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  1. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    found this on the " other " forum, hope it's not a re-postThe Ministry of Commerce said that next month will witness the implementation of a special program to activate trade relations between Iraq and various countries around the world.

    A source in the ministry said in a press statement that "this program prepared by the government would include all countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries to develop economic and commercial relations with them as there will be a joint bilateral committees with those States as well as increasing business contracts ..

    He added: "The coming days will witness the meetings between the Iraqi government delegations and a number of countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries, to discuss joint working papers between Iraq and those countries", stressing: "Iraq's desire to develop all economic and trade relations with the world countries and the relations that were cut during the past years to gain the experience of various countries of the world in developing the economy, supporting the private sector and to taking advantage of investment law which was approved some months ago.

    It is noteworthy that Iraq is seeking to join the World Trade Organization after obtaining the observer status in the organization in a step considered a prelude to reviving the Iraqi economy and the reconstruction of Iraq.__________________
    Mike....I just posted this article this afternoon at post #84. Not sure if it's a repost or delayed printing but it mentions the ICI in the coming days so I don't imagine it's too old.

  2. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    I believe the answer to all of your questions is "JACK SQUAT". Condoleza Rice winked at the Syrian foreign minister though.

    Get outta here! You're teasing us, aren't you?!
    "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything."

  3. #133
    Senior Member Pegasus's Avatar
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    OSW, glad to see you're doing well. Everyone is pretty much down in the dumps since it seems everyone was expecting an RV by today at the latest.
    "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything."

  4. #134
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    I expect nothing. That way every day is a surprise!
    Do unto know the rest...

    Here I am getting my Dinar News Fix waiting for that "Bold Adjustment"

  5. #135
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    Default Marshall Plan V.s. International Compact

    hello all.

    chin up!

    germany took around 3 months to revalue after the signing of the Marshall plan. iraq just signed the ICI just now...

    Iraq im sure will take less than 3 months, cos of the Oil. Everyone wants it.

    maybe a month, maybe 2mrow??

    but no longer than the oil summit surely!


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    Default Re-value or Peg

    so does any one know when
    its been so long , is this really going to happen for us or what
    I have been waiting and strugling a year
    does any one know when the dinar will finally peg or revalue
    as they call it

    April 30, 2007 Massive heart failure strikes Rolclub when auto emails were generated by the CBI reporting the rate of the Iraqi dinar at $5+. In related news, the Pension law passed in Iraq.

  7. #137
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    NOBODY knows when. Lots of people have provided this forum with hours of research, kept everyone up to date with the news, shared their thoughts and their rumors and have been in this investment for well over a year. It must be kinda disheartening for them to be asked this question over and over again and to be relying on this investment to come off in the immediate future is rather foolish as any investment is speculative. Hopefully we will all do very well out of this one, but nothing is for sure. I hope for your sake your struggles will ease but please don't depend on this one investment.

  8. #138
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    so does any one know when
    its been so long , is this really going to happen for us or what
    I have been waiting and strugling a year
    does any one know when the dinar will finally peg or revalue
    as they call it
    Quote Originally Posted by maxib View Post
    NOBODY knows when. Lots of people have provided this forum with hours of research, kept everyone up to date with the news, shared their thoughts and their rumors and have been in this investment for well over a year. It must be kinda disheartening for them to be asked this question over and over again and to be relying on this investment to come off in the immediate future is rather foolish as any investment is speculative. Hopefully we will all do very well out of this one, but nothing is for sure. I hope for your sake your struggles will ease but please don't depend on this one investment.
    Good answer...if someone knew when it was going to revalue (it's already pegged to the dollar) you wouldn't have to ask that question, you would have already read it on this forum. All dates/rumors are speculative guesses based on information and news gathered by the many great folks on this forum. I understand/empathize with your struggle for the past year, but realize that some of us have been involved for over 3 years, and yes questions like this can sometimes get under your skin.

    Hopefully soon...good luck to all!

  9. #139
    Senior Member Dinarstars's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Dickie going to Middle East...

    I don't think I noticed this in any other articles, but it seems Dick Cheney is going to "the region" (Middle East??? (Iraq???)) next week...

    Anybody read or hear this before....I wonder what he is going there for?


    Quote Originally Posted by Hkp View Post
    The White House was very satisfied with the outcome of the Sharm el-Sheikh

    (صوت العراق) - 05-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-05-2007

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    Rice : American forces in Iraq to international talks with the teacher is an important step has not had the opportunity to meet with Mottaki

    Washington Sharm el-Sheikh and agencies : The White House confirmed that «very satisfied» on Iraq conference which concluded yesterday in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in Egypt, stressing that he does not regret for not conducting high-level talks with Iran on the sidelines of the conference.

    She said Dana Perino spokeswoman for the White House that «a meeting with the Iranians was never on the agenda», noting that the American ambassador to Iraq, met for a short time with one of the Iranian diplomats.
    She met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her Syrian Walid Muallem on the sidelines of the conference, but there have been no talks with her Iranian counterpart.
    The spokeswoman, told reporters «emerged if the opportunity to hold a meeting with the Iranians also, I think that the minister would have been happy to talk with them».
    The American ambassador Ryan Crocker in Iraq that he met Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran, but he played down the importance of the meeting and said «has been very limited, and short, and on Iraq».
    Crocker explained that the meeting was also attended by principal adviser David Satterfield, the American Secretary of the Special Committee on Iraq.
    Perino said «I said (Crocker) that the meeting was brief, but they had a talk».
    Her «In general, we are very pleased for the conference to be held in Sharm el-Sheikh, and we are fully satisfied, but efforts will follow», pointing out that President George W. Bush sent his deputy Dick Cheney to the region next week.

