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  1. #211
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    Default Canadian, Japanese firms to develop Iraqi oil field

    Canadian, Japanese firms to develop Iraqi oil field
    MENAFN - 22/04/2007

    (MENAFN) The Chief Executive Officer at Ivanhoe Energy stated the company has signed a joint partnership agreement with Japanese Inpex Corp. to develop an oil field in Iraq, Portal Iraq reported.The CEO also added that he believes that the Iraqi oil field will suitable for applying the company's advanced technology.

    Three years ago, Ivanhoe Energy and the Iraqi Ministry of Oil had inked a letter agreement to assess large oil fields in Iraq and their development using the company's technology. The contract made with Ivanhoe Energy gives Inpex the benefit of keeping a majority stake plus technology fees if the project is successful. Ivanhoe is set to receive an estimated $9 million from Inpex within a month time
    "There is a paragraph about investment in this year's budget which provides for having the Iraqi dinar as the main currency in the 2007 budget," Sulagh said (Minister of Finance).

    The head of the Research and Statistics, Dr. Mohamed Saleh:
    The rate of 75% of the real exchange rate of the dollar to improve...

  2. #212
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    Default Sunday, April 22, 2007

    Number of banks 13 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1272 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1270 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 55.895.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 5.000.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 55.895.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 5.000.000 -----

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    8.7 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

    1. "0" Dinar rate change today, it was 1272, it is now 1272

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 64,738,440,000 pulled out of circulation today 4/22/07.

    3. 13 banks participating today

    4. 127th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 204 days into the CBI's reval plan. (SIX MONTHS+)

    6. 8,796,538,381,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    6A. Conservative ESTIMATE of Dinars still in circulation or controlled by the CBI 8,203,461,619,000

    7. "6,350,000,000" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 205 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 13.879% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 0 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1272 at the end of last week, 1272 so far this week.

    10. 1 point drop in the month of April. Ended at 1273 in March, now stands at 1272
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.
    In March we saw a .546% drop in the rate.

  3. #213
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default Voices of Iraq :-$ (economy)

    Books : dhrgham on Sunday, April 22, 2007 1:14 PM-BT

    The low demand for dollar purchase auction CBE
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Decreased demand for dollar in an auction the Central Bank of Iraq in the opening week today, Sunday, recording the volume reached 55 million and 895 thousand dollars, compared with 81 million and 190 thousand dollars last Thursday.
    Such purchase orders by 11 million and 315 thousand dollars in cash and 44 million and 580 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank fully exchange rate reached 1272 dinars, the same rate last Thursday.
    With the banks made (13) participate in the auction, bids for the sale of five million dollars against 2 million to the bank on Thursday bought fully exchange rate amounted to 1270 dinars.
    He said Mr. Ali Yasiri, one dealing with the World News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "The increase in sales presentations due to start and the Ministry of Finance regardless vocabulary budgetary sphere of ministries and the Iraqi dinar is therefore sell the dollar to buy the dinar fill allocations ministries.

    Version traduite de la page

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    Number of banks 13 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1272 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1270 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 55.895.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 5.000.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 55.895.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 5.000.000 -----

    Gooooooooooooooood Morning Rolclub

    "The More They Take, The More We Make"
    "Stay the Course, its the difference between Winners and whiners"

    8.7 Trillion taken out and still the Party has not started

    1. "0" Dinar rate change today, it was 1272, it is now 1272

    2. A (net) worth of dinars, IQD - 64,738,440,000 pulled out of circulation today 4/22/07.

    3. 13 banks participating today

    4. 127th auction since the beginning of CBI's reval plan

    5. 204 days into the CBI's reval plan. (SIX MONTHS+)

    6. 8,796,538,381,000 dinars pulled from circulation !!

    6A. Conservative ESTIMATE of Dinars still in circulation or controlled by the CBI 8,203,461,619,000

    7. "6,350,000,000" Dinars back into circulation today

    8. 205 dinar change since Oct 1st (baseline was 1477) 13.879% increase in value of the dinar since beginning of reval plan (Approximatly Oct 1st).

    9. 0 point reduction in the rate so far this week. Was at 1272 at the end of last week, 1272 so far this week.

