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    Quote Originally Posted by MOK- View Post
    I was wondering about these "flights" to these banks. Surely there aren't airports or runways near all these banks. So they can't be using airplanes. Helicopters maybe? U.S. military conducting these ops? I'm just wondering about the logistics of it all.
    When they distributed it the first time, it was on C-130's to the large airfields, then Chinooks with Apache escorts, (I saw that much) and I am sure beyond that a very heavily armed ground escort with aerial support.

  2. #12
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    The participants in the international conference on Iraq in Sharm el-Sheikh yesterday, unanimously «document International Covenant Iraq» is a five-year plan aimed at bringing political and economic stability.
    ».The representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq Ashraf Qazi told «France Presse», the «decision to support Iraq and take it out of the crisis adopted by show of hands by all participants». .He announced that he did not have a vote but initiative has been unanimous present. ».He added : «We know that the road is long and arduous, but we also know that the Iraqi government alone would not be able to conduct». ».He continued : «international community pledged to support Iraq in its crisis».
    .Under this initiative launched by Baghdad and the United Nations on July 28, 2006 with support from the World Bank, to promote security and develop the economy in Iraq.
    ».The Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon at the opening of the meeting «that the covenant document represents a road map for five years, aims to help Iraq to achieve its objectives in the long run for economic prosperity and political stability and lasting security». و«.And «document International Covenant Iraq» presented on the basis of the framework would allow the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki application program reconciliation between the Sunni and Kurdish and Shiite especially through equitable distribution of oil revenues between these various communities.
    وبين.And among the main points of this plan, new laws to pave the way for local elections would allow officials in the former Baathist regime headed by Saddam Hussein to return to public life.
    .The document also strengthen the security forces and the establishment of a mechanism for the defense of human rights and the consolidation of transparency and good governance.
    وعلى.At the economic level, aimed particularly at identifying forms of investments and financial assistance, debt cancellation and procedures for the technical and managerial assistance requested by the Iraqi government. في».In contrast, Diplomatic sources said the Arab League informed the United Nations mission observations recorded on «document of the International».
    وقال».Assistant Secretary-General of the League, Ambassador Ahmed Bin Hali, the university «stressed said that reconciliation to be comprehensive and include all Iraqis without exclusion of any community or group under any reasons».
    به».As pointed observations «need to preserve the unity of Iraq's land and people and the territorial integrity and rejection of any policies or procedures affecting it». ».The «to preserve Iraq's Arabism and affiliation as well as preserving the wealth, especially oil and fair distribution to benefit each beginning with the Iraqi».
    ».The Assistant Secretary-General «launch an International Covenant as a new international Marshall Plan that it can achieve a qualitative leap for Iraq if the oldest of each party to implement its obligations and commitments under this document».
    :The following is the text of the document :
    «:«International Covenant with Iraq is an initiative launched by the government of Iraq aimed at establishing a new partnership with the international community, and the purpose of this Covenant developed a framework in order to achieve the national vision for Iraq designed to :

    تحقيق .Achieve the aspirations of the Iraqi people's efforts to consolidate a united democratic federal state of security, stability and all citizens enjoy equal rights and duties.

    .Lay economy prosper and a diversified production base capable of providing the requirements of sustainable development according to market factors and open to the world and integrated with him and the other economies in the region and in particular those of the neighboring States.

    جعل.Make Iraq active member of international and regional organizations and able to provide assistance to poor and needy countries.

    ة.To allow the private sector to play a leading role in economic activity, with a special role for government in regulating this activity, protection from the effects of external volatility

    العراقStatement of the International Covenant with Iraq
    .The government of Iraq and the international community to strengthen their partnership in order to raise the standard of living of the Iraqi people, and completing the process of reconstructing Iraq and pave the way for him to reach the stage of self-sufficiency and prosperity in the world democratic political system federal pluralistic.
    وأكدا .They continue to exchange their obligations and the spirit of the Madrid conference and the meeting of Abu Dhabi 2003 - September 2006 meeting, Kuwait-December 2006, in pursuit of a secure, stable and prosperous world governance, and in which the human rights of the Iraqi people under the rule of law, as well as to sustain and strengthen these commitments for the duration of the Covenant and beyond.

