 15 / international companies in various specializations.
    He cited a statement by the Ministry said the exhibition, which is a demonstration of the major commercial contribution to the rebuilding of Iraq poses a global companies in their different areas of work in order to benefit the Iraqi side of the building, particularly the experience of the past year that have achieved unparalleled success
    After good turnout witnessed by the exhibition of both companies or businessmen spe******ts in the areas of reconstruction.

    The statement said that the ministry will coordinate with the support of the exhibition sent invitations to several ministries of the economy in neighboring and friendly states in addition to the various Iraqi media to cover this global event and publicize economic reality in Iraq and the large number of Iraqi companies and Iraqi businessmen will participate in this world gathering in order to achieve interest and exchange experiences with their peers traders and businessmen from countries participating in the exhibition.

    A delegation from the Ministry of Trade has traveled to Turkey for the purpose of coordination and follow-up with companies wishing to participate in the exhibition to discuss the working mechanisms and ways to ensure the success of the exhibition.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  9. #209
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    Default Maliki is being held talks with Mubarak in Cairo on the international conference to b

    Maliki is being held talks with Mubarak in Cairo on the international conference to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh

    22 / 04 / 2007 10:00 (GMT)

    He met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Cairo Sunday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as part of a tour that also Kuwait to discuss ways to the success of the international conference on Iraq held in Sharm el-Sheikh early May.

    A statement by the Iraqi government that al-Maliki will hold talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak focused on bilateral relations and ways to develop cooperation in the security and political, economic and prospects for regional cooperation to combat terrorism and support Iraq so as to enhance national unity.

    He added that talks will focus in particular on ways and means to ensure the success of the International Covenant and the neighbors to support Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Accompanying Maliki delegation including Interior Minister Jawad who is the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Rafie Eissawi and national security adviser Muwaffaq Al-Rubaie and other officials.

    The Maliki had announced days before we are optimistic choosing Egypt as an Arab country, and this is a concern we want to Nmetd with our Arab and seek to involve them to take responsibility in Iraq.
    I was invited six neighboring countries of Iraq are Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey to participate in the conference to be held on the third and fourth of May is the second after the Baghdad conference, which was held in March.

    Also attended by Bahrain, Egypt, the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations, along with the five permanent Security Council members - the United States, Britain, Russia, France and Sainocnda, Germany, Italy, Japan and the European Union.
    Last edited by kiko; 22-04-2007 at 01:20 PM.
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  10. #210
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    Default Japan presented a one billion dollar soft loan for the reconstruction of the Basra

    : Japan presented a one billion dollar soft loan for the reconstruction of the Basra refinery
    Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji

    Minister of Oil Hussein Shahrastani details of the Japanese loan, which was submitted to the country worth three billion and 500 million dollars, including $ 1 billion to the Ministry of Oil.

    He said the official spokesman of the Ministry of Oil Assem Jihad said in a press statement yesterday that the amount allocated to the Ministry of Oil, which will feed into the reconstruction of refineries in Basra, south of the country will be added as a new unit to convert heavy oil products (black oil) to light oil products such as gasoline and gas oil (kerosene) and the addition of oil White to reduce the waste exists because of the absence of modern technology. " He added : "

    The second project includes building a new port of oil in the territorial waters pump exports of crude oil from abroad." The Jihad : "Shahrastani has also revealed another offer without time ceiling if the implementation of those projects by Japanese companies could Ministry oil could benefit from any other amount as on concessional terms by Japan in the event of a desire ministry projects large oil again.

    And : Japan expressed a desire to be a key partner for Iraq to activate cooperation between the two countries, including Iraq possessed large reserves of crude oil.

    He continued jihad : "The loan from the Japanese soft loans globally and is the best because of the interest rate ranging between 4 to 7%, while the ratio of less than 1% in the case of the involvement of Japanese companies in the processing of contracts but in the absence of the involvement of these companies will loan interest rate doubling explaining that grace period of the loan of up to forty years for Iraq Eisdd nothing.

    He reported : "The Korean companies expressed willingness and raised many mechanisms for cooperation with Iraqi companies also disclosed Shahrastani initial agreement for the rehabilitation Alpetrokmiaoyat plant in Basra with a Korean company in partnership in the development and establishment of new units both raise energy productivity Awadkhal modern technology. He added Jihad : "The Korean companies expressed a desire to contract with the Ministry of Oil-for - that the Iraqi government reimbursement or through participation in the implementation of these projects."

    He pointed out : "The new investment law allows foreign companies and the rehabilitation of Iraqi factories and laboratories Iraqi currently stalled and laptop card high productivity due to use of modern technology.

    The Jihad said : "It is aimed at restructuring the company to develop oil tankers, the ministry is studying a number of loans made to update the fleet of oil tankers and the activation of the company and provide it armored according to the specifications and that keeps abreast of the development in the world and to contribute to the development of production and Iraqi exports abroad and to give them a big role. "

    He continued : "The Shahrastani agreed with the Korean side to a partnership contract with a Korean company giant which owns a fleet of tankers to the newly placed at the disposal of the company Tanker Iraqi or the type of partnership between the Iraqi company and the foreign company should be compared with a share of the transportation of crude oil through the new company to achieve profits
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

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