    10. 1 point drop in the month of April. Ended at 1273 in March, now stands at 1272
    In January we saw a 2.49% drop in the rate.
    In February we saw a .928% drop in the rate.
    In March we saw a .546% drop in the rate.

    Socata 850 thank you sooo much for the information that you supply. To me, it is very valuable.


  5. #215
    Senior Investor pipshurricane's Avatar
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    Default IHS discovers new oil reserves in Iraq

    (MENAFN) The Chief Operating Officer of IHS Ron Mobed stated that the company may have found oil reserves of more than 100 billion barrels in Iraq, on top of the country's 116 billion barrel known reserve, Iraq Directory reported.

    He also said that the security conditions in Iraq must improve before it can reach its optimum potential of oil production. Due to the war and sanctions previously imposed on the country, Iraq's two largest oil fields in Rumaila and Kirkuk are still operating below predicted output.

    It is worth stating that Iraq's top oil output was approximately 3 million barrels per day (bpd) in 1979. At the moment, the country produces an average of 2 million bpd. However, if the current security situation in Iraq improves the production will probably increase to 4 million bpd in 5 years time.

    MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network News: IHS discovers new oil reserves in Iraq

  6. #216
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Translated version of

    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers to the First Amendment Law
    (صوت العراق) - 22-04-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007
    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    جـــــمــهورية الـــعـــراق
    Republic of Iraq
    مجلس الوزراء- المركز الوطني للاعلام
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
    العلاقات الإعلامية
    Media Relations
    بيان صحفي / Press Release
    A press / Press Release

    الامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء تحيل قانون التعديل الاول لقانون النشر في الجريدة الرسمية الى مجلس النواب
    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers to the first amendment law publication in the official gazette, the Chamber of Deputies

