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  1. #241
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Strike : the decision to lift the value of the Iraqi dinar has come as a result of studies value

    قال وزير المالية باقر جبر صولاغ ان الدينار العراقي يشهد تحسنا ملحوضا خلال الفترة الحالية.
    He said the Finance Minister Baqir Jabr counterpart that the Iraqi dinar is Mlhoudha improvement during the current period.
    وأضاف صولاغ ان التذبذب الحاصل في السوق المحلية يعود الى بعض الاشاعات التي تثار من اجل عرقلة هذا التحسن .
    He added that the strike caused fluctuations in the local market due to some rumors that arise for blocking this improvement.
    موضحا ان قرار البنك المركزي العراقي في رفع قيمة الدينار العراقي امام العملات الاجنبية هو قرار صحيح وجاء نتيجة دراسات قيمة تهدف الى رفع القيمة الشرائية للمواطن العراقي قبل كل شيء .
    Pointing out that the Iraqi Central Bank's decision to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the foreign currencies is a correct decision and the result of studies aimed to raise the value of a reduction in the purchasing power of the Iraqi people before everything else.
    مشيرا الى ان خطط الوزارة استوعبت كافة البرامج المستقبلية في الميزانية لهذا العام من اجل تحريك الاقتصاد العراقي بالشكل الصحيح.
    He pointed out that the plans of the ministry absorbed all future programs in the budget for this year in order to stimulate the Iraqi economy properly.
    Translated version of

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #242
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Canberra wants a greater share in the reconstruction of Iraq cake
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    Baghdad-News Agencies : The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during a meeting with Australian Defense Minister occupations Nelson yesterday to expand cooperation between the two countries in fields of economy and trade, stressing the necessity of "counter terrorism", according to the government statement. A statement added that during the meeting, al-Maliki called to widen the circle of cooperation between Iraq and Australia, including cooperation in the area economic, trade and reconstruction, pointing to "the need to unite the nations of the world to face terrorism." She
    Meanwhile, the Australian minister, who arrived in Baghdad yesterday in a surprise visit, "his country's full readiness to provide all kinds of support for Iraq and the government of national unity," saying that "Canberra intends to play a greater role in the reconstruction process in Iraq." This visit comes two days after the arrival of the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to Baghdad in similar visit during which he met with Iraqi officials • on the other hand, begins today Maliki tour in the region initiated by Egypt before traveling to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and possibly to other countries to hold talks to pave the way for the Sharm El-Sheikh next month. A government source said that Prime Minister begins tour in the region today Sawa the first in Egypt where he will hold talks with President Hosni Mubarak on the Sharm El-Sheikh conference before going to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and several countries in the region "not identified by name jobs. official refused to confirm whether Iran within the stations round jobs. Maliki was announced before the" chosen Egypt for hosting the conference and the meeting of the security of Iraq "hold" as an Arab country, and this is a concern we want to Nmetd with our Arab and seek to involve them to assume responsibility in Iraq. "For his part, MP eminent Kurdistan Alliance Mahmoud Othman said that al-Maliki will fly to Egypt and Saudi Arabia where he will discuss preparations for the conference, which takes priority in the agenda of his tour," she
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  3. #243
    Senior Investor PAn8tv's Avatar
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    Iraq : the controversy over the Iraqi oil
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    Name of the program : Iraq
    The program : Suheir Qaisi
    The date : Friday, 4-20-2007

    The guests :
    Khaled al-Attiyah (first deputy chairman of the House Iraqi)
    Thamer Ghadban (and the former Iraqi Oil Minister)
    Hamza Jeweler (an independent oil)

