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    IRAQ : ITALIAN COMPANY WINS CONTRACT modernize two electrically shocked
    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    IRAQ : ITALIAN COMPANY WINS CONTRACT modernize two electrically shocked in Kurdistan

    Irbil (April 26) and the agency (Lucky) Italian News-A source in the Ministry of Electricity Kurdistan Province that the ministry signed a contract worth 40 million dollars with the company ELC-Electroconsult)) for the modernization of the Italian Nizotti electricity in the two principal at Dokan and Derbandikhan. The Director of the Ministry of Information, told (Lucky) Italian news Thursday, "The project is financed by the World Bank, the largest ministry projects in this area for several decades." He pointed out that "the minister of electricity confirmed, during the contract signing ceremony, to the pressing need to Kurdistan to such investment projects in various fields, especially electric power Territory suffers from chronic problems on them." He said that "the minister (Regional) invited Italian companies to enter the market competition of investment in Kurdistan, which is considered an attractive environment for investment." Recall that the President of the Kurdistan Massoud Barzani has appealed, during his recent visit to Italy, government officials of "urged Italian companies to implement the strategic investment projects in Iraqi Kurdistan," emphasizing "the Kurdish regional government's willingness to provide all necessary facilities to ensure the success of such projects." The two Alkahromaeitin, in Dokan and Derbandikhan, had established in the 1950s of the last century by Russian companies, but in recent years suffered from many problems due to the operational organs. The Ministry of Electricity Iraqi Kurdistan modernization contract with the Italian first strategic project since its formation last year.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
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  2. #812
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    The Iraqi Ministry of Oil : deals must be signed with the government
    (Voice of Iraq) - 26-04-2007 | - صوت العراق

    The Iraqi Ministry of Oil : deals must be signed with the central government only

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The Iraqi Oil Ministry on Thursday that he should not expect foreign companies oil contracts only with the central government pending the issuance of a new law for the oil sector and the recent agreements concluded outside the powers of government will be illegal.

    The source said the oil industry told Reuters that the warning contained in a statement issued by the ministry after the meeting, Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani with Russian envoy in Baghdad refers to the contracts concluded "recently" without the approval of the central government.

    The statement said the minister explained that Iraq would not abide by any contract had been signed outside the framework of existing laws, which limit the negotiations and the signing of contracts in the oil and gas fields and the Ministry of Oil, while the running of the new oil.

    The law of oil vital element in attracting foreign investments to increase oil production and the rebuilding of the Iraqi economy and Washington thinks that this law is an essential step towards reconciliation between rival factions.

    The statement said that foreign companies will not sign contracts only through the central government and the Ministry of Oil and Ministry warns companies that break the law of the Iraqi work and the consequences of any contract signed by outside powers of the central government would be illegal.

    The government of the Kurdistan of Iraq and signed several long-term agreements with foreign companies, including service contract concluded last week with the UAE company Dana Gas.

    Attempts by officials from the central government and the Kurdistan settle differences on the draft law for the oil sector will determine control of the foundation's third largest reserves of oil in the world.

    Shahrastani said last week that the law will be ready this week for presentation to Parliament but officials Kurds energy sector described as supplements to the law unconstitutional, which raised the possibility of postponing adoption of the law.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  3. #813
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    National reconciliation and reversed
    Date : Wednesday, April 25
    Topic : Homepage
    Aza Hasib Qirdage
    National reconciliation, which coincided security plan progressing and making good steps forward.
    These results are finally in the formation and development of new directions in response to terrorism, reduce and isolate particular Qaeda terrorist organizations and their likes teeth and expel from Iraq.