    The Najja
    In Sharm el-Sheikh, described the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, the neighboring countries of Iraq which has been held yesterday as «very successful» emphasizing the importance of working meetings begin quickly to implement what was agreed upon in the areas of border security, energy and refugees.
    Rice said during a press conference following the conclusion of the conference that the conference sent letters also reached several important observations to them that the Iraqi government has spoken clearly about their responsibilities in the area of national reconciliation so that Iraq will be a country for all its citizens and working hard to create a climate conducive to achieving this goal.
    She stressed that President George Bush was fully committed his country's role in helping Iraq and create an atmosphere of reconciliation in which cautioning that a security vacuum would be very dangerous and would strengthen the thorn of terrorism.
    The participants in the conference agreed that it was in their interest all that Iraq will be stable and secure stressing that the goal of both «neighboring countries of Iraq Expanded», «document International Covenant Iraq» assist the democratically elected Iraqi government in the implementation of what had committed itself to the international community.
    She expressed the hope that the Iraqi people feel that the world stands aside to assist him in getting out of its crisis, pointing out that among the important points that were reached during the meetings of Sharm el-Sheikh agreement that there should be meetings of the implementation of what was agreed upon.

    Opportunity unfavorable

    On the other hand, in response to a question about the lack of a meeting with her Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki on the sidelines of the Sharm el-Sheikh pointed out that Rice did not have the opportunity to hold a meeting with the Iranian minister, explaining that it previously said it would meet with him if they had the opportunity «but such opportunity was lost».
    She added «that foreign ministers during the conference and exchanged views on how to help Iraq to be more secure,» said he was consulting on the responsibility of the neighboring countries in achieving this goal.
    The statement on Iraq's Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari is in the interest of Iraq to reduce tensions between Iran and the United States, Rice said she assured Zebari was not in her desire to do anything further complicate matters in Iraq.
    The newspaper «want Iraq's neighbors to act in line with the pursuit of a stable and secure Iraq».
    Regarding criticism Mottaki Addressing the neighboring countries of Iraq, Rice said «each party must pay attention and think of what he must do and not talk about what we must do others».
    And on the chances of a breakthrough in US-Iranian Rice said «We have no desire to have difficult relations with any party, but there is a history that spanned over 28 years with Iran must not tended».

    No problem with the Iranian people

    Rice stressed that there was no problem with the people of Iran and «country's culture and civilization great and played a positive role at the international level» expressed the hope that Iran act in line with their own interests in stopping the flow of arms across the border.
    Rice said «if Iran proved it is ready to implement their international obligations concerning the suspension of uranium enrichment and related activities will be the United States when it is ready to make changes in its position» expressing hope that Iran pursues this approach instead of the method of isolation.
    She noted that the path is clear to Iran in this respect is to respond to the international community through the European Troika, saying «We are not against Iran's use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and we shall continue to deal with the Iranian people culturally and sportsmen».

    For teacher

    Rice considered that her meeting with Syrian Benzirha Walid Mualem yesterday «important step» pointing out that the meeting dealt with the issue of Iraq and the fight against terrorism and how to help build a stable Iraq.
    She explained that the meeting with the teacher «was an opportunity to talk about our vision of the situation and the need to stop the flow of foreign fighters into Iraq» expressing the hope that there will be greater cooperation in this area.
    She added «we want to see the acts and actions on the ground in line with the rhetoric and we have diplomatic relations with Syria and we have a charge d'affaires in Damascus continues to work and discussions».

    Forces and the Security Council

    On the other hand, defended the American Secretary of State on the issue of the presence of the multinational forces in Iraq, saying «these forces came authorization from the UN Security Council and the invitation of the Iraqi government and is trained Iraqi forces».
    She expressed the hope that Iraqis are able to assume responsibility for policing themselves fully, pointing out that the multinational forces will remain in Iraq to fulfill its mission that Iraqis are able to do so.
    Her «In this particular that others interested in working to stop the flow of arms to Iraq, which is used by the militia to kill Iraqis and Americans alike».
    Asked whether they have confidence in the capacity of the Iraqi government to dismantle militias, Rice said «it is confident in the ability of the government of Nuri al-Maliki and the will to undertake this task».
    And about a timetable for assessing the performance of the multinational force Rice cited the words of the leader of the American forces in Iraq «there will be an opportunity next September to assess the security plan», adding that Washington remained committed not to deal with timetables described b «false».

    الوطن الكويتية
    Kuwaiti homeland

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  10. #140
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    Default More info about Cheney going to ME..

    Vice President to Visit Middle East

    Vice President to Visit Middle East

    White House News

    Vice President Cheney will depart for the Middle East on May 8, 2007. He will visit the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan. President Bush has asked the Vice President to travel to the region for discussions with the leaders of these nations on key issues of mutual interest. The Vice President will meet with President Khalifa of the UAE, King Abdullah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President Mubarak of Egypt, King Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and senior officials of their respective governments. The Vice President also will meet with U.S. military commanders and speak with U.S. troops stationed in the Persian Gulf region.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinarstars View Post
    I don't think I noticed this in any other articles, but it seems Dick Cheney is going to "the region" (Middle East??? (Iraq???)) next week...

    Anybody read or hear this before....I wonder what he is going there for?


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