    Suheir Qaisi : Dear God Heakm Welcome to a new episode of the program from Iraq, the new Iraqi oil law raises many questions by researchers and spe******ts affairs oil and parliamentarians, also raises fears and apprehension views of Iraqi and non-Iraqi, Given that, as they say allow foreign participation in production repealing all previous political efforts by the Iraqis throughout the national stage eg nationalization of oil, which make black gold extracted and the conduct of Iraqi production and exports and industry.
    In spite of the law assert that the drafters of the effectiveness and usefulness in the service of the Iraqi interest, but they face many visions of oil experts on the safeguards that should be provided by law for the Iraqi people to ensure national rights, and preventing the domination of foreign companies on oil production.
    Iraqi Parliament held a lengthy meeting this week in Dubai, the competent ministers and members of parliament and Iraqi oil experts from all political stripes to discuss the draft new oil.
    We turn Senstodha law and the details and discussing with our guests, Sheikh Khalid al-Attiya here with us in the studio is first deputy chairman of the Iraqi National Assembly sponsor of the Dubai conference on the law of the new Iraqi oil, and also with us Dr. Thamer Ghadban, former Iraqi oil minister who contributed to the writing of this law, and also with us in the studios of Arab Mr. Hamza Jeweler an expert Nafti resident in the United Arab Emirates.
    Then before the start of the dialogue with our guests and with our viewers watch this report prepared by colleague roar spring on the facts of the law was discussed oil and natural gas in Dubai.
    A conference to discuss the Iraqi oil in Dubai
    Roar spring : thus chose Weston Iraqi deputy minister and expert on oil in Iraq away from the atmosphere of tension and political maneuvers that hangs over the Iraqi political scene in Baghdad, bringing with them more files importance of the present and future to be discussed in the UAE.
    Dubai hosted a seminar devoted to discussing the draft law of Iraqi oil, which was approved by the Cabinet for submission to the House of Iraq.
    D. Hussein Shahrastani (Iraqi Oil Minister) : As I stated in the law interjection Malti Iraq achieves all the aspirations of the Iraqi people control of the national oil wealth, and achieve the highest value and benefit of Iraq is fairly distributed among all Iraqis, this means big privileges in the law.
    The roar of spring : the law gives the right to manage territories without negotiating with companies contracted according to the federal standards.
    Stipulates that the financial resources deposited in a fund administered by the parliamentary body, the Prime Minister and an international financial, and the establishment of a fund for future generations is an unprecedented step in Iraq.
    The most prominent objectives of the Act can be summarized in attracting foreign investments estimated at billions of dollars to Iraq. Organizing oil wealth sharing resources between ethnic and sectarian groups, rehabilitation of the oil production sector, which was severely affected by past wars and armed operations.
    Despite the insistence on it that would pave the way for Iraq's unity convenient distribution of wealth according to their vision, but that the law was a revolution of controversy and objections since put to the discussion, Some see the complete abolition of the process of nationalization of Iraqi oil that have been implemented early 1970s of the last century, while others feel that it is devoted to the division of Iraq and reflects more of sectarian division and weaken the government center.
    D. Mahdi Al-Hafiz (member of the House Iraqi) : more than 90% of the wealth of Iraq will be in the custody of the National Oil Company, it is this angle, I think that is something which many of exaggeration.
    Roar spring : financial and administrative corruption, which is suffering from the Iraqi state, pushing many to cast doubt on the possibility and feasibility of implementing the law if approved by Parliament in a fair manner which guarantees the right of every Iraqi citizen economically debilitating oil wealth.
    Management Act of Iraqi oil and infect the borders of Iraq and the global strategy, but what counts Iraqis present and the future in how to manage wealth black gold and benefit from the fair, and then to prevent the blood price for their oil future. Program of the Iraq - roar spring.
    Suheir Qaisi : Dear welcome you again, I thank you Bdioufi course to participate in a day, and you never Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the Iraqi parliament, I mean, you have sponsored this conference in Dubai, what it reveal?