    KRG, Kurdistan Regional Government
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    why test a linking system - whatever that is - one hour before you decide to take the site to a different server? doesnt make sense to me. wouldnt you test those linking systems - whatever that is - A F T E R you have moved to the new server?
    Should they have at least advised that they were testing the system? This would have kept the confusion to a minimum.
    "The ulimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." --Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

  4. #14
    Senior Member cashNsoon's Avatar
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    If it was a test how come they just didnt do it with the current rate.
    Enjoying the thoughts of early retirement

  5. #15
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    what i miss, links, bank, testing??
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  6. #16
    Senior Investor MOM2TWO's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    what i miss, links, bank, testing??
    I think they are referring to post #134.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    I think they are referring to post #134.
    it can be said for all investors from the Arabs and foreigners, you enter now for it will be a golden opportunity for you.

  8. #18
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    Expanded meeting of the neighboring countries and the international begins in Sharm
    (صوت العراق) - 04-05-2007
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    الاجتماع الموسع لدول الجوار والمجموعة الدولية يبدأ في شرم الشيخ
    Expanded meeting of the neighboring countries and the international begins in Sharm el-Sheikh
    القاهرة -( أصوات العراق)
    CAIRO - (Voices of Iraq)
    بدأ صباح اليوم الجمعة في منتجع (شرم الشيخ) المصري الإجتماع الوزراي الموسع حول العراق ،والذي تحضره دول الجوار العراقي بالإضافة إلى مصر والبحرين مع مجموعة الدول الثماني الكبري والدول دائمة العضوية في مجلس الأمن الدولي .
    The morning began today, Friday, at the Sharm (el-Sheikh) Egyptian Ministerial Meeting expanded on Iraq, which are attended by Iraqi neighboring states in addition to Egypt and Bahrain with the Group of Eight major powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council.
    وطالب رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي ،في كلمته أمام الجلسة الإفتتاحية للمؤتمر اليوم ،دول الجوار بـ "منع المنظمات الإرهابية من الدخول إلى الأراضي العراقية ،ومنع وصول إمدادات مالية وبشرية وأسلحة" إلى تلك الجماعات .
    He called Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, in his address to the opening session of the conference today, the neighboring countries to "prevent terrorist organizations from entering Iraqi territory, and prevent the arrival of supplies financial and human and weapons" to those groups.
    واعتبر المالكي أن من أكبر إنجازات عملية المصالحة الوطنية التي تتبناها حكومته "هو ما يحدث في محافظة الأنبار" ،في إشارة إلى ما تقوم به عشائر من تلك المحافظة الساخنة
    He said al-Maliki that one of the greatest achievements of the national reconciliation process sponsored by the government, "is what happens in Anbar province", in reference to what the clans of the province hot
    الواقعة غربي العراق من تصدي ومطاردة عناصر تنظيم (القاعدة) التي نشطت في المحافظة لفترة طويلة .
    Located in the west of Iraq and the pursuit of elements that address the organization (al-Qaeda) which was active in the province for a long time.
    وحسب ما صرحت به مصادر مقربة من الإجتماع ، ينتظر أن يصدر بيان ختامي مساء اليوم ، يطالب دول الجوار والمجتمع الدولي بـ "احترام دولة العراق المستقلة الديمقراطية الفيدرالية الموحدة ،واحترام مبادئ حقوق المواطنة المتساوية" .
    As stated by sources close of the meeting, is expected to issue a final statement this evening, calling the neighboring countries and the international community "to respect the state of Iraq independent, democratic federal standard, and respect for the principles of equal citizenship rights."
    كما يتوقع أن يتضمن البيان "إدانة الإرهاب" ،وحض الدول المجاورة للعراق على تقديم " كل الضمانات الممكنة لمنع تسلل عناصر الجماعات المسلحة" من أراضيها إلى العراق .
    Also expected to include the statement "condemning terrorism," and urged countries neighboring Iraq to provide "all possible safeguards to prevent the infiltration of armed groups" from its territory into Iraq.
    وكان مؤتمر العهد الدولي للعراق قد اختتم أعماله ،مساء أمس الخميس ،في (شرم الشيخ) بإطلاق (وثيقة العهد الدولي) التي تدعو بنودها إلى "إنشاء إقتصاد عراقي قوي بناء على قواعد السوق الحر ،وتوفير معايير ملائمة من الخدمات الاجتماعية العامة للمواطنين ،ودمج العراق بفاعلية في المحيطين الإقليمي والدولي على أساس الاحترام المتبادل" .
    The Conference of the International Covenant Iraq had ended, the evening yesterday, Thursday, in (Sharm el-Sheikh) release (document International Covenant) roadmap which calls for "the establishment of a strong Iraqi economy based on free market rules, and provide appropriate standards of public social services for citizens, and the integration of Iraq effectively in the regional and international arenas on the basis of mutual respect" .
    م ق- ك م
    S-K m m

