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  1. #761
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    Voices of Iraq : Talabani oil-law
    nakr2004 PM BTBooks : nakr2004 on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 11:27 PM-BT

    Talabani discuss with Shahrastani Bill oil and gas
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Research President Jalal Talabani today, Wednesday, with Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani
    Bill oil and gas, and ways to develop the oil industry in the country.
    ."A statement issued outline of the presidency today received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy of the Taliban "met, before leaving the capital Baghdad to the city of Sulaymaniyah today, Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani ... , And discussed with him ways to develop the oil industry in the country. " The statement added : "It has also been discussion of the bill for the Iraqi oil and gas, which will be presented to Parliament later."
    He explained that the president "also discussed with Minister of Oil nature of the relationship between the central government and the government of Kurdistan region, with regard to the distribution of oil wealth equitably to the regions and governorates."
    م ق- ك مS-K m m
    ÇáØÇáÈÇäí- ÞÇäæä ÇáäÝØ :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #762
    Senior Investor MOM2TWO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoiledred View Post
    I just got back from my sons baseball game, sounds like things are heating up in here ina good way! LOL
    That's just 'cause the dinar gals are online!!! Weeeeoooooot, things are lookin' good!! ( so I was told by the guys at the local mini-mart)

  3. #763
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    Default Toga Toga!

    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post
    You can say THAT again! I'm having woodwork like that in my next house!

    ...but just like the Scots and their kilts...what's under those robes?!?!

  4. #764
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    President Talabani meets oil minister and discuss with him ways and means
    (Voice of Iraq) - 25-04-2007

    News : Before leaving for Aleslimlinih President Talabani meets oil minister and discuss with him ways to develop the oil industry in the country

    Left President Jalal Talabani Baghdad, on Wednesday 4-25-2007, heading to Sulaymaniyah.
    And had met His Excellency, before leaving the capital, Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani and discussed with him ways to develop the oil industry in the country, has also been discussing the draft law of oil and gas which will be presented to the Iraqi parliament later.

    President Talabani also discussed with the Minister of Oil, the nature of the relationship between the central government and the government of Kurdistan region regarding the distribution of oil wealth equitably to the regions and provinces. - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

  5. #765
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    Talks to settle differences with the Kurds on the Iraqi oil
    Source : Reuters-25 / 04 / 2007

    Meet officials from the Iraqi central government and the Iraqi Kurdistan region this week to settle their differences on the draft law on oil, which will determine who controls the third largest oil reserves in the world.

    Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani last week said that the law would be ready for presentation to Parliament this week and expected not enter parliament for substantial amendments.

    But Kurds and energy officials described as supplements to the law unconstitutional, raising the possibility that further disagreements and disruptions witnessed by the law, which is long overdue.

    Law and oil, which Washington believes is an important step towards reconciliation between the warring parties in Iraq is vital to attracting investment from foreign companies to increase oil production and the rebuilding of the devastated economy.

    Ashti seminar, Minister of Natural Resources in the province Kurdish autonomous Reuters said that his objections focused on supplements law that prohibit Non control of the oil fields and give control to the new government oil company.

    Nigervan Barzani, the Prime Minister of Kurdish territory said that the Kurds want the law last respect to the management of oil revenues in a single step with the oil.

    Barzani said "the draft law and the law of oil distribution of oil revenues must be approved together in Parliament. Without the distribution of oil revenues under the law of oil. "

    He added, "the oil revenues must be deposited in a special account and the share of Kurdish region should be clearly defined and have no objection if this account administered by Iraq or any of the international committee." The government wants the central deposit revenues in the calculation of central and distribution according to the population distribution.

    Most Iraqi proven oil reserves located in the south, which is dominated by Shiites and the north, which is dominated by Kurds.

    The equitable distribution of Iraq's wealth is vital for national reconciliation because the Sunni Arabs, who live in central and western Iraq worried that the agreement is inappropriate to deprive them of any additional income in the event the security situation has improved enough to increase production steadily. The Sunni Arabs are the main component of the fighters in Iraq.

    Robert Gates urged American Minister of Defense last week, the leaders of Iraq to carry out a number of basic steps that support the reconciliation of the oil by the end of the summer.