    Khalid al-Attiyah : In the name of God the Merciful, the truth of this conference, which was held in Dubai to discuss the draft law on oil and gas mainly designed to achieve two main elements, one is to identify the content of the law in a quiet scientific objective is far from the political and recruitment political wrangling The other objective is also to identify observations and suggestions made by experts and spe******ts in the field of oil in order to rationalize this law, and to reach a better formulation serve interests of the Iraqi people.
    Suheir Qaisi : I mean, I understand from your words will be the light of these views, which previously heard yesterday by all political stripes and the oil experts will be taken into account and therefore amend the law?
    Khalid al-Attiyah : Truth goal is to provide an opportunity for different opinions and viewpoints opposite of the emergence and appearing in preparation for use in discussions of the House, of course, is up to the House that will decide what to take from these proposals, What leaves in the light of the national interest in the light of the Iraqi basic standards formulated on the basis of law, and referred to by the Minister of Oil in the report that you just, which is about ensuring national control over this wealth, and to ensure the highest return of this important strategic wealth of the Iraqi people, and also allow the institution oil, which is now suffering from the problems and difficulties of the development and increase production to cover the ambitious development plan contemplated by Iraq now.
    Suheir Qaisi : So turn to the former Iraqi Oil Minister Thamer Ghadban, Minister who you are you putting this draft bill for oil and gas, but some of you that Teketemtem this draft for many months, wondering means of written in 2006 specifically the month of July, but leaked copies in November of that year, "Why this secrecy?
    Thamer Ghadban : in fact, there was no reticence at all, the first draft was prepared in July and claimed the Oil Ministry, and there was the name of the Committee on Oil and Energy Committee, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and membership of a number of ministers, the earlier draft was not binding on the Commission, but the Commission examine the draft working paper, The study lasted Committee, the draft is not small, and I can say that all inter mean anything because it deals with the extraction of spare no ownership of oil and gas in Iraq, and how to manage the property and determine the terms of reference, there were visions and differences and debate and discussions are very difficult, Vastegurguna to mid-February of this year to be completed draft, how you publish the draft did not discuss originally did not originally agreed, it was felt Yes, in the Commission publish this draft to everyone, An alternative view is preponderant in more members of the Committee to finalize and deploy This has already been done.
    Suheir Qaisi : Let me turn and associate professor Hamza Jeweler an expert oil, I mean during a research professor Hamza find you were in the forefront of critics of the draft law of oil and gas Iraqi Could you tell us about where this Aaataradk concentrated?
    Hamza Jeweler : the truth before they begin to answer this question, there are two kinds of critics, the fact there is some kind criticism constructive and positive to develop better language to the law, and there are others want really bad in Iraq, It wants to impede the process of issuing the law was very important for Iraq and perhaps even to obstruct the entire political process, the truth must be borne by the IMF wrote, or rather the intentions thus is a matter of constructive criticism, which aims to develop formulas best ..
    Suheir Qaisi : Where precisely the objection? Where is the objection or criticism sense healthier?
    Hamza Jeweler : truth criticisms concentrated first on the issue of production contracts, contracts for production or development or production and exploration, development and production contracts Alersk so, the truth is that all these different forms, contracts to participate production, we believe that this is some sort of circumvent the ownership of the Iraqi people for oil, because there is now a partner with the Iraqi this property even for a short time, because the issue of the award of a contract to produce the oil companies not to grant a company to exploit agricultural land example back after twenty agricultural land as it is, But workers can not return to what it is because it drains, these contracts, objections also mean abandonment or national sovereignty, we mean the first piece of legislation can be the most important legislation coming after the Constitution was coming issue of the law we passed by the oil, or as some believe also that fashion by the Constitution, This means that the truth can come and deported many other transgressions, other objections that there are very big differences between the center and between the province on the issue of the distribution of powers, there are also many other differences fact most significant is the issue of contracts.