  9. #19
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    Conference of Foreign Ministers of the neighboring countries of Iraq seeks to strengthen
    (صوت العراق) - 04-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-05-2007
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    مؤتمر وزراء خارجية دول جوار العراق يسعى الى تعزيز المصالحة في العراق
    Conference of Foreign Ministers of the neighboring countries of Iraq seeks to promote reconciliation in Iraq

    Political / Egypt / neighborhood / Conference
    مؤتمر وزراء خارجية دول جوار العراق يسعى الى تعزيز المصالحة في العراق
    Conference of Foreign Ministers of the neighboring countries of Iraq seeks to promote reconciliation in Iraq

    شرم الشيخ - 4 - 5 (كونا) - يسعى مؤتمر وزراء خارجية دول جوار العراق الذي يبدأ أعماله في منتجع شرم الشيخ اليوم الى تحقيق الامن ودعم واستقرار العراق وتخفيف حدة التوترات الاقليمية في المنطقة.
    Sharm el-Sheikh-5 - 4 (KUNA) - seeks Conference of Foreign Ministers of the neighboring countries of Iraq, which begins its work in Sharm El-Sheikh today to achieve security and stability and support for Iraq and to ease regional tensions in the region.

    ويرأس وفد دولة الكويت الى المؤتمر نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الخارجية الشيخ الدكتور محمد صباح السالم الصباح.
    The delegation was headed to the State of Kuwait Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah.

    ويشارك في المؤتمر وزراء خارجية دول الجوار العراق والدول الخمس دائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن ومجموعة الدول الثماني الصناعية الكبرى .
    Participants in the conference, the Foreign Ministers of the neighboring countries of Iraq and the five permanent members of the Security Council and the Group of Eight major industrialized nations.

    ويهدف المؤتمر أيضا الى متابعة مقررات مؤتمر بغداد الذي عقد بمستوى أقل من التمثيل في العاشر من مارس الماضي وحضرته الدول الخمس الكبرى والقوى الاقليمية خصوصا ايران وسوريا والسعودية ومصر وتركيا.
    The conference will also aim to follow up the decisions of the Baghdad held a lower level of representation in Congress last March and attended by the five major regional powers, especially Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey.

    وكان من أهم القرارات التي صدرت عن مؤتمر بغداد تشكيل لجان عمل تبحث الموضوعات الملحة على الساحة العراقية وهي تحديدا ثلاث لجان لموضوعات الامن والهجرة والطاقة.
    One of the most important decisions made at the Baghdad formation of working committees examine issues pressing on the Iraqi arena namely three committees to security issues, immigration and energy.
    يذكر ان القمة العربية التي عقدت في الرياض في مارس الماضي قدمت الرؤية العربية بشان معالجة الازمة العراقية حيث صدر قرار توصل اليه القادة العرب يستند على عدد من العناصر الأساسية هي احترام وحدة وسيادة واستقلال العراق وهويته العربية والاسلامية .
    It is noteworthy that the Arab summit which was held in Riyadh last March the Arab vision on dealing with the Iraqi crisis, where decision was reached by Arab leaders, based on a number of basic elements is respect for the unity, sovereignty and independence of Iraq and the Arab and Islamic identity.

