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    Posted by: nakr2004 on Saturday, May 05, 2007 - 05:48 PM
    Conferences-Economy (Feature)
    Sharm conferences: Iraqi economists forecast positive implications for Iraqi economy
    By Dergham Mohammed Ali
    Baghdad, May 5, (VOI) - A number of Iraqi economists on Saturday gave their forecasts about the implications of the resolutions adopted by the Sharm al-Sheikh conferences, held last Thursday and Friday, for the Iraqi economy. Positive impacts for the Iraqi economy, a boost to Iraq's participation in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and potential benefits for the Iraqi people were predicted by many economic experts.
    Some economists indicated that in order for the conferences to yield benefits for the Iraqi people, high-quality governmental performance in banking activities and investment projects has to be ensured first.
    Samir Zedan, an economic expert who works for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Iraq told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) today, "The huge reduction of Iraqi debts will ease the burden on the Iraqi economy. This will consequently return Iraq to its normal position in the international community and boost its active participation in WTO, considering its economic potential and resources."
    According to Zedan, the reduction of debts will also help Iraq import raw material, which he said will help bring deactivated industries back to life and turn Iraq from an oil-producing country to a multi-resource country that has an industrial base.
    Zahid Jihad, a media and economic expert, said "The reduction of Iraq's debts by many countries, led by Saudi Arabia, will enormously benefit the Iraqi people if it is accompanied by a distinguished technocratic governmental performance."

    According to Jihad, the activities of Iraqi banks are currently suspended because of such debts. Creditors have the right to halt all financial transactions by Iraqi state banks that have branches outside Iraqi, including the banks of al-Rafideen (The Two Rivers, in reference to the Tigris and Euphrates rivers), al-Rasheed and the central Bank of Iraq.

    Citing Malaysia and South Korea as examples, Jihad indicated that the Iraqi government should pursue a wise policy by activating the banking sectors and rebuilding the country.

    Jihad explained that the next task will be assigned to the private sector, which he said was compelled to move its capital to neighboring countries to benefit from their openness to the world economy. "After the cancellation of debts and activation of the banking sector, openness to the world economy will also be attainable from within Iraq," Jihad added.
    Economic and industrial expert Abdul Razzaq Al-Abayachi told VOI, "The cancellation or reduction of debts will rid Iraq of bills that were not its fault and which hinder the wheel of sustainable development."

    The International Compact for Iraq Conference, hosted by the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm al-Sheikh on Thursday, produced a document bearing its name, which specified all forms of assistance to be provided by the international community to help Iraq reconstruct its economic and military institutions. Iraq's Neighboring Countries' Conference, held on Friday with the participation of Egypt, Bahrain, representatives from the G8, the UN Security Council's five permanent members, the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and the Arab League, also vowed to back the Iraqi government.

    During the conference, some of Iraq's debts were canceled by a number of creditor countries, while others were reduced. A $5 billion grant was also awarded to Iraq.

    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 05-05-2007 at 04:28 PM.

  2. #162
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    Nicely done Seaview! Thank you, lewscrew
    The task ahead of you is never as
    great as the POWER behind you.

  3. #163
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    Your Welcome....

    Happy reading!

  4. #164
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    Double post. Fredgwest1999 posted the same article.
    Last edited by mewannapeg; 05-05-2007 at 05:28 PM. Reason: already posted

  5. #165
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    A draft oil law is soon to be passed by Iraq's Parliament while the dispute between the government and oil-rich Kurdish region worsens. Press TV - [04/05/2007]

    A draft oil law is soon to be passed by Iraq's Parliament while the dispute between the government and oil-rich Kurdish region worsens.

    The foreign investment climate is already heavy with outspread violence, but this oil dispute between Iraq's central government and autonomous Kurdistan will decide control of the world's third largest oil reserves.
    On weekend, the two sides will meet and hopefully an agreement may reconcile to some extent Iraq's warring sects and ethnic groups.

    A new oil law is vital to securing foreign investment to boost Iraq's oil output, stuck at around 2 million barrels a day, and rebuild its shattered economy.

    "Lack of security is already keeping out the international oil companies and the added public objections to the oil law will make the situation even worse," said Muhammed-Ali Zainy from the London-based Center for Global Energy Studies.

    "Who would dare come to Iraq to develop and explore when they know there is widespread resentment towards them, the oil law and the constitution?"

    A senior Western oil executive said major oil companies will not jump to invest in Iraq until they see a stable government, security on the ground and legislative clarity.

    For political reasons, however, companies from China, Russia and India might be willing to sign oilfield contracts, he said.