    Within the foreign investor participation in the oil sector

    Suheir Qaisi : talk to all these criticisms and differences and points of these differences, let us now focus on the participation of foreign investors in the oil and gas sector, His Excellency the Minister, the fact that you put this law, or at least I of the main contributors to his position, and what the limits on foreign investor participation in the oil and gas sector, according to the new project?
    Thamer Ghadban : I think that a lot of criticisms were selective and focused on a small part of the topic, neglected many of the positive aspects and many of the safeguards mentioned by the Sheikh, a moment ago, there are very clear provisions in the law that all contracts which will enter the competent bodies and meant either the Oil Ministry or the integrity or the Iraqi National Oil Company, must be adapted to meet the following : First of national control over oil wealth. Secondly ownership of Iraq's oil wealth or sources. Thirdly achieve maximum economic return to this country first, secondly there mechanisms in this law, the first important mechanism that all policies, plans and models of contracts etc. will be prepared by the federal oil and gas, which is the highest authority to oversee the management of oil operations headed by the Prime Minister ..
    Suheir Qaisi : HE minister regretted the boycott was only talking ..
    Thamer Ghadban : foreign participation in your report you have shown it can, said all fields of production will go to the Iraqi National Oil Company and even fields which produce very little, and perhaps there was a very small production, 27 oil field will manage the Iraqi National Oil Company, There is no text on the firm originally going to be developed according to production contracts addition, there are 25 other gas fields discovered will also overseen by the Iraqi National Oil, now come to the contracts for the production, these contracts are not required in this law for implementation actors Iraqi executive authority that the development of these fields or fields according to a certain pattern of contracts, but there is the text says that the contract for exploration was built on the basis of one of three decades mentioned brother Hamza Jeweler, the development, production, the service, held in the exploration risk, then there is a basket of modeling contracts left to the Federal Council and the Ministry of Oil, which will consult with the producing regions and provinces, and comes to the federal proposal to choose any pattern.
    Suheir Qaisi : But thus mean different names are both production and development contracts or other is the involvement of a foreign investor, may be limits to this involvement?
    Thamer Ghadban : all contracts signed in the past, even in time of the former regime there is no text on the property, there is the text that these contracts were due refunds or investor benefits be refunded with an acceptable return on investment, it has no oil of Iraq or part of Iraqi oil in the ground, On the contrary, oil, which will result in the inside surface installations in the pipeline leading to the port are clear in the minds of those contracts and any future contracts they owned the Iraqi state.
    Suheir Qaisi : Let me turn to Sheikh Al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the House Iraqi sheikh meant when it said that the draft presented to the House of Representatives refused even before they read, if this is true, why this rejection direct them?
    Khalid al-Attiyah : First let me come back to the point that participate in production referred to by Professor Hamza Jeweler, the truth of course I do not pretend I am an expert in the oil so that I can judge any versions of the formulas contracts is in favor of Iraq than others, but I know, for sure, that this law does not refer to any type of formulas contract with a foreign investor, and I think that the focus on this point. and shame that this law provides for giving the foreign investor under these contracts right to participate in the production I think this is not anything substantive, as stated Dr. topic right up to the federal oil to decide in the light of the standards set by law, what is the formula that can contract with a foreign investor on the basis of the field in each and every case, back to the question that pointed out the draft failed to reach the House did not formally presented to the parliament, it is still in the custody of the prime minister entrusted after the unanimous assent to the Shura Council of State to consider the legal wording, and then sent to the House, we are for the conduct of the debate and even create the atmosphere of objectivity and scientific resources, and there is inform the public opinion of the ******* of Deputies and spe******ts on the content of this law initiated the Iraqi parliament to hold such a seminar in order to achieve this goal each.
    Suheir Qaisi : So Dear viewers, we continue our dialogue with you about Bill oil and gas new Iraqi, but remain with the interval after you return.
    [Interval ad]
    Suheir Qaisi : So Welcome Dear again, we are still with you in the discussion of the draft law of oil and gas new Iraqi, before we continue this discussion, we stop with this report, prepared by our colleague Jawad woodcutter on the crisis of the Iraqi oil and its implications.

