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  1. #201
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by buddyboy View Post
    JUST A GOOD ENCOURAGING WORD OF THE THINGS ARE GOING RIGHT. WE HEAR SO MUCH OF THE WRONG, IT GET'S DISCOURAGING. This should put into perspective the whole dinar speculation/investment. Although we have money at stake in this thing, they have their lives to worry about. We may be planning how to spend all the great rewards of living in a land that provides opportunities like this, they live in a place that they just hope they can get another meal or go to the store without getting killed, or letting their children play in the streets again. It is painful to hear of all the things that war brings with it, but is equally as painful to understand that the rights and freedoms that I take for granted that people around the world want to fight and are willing to risk it all just to taste it.

    anyway enough of my soapbox.

    everyone have a blessed and wonderful Lord's day tomorrow.

    my exact reasoning for detesting the iraqi bashing that goes on here daily by some impatient people.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #202
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    Default Sgs

    My feelings exactly! It has been a long wait but not nearly as long as the people having to live in Iraq these days. They have been waiting also and with far more at stake then us. Patience is what we all need. Everything will come to pass, in time.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by darock0116 View Post
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future
    الاعلان عن برنامج طموح لاعادة هيكلة و تاهيل القطاع المصرفي في المستقبل القريب
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future

    السبت, 05.05.2007, 06:38am (GMT)
    Saturday, 05.05.2007, 6:38 am (GMT)

    اكد المدير العام لمصرف الرافدين عبدالحسين الياسري ان تنفيذ برنامج إعادة هيكلة القطاع المصرفي العام ستبدأ قريبا مضيفا ان البرنامج سيتضمن اعتماد نظام إلكتروني شامل وتبني آليات حديثة لمواكبة التطورات في مجال الصناعة المصرفية المتقدمة في العالم.واشار الياسري الى عدد من الاجراءات التي سيجري الشروع بها قريبا من اجل تحسين واقع الخدمات المصرفية المقدمة للمواطنين من بينها إنشاء مراكز تدريب خاصة بالقطاع المصرفي ودورات خارجية لرفع مستويات تاهيل الكوادر المصرفية بالاضافة الى اعداد دراسات لتقويم الأداء السنوي من خلال الاستعانة بمراكز البحوث وعدد من المتخصصين في المجال المصرفي
    The Director-General of the Rafidain Bank Then Yasiri, that the implementation of the restructuring of the banking sector year will begin soon, adding that the program will include the adoption of a comprehensive electronic system and adopt modern mechanisms to keep abreast of developments in the banking industry in the developed world. Yasiri, and pointed out a number of measures which will be launched soon in order to improve the reality of banking services offered to citizens, including the establishment of training centers in particular the banking sector and external courses to raise standards of rehabilitation banking cadres in addition to preparing studies to evaluate the annual performance through the use of research centers and a number of spe******ts in banking

    Translated version of
    Hey Darock....thanx for contributing. Did you know that if you copied your article to Word first....then copied it here....that the Arabic would be gone? Easy to do and easier to read.

  4. #204
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    Cool Well it is Stoping.........NOW!!!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    my exact reasoning for detesting the iraqi bashing that goes on here daily by some impatient people.
    From here on out. OSW, Raditz, bob1940, lndmn_01 and myself, will be watching for it. I agree with the Post too. We are already Blessed compared to what they are having to go thru.

  5. #205
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darock0116 View Post
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future

    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future

    السبت, 05.05.2007, 06:38am (GMT)
    Saturday, 05.05.2007, 6:38 am (GMT)

    The Director-General of the Rafidain Bank Then Yasiri, that the implementation of the restructuring of the banking sector year will begin soon, adding that the program will include the adoption of a comprehensive electronic system and adopt modern mechanisms to keep abreast of developments in the banking industry in the developed world. Yasiri, and pointed out a number of measures which will be launched soon in order to improve the reality of banking services offered to citizens, including the establishment of training centers in particular the banking sector and external courses to raise standards of rehabilitation banking cadres in addition to preparing studies to evaluate the annual performance through the use of research centers and a number of speSEEALISts in banking

    Translated version of
    get those banks ready to handle some dinar!!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #206
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    Default heheheheheheheheheh....

    You know what this means Bro'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Been talking about this One.....ISX Baby....