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    MPs agree on the need for practical steps to implement

    (صوت العراق) - 05-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-05-2007

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    MPs agree on the need for practical steps to implement the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh

    From Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    A number of Iraqi MPs, today, Saturday, the need to translate the decisions of both the Sharm el-Sheikh on Iraq to the practical reality and real application even caress the Iraqi street fact those decisions.
    He said Abbas Bayati MP from the United Iraqi Alliance decisions of the conference "a big step on the political and economic levels is to extract a confession stable political process and support government projects in the fight against terrorism and to disarm the militias and reconstruction."

    Summarizing Bayati in a telephone conversation with the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent results of the conferences on three areas : the economy, security and immigrants, and said, "economically the government got promises for debt reduction and the provision of grants, loans and technical assistance .. This promises a good needs to be followed up, and reflected on the situation of Iraq's economy. "

    He added : "There is a security agreement and the Arab regional states to support a plan to impose law and will unify regional and international support for national reconciliation."
    With regard to the displaced said, "these states Sttatef with this humanitarian situation for a certain period and for a while to enable the government to impose law and control of the situation."
    But Bayati stressed "the necessity of working in a joint effort by the Iraqis to activate promises and recommendations by working to create the ground and support the political consensus and dialogue."
    Held in Sharm El-Sheikh conference last Thursday at which the International launch a document identifying the name of assistance that could be provided by the international community for Iraq and to rebuild the economic and military institutions, and followed by the conference of Iraqi neighboring states along with Egypt and Bahrain and the Group of Eight major powers and permanent members of the Security and the United Nations and the Islamic Conference and the Arab League yesterday, Friday,.
    It was Hamid Majid Moussa, deputy Iraqi national list of the decisions reached by the Sharm el-Sheikh "requires perseverance and effort and work to be applied on the ground." He said "good results, and could if they were applied with seriousness and commitment to full fruition on the positives of concrete on the security situation and economic development.".
    Moussa added, "certainly positive decisions give us hope and optimism to the citizens more, but what is most important achievement of these decisions on the ground, it is important decisions."

    Promised Moussa, who belongs to the fourth parliamentary bloc, the Sharm el-Sheikh that differs from the rest of the conferences held for Iraq as it "reflects the strong concerned on Iraq to take positive steps"

    He added : "Before that was negative and estrangement and evade agreements and failure to commit oneself is the hallmark, but now there is a legal and moral and ethical and public."
    But Moussa called for not over-optimistic, and said, "let's be clear, that the move will not take place among free overnight, but it will take perseverance and effort."
    For his part, Abdel-Khaleq Zankenh pregnancy, the deputy in the coalition of Kurdistan, the Iraqi government and the regional and international parties to work for the success resulting from the decisions, and said "the parties regional and international commitment not to interfere in Iraqi affairs and to support the government and expect them not distract Alsakh their differences on Iraq, because we have enough disasters and tribulations ... the crisis in Iraq is a regional crisis, international and domestic. "
    And the responsibility of the Iraqi government said "the government and political forces to consider the issue from the perspective of national scale, and the formulation of steps on the path to reconciliation and tolerance, and the eradication of terrorism and militias."
    Promised Zankenh, who belongs to the second largest parliamentary bloc, said that the conference is generally in favor of supporting Iraq and said, "is a step forward and a success for the Iraqi diplomacy. "Afterthought" But Maehem Iraqi citizen practical reality, these conferences end with a series of recommendations and decisions take some way to implement some expected lifting of debt and launch grants, decisions awaiting for a long time. "
    For his part, preferred Harith Obeidi, the deputy in the Iraqi Accord Front waiting and waiting to be taken by the parties that participated in the practical and positive steps in the Iraqi arena to a successful conference.
    "As we expect the parties involved to have a great Montages with the Iraqi government to implement the aspiration of the Iraqi people and politicians who have criticized the government."
    Obeidi, who belongs to the third largest parliamentary bloc "look each conference involving international parties function of weight on the scene and the Arab League, and hopes to build on activating the findings of the conferees said that the lesson not only in putting in the conference or decisions but in practical implementation."

    He continued : "There are good things eliminating some debt, which is a positive step of creditor nations, and we believe they are good contribution, but the Iraqi people suffer from security problems and economic aspect and also the faltering reconciliation .. We look forward to the practical embodiment We want to follow up real namely decisions. "

    The Obeidi "the importance of the constitutional amendments, and to disarm militias without integration in the state's institutions of the fact that their loyalty to the parties", he said "There should be no impact, adding that the government should abide by, and those who attended the conference would be a watchdog over the government's commitment."