    وتضمنت الرؤية العربية ايضا ضرورة توسيع العملية السياسية ومواجهة الطائفية وتعزيز جهود المصالحة الوطنية في العراق والتأكيد على المواطنة والمساواة بين جميع العراقيين دون استثناء او تهميش.
    The vision also need to broaden the political process and confronting sectarianism and promote national reconciliation efforts in Iraq and the emphasis on citizenship and equality among all Iraqis, without exception or marginalization.

    كما تضمنت حل مختلف الميليشيات والعمل على انهاء المظاهر المسلحة والاسراع في تأهيل وبناء القوات العسكرية والامنية العراقية على أسس وطنية ومهنية.
    Also included disband the various militias and work to end armed manifestations and to accelerate the rehabilitation and rebuilding of the military forces and Iraqi security on the basis of national and professional.

    وتسعى دول الجوار الى الخروج من الاجتماع الوزاري بموقف قوي يدعم عملية المصالحة الوطنية في العراق ورفض ما اسماه بالارهاب والتقسيم والتأكيد على الوقوف مع الشعب العراقي واحترام سيادته وعدم التدخل في شؤونه الداخلية.
    The neighboring countries seeking to emerge from the ministerial meeting strong position supporting the process of national reconciliation in Iraq and rejected what he called terrorism and division and emphasized stand with the Iraqi people and respect for sovereignty and non-interference in its internal affairs.

    وكان مشروع البيان الختامى لمؤتمر دول جوار العراق أكد سيادة العراق ووحدته الاقليمية واستقلاله السياسى وعدم جواز المساس بحدوده المعترف بها دوليا مشيرا الى أن هدف المؤتمر هو مساعدة الشعب العراقى على تعزيز العملية السياسية الحالية وتحقيق مصالحة وطنية .
    The draft final statement of the neighboring countries of Iraq affirmed Iraq's sovereignty and territorial integrity, political independence and the inviolability of its internationally recognized borders, pointing out that the aim of the conference is to help the Iraqi people to strengthen the current political process and achieve national reconciliation.

    وجدد الالتزام بمبدأ عدم التدخل فى الشؤون الداخلية للعراق وعلاقات حسن الجوار مع كل جيرانه مؤكدا حق الشعب العراقى فى أن يقرر بحرية نظامه السياسى ومستقبله المشترك وسيطرته على موارده الطبيعية والمالية .
    He renewed commitment to the principle of non-interference in Iraq's internal affairs and good-neighborly relations with all its neighbors affirming the right of the Iraqi people to freely determine their own political future and joint control over their natural resources, and finance.

    كما أكد بشكل خاص الدعوة لمنع انتقال الارهابيين والأسلحة من العراق واليه والتأكيد على أهمية تقوية التعاون بين العراق والدول المجاورة للسيطرة على الحدود المشتركة بين العراق وجيرانه.
    He emphasized in particular the call to prevent the movement of terrorists and weapons from Iraq, and emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation between Iraq and neighboring countries to control the common border between Iraq and its neighbors.