    But the draft law passed by the cabinet in February last and was praised by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as the mainstay of Iraq's unity not solve controversial issues such as how to share revenues Will controlled the central government or regional governments on the discovered fields not developed.

    These details clarify supplements.

    In January said Shahrastani, who expressed his willingness to listen to the viewpoint of the Kurdish government this week that the National Oil Company would control most of the major fields in the country.

    He said that the seminar supplements law gives the government control of the unacceptable rate hits 80% of the reserves of Iraq. But they do not have the expertise or capital for the development of discovered fields not developed.

    Supplements include the disputed fields currently producing and discovered fields and unused areas of exploration.

    Mohammed Othman, an independent Kurd deputy of the Iraqi Parliament said that he was confident the bill passed.

    The "United States of exerting pressure on the Kurds to the approval of the bill and I am sure they Sidhugueton them to agree to the supplements."

  6. #766
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    Saudi apologize for the reception Nouri Al-Maliki
    26 / 04 / 2007

    A diplomatic source said Wednesday that high-ranking Saudi "apologized" for receiving Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.
    The Iraqi prime minister currently tour launched in Egypt before going to Kuwait and possibly to other countries to hold talks to pave the way for the Sharm El-Sheikh next month.
    The news agency UBI on the source, who asked to remain anonymous, as saying that the Kingdom "apologized for the reception-Maliki because of his positive year in Iraq."
    The source added that the "biased Maliki Shiites in Iraq and other positive stances of the year is one of the reasons that led to an apology from the Saudi leadership reception."
    The source pointed out that Al-Malki, "the work to strengthen the Iranian role in Iraq


    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #767
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    Companies have offered to participate in the Emirates capital.
    Source : Dar Al-Hayat-25 / 04 / 2007

    The board chairman «Iraqi company for bank guarantees», the depositary Alhandal request by the Emirates companies to enter into partnership strategy, and added that it is a step that will activate the program established by the company's board in two meetings in each of Irbil Oman, who spent expanding the company's activities in a manner that capital it provides opportunities and horizons for investment in productive sectors variety.

    He added that the authorities consider offers companies Emirates order allowing them to enter into partnership with his company, which is scheduled to move from a private company to a shareholding company put its shares for public subscription. He explained that there are other Iraqi banks will join the company in the current year, to become more representative of the Iraqi banking sector, which was undergoing radical direction to strengthen its role in the process of development and construction.

    A Alhandal, who also heads the board «Ashur International Bank for Investment», one Iraqi banks partner in the company, more than 20 local hand applied for loans from the company to implement projects in the areas of industrial, agricultural and service sector, construction and tourism, pointing out that «draft prosperity» funded «Agency American Development Bank », which specializes development of private sector activity in Iraq, the contribution of the company of 500 thousand dollars, explaining that so far the rate of $ 1 million in loans for about 60 projects varied in size and activity throughout Iraq, the Iraqi banks shares in the company.

    Double loans

    Alhandal expected to double the volume of loans made by the company's projects during the close, and added that «Kurdistan province might be arena Chairperson of the company's current activities, given the size of the project, but the restoration of the security situation in the rest of Iraq will contribute greatly to the rapid pace of loans provided by».

    He explained that the company's capital will double the current rate is high, in light of the widening base of the funding they needed to be implemented projects in different regions of Iraq.

    He pointed out that Alhandal experience in the development of the Kurdistan deserves contemplation and study of expression of the region's need for the various projects and means of attracting capital to invest in them, an experience rich results experienced by each visitor to the territory.

    He explained that Iraqi banks are applying for opening branches in the provinces of Kurdistan, hoping that the local authorities : «support such a move, which would contribute positively to activate economic activity and banking to serve the march of development».

  8. #768
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    Iraqi Kurdistan city maintains information at 400 million dollars
    Source : Reuters-25 / 04 / 2007

    Officials said that the government of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq, and the company planned establishment of the Dubai media city in Erbil cost $ 400 million.

    They added that international television networks would accept the territory relatively stable because the bad security conditions prevented them from opening offices in Baghdad.