    The position of the Iraqi Islamic Party, the new rule and terrorism generally, in addition to individual reactions to influential political figures was the beginning of a new phase in the confrontation with terrorism coalition, particularly after the failed Qaeda and enumerate all together in targeted.
    Coinciding with these developments and accepted positions came clans Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk and the rest of the hot spots to generate great force to expel terrorism.
    This new, which is of great importance not move within the area vistas and easy, but faces many difficulties and received painful blows before Qaeda active in attacks targeting Sunni parties participate in the political process. also targeting citizens in areas with a majority Sunni cities, especially Baghdad, Anbar, through bombings and assassinations and physical liquidation affect unarmed citizens.
    The aim of this terrorist attack was to restore control of the areas lost Qaida and its allies militarily and popular through terrorize people and subjected once again to force their infernal, and thus thwart the process of national reconciliation put forward steps can be considered essential.
    Within this scheme LURD political social composed of Sunni political actors and forces of tribalism addition to the exposure to military attacks and terrorist pressure, they are confronted with all the Iraqi political process to another type of attack that is the Association of Muslim Scholars attempts to prevent the rift between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi armed groups, particularly the Baathists are from the Chapkoa disagreed with the rule in recent times.
    As stated in the news published by news agencies, the chairman of the shuttles and the contacts that the parties on one hand and on the other hand the rule of mediation and that any head body has obtained $ 50 million from the dead - and-buried dictator's daughter Raghad to spend on this mediation.
    The Commission did not confirm the news, not belied so far. It was true it is the duty of the Iraqi government caution and then intervene to thwart this dangerous scheme which is sold by Iraq for a very cheap price.
    It must give a memorandum to the Jordanian government, which is hosting on its territory and symbols of Saddam's family the Association of Muslim Scholars, who did not stop conspiracy against Iraq and its people's future and the political process in general, especially on national reconciliation, which inevitably lead to the isolation of all intruders. create bonds joint political and military situation and popular unified to defeat terrorism and to expel the enemy from Iraq finally
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    Voices of Iraq: Baghdad-Press
    Posted by: nakr2004 on Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 06:37 PM
    Cabinet reshuffle, violence dominate Iraqi press
    By Hamid al-Hamrani
    Baghdad, Apr 26, (VOI) – Iraqi newspapers published on Thursday focused on the escalating violence in the country and the news that the planned cabinet reshuffle will take place 72 hours after the arrival of al-Maliki in Baghdad.
    Under the main headline, 'After al-Maliki's return: 72 hours for cabinet reshuffle,' the semi-official al-Sabah newspaper quoted MP Hassan al-Sanaed from the Shitte United Iraqi Coalition (UIC) as saying that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki will work on the planned cabinet reshuffle immediately after his return to Baghdad from Masqat, the last stop on his tour of Arab countries. According to al-Sanaed, a new cabinet will be announced within 72 hours of al-Maliki's return, thus putting an end to the controversy surrounding the long-awaited reshuffle.
    "This time al-Maliki gained wide support for his plan to give the cabinet portfolios to independent theocrats, who are deemed to have qualifications and good potential," al-Sanaed explained.
    The Sadrist bloc earlier ordered its six ministers to quit the government to give the prime minister a chance to form a professional government that is free from the dominance of political parties.
    On the security situation in Basra, al-Sabah published a long article, entitled 'The Fadila Islamic Party warns that Basra could turn into another Darfur,' in which it said that the Iraqi parliament decided on Wednesday to include the security situation in Basra on its Thursday agenda.
    Al-Iraq newspaper quoted Izzat al-Shabandar, the spokesman for the Iraqi National List parliamentary bloc led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, as saying that the political initiative proposed by the Iraqi list is capable of containing the current Iraqi situation, along with its complications and dangers. Al-Shabandar denied that the Iraqi list aims to overthrow al-Maliki, explaining that it is working hard to support him to carry out his national role in reformulating the government on a national basis and abolishing the sectarian and ethnic quota system on which the current government is based.
    On the Adhamiya wall, the newspaper quoted a source from the al-Sadr Movement as saying that the movement planned two demonstrations in eastern and western Baghdad to condemn the security barriers erected in Adhamiya.
    The newspaper also published the following headlines, 'The Iraqi government slams UNAMI report' and 'Three foreign ministers will not participate in Sharm al-Sheikh conference.'
    On its front page, al-Bayyina al-Jadida published three main headlines: 'U.S. Navy receives special training in Bahrain. Emergency in Kuwait for fear of U.S.-Iranian war,' 'CNN politicians: Al-Maliki's government is at risk. Leaders of political forces must be held accountable for their actions' and 'Al-Maliki: The issue of Iraqi-Kuwaiti borders is settled. We hope that our debts will be forgiven in Sharm al-Sheikh conference.'
    Al-Taakhi newspaper, run by the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), published a long headline that read, 'Bush: It is illogical to tell your enemy in advance about the date of your troop withdrawal. If you do this, you give your enemy enough time to start his preparations to take control of the entire country. '
    Amid mutual accusations of failure and incompetence between the Iraqi government and political forces, the newspaper published an opinion poll entitled 'Iraqi MPs say al-Maliki's government is collapsing.' The newspaper quoted MP Mahmoud Uthman from the Kurdistan Alliance as saying, "Not only al-Maliki has failed. It is the entire government."