    Quote Originally Posted by darock0116 View Post
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future
    الاعلان عن برنامج طموح لاعادة هيكلة و تاهيل القطاع المصرفي في المستقبل القريب
    The announcement of an ambitious program to restructure and rehabilitate the banking sector in the near future

    السبت, 05.05.2007, 06:38am (GMT)
    Saturday, 05.05.2007, 6:38 am (GMT)

    The Director-General of the Rafidain Bank Then Yasiri, that the implementation of the restructuring of the banking sector year will begin soon, adding that the program will include the adoption of a comprehensive electronic system and adopt modern mechanisms to keep abreast of developments in the banking industry in the developed world. Yasiri, and pointed out a number of measures which will be launched soon in order to improve the reality of banking services offered to citizens, including the establishment of training centers in particular the banking sector and external courses to raise standards of rehabilitation banking cadres in addition to preparing studies to evaluate the annual performance through the use of research centers and a number of spe******ts in banking

    Translated version of

  7. #207
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Humaidi presiding over a meeting of the Arab economy in a forum on the oil boom

    Humaidi presiding over a meeting of the Arab economy in a forum on the oil boom

    Beirut-5 - 4 (KUNA) -- chaired by Kuwaiti Finance Minister Badr Al-Humaidi meeting discussion in the Arab Economy Forum held here now about oil boom presence of the governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait Sheikh Salem Abdel Aziz morning along with a galaxy of prominent Finance and Economy and the Arabs.

    Speaking at the meeting, entitled (Is the oil boom inputs to build a new base for Arab economies), board chairman of the Group (Aref) Kuwaiti investment Elzimaia Dr. Ali confirmed that the States which did not possess the political will would not be able to benefit from the financial surpluses achieved in the Arab countries as a result of high world oil prices.

    He stressed the need Elzimaia be no economic vision backed by a political decision to take advantage of financial surpluses and the establishment of projects undertaken by the Arab private sector and government supervision.

    He said that "financial surpluses do not build an economic base, but used most often to overcome some as a crisis."

    He stressed the importance of investment in the financial abundance in the Arab areas of human development and the world of knowledge and the development of women's role and investment in the infrastructure and industrial sectors needed by some Arab states including Youdi to Arab integration desired.

    He called for "the government to transform the team manager of the development process, not product development."

    The forum was attended by Arab economy in the first day, Charge D'affaires of Kuwait to Lebanon, counselor Tarek Al-Hamad.

    During the meetings of the Forum discussion again highlighted the British Arab relations in the field of investment and trade and how to develop Arab competitiveness in attracting investment and the future of the Lebanese economy from the perspective of young leaderships.

    The second and last day of the Forum will focus on the banking industry and real estate just in the Arab countries.

    The Sheikh Salem Sabah keynote address at the meeting under the title (trends in banking business in the Gulf in light of the requirements of rapid economic growth and open markets).


    Ph / a m
    KUNA 041743 GMT May 07
    وكالة الأنباء الكويتية (كونا)- صف*ة الخبر - ال*ميضي يترأس جلسة في منتدى الاقتصاد العربي *ول ال...04/05/2007

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #208
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    -Policy : Osman : an International Covenant requires a radical change to the government of Maliki
    By aliraqnews in 5 / 05 / 2007 7:18:34

    Welcomed Dr. Mahmoud Othman, a leading figure in the Kurdistan Alliance, with the document of the International Conference on Sharm el-Sheikh, as "an international document very important" afterthought, "But the lesson is not in the issuance of this document, which intensified international support

    For Iraq to get out of its current crisis, but a lesson in the implementation, and I think that requires the commitment of the Iraqi government, to change current policies to fit with the principles of that document. " Mahmoud Othman explained in a telephone conversation with the agency (Lucky) Italian news today (Friday), said he "issued several documents and covenants during the last four years, but none of them were not implemented, and all remained just ink on paper, so if the Iraqi government to receive, on international and regional support to get out of their present plight, it should change its policy radically, especially for the achievement of national reconciliation, ending sectarian violence, and disarming the militias, as long as the international community promised to abide by that document, It collected in a purely Iraqi document, it can quickly make the changes required, but the document whatever lose their importance, and thus lose the support of Iraq the world. " Othman said "On the other hand, this document will serve the American administration as well, since this administration turn to suffer from many problems in Iraq, and is being exposed to enormous pressure from home and abroad to change its policies in Iraq, and I think that this document through access to international support, will ease some of the pressures faced by the American Administration. " Regarding talks conducted by the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, with both Syria and Iran, the impacts on the Iraqi situation, said Osman "Talks held between Rice and teacher, talks ahead of her with her Iranian counterpart today, would be very helpful to resolving the situation in Iraq, especially the security situation, we know that there are interventions from these two countries in Iraq under the pretext of anti-Americanism in Iraq, therefore, any understanding between the two countries with the United States, will naturally be reflected in the Iraqi situation, which is suffering mainly because of these two interventions often, are very keen to be a kind of understanding and positive dialogue between the United States and Iran and Syria to secure the security and stability of Iraq. "