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    Expect the flow of investments to Kurdistan after the Sharm el-Sheikh
    (صوت العراق) - 04-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 04-05-2007
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    أربيل (4 أيار/مايو) وكالة (آكي) الايطالية للأنباء - يبذل مسؤول حكومي كردي جهودا كبيرة، على هامش مؤتمر العهد الدولي المنعقد في شرم الشيخ، لجذب الاستثمارات الاقتصادية إلى إقليم كردستان، كجزء من الانفتاح الاقتصادي الدولي على العراق، وفقا لوثيقة العهد الدولي، التي ترمي إلى إجراء إصلاحات سياسية واقتصادية في العراق.
    Irbil (May 4) Agency (Lucky) Italian News-Kurdish government official make great efforts, on the sidelines of the International Conference held in Sharm el-Sheikh, to attract investments to the economic territory of Kurdistan, as part of economic openness on Iraq, according to the International Covenant, which aims to conduct political and economic reforms in Iraq.
    وقال الدكتور ديندار زيباري، منسق شؤون الأمم المتحدة في إقليم كردستان، الذي يشارك في المؤتمر ممثلا وحيدا للحكومة الإقليمية، ويجري هناك مباحثات مع العديد من ممثلي الدول المشاركة، بهدف تشجيعهم على المساهمة في حركة الاستثمارات الجارية في الإقليم، قال إن "نتائج مؤتمر العهد الدولي، ستكون مثمرة من الجانب الاقتصادي، لأنه جاء من أجل تقديم الدعم الدولي للعراق، لبناء الأمن الاتحادي الديمقراطي الفيدرالي، والوثيقة الصادرة عنه ستسهم في إرساء دعائم الأمن والاستقرار في البلد، وتفتح آفاق التعاون الاقتصادي بين العراق مع دول العالم، ليعود العراق إلى احتلال موقعه الفاعل، في المنظمات الدولية والإقليمية".
    Wali said Daindar Zebari, the United Nations Coordinator in the Kurdistan region, which participated in the conference, representing the single regional government, and talks with several representatives of the participating countries, with the aim of encouraging them to contribute to the ongoing investments in the province, he said that "the outcome of the International Covenant, will be fruitful from the economic side, because it came for international support for Iraq, to build a democratic Federal Security Federal, and the document issued by will contribute to establishing security and stability in the country, and open the horizons of economic cooperation between Iraq with the countries of the world, to return Iraq to take his agent, in international and regional organizations. "
    وأشار زيباري في تصريحات إلى وسائل الإعلام الكردية المحلية من شرم الشيخ، إلى أن "جهودا كبيرة تبذل حاليا، لإنشاء بيئة ملائمة للاستثمار في العراق، وخصوصا في إقليم كردستان الذي استطاع لحد الآن استقطاب العديد من الشركات العربية والأجنبية، للعمل في مشاريع إستراتيجية كبرى، بغية خلق أجواء مناسبة من الناحية الاقتصادية، للاندماج في الاقتصاد الدولي".
    He Zebari told the media Kurdish local Sharm el-Sheikh, that "the great efforts being made to create an investment-friendly environment in Iraq, especially in Kurdistan which has been able so far to attract many of the Arab and foreign companies, to work on major strategic projects, in order to create a proper atmosphere and in economic terms, for integration in the international economy. "
    وأكد منسق حكومة الإقليم مع الأمم المتحدة والمنظمات الدولية، أن "حكومة إقليم كردستان وضعت العديد من الخطط والبرامج، لتطوير الواقع الاقتصادي عبر إيلاء الأهمية القصوى، بالمشاريع الاستثمارية والإنمائية، والتنسيق مع وكالات الأمم المتحدة والمنظمات الدولية، لتطوير الإقليم من الناحية الاقتصادية".
    The coordinator of the territorial government with the United Nations and international organizations, that "the government of Kurdistan region has many plans and programs to develop economic reality through giving utmost importance, investment projects and development, and coordination with the United Nations agencies and international organizations, to develop the province in economic terms."
    وحصل العراق على دعم دولي كبير لجهة إعادة بناء اقتصاده، حيث ألغت معظم الدول الدائنة ديونها، فيما منحت دول أخرى قروضا طويلة الأجل لمساعدة العراق للنهوض باقتصاده الوطني.
    He got Iraq to substantial international support for rebuilding the economy, where most of creditor nations canceled the debts with other countries granted long-term loans to help Iraq to advance its national economy.

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