    Transmitted by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers a copy of the draft law first amendment of the publication in the Official Gazette No. 78 of 1977, proposed by the Council of Ministers penultimate regular 17th meeting on the 17th of April after scrutiny by the State Consultative Council, to the parliament for ratification.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #217
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Agricultural Bank participated in the annual meetings of the joint Arab financial bodies, held in Beirut, as did a number of employees of the Agricultural Bank in the operating system and the mutual accounts established in the Central Bank of Iraq as part of the bank to increase the efficiency and experience of bank staff. .......The Ministry of Finance update information and data of the foreign investments as well as follow-up meetings of the joint committees between Iraq and the world and coordination with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade to prepare for these meetings ....... .As the Iraqi Development Fund in coordination with the Foreign Ministry's legal, as well as the Foreign Ministry and the State Consultative Council to study the bilateral agreements and multilateral Iraq intends to sign and'll it.
    ــ .Had the Iraqi Reinsurance Company premiums amounted to 678, 172, 006, 1 dinars (billion and six million, two hundred and seventy thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight dinars), and during the first quarter of this year.
    ــ .Iraqi company achieved for banking services several trips to transport currency own Rafidain Bank and its branches (in the Waziriyah and the city Sadroalatifih and Bab al-Mu'azzam and letter and the University of Baghdad, and seven palaces) during the first half of this month, the company also quoted currency governance and private bank branches in (granular and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and spend, Science and Technology University technological and cement and pre Revolution Square and Mahmoudia and the Liberals, Haifa, Andalusia and Hotel Babylon), the company has several special flights to the civil banks such as credit and the North Refineries Company and center, and the Gulf and Dar es Salaam, commercial Iraq.
    Translated version of
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #218
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Expert attributed the Iraqi economic situation suspense of the scene and its attendant economic growth despite the depreciation of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, to the absence of trust between the public and the outcome of the monetary policy practice, the lack of clarity in the picture to the public ..
    ...He called on the media to contribute to the transfer of monetary policy realities practice ... ..However, the reality of the situation indicates that the unstable security situation has the greatest impact in the absence of such confidence .. إذ ..Still, as many citizens are not comfortable for the political and security givens expected .. ..This reflects negatively on the attempts of financial authority and the monetary authority in creating the appropriate climate to monetary stability for the push towards calling to check and thus contribute to dealing with inflation .. ...Citizens assured us that the rise in prices has become a permanent address and has become almost unbelievable ...
    )..Citizen Mohamed Abdel Jaber (teacher of Economics) told us : The low prices of goods and services become more like a dream, and treatments followed by the Central Bank does not affect anything to fear, which is dominated by people of continued violence, this fear contributes to the high prices of transporting goods and commodities, because the truck drivers see themselves as a (breed) .. ..And this work is full of risky perhaps give them the right to claim wages high, and as long as a single aspect of the economic cycle high prices, and it certainly paid at higher prices in other seminars .. إن ..That is, as it is related to the lack of infrastructure productivity almost close to zero, and open import policy that led to the flooding of the market with products and imported goods, as well as high fuel prices, but it remains subject to, first and foremost, the security situation deteriorated, as this factor has the greatest impact on the continuing rise in prices, because cause always create an atmosphere of lack of confidence in the course of everyday life by going first and actors second, in spite of the outcome of monetary policy relatively positive, which tries to create an atmosphere of monetary stability .. أما..The citizen Samir Odeh (Master of Management Sciences), said to us : I think that the absence of trust between the public and call for the results of the monetary policy followed, resulting from the conviction of the people tools weak executive authority, the citizen who believes that the authority could not provide security, can not necessarily provide the other requirements of life in a stable, and especially monetary stability, which is greatly affected by the reality of security and also is known, and this conviction contribute to the rise in the prices of goods, not to mention the other factors of high prices most detailed joints everyday life, that is, hydrocarbons sector, which contributes the high prices of these fuels rise in the prices of many other goods and services directly, and then applies the remainder of the goods and other services .. الأخرى...I believe that security is the main factor in this dilemma, with no underestimating the importance of other factors ... أما .The citizenship Hana (a female employee of one of the departments of the Ministry of Trade), said : The prices of goods and services very cheap, but despite the improvement in the rate of the dinar against the dollar, but the prices in case of altitude, and I think that the deteriorating security situation and lack of state intervention in the market to control the movement behind it, but for the Central Bank policy, we hear ordinary citizens ERA dollar daily and Central Bank seeks to tackle inflation, but we frankly do not understand how this is done and where are the results, we understand sought CBE this trend as we understand the government's bid to combat terrorism, the government should now produce results in this regard, but it also notes all failed to achieve the final results until reassure people and exercise their lives without fear, and I think that the monetary authority seeks to achieve good results and is moving forward in this direction, as was announced, but it can not remove the fear factor from the minds of traders and professionals to accept a reasonable profit, as long as the security situation is unstable, what works in the field of trade, now and in these circumstances either reaps obscene profits and continue to work for the rich to shoulder the risks that might be exposed him and his family left or are leaving the country to work for fear for himself and his family and his money, the whole issue relating to the reality of security first and foremost.

    جريدة المدى - هل يثق الجمهور بنتائج السياسة النقدية ؟
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  9. #219
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The text of the International Covenant with Iraq .. To build an Iraq that is secure unified federal democratic[]