    The Iraqi oil crisis

    Jawad woodcutter : being as blood in the arteries of the Iraqis, but that the extent of national any person or party is measured by its position, was it a blessing or a curse? The oil and gas being put to the vote before the Parliament after having been approved by the government of the need to finance rapid reconstruction opinion, The desire for access to modern technology, which will come with foreign companies, and the lack of reasons for Iraq to develop oil and gas industry faces objecting refuted the first reasons I mean financing reconstruction, arguing that actual spending on investment projects did not exceed 10% in the past year, Of the six billion dollars allocated for this has not spent only $ 600 million, with a total amount in excess of the budget the same year eight billion dollars, and this means that Iraq could reconstruct its infrastructure and develop its oil sector without the need to mortgage their national wealth of the companies are monopolies.
    While the government asserts that the law governing the operations of the Department of oil wealth, the existence of the federal oil and gas policy and decide to run the oil is excellent, some argue that the duration of the production-sharing contracts, which range between thirty and forty years old, and get companies coming from the 60 to 70% of the proceeds of oil cost The quotas center and the regions will Iraq and its wealth unstable.
    More than one hundred billion barrels reserves of Iraq to more than 250 billion barrels of reserves expected revenues of up to 500 billion dollars annually, astronomically However Lingo prepared citizen remain simple dreams Balter only one queue was hours and hours. Lumberjack-Horse program from Iraq.
    Suheir Qaisi : HE minister then followed us this report, these figures put forward, how attaches particular with regard to the participation of foreign investors for a period ranging from the 20th to 40th year?
    Thamer Ghadban : Thank you, I have heard there are three points of the report, the first under this means wealth is not true at all, that the oil and gas will not lead to mortgage Iraqi oil wealth, but on the contrary would open vistas for the development prospects of Iraqi oil extractive industry, will lead to increased production and export rates increase and then ..
    Suheir Qaisi : But in terms of extraction will continue together Excellency the Minister ..
    Thamer Ghadban : thirty to forty years, this is not true, there is no provision in this law says that there will be standing contracts thirty to forty years, the subject of 60 and 70% of the oil cost is also not true at all. There is no one of these numbers is in the draft.
    Suheir Qaisi : These figures do not exist, then with respect to extraction learning HE minister that the extraction does not cost as charged issue after the extraction industries, Why participate in the investor extraction operations, which cost as industrial cost? Why not charge a foreign investor cost industries that followed? Why not bear the greatest responsibility and thus lessening the pressure on Iraqi companies?
    Thamer Ghadban : There are a series of laws prepared by the state, one of these laws is the subject pointed out that the building of new refineries, were approved, and will encourage the private sector and the Arab and foreign refineries to build within Iraq, this has been dealt with, and there are also plans and efforts in the Oil Ministry to deal with gas investment, as far as I know there is not new and former ministry now engaged in a broad dialogue with several international companies first to prevent and stop wasting any gas burning gas and investment, providing dry gas to generate electricity and chemical industries and also liquid gas for domestic consumption, I am with you, yes, we must focus on these events without neglect, but there are different sectors of activity within the year, including the extraction of oil, including the transfer activity, including activity distributional Everything in due time.
    Suheir Qaisi : Ok turn to Professor Hamza Jeweler, a professor Hamza mean Dioufi heard regarding the participation of foreign investors, stating that these figures are not true, will be participating for long periods of time as stated how attached?
    Hamza Jeweler : truth is not the issue, but as there are other issues I wanted to comment on the issue of national constants, which received the draft law is the general framework, I mean the highest benefit to the country of constants, etc., I mean not specified exactly, but in a loose framework, the question is where? In the details, models contracts, models contract itself should be supplements to the law, this was never put to the public did not know about one thing, what's the model contracts mentioned in the law issue here, I mean probably Says say they make the highest amount of profit or benefit of Iraq, Ok let Nhovha Why are staying, secondly, the question of the national oil company in more than one place of the previous report, and also spoke distinguished gentlemen that 90% of the oil, however, the National Oil Company of this inaccurate truth ..
    Suheir Qaisi : So what is accurate? What is accurate?
    Hamza Jeweler : let me go after the fullest .. This figure is the fact that only the reserve any firm pledges 112 billion barrels, but there is another reserve, which is ranked 240 Alaoti Limits As stated period conjecture, and there is also potential, which is the reserve includes areas .. Western Area means Western Sahara, and that some studies up to 300 billion barrels, the truth is all these numbers calculated, all outside the national oil company will be able to state ..
    Suheir Qaisi : So let me just professor Hamza mean time program limited Let me share with Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the House of Representatives, these contracts which speaks of Sergeant of these contracts with foreign companies? Is certified by the House of Representatives? Will .. Or it will be the responsibility only of the responsibilities of the Federal Council of oil and gas, or what?
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #244
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAn8tv View Post
    Canberra wants a greater share in the reconstruction of Iraq cake
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    Baghdad-News Agencies : The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during a meeting with Australian Defense Minister occupations Nelson yesterday to expand cooperation between the two countries in fields of economy and trade, stressing the necessity of "counter terrorism", according to the government statement. A statement added that during the meeting, al-Maliki called to widen the circle of cooperation between Iraq and Australia, including cooperation in the area economic, trade and reconstruction, pointing to "the need to unite the nations of the world to face terrorism." She
    Meanwhile, the Australian minister, who arrived in Baghdad yesterday in a surprise visit, "his country's full readiness to provide all kinds of support for Iraq and the government of national unity," saying that "Canberra intends to play a greater role in the reconstruction process in Iraq." This visit comes two days after the arrival of the American Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to Baghdad in similar visit during which he met with Iraqi officials • on the other hand, begins today Maliki tour in the region initiated by Egypt before traveling to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and possibly to other countries to hold talks to pave the way for the Sharm El-Sheikh next month. A government source said that Prime Minister begins tour in the region today Sawa the first in Egypt where he will hold talks with President Hosni Mubarak on the Sharm El-Sheikh conference before going to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and several countries in the region "not identified by name jobs. official refused to confirm whether Iran within the stations round jobs. Maliki was announced before the" chosen Egypt for hosting the conference and the meeting of the security of Iraq "hold" as an Arab country, and this is a concern we want to Nmetd with our Arab and seek to involve them to assume responsibility in Iraq. "For his part, MP eminent Kurdistan Alliance Mahmoud Othman said that al-Maliki will fly to Egypt and Saudi Arabia where he will discuss preparations for the conference, which takes priority in the agenda of his tour," she
    OI OI OI!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Strike : the decision to lift the value of the Iraqi dinar has come as a result of studies value