    ح م
    H M

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  7. #167
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    Iraqi President Jalal Talabani : Kurdistan will remain part of Iraq
    (صوت العراق) - 05-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-05-2007
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    BAGHDAD : Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that Kurdistan remain part of Iraq sticks to the division after the former separated regions from each other, and it is the Iraqi government is the most legitimate in the Arab world.
    It quoted a number of Lebanese newspapers on Talabani was in a meeting last Wednesday in the Dukan, (about 75 km from Sulaymaniyah), Gomaa with about two hundred Arab intellectuals participated in the cultural festival long fifth to be held in Irbil, strongly rejected the argument away from the rest of Kurdistan in Iraq despite the manifestation of upholding Kurdish a substitute for the Arab and the disappearance of the language of the territory of the motherland.
    He »assure you. We will remain united. But we will never accept that governs Iraq, the manner in which the rule previously «, recalling that the former regime is to sever the relationship with Kurdistan,» not we, we did not do the central Iraqi government except through the Ministry of Irrigation «.
    He pointed out that the former regime is »chapter devoted Today the unit returned to Iraq .. Iraq returned to the north and south of Iraq returned to the center and also «.
    He explained that the current Iraqi constitution is applied in Kurdistan and border guards, army, police and the Republican Guard in the province are still affiliated to the central government.
    He stressed that Iraq »inalienable division«, for many reasons, including that it »If the government of the Kurdistan secession means that will close on the second day of Turkey, Syria, Iran and the rest of Iraq's borders with us, then what do we do?«.
    In addition, it is »interest of the Kurdish people is in the unified and democratic Iraq. In our common economy, in a joint policy ... The historical and geographical ties, cultural and family is very strong between Kurdistan and the rest of Iraq can not be separated «, referring to the phenomenon of globalization,» blocs global trend to uniformity. Europe unite. Africa converging. Except the Arab world «.
    He criticized some appearances in Kurdistan such as the absence of the Iraqi flag centers and camps, pointing out that he has always demanded that the Iraqi flag on Mensth or his successor or the Iraqi flag and the flag of Kurdistan together.
    In this context, the view that Iraq could be »more sophisticated States, and we have a kind of democracy does not exist in all Arab countries. I challenge him to be in the Arab world, the government more legitimacy of the Iraqi government .
    I hope Talabani of the interview, the success of the regional conference on Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh, describing it as »is very important because it brings for the first time the number of countries willing to help Iraq«.
    He stressed that »American understanding with the Iranians and the Syrians benefit from it greatly in Iraq. We hope that the Conference will take effective decisions «.

    Referring to his recent visit to Damascus »where we discussed all issues and reached good results. Syria can help greatly in Iraq and its role is the second after the Iranian role in the security sphere, and that Damascus could play an important role in the framework of the development of Arab-Iranian relations. There are wide areas of cooperation between Syria and Iraq.
    He said in his answer to a question regarding the postponement of the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of Riyadh that », the official reason stated is preoccupied with Saudi officials. But the real reason they (the Saudis) do not like Maliki «.

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    Abbas Bayati : Conferences Sharm el-Sheikh strongly support projects
    (صوت العراق) - 05-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-05-2007
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    Abbas Bayati : Conferences Sharm el-Sheikh projects strongly support the government of National Unity.

    MP Abbas Al-Bayati said in an assessment of the recommendations that came out of the Sharm el-Sheikh on the Iraqi reality that : recommendations and decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh are in the four major trends are Aptdia recognize the new political realities that emerged after the April 9 and dealing with it as a fait accompli that can not be shaken off or dropped and the recognition of the government of National Unity as the main channel, which should be dealt with and strengthen

    Thirdly support government projects in the field of combating terrorism, national reconciliation and a just distribution of wealth and to disarm the militias, fourthly, that the objectives of this conference will unite on Iraq, regional clashes broke intersections and thus marking them as a positive and strong Iraqi delegation that went carrying a unified national agenda and clear He asked others to support pregnant project, which everyone called him in the achievement did not receive the project and recommendations to implement and identified ways and mechanisms of assistance either from the economic point Actually, the promises that we have obtained in Sharm El-Sheikh conference rout 30 billion dollars of debt considerable achievement and therefore strive to achieve and downloaded to reality There were also returns for grants and material and expertise and assistance in the rebuilding and restructuring of the Iraqi economy as well as encourage the private sector to invest in safe areas in Iraq and that foreign companies and regional scrambled to Iraq to support and encourage their governments and in the latter there was a clear reference to the need to rehabilitate the armed forces Iraqi processing and support on the basis of professionalism, and support national plan to impose law and order and end the cycle takes the presence of foreign troops on its territory and political influence there was a clear need to support the draft national reconciliation and support the government in this area and to accommodate other political forces and therefore we hope that through the follow-up committee formed and meetings which will be operational after these formal meetings to implement these decisions and lowered to the ground and space Executive and applied constant follow-through form citizen implies a positive sign.

    On the safeguards required in the international side is tending its commitments towards Iraq?

