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  1. #191
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    Default You are right

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Doesnt it make you wonder why things like this Article says, of why didn't this all take place after the Statue came down a Sadam. Just goes to so you how really unprepared and not of taking in consideration of the mess that happened after that.

    I understand that all of things had to happen for these kinda statements to take place now. Just Seems that with all the Rocket Scientist of Today, that this could of and should of happen along time ago. Just my raddling of this.
    I just have to believe that the UN was not really wanting a "US" backed anything to succeed. good ol' koffi (sp??) didn't like us but liked to live here with, maybe this new guy is thinking with his brain instead of his rear.

  2. #192
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    Cool Or Other Wise.............Hummmmm,

    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    Iraq: Hoshyar Zebari, the foreign minister of Iraq, argues that a sense of normalcy is returning to life in Baghdad, and urges the American public to support a sustained U.S. presence in Iraq: "Iraqis, for all our determination and courage, cannot succeed alone," he writes ... Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte takes to the pages of the WSJ to explain what is going right in Iraq: "When I was ambassador to Iraq two years ago, the country had no permanent government, no Council of Representatives, no constitution, no IMF Stand-By Arrangement, no hydrocarbon laws in draft or otherwise, no willingness to cut subsidies, no International Compact with Iraq, and no forum for constructive dialogue with its neighbors and international community leaders. Now all that exists. It is what the Iraqis and we are fighting for, and what the terrorists and extremists are fighting against."

    Today's Hot Topic: Rooting for Sarkozy - The Editorialist
    Well.........I am not the Only One.....

  3. #193
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    That well could be as the new UN Secretary grew up in Post-War Korea and experienced what the might of the American State did for his country and because of this and Korea's strong economic ties to the US might make him more inclinded to work with us...Korea is one of the few remaining countries to actually like us...
    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 05-05-2007 at 09:02 PM.

  4. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    They only confirm what I have been hearing........Nice Job!!
    Thanx......and what have you been hearing Neno?

  5. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    Iraq: Hoshyar Zebari, the foreign minister of Iraq, argues that a sense of normalcy is returning to life in Baghdad, and urges the American public to support a sustained U.S. presence in Iraq: "Iraqis, for all our determination and courage, cannot succeed alone," he writes ... Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte takes to the pages of the WSJ to explain what is going right in Iraq: "When I was ambassador to Iraq two years ago, the country had no permanent government, no Council of Representatives, no constitution, no IMF Stand-By Arrangement, no hydrocarbon laws in draft or otherwise, no willingness to cut subsidies, no International Compact with Iraq, and no forum for constructive dialogue with its neighbors and international community leaders. Now all that exists. It is what the Iraqis and we are fighting for, and what the terrorists and extremists are fighting against."

    Today's Hot Topic: Rooting for Sarkozy - The Editorialist
    JUST A GOOD ENCOURAGING WORD OF THE THINGS ARE GOING RIGHT. WE HEAR SO MUCH OF THE WRONG, IT GET'S DISCOURAGING. This should put into perspective the whole dinar speculation/investment. Although we have money at stake in this thing, they have their lives to worry about. We may be planning how to spend all the great rewards of living in a land that provides opportunities like this, they live in a place that they just hope they can get another meal or go to the store without getting killed, or letting their children play in the streets again. It is painful to hear of all the things that war brings with it, but is equally as painful to understand that the rights and freedoms that I take for granted that people around the world want to fight and are willing to risk it all just to taste it.

    anyway enough of my soapbox.

    everyone have a blessed and wonderful Lord's day tomorrow.


  6. #196
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    Cool Good Responce.

    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    I just have to believe that the UN was not really wanting a "US" backed anything to succeed. good ol' koffi (sp??) didn't like us but liked to live here with, maybe this new guy is thinking with his brain instead of his rear.
    Goes to show you when the House is cleaned of these thinks what can happen. Just look at the World Bank Dude. Wasnt using his Brain either.

  7. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by lewscrew View Post
    I had started a seperate thread to discuss both of the articles posted by fredgwest and Lunar with no takers as of yet, they are very similar and excellent reading. Thanks to you both for posting them! lewscrew
    You're welcome and thank you in return....I rarely venture past the news thread so I miss some of the posts.

  8. #198
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    Cool No! No! No!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    Thanx......and what have you been hearing Neno?
    Remember Lunar, we only need "Facts".............Oh that was facts in that Article wasn't it...

  9. #199
    Senior Member darock0116's Avatar
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    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future
    الاعلان عن برنامج طموح لاعادة هيكلة و تاهيل القطاع المصرفي في المستقبل القريب
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future

    السبت, 05.05.2007, 06:38am (GMT)
    Saturday, 05.05.2007, 6:38 am (GMT)

    اكد المدير العام لمصرف الرافدين عبدالحسين الياسري ان تنفيذ برنامج إعادة هيكلة القطاع المصرفي العام ستبدأ قريبا مضيفا ان البرنامج سيتضمن اعتماد نظام إلكتروني شامل وتبني آليات حديثة لمواكبة التطورات في مجال الصناعة المصرفية المتقدمة في العالم.واشار الياسري الى عدد من الاجراءات التي سيجري الشروع بها قريبا من اجل تحسين واقع الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة للمواطنين من بينها إنشاء مراكز تدريب خاصة بالقطاع المصرفي ودورات خارجية لرفع مستويات تاهيل الكوادر المصرفية بالاضافة الى اعداد دراسات لتقويم الأداء السنوي من خلال الاستعانة بمراكز البحوث وعدد من المتخصصين في المجال المصرفي
    The Director-General of the Rafidain Bank Then Yasiri, that the implementation of the restructuring of the banking sector year will begin soon, adding that the program will include the adoption of a comprehensive electronic system and adopt modern mechanisms to keep abreast of developments in the banking industry in the developed world. Yasiri, and pointed out a number of measures which will be launched soon in order to improve the reality of banking services offered to citizens, including the establishment of training centers in particular the banking sector and external courses to raise standards of rehabilitation banking cadres in addition to preparing studies to evaluate the annual performance through the use of research centers and a number of spe******ts in banking

    Translated version of
    Yesterday was history,
    Tomorrow is a mystery,
    Today is a gift,
    That is why it’s called the present!!!!!

  10. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Remember Lunar, we only need "Facts".............Oh that was facts in that Article wasn't it...
    10-4 that it

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