    قال وزير المالية باقر جبر صولاغ ان الدينار العراقي يشهد تحسنا ملحوضا خلال الفترة الحالية.
    He said the Finance Minister Baqir Jabr counterpart that the Iraqi dinar is Mlhoudha improvement during the current period.
    وأضاف صولاغ ان التذبذب الحاصل في السوق المحلية يعود الى بعض الاشاعات التي تثار من اجل عرقلة هذا التحسن .
    He added that the strike caused fluctuations in the local market due to some rumors that arise for blocking this improvement.
    موضحا ان قرار البنك المركزي العراقي في رفع قيمة الدينار العراقي امام العملات الاجنبية هو قرار صحيح وجاء نتيجة دراسات قيمة تهدف الى رفع القيمة الشرائية للمواطن العراقي قبل كل شيء .
    Pointing out that the Iraqi Central Bank's decision to raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the foreign currencies is a correct decision and the result of studies aimed to raise the value of a reduction in the purchasing power of the Iraqi people before everything else.
    مشيرا الى ان خطط الوزارة استوعبت كافة البرامج المستقبلية في الميزانية لهذا العام من اجل تحريك الاقتصاد العراقي بالشكل الصحيح.
    He pointed out that the plans of the ministry absorbed all future programs in the budget for this year in order to stimulate the Iraqi economy properly.
    Translated version of

    as an export economy, iraq should have a very high exchange rate on their currency! raise it up, raise it up , raise it up shabbi !