  5. #815
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    The start of the Economic Forum (investment in the Middle Euphrates .. The potential and opportunities)
    Date : Wednesday, April 25
    Topic : Homepage
    Shamkhi on Najaf :
    Started in Najaf governorate work of the Economic Forum (investment in the Middle Euphrates - potential and opportunities), which organized by the University of Kufa - the Faculty of Administration and Economy in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Najaf under the slogan ((hand in hand towards the building of Iraq))

    And Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum, former oil minister speech in which he said it was gratifying to be around you, you builders of the future and added these edifices built in Iraq and the builders of the future, you said I am happy to see this place in the discussions and research, which revolve around the theory and practice of economic axis Addressing Anim audience, he has often marginalized over the past decades and today our ambition to restore the lead in this scientific edifices, in order to create the future of Iraq and this is the great challenge His Come together share responsibility for the completion of this task and I thank the Holy Based on this scientific Economic Forum I want him to discuss the fate of the Central Euphrates provinces and future policies has cast a shadow on the former regime and the reality of the present and future of Iraq is not only wasted the wealth of Iraq's oil wealth, but the adoption of policies arbitrarily made governorates of Iraq suffer from deprivation studies have shown modern scientific just conducted by the Ministry of Planning in cooperation with the United Nations to chart the map of deprivation in Iraq is not a stranger you have shown that these results are more disadvantaged provinces Central Euphrates provinces and more than 50% have been Muthanna governorate in these governorates in denial followed Qadisiyah then Babel then Karbala Valenajaf study showed that most the southern provinces suffer from deprivation, but specifically the Central Euphrates provinces exceeded the rates of deprivation as well as a recent study showed that the unemployment rate is the biggest in Central Euphrates provinces and Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum that after four bonds are preliminary indications to address economic imbalances initial treatments aim to get rid of totalitarian rule economy Iraq the last three decades, but at the same time we must Angfel accumulations term of years and we need to act in a balanced manner between the private and public sector, there must be a clear vision of the Iraqi future and mapping Iraqi economic as we must to Anljae methods shock, but we pursue in Gradation implementation of the fundamental cornerstones of successful economic and Dr Ibrahim Bahr al-Ulum participants in the symposium that Iraq exercised its oil by 11% from its oil but produces only 2%, and this is an indication that there was something wrong and when we review these figures in economic indicators oil wealth of the Gulf states, we Anhad This great disparity or this imbalance Today we review this imbalance that there was a movement in the legislative corridors in the area of oil this organization included the first legislative thinking law distributes oil revenues in a fair, equitable and central governorates Mahroumeh be taken into consideration and this law is still a draft law, but the law is initiating the move oil and gas operations which regulates oil production in regulating the relationship between the center and regions and most everything this law is reshaping national oil company, there is a set of legislation in the field of manufacturing trying mingling effort between national and foreign investment, Dr Abdul Razak Alissa University President Kufa had delivered a speech emphasizing that the goal of this symposium is the possibility of a questionnaire input Kufah University in investment and development in the Middle Euphrates, which would, in the whole of Iraq and the effectiveness of this investment usefulness desired He said that universities in the civilized nations and contribute significantly to the community and the state economically, scientifically and socially and politically because the university simply factories producing scientists and mind and mentality distinguished and influential in all fields were also Engineer Zuhair Mohammed Reza drinking head of Najaf's Chamber of Commerce speech in which he emphasized the importance of mingling between theory and practice in the affairs of the economy and urged Zouhair drinking participants and researchers in this symposium to explore ways to revive Construction projects and start the economy in the Central Euphrates provinces and said that spe******ts in Najaf started this leadership role belief that the Middle Euphrates deserve every effort because they sacrificed and suffered much and patience and time to restore their part of the well-being eradicated by others without fair justice began after that research meetings of the Conference chaired by Dr. Mazen Shaikh Isa Dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economy, with the broad participation of spe******ts and researchers in a number of Central Euphrates provinces attended the seminar Messrs. representative Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a representative of Mr. Ammar Hakim, the Secretary General of the martyr sanctuary and Mr. Assad, Sultan Abu tirelessly governor of Najaf Mr. Ashraf Abdel Hussein Abtan deputy governor, the president of the preservation and Mr. Abdul Hussein al-Musawi, head of the Provincial Council and members of the governorate and a number of clan elders and businessmen economy trade in the Central Euphrates provinces

