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  1. #231
    Senior Member Onenomad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post

    Can somebody sensibly address this major concern. Think of the panic and confusion as thousands of poor Americans strike it rich next week...IT AIN't Gonna Be PRRRREEEEETTTTTYYYYYYY!!!!

    Excellent point for myself I will look into sound investment advice wealth management and tax advice I am determined to make this once in a lifetime opportunity of having this much money grow also hope when we're all obscenely wealthy we stay in touch to pursue further investments as its been a great privilege to meet some very smart people here. But the first order of the day is a holiday for the family to let this all sink in
    We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.
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  2. #232
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Overseas off plan properties. Got my eye on a set of islands that are going to rocket in price over the next 5 to 10 years. Might be looking for partners. Big money to be made.............

    Anyways, I digress.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #233
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Iraqi operators await decision
    Iraq: 4 hours, 54 minutes ago
    As was reported last week, MTC Atheer, Iraqna and Asiacell are all still waiting on the Iraqi government's decision whether to issue fresh long-term licences to mobile operators in the country or issue new tenders for licences to operate in the country, reported Bloomberg. All three were issued with two year licences back in December 2003 and since they expired they have been regularly extended for periods of three to six months.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  4. #234
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    BAGHDAD [MENL] -- The Iraqi government has acquired security responsibility for another province.

    The British Army has handed over security responsibility for the Maysan province to the Iraq Army. In a ceremony on Wednesday, the government was assigned police and military operations in the southern province, some 350 kilometers south of Baghdad.

    "We should work to create these circumstances in all provinces, in order to revert security to Iraqis and end the foreign presence," Iraqi National Security Adviser Muwafeq Al Rubaie said.

    This was the first British handover of a southern Iraqi province in 2007. In December 2006, the Baghdad government acquired responsibility for Najaf. In July 2006, Iraq was assigned the Muthanna province.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  5. #235
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    Iraq PM to woo regional leaders before Egypt talks
    Web posted at: 4/22/2007 3:7:20
    Source ::: AFP
    baghdad • Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki will begin a regional tour today to drum up support for next month’s international conference in Egypt aimed at quelling the raging bloodshed in Iraq.

    His tour comes to the backdrop of a warning by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates to Iraqi leaders that they need to work faster to reconcile their rival factions as American support cannot be taken for granted for ever.

    Yesterday, 11 people were killed in Iraq, including a town mayor, a city council head and four members of a Kurdish Shiite family from the northern oil hub of Kirkuk.

    Gunmen killed the family, beheading their eight-year-old girl, police Captain Mohammed Ibrahim said, suggesting a sectarian motive.

    Mahdi Abdul Hussain, the mayor of Musayyib, a town south of Baghdad, was killed in a roadside bomb along with his bodyguard, said police Lieutenant Hathim al-Hadiri.

    And Sami Abdul Amir, head of the city council of Fallujah, a former insurgent stronghold, was shot dead by gunmen, police said.

    Police also found 11 bodies of men shot dead in Baghdad.

    Maliki will leave for Cairo today and is expected to travel on to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other regional states for preparatory talks ahead of the May 3-4 meeting, Iraqi officials said.

    The ministerial meeting, a follow-up to an ambassadors’ conference last month in Baghdad, will be attended by Iraq’s neighbours and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, plus Japan, Canada and Germany.

    “Egypt will be his first stopover where he will hold talks with President Hosni Mubarak, before moving to Kuwait and other countries in the region,” an official at Maliki’s office said on condition of anonymity.

    In Cairo, the state news agency Mena added that Maliki would also meet with his Egyptian counterpart, Ahmed Nazif. “The prime agenda for his trip is to discuss the preparations for the meeting,” Mahmud Othman, a Kurdish MP close to the government said.

    Neither official could say whether Maliki will visit Iran, which has still not confirmed its attendance at the Egypt meeting amid a dispute over five Iranian officials held prisoner by US forces in Iraq.

    If Iran were to attend the high-profile gathering at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, its officials would sit at the same table as US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who has already confirmed she will be there.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  6. #236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Overseas off plan properties. Got my eye on a set of islands that are going to rocket in price over the next 5 to 10 years. Might be looking for partners. Big money to be made.............