    Based on the foundations of freedom, equality and enjoy peace and prosperity .... العهCovenant and objectives .... :International Covenant with Iraq is an initiative launched by the government of Iraq aimed at establishing a new partnership with the international community, and the purpose of this Covenant developed a framework in order to achieve the national vision for Iraq designed to :
    .Achieve the aspirations of the Iraqi people's efforts to consolidate a united democratic federal state of security, stability and all citizens enjoy equal rights and duties. .Lay economy prosper and a diversified production base capable of providing the requirements of sustainable development according to market factors and open to the world and integrated with him and the other economies in the region and in particular those of the neighboring States. جعل.Make Iraq active member of international and regional organizations and able to provide assistance to poor and needy countries, to allow the private sector to play a leading role in economic activity, with a leading role in economic activity, with a special role for government in regulating this activity, protection from the effects of external fluctuations and protect the poor and vulnerable groups of deprivation and hunger provide appropriate standards of public social services to Iraqi citizens, which aims to create the dynamic of the national consensus and international support mutually reinforcing, while the goal is to build the local and national government programs on political, economic and revive the confidence of the Iraqi people in the state's ability to protect and meet their basic needs. .At the international level the Covenant seeks to develop a framework of mutual obligations, which will give support for Iraq and working to strengthen its reforms and to address important policy and work for their application, it is clear that the challenges to security and political, and the application of good governance and provision of basic services is the main demands of progress in all other areas including the economic recovery. الاقتصادي.Based Covenant to believe symbiotic relationship between the supposed peace - and economic prosperity. وتعد .The national reconciliation and the strengthening of security and good governance and to continue economic and social reforms are important for unleashing the potential development of Iraq. سيقدم .International partners will support the political administrative, technical and financial support to help Iraq meet these challenges as part of the mutual obligations, the Covenant aims to reintegrate Iraq in the regional and international environment on the basis of mutual respect and pursuit of common interests. فهو .It is a statement of solidarity with the government and people of Iraq and the recognition of the accomplishments that have been achieved over the past three years - notably political commitment to the timetable of Security Council resolution No. 1546 and the commitment of the government and its international partners to work together to complete the transitional process and the reconstruction process, and renew the emphasis on the Iraqi government's commitment to combating corruption, This reflects the government's responsibility toward its citizens in order to establish institutions and practices are transparent subject which State officials accountable for their actions, since the main goal is to build a unified and democratic Iraq of all its citizens enjoy equitable distribution of wealth among them, irrespective of their affiliation, that prosperity is an important part of this vision, experience has shown in other areas that sustained growth in employment and the standard of living must be leadership through strong private sector and diversified. .The government has an important role to play in several ways to ensure good management of oil revenues and create a legal framework and regulatory macroeconomic manages and protects the vulnerable and provide security - but that the actual source of prosperity must pass through the private sector, economic transformation requires the support and participation of wide popularity. .The government is committed to mobilizing national consensus on the program of work and to ensure the delivery of benefits of the reforms appropriately to the Iraqi people, debut this document by the main lines of the effort to realize the vision of the government of Iraq in the political, security and socio-economic development. وتم.A government program in this document as well as setting a firm steps and mechanisms to achieve these steps within a specific time frame, to include this document on the government work at the economic level, the shaping and development of key policies Mpadat, where the political action focuses on the key aspects that have been identified within the strategy national development : the management of public resources and the introduction of economic reforms and reforms in the social sector and investment, energy agriculture, were also dealt with investment and reform programs detailed in this document in order to achieve the fulfillment of mutual obligations, which will each from the government of Iraq and the international community together, and then reflected reform and investment within the framework of the average Mali term access to financial projections during the medium term, the development of a timetable for the work of international partners including the concrete financial commitments included in the efforts of government reforms and built on the basis of the framework of the internationally accredited through which to identify the needs of Iraq, and conclude this document to outline steps for coordination and implementation and follow-up and carrying out measurement consistent with the Advisory Panel. وتقوم .Based on the existing national plans and mechanisms for aid coordination strategy of national development, for example, totals work sectors and other teams, and strengthened whenever the need to reflect the needs and emerging facts. .The consultative group process tool to the present Covenant, the product is at the same time, providing a transparent and inclusive mechanism for the coordination and planning of working with the parties both domestic and international. 