    This news came of the Journal of Al-Sabah Al-
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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    Voices of Iraq: Iraq-Currency
    Posted by: nakr2004 on Thursday, April 26, 2007 - 04:22 PM
    Sharp drop in demand for dollar in daily auction
    By Dergham Mohamed Ali
    Baghdad, Apr 26, (VOI) – Demand for the dollar in the Iraqi Central Bank’s daily auction was sharply down on Thursday, reaching $36.575 million compared with $63.975 million on Wednesday.
    In its daily statement the bank said it had covered all bids, which included $9.575 million in cash and $26.700 million in foreign transfers, at an exchange rate of 1,270 dinars per dollar, unchanged from Monday.
    None of the 14 banks that participated in Thursday's auction offered to sell dollars. Ali al-Yasseri, a trader at the auction, told VOI "the decline in today's demand for the dollar was due to the low demand for the dollar in foreign transfers, particularly by governmental departments at today's session."
    The Iraqi Central Bank runs a daily auction from Sunday to Thursday.

    So a decline in the demand for dollars...people are holding on to their dinars.....?

  7. #817
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    Iraq plans to license the three national mobile phone carriers, MTC Atheer, Orascom and Asia-Cell in June under an arrangement calling for revenue-sharing and an upfront cash payment of at least USD250 million each, according to government and industry sources. The decision comes after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, reacting to complaints over licensing uncertainty from the three cellcos, created a committee to address the matter. The panel included the Iraqi ministers of communications, finance, technology and national security, the head of the National Communications and Media Commission (NCMC), Siyamend Zaid Othman and wireless executives, and met three weeks ago. The outcome was an agreement in principle that the three national mobile operators would each receive a 15-year licence, with automatic renewals every five years thereafter. In exchange, Orascom, Asia-Cell and Atheer agreed to make a cash payment of at least USD250 million and share 18% of annual gross revenues with the Iraqi government. In addition, the ownership of the three operators must be significantly Iraqi. Orascom, Asia-Cell and Atheer have been in limbo since late 2005 when their two-year regional/national permits issued by the now-defunct Coalition Provisional Authority expired. After that, the NCMC extended licences for six months and then every three months. The cellcos have invested hundreds of millions of dollars in mobile phone deployment, but have had to hold back on contracts and expansion because of the licensing uncertainties. As well as the three national operators, there are two cellcos which provide services in the north-eastern Kurdish region, Sana Tel and Korek Telecom.

    As previously reported on CommsUpdate, moves are afoot to close down Kuwaiti-owned Asia Cell. It is not known whether the new licensing plans will have any bearing on this.

    The wheels are turning. Business is being conducted and money is flowing in....

  8. #818
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    M2 has gone down new figures
    January 18,329 billion
    February 18,790 billion

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #819
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    M2 has gone down new figures
    January 18,329 billion
    February 18,790 billion


    With lower value in the M2, does that make for the possibility of a highter Reval?
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
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  10. #820
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAn8tv View Post

    With lower value in the M2, does that make for the possibility of a highter Reval?

    Some would believe this. Some would believe it's irrelevant as to what the M2 is within reason.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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