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    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers to the First Amendment Law
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    Republic of Iraq
    The Cabinet-National Information Center
    Media Relations
    A press / Press Release

    The Secretariat of the Council of Ministers refers to the first amendment law publication in the official gazette, the Chamber of Deputies

    Transmitted by the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers a copy of the draft law first amendment of the publication in the Official Gazette No. 78 of 1977, proposed by the Council of Ministers penultimate regular 17th meeting on the 17th of April after scrutiny by the State Consultative Council, to the parliament for ratification.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    Maliki is being held talks with Mubarak in Cairo on Congress
    (Voice of Iraq) - 22-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    He met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday in Cairo with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as part of a tour that also Kuwait to discuss ways to the success of the international conference on Iraq held in Sharm el-Sheikh early May.

    A statement by the Iraqi government that al-Maliki will hold talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak focused on bilateral relations and ways to develop cooperation in the security and political, economic and prospects for regional cooperation to combat terrorism and support Iraq so as to enhance national unity.

    He added that talks will focus in particular on ways and means to ensure the success of the International Covenant and the neighbors to support Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh.
    Accompanying Maliki delegation including Interior Minister Jawad who is the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Rafie Eissawi and national security adviser Muwaffaq Al-Rubaie and other officials.

    The Maliki had announced a few days ago, "We are optimistic choosing Egypt as an Arab country, and this is a concern we want to Nmetd with our Arab and seek to involve them to take responsibility in Iraq."

    I was invited six neighboring countries of Iraq are Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey to participate in the conference to be held on the third and fourth of May is the second after the Baghdad conference, which was held in March.

    Also attended by Bahrain, Egypt, the Arab League and Organization of the Islamic Conference and the United Nations, along with the five permanent Security Council members - the United States, Britain, Russia, France, China, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan and the European Union.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    The low demand for dollar purchase auction CBE

    Sunday, April 22, 2007
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Decreased demand for dollar in an auction the Central Bank of Iraq in the opening week today, Sunday, recording the volume reached 55 million and 895 thousand dollars, compared with 81 million and 190 thousand dollars last Thursday.
    Such purchase orders by 11 million and 315 thousand dollars in cash and 44 million and 580 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country covered by the bank fully exchange rate reached 1272 dinars, the same rate last Thursday.
    With the banks made (13) participate in the auction, bids for the sale of five million dollars against 2 million to the bank on Thursday bought fully exchange rate amounted to 1270 dinars.
    He said Mr. Ali Yasiri, one dealing with the World News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "The increase in sales presentations due to start and the Ministry of Finance regardless vocabulary budgetary sphere of ministries and the Iraqi dinar is therefore sell the dollar to buy the dinar fill allocations ministries.

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  9. #249
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    Television : Maliki arrive in Cairo

    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Sunday, April 22, 2007

    Television (Iraqi) official that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki arrived today, Sunday, to Cairo at the beginning of his Arab tour that included Egypt and Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

    It is expected that examines Maliki with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak ongoing preparations for the convening of the International Conference to be held on the third of May next month in Sharm el-Sheikh.

    No mention of Iraq further details.

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  10. #250
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    Sunday, April 22, 2007


    Lower demand for dollar in daily auction

    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, Apr 22, (VOI) – Demand for the dollar decreased in the Iraqi Central Bank’s daily auction on Sunday, reaching $55.895 million compared with $81.190 million on Thursday.
    In its daily statement the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $11.315 million in cash and $44.580 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,272 dinars per dollar, unchanged for three weeks.
    Thirteen banks participated in Sunday's auction and offered to sell 5 million dollars. The Iraqi Central Bank bought the entire amount at 1,270 per Iraqi dinar.

    Ali al-Yasseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "offers to sell dollars are expected to increase as the Central Bank seeks local currency liquidity to cover items on the Iraqi national budget that was announced in Iraqi dinar for the time since 2003." (????)

    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday

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