1.Statement of the International Covenant with Iraq, the government of Iraq and the international community to strengthen their partnership in order to raise the standard of living of the Iraqi people, and completing the process of reconstructing Iraq and pave the way for him to reach the stage of self-sufficiency and prosperity in a society where political system democratic, federal, pluralistic, have confirmed their commitments to continue the exchange of spirit Metm Madrid 2003 The meeting of Abu Dhabi in September 2006 and the meeting of Kuwait in October 2006 in pursuit of a stable and prosperous Iraq, where good governance, and in which the human rights of Iraq under the rule of law, as well as to sustain and strengthen these commitments for the duration of the Covenant and Beyond, 1. الالتزام.Commitment of what the new Iraq represented by the adoption of the achievements of the constitution in November 2005, to hold parliamentary elections in December 2005, and the formation of the first permanent government in May 2006 extended. 2.2. .Aware that the application of a common vision between the two parties for the future of Iraq is successful requires renunciation of terrorism, extremism and dialogue and national reconciliation and the formation of security forces on the basis of professionalism and loyalty to the country only, and to strive to get rid of the terrorist threats, in addition to finding an acceptable solution to the question of integration of the militias. 3..3. Recognizing that the security, prosperity and happiness of the people of Iraq depend on the commitment of the Iraqi government to continue the reforms of social and economic infrastructures in the areas of management of public resources and good governance and strengthening state institutions and the reform of government support and private sector development and financial sector restructuring and improving security and stability and to establish a regulatory framework and institutional based on the rule of law, the issuance the oil and gas, and good management fee policy for agriculture and water. 4.التأكيد.4. Emphasizing that these reforms can be achieved only through interaction and cooperation and international support real investments in a position to bridge the shortfall between Iraq's needs and capabilities available through the medium term, and among those seeking assistance to extinguish all of Iraq's debt by 100%, and give technical support and capacity building and provision of all types assistance. 5.الع5. The agreement to meet party with the International Covenant Iraq or be represented on a regular basis in order to coordinate their efforts and to review the progress that is made on those reforms and aid mechanisms according to the timetables in a document supplements the International Covenant with Iraq. 6..6. Emphasis on mutual commitment to continue reforms and assistance that have been undertaken during the last Congress. .Vision-file political and security first. وي.File political goal : a unified Iraq, democratic and federal rule and is integrated with the regional and global environment. .Iraq is now in transition towards building a sovereign, united and federal enjoy all its people to live in dignity. في لبلد.Under the circumstances are very difficult and demanding, the government of Iraq to achieve this goal together with the complex nature of the mission and the reconstruction of the country. .The economic reform and international support for Iraq's efforts an important element in enhancing the security situation and restoring stability to the country, the government has launched a national reconciliation plan to provide protection and the creation of conditions of stability, has been developed this initiative with Iraqi political parties in the political security Autne and a wide spectrum of political parties operating, and been completed the first steps toward success. .The Iraqi government will continue its efforts to expand the participation of interested groups initiative regardless of their political and ideological, will clarify the following sections of the Covenant How will the initiatives undertaken by the government of Iraq to provide a solid political and security needed to achieve the economic foundations of the Covenant. .At the same time, these sections describe the security and political conditions that will not be fulfilled without genuine international support for Iraq's economic reforms through the Covenant. سيتم .International partners will be news updates on the application programs of the government of Iraq in the political and security areas and the legislative timetable, expansion and development if circumstances permitted, has been a main lines to the needs of Iraq's political and security within the government and the national reconciliation plan and, accordingly, the following points are key demands of building a stable and cohesive society The reconciliation between the various segments of the Iraqi people :-renounce terrorism and the effective work in the face. -نبذ .- Renounce violence against the state and among the sectarian and ethnic groups within the country. -.- Respect for the rule of law, including civil liberties and human rights. -.- Build a sovereign Iraq, united, democratic and federal. -.- Give the federal institutionalizing democracy through a process based on the basis of agreement and consensus. -.- The sharing of resources fairly and equitably. - .- Cooperation with neighboring countries on the basis of mutual interests. .To meet the above requirements, the government pays the introduction of institutional reforms aimed at consolidating the prestige of the law including the promotion of reform and controlling all the means of force and established judicial system; and the establishment and implementation of a balanced program of transitional justice; and the formulation of policies dealing with the distribution of resources is equitable and acceptable; and structuring of public service professional non-sectarian basis to the State Department at all levels. تتمثل.One of the main ideas which managed within the institutional reforms in establishing respect for the rule of law as an essential prerequisite for the successful application of the Covenant. إن.The priorities of those reforms will contribute to :-strengthen the authority of the State in implementing policies, programs and projects and taxation. -.- Activating the constitution and laws to ensure the security of citizens and protect public and private property and the completion of contracts. -.- Establishment of an inclusive political institutions and legitimacy. -.- Strengthening the judicial system and judicial administration. -ي.- Establishment of a stable and constructive relations with neighboring countries and the international community.
    جريدة العدالة العراقية - نص العهد الدولي مع العراق..من أجل بناء عراق آمن موحد فدرالي ديمقراطي
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  10. #220
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Good info coming out. Well done guys. We're at a point of no return, something must give soon. This ride is almost over.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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