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    From here on out. OSW, Raditz, bob1940, lndmn_01 and myself, will be watching for it. I agree with the Post too. We are already Blessed compared to what they are having to go thru.
    Thanx Neno....I know I'll appreciate it. I'm sure their attitudes would change if they had to endure the life.

  10. #210
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    Private Sector Development

    Developing a vibrant private sector in Iraq is essential to the establishment of long-term economic growth, employment, and the creation of a nation of stakeholders. Complying with IMF commitments and ameliorating the economic effects of Saddam-era policies requires a sustained reform agenda. USAID supports economic development and employment generation through its Private Sector Development Program, "Izdihar" ("prosperity" in Arabic), by encouraging key private sector institutions and reforms. The project is designed to help Iraq attain sustained, higher economic growth rates that are private sector-led, employment generating, and equitable.

    Historically a society with a strong merchant class, Iraq's private sector was devastated by decades of Ba'athist mismanagement, sanctions, and conflict. Since September 2004, the Private Sector Development Program has helped promote a market-based economy across six areas:
    1. <LI class=iq>Privatization. The majority of economic activity in Iraq is funneled through over 500 state-owned enterprises, creating an unsupportable system. Through technical assistance and support, USAID is helping the Government of Iraq (GOI) privatize much of the economy, removing a major burden from the national budget and revitalizing the private sector. In 2005, USAID helped draft the privatization law and provided assistance to create a Privatization Committee to reduce redundancy, increase efficiency, and ensure a transparent privatization process. <LI class=iq>Trade and Market Access. Through sector studies and regulatory guidance, USAID is helping reconnect Iraq with the international market, allowing the country to benefit from management acumen, capital, and technology as well as goods and services. In mid-2005, USAID assisted the GOI in submitting the Memorandum on Foreign Trade Regime, the first step in joining the World Trade Organization (WTO). The accession process will oblige Iraq to reform its trade regulations and establish an open, market based economy. <LI class=iq>Investment Promotion. By promoting foreign investment and removing the barriers to private sector-led growth, USAID helps create a dynamic, market-driven economy that will generate employment. Drawing on USAID support, the Government of Iraq has established Iraqi Investment Promotion Agency (IIPA) and the Iraq Trade Information Center (ITIC) to encourage international investors. The Investor Roadmap and a Competitiveness Study prepared by USAID analyzed investment constraints and outlining corrective policies. <LI class=iq>Capital Markets. USAID is helping the GOI reform the legal, regulatory, and structural elements of Iraq's non-bank financial markets (e.g., insurance, pension, equity, and commercial debt). To date, USAID has worked with other U.S. Government agencies to establish the Iraq Stock Exchange and Iraqi Securities Commission, essential to attracting foreign direct investment and privatizing state-owned enterprises. <LI class=iq>Business Skills. USAID support for accounting reform helps integrate Iraqi businesses into the global financial system. As of December 2005, USAID has delivered nearly 40,000 hours of training in international accounting standards, enabling businesses to secure loans and manage accounts.
    2. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. USAID is working with private banks and microfinance institutions to develop their lending capacity. The availability of loans is essential for private sector growth. Previously, USAID provided technical assistance for Coalition Provisional Authority's $21 million micro-credit program. More recently, USAID awarded long-term grants to three international NGOs to support development of sustainable microfinance operations, encouraging job creation countrywide. Two indigenous micro-finance institutes in key cities have received essential funding while a third, in Fallujah, will be receiving support in coordination with the U.S. military. Technical advisors are also building capacity at the Iraq Company for Bank Guarantees, an organization that will provide loan guarantees to private banks and microfinance institutions to support lending to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).
    USAID: Assistance for Iraq - Private Sector Development
    Yesterday was history,
    Tomorrow is a mystery,
    Today is a gift,
    That is why its called the present!!!!!

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