    Anyways, I digress.
    I've always wanted to own an Island of paradise. One of my dreams is to spend countless hours on a beautiful, exotic island and make loads of money. Best of both worlds! We can have it all!

    I've heard Costa Rica is a sweet money maker right now.

  7. #237
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    Report paints pretty picture of Iraqi oil reserves


    London, 20 April 2007 (AFP)

    Iraq's oil reserves could be almost twice as vast as current estimates, and its production could also double in five years, the Financial Times quoted a report from consultancy IHS as saying on Thursday. According to the business daily, the report, which it said was the most comprehensive independent survey of Iraq's resources since the US-led invasion of the country in March 2003, noted that such developments were dependent on an improving security situation.

    "Obviously the security situation is very bad, but when you look at the sub-surface opportunity, there isn't anywhere like this," Ron Mobed, the head of IHS's energy division, was quoted as saying by the FT. "Geologically, its right up there, a gold star opportunity."

    Doubling Iraq's oil reserves would mean an increase of 100 billion barrels of oil, which would make it the second-biggest source of oil reserves in the world, after Saudi Arabia and ahead of Iran, the FT said. Iraq is currently third on that list with 116 billion barrels of reserves.

    IHS also said that Iraq could double its current rate of production in five years to some 4 million barrels of oil a day, if international investment into Iraq increases.

    The consultancy's study of Iraq's oil reserves is based on data collected before and after the 2003 invasion, and its prediction of an additional 100 billion barrel there is based on an analysis of geological surveys.

    It is all dependent on improved security in the country, and that has been slow in coming - car bombs in Shiite districts of Baghdad slaughtered 190 people on Wednesday.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  8. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Office of the Spokesman
    Washington, DC
    April 20, 2007

    Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to Travel to Egypt

    Secretary Rice will travel to Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt May 1-4 for the launch of the International Compact with Iraq and the Expanded Neighbors of Iraq ministerial. She will also have several bilateral meetings. While in Sharm el-Sheikh, Secretary Rice will discuss ways to support Iraq in its economic reform efforts and move forward with the stabilization of Iraq and transition to full Iraqi self-reliance.

    Released on April 20, 2007
    Wanna bet that if Condi is going there, the HCL is passed this week?

    Loving it.
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  9. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by njd2004 View Post
    Suzie, why is it you never seem to be able to reply without including insults?

    Firstly, your opening sentence is totally unnecessary... and I expect an apology from you.

    Secondly, I spend hours on here reading vitually every post, and whilst I accept that things are getting very exciting, I do not see that the general issue of an untold amount of ordinary Iraqi's becoming overnight dollar millionnaires has been covered.

    If it has and I have missed it, would you kindly provide a link?

    Yes, I know about Kuwait, and whilst there are similarities, Iraq is a different animal.
    it wasnt an insult. its called 'coining a phrase' to describe what it appears to me. in text how can you assume how i am stating something if you cant hear me or see my expressions? i will not apologize for your misinterpretation of my wording.

    i refuse to beat the dead horse any further on how this country can and will achieve at least 1:1 parity with the dollar. if you say you read everything then you should have at least picked up a clue or two of how and why it WILL be done? three letters to describe why iraqis will all be millionaires, O - I - L.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post
    Can you imagine how many Iraqi millionaires this would create overnight, and not just people who were previously wealthy, I'm talking the average person. Can somebody sensibly address this major concern

    Actually this is not TRUE!

    The RV will start to return them to their previous status as it was first the sanctions and more importantly, us (America) that took rich and middle class people and made them poor by making their money worthless with the artifical rate of exchange that WE imposed upon them.

    We took millions of middle class and rich people and made them beggers...with images that I remember as a kid from the Great Depression here in America or in Germany...where people pushed wheelbarrels of money to bakeries to buy a loaf of bread..WE DID THIS TO THEM...

    SO, please don't worry about them...they were extremely use to having money before us and I'm sure that they will quickly pick it up riding a never really forget...Hopefully, they will someday forgive what we have put them thru.

    Instead, I'm worried about all of us...many who have never lived beyond paycheck to paycheck...

    Can somebody sensibly address this major concern. Think of the panic and confusion as thousands of poor Americans strike it rich next week...IT AIN't Gonna Be PRRRREEEEETTTTTYYYYYYY!!!!


    franny, were almost there!!

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