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    Great optimism outcome of Sharm El-Sheikh to take confirm
    (صوت العراق) - 06-05-2007
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    Great optimism outcome of Sharm El-Sheikh confirmation to take practical steps to apply .. Citizens : Iraq needs to be a national covenant before the International
    Baghdad-reaching and agencies
    A number of members of the House Saturday, the need to translate the decisions of both the Sharm el-Sheikh on Iraq to the practical reality and real application even caress the Iraqi street fact those decisions.
    He had been held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt on Iraq, one of two International Covenant on which it is launching a document that name to support Iraq financially and politically and the other neighboring countries to help stabilize the situation in Iraq. He said Abbas Bayati MP from the United Iraqi Alliance decisions of the conference "a big step on the political and economic levels is to extract a confession stable political process and support government projects in the fight against terrorism and to disarm the militias and reconstruction."

    Summarizing the results of the two-Bayati on three areas : the economy, security and refugees, and said, "economically the government got promises for debt reduction and the provision of grants, loans and technical assistance .. This promises a good needs to be followed up, and reflected on the situation of Iraq's economy. "
    "There is a security agreement and the Arab regional states to support a plan to impose law and will unify regional and international support for national reconciliation."
    With regard to immigrants, he said : Sttatef participating States with the humanitarian situation for a certain period and for a while to enable the government to impose law and control of the situation. "
    It was Hamid Majid Moussa, deputy Iraqi National List that the decisions reached by the Sharm el-Sheikh "requires perseverance and effort and work to be applied on the ground." He said "good results, and could if they were applied with seriousness and commitment to full fruition on the positives of concrete on the security situation and economic development.".
    Musa promised that the Sharm El-Sheikh differs from the rest of the conferences held for Iraq as it "reflects the strong concerned on Iraq to take positive steps"
    For his part, Abdel-Khaleq Zankenh pregnancy, the deputy in the coalition of Kurdistan, the Iraqi government and the regional and international parties to work for the success resulting from the decisions, and said "the parties regional and international commitment not to interfere in Iraqi affairs and to support the government and expect them not reflect differences on the Iraqi arena, because we have enough disasters and tribulations ... the crisis in Iraq is a regional crisis, international and domestic. "
    Promised Zankenh, who belongs to the second largest parliamentary bloc, said that the conference is generally in favor of supporting Iraq and said, "is a step forward and a success for the Iraqi diplomacy. "Afterthought" But Maehem Iraqi citizen practical reality, these conferences end with a series of recommendations and decisions take some way to implement some expected lifting of debt and launch Grants, decisions awaiting for a long time. "
    For his part, preferred Harith Obeidi, the deputy in the Iraqi Accord Front waiting and waiting to be taken by the parties that participated in the practical and positive steps in the Iraqi arena to a successful conference. Obeidi, who belongs to the third largest parliamentary bloc "look each conference involving international parties function of weight on the scene and the Arab League, and hopes to build on activating the findings of the conferees said that the lesson not only in putting in the conference or decisions but in practical implementation."
    The Obeidi "the importance of the constitutional amendments, and to disarm militias without integration in the state's institutions of the fact that their loyalty to the party.
    The leadership in Kurdistan Alliance Mahmoud Othman issuance of a document of the International Conference on Sharm el-Sheikh, and considered an international document is very important, stressing that the problem does not lie in the issuance of this document, which intensified international support for Iraq to get out of its current crisis, but a lesson in the implementation.
    And across Othman said he believed that if the Iraqi government to obtain international and regional support to get out of their present plight, it should change its policy radically, especially for the achievement of national reconciliation, ending sectarian violence, and disarming the militias.
    The heart of Dr. Salim and Minister of Human Rights in Iraq on the sidelines of the meetings of the International Covenant and the Iraqi neighboring conferees that the results were positive and fruitful because it is in the plan to bolster security and stability and to support Iraqi economy.
    Salim pointed out that several paragraphs dealt with a document relating to the International Covenant on Human Rights, in support of human rights and work to protect and uphold the rule of law and overcome the heavy legacy of the past.
    A member of the Chamber of Deputies and leader Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi that the outcome of the International Covenant, includes positive points are in the interest of Iraq, but we fear wary of the non-application of these resolutions. Al-Dulaimi and expressed the hope that "the credibility of the parties concerned to implement the decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh summit, but if the mere rhetorical speeches delivered by the participants and then went home, they will be added to a series of previous conferences did not exceed its media." He explained : "The most important thing in this matter is the project of national reconciliation.
    In the poll of the views of citizens including emerged from the conferences, he said Samurai "Can we to judge the results of the International Conference on neighboring Iraq held in Sharm el-Sheikh once a funeral announcement through the media, surely there has not been announced, and that the conference, good for the real results of the conference would be clearer and more accurate after giving concerned who participated in the conference, which committed to those pledges, a reasonable period of time to implement what was decided at the conference, and then we can say that the conference was good and successful. "
    And across the Samurai believed that the "most important thing in the conference is what the majority of participants said that the solution lies in the hands of the Iraqis and there must be a national covenant before the International Covenant."
    With finds Raed Mohammad, "two step Sharm el-Sheikh was unfortunately late, and was supposed to declare the Arab States and the neighboring countries of Iraq and other countries interested in the Iraqi support of Iraq since 2003, although these pledges made at that time, what has befallen Iraq injury."
    He says Haider Institini "There is no doubt that such an