    VILLAINS Bayati indicated that these guarantees what has been approved in the Sharm El-Sheikh conference on the Iraqi side that creates political and appropriate security to attract such support and grants and transform these recommendations and decisions to the projects and not merely by the level of slogans and to win international sympathy and Bayati pointed out that we thank them the sympathy and thank the kind words thrown in, but we have to translate what was agreed upon on projects and contact with the States which have signed the International Covenant to fulfill its obligations to the Iraqis who are awaiting these conferences positions more practical than waiting for the decisions and recommendations of general and was in a meeting televised news channel for peace Space in Baghdad

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    Dr. Salim heart of the Minister of Human Rights affirms the document the

    (صوت العراق) - 05-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 05-05-2007

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    Dr. Salim heart of the Minister of Human Rights confirms

    A document of the International Conference and neighboring forward in support of the people in Iraq

    Sharm el-Sheikh Bilal Voice Iraq - Sharif

    Dr. Salim heart, the minister of human rights in Iraq on yesterday, Friday, on the sidelines of the meetings of the International Covenant and the Iraqi neighboring held in the International Conference Center in Sharm El-Sheikh that the results of the conferences were positive and fruitful as they pour into a plan to bolster security and stability and to support Iraqi economy

    The (Salem) that several paragraphs dealt with a document of the International Conference and the Iraqi neighboring which concerns on human rights aims to support human rights and work to protect and uphold the rule of law and overcome the heavy legacy of the past.

    With regard to the Iraqi neighboring Also, the presence of our Arab brothers and friends of foreigners and listening to the vision of the Iraqi government and its current and future to lay the foundations of security and stability and enhance the role of socio-economic development will all these steps towards fulfilling the commitments to Arab and international human rights.

    At the same context, the minister of human rights in Iraq saying .. The Article III of the final statement of the Iraqi neighboring to condemn all acts of terrorism in all its forms in Iraq, especially against civilians, infrastructure and state institutions and holy places and call for the immediate cessation of all such acts in order to alleviate the suffering of the Iraqi people and preserve the fiction of innocent people and respect for human rights and reaffirmed their commitment to ensure respect international law, particularly international humanitarian law and Article XI to admit responsibility of the international community and in accordance with international humanitarian law and norms of refugee protection in the protection of displaced Iraqis and help Iraq's neighboring countries in dealing with the urgent and unforeseen needs and to ensure their safety as announced by the 12th article praising the efforts of the host countries for displaced Iraqis special Syria, Jordan and encourage efforts by the Iraqi government to shoulder Msauliltha towards its citizens and to create the appropriate atmosphere for the safe return of displaced persons to their homes.

    In connection with the efforts of the Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights to reduce the problems of the Iraqi community in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and the heart, Dr. Salim .. The ministry informed in detail of the suffering of Iraqis displaced to the neighboring countries and other especially Lebanon, where the numerous reports that the Iraqi citizen, even if he had a visa to enter Lebanon, but was unable to go to prevent entry by the Lebanese authorities, as well as significant constraints on access to both Iraqis Jordan, Egypt, to resolve obstacles and problems which were diagnosed according to the reports would be to open representations to the ministry in Arab countries mentioned

    As regards his visit, Dr. Salim heart of these countries, especially Egypt said .. Yes, I will visit these States and try to meet Iraqi thriving where to listen to their suffering and to reach the best formulas and techniques that will ensure their human rights.

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    Canadian company drills the first oil well in Kurdistan
    Arbil-Sabah Al-Jadeed :

    The company Zacros Western Canadian oil investment first digging oil wells in the area Kremian of Sulaymaniyah, after signing a contract with the government of the Kurdistan region, this project will start early next year.

    Recall that a delegation from the company met with the Vice President of the government of the province, Omar Fattah, and presented a detailed report of the results of rounds in the field Kremian, to prospect for oil, and emphasized during the meeting that the company is ready to drill the first oil well in the region, within early next year. "

    States that were dug a number of oil wells in the region of Zakho, near the Turkish border Kurdistan, by the Norwegian firm, but the work stopped because of some differences between the central and regional governments on the labor contracts in the field of oil investment, and the case is still awaiting resolution of those problems with the issuance of the law of oil, which is confirmed to Kurdish sources in the Baghdad, the Iraqi Council of Ministers referred the draft law, the Iraqi Parliament. this was Dr. Khaled Saleh, spokesman of the prime minister, saying :

    "There are four oil supplements to the law had not been agreed upon, namely the distribution of oil resources, and the Oil Ministry and the National Oil Company Law, the Law Council of the Federal oil and gas, and without agreement on these supplements, we can offer the oil to the Iraqi Parliament
    Last edited by Lunar; 05-05-2007 at 06:51 PM.

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