    Under an agreement establishing a city of Irbil, the regional government media will enjoy 60% share of the company voted Dubai Film and television production share of 40%.

    The project will start with capital of $ 40 million. The company will open which will oversee the production of compound Astodihat video, hotels, shops and houses, then to the shareholders.

    Anwar Yasiri, a company run Iraqi voice Dubai said that his company and British company Stbenian compound in a suburb north of Irbil in two years.

    George said Mansour, Minister of civil society "that the philosophy of the government in supporting such projects is to create jobs for people in the region and support the development of tourism sector and the media."

    Mansour and contributed in setting up the Iraqi Media Network after the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

    The project will include television broadcast stations and rebroadcasting card about 120 stations.

    Yasiri said, "This project will lay the Kurdistan region on the international map when the television stations broadcasting from the region."

    The cost of business in the Kurdish territory are much lower than in neighboring centers such as Dubai, especially after the government approved the liberalization of foreign investment laws last year.

    Yasiri said, "Even if we were unable initially to provide services to only the 60th television station, it would suffice to make profits, but we expect much greater volume of work."

    The six broadcast satellite television stations currently Iraq's Kurdistan, which includes hundreds of foreign companies, including 400 Turkish company.

    Yasiri said that the academy is the first phase of the project will include the cities of the Internet, where information will be international universities and technical colleges and training centers.

  9. #769

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    Moscow backs Lukoil Iraq project
    Financial Times - [25/04/2007]

    The Russian government is throwing its full support behind Lukoil’s ambition to become the first big international energy group to develop a major Iraqi oil field following the 2003 US invasion.

    Vagit Alekperov, Lukoil’s chief executive, said in an interview on Tuesday: “The Russian government supports us, the foreign ministry supports us, the president of the federation supports us. They support the idea of putting those Iraqi fields [into production] as soon as possible. In all these areas we have the support of the Russian government.”

    He added that Lukoil would be able to develop the West Qurna field two to three times more quickly than any other company. “We are ready to move really fast,” he said. “The situation in South Iraq is pretty stable and we have no problem starting operations right after the passage of the hydrocarbon law and once we have the necessary approvals,” he said. Iraq’s parliament aims to pass the law by the end of next month.

    West Qurna is believed to hold as many as 11bn-15bn barrels of recoverable oil reserves and has a potential to produce as many as 1m barrels a day, making it one of the world’s biggest fields.

    International energy companies such as ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch Shell and BP have been waiting for the security situation in Iraq to improve before developing fields, and analysts believe the situation in the Shia-dominated region close to the southern port of Basra where West Qurna is located is far from predictable.

    But at least one US company would benefit if Iraq’s oil ministry assigned the development of West Qurna to Lukoil. In 2004 ConocoPhillips, the US’s third largest energy group, formed a strategic partnership with Lukoil in which the US company gradually expanded its stake to just shy of 20 per cent. At the time of the announcement, the companies noted the eventually development of West Qurna as one of their motives for the deal.

    Lukoil has spent more than a decade angling for West QurnaIn spite of United Nations sanctions, the company signed a deal with Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s deposed president, in 1997 to develop the field. But in 2002, shortly before the US invasion, Baghdad rescinded the deal, saying it was angered by Lukoil’s attempts to get assurances from the opposition that it would keep the contract in case Mr Hussein’s regime fell.

    In the past two years Lukoil has spent $20m to train 1000-2000 Iraqi oil field engineers in Russian fields, put another 100 through Russian universities and provide equipment for Iraq’s oil industry.

    Gaining access to West Qurna is especially important for Lukoil because the Russian government is consolidating its power over Russian oil and gas fields by shifting the ownership of country’s biggest fields to its state companies, Gazprom and Rosneft.

    “We believe our homebase is Russia,” Mr Alekperov said, but he added: “At the same time we will be taking new efforts outside the Russian federation.”

    Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman said: ”Defending the interests of Russian companies abroad as a whole is a matter of importance for the government ... and it is also an important priority for the president. As far as Lukoil is concerned, it is a major company that is expanding its reach in many countries of the world... The intentions of the company to expand its presence in Iraq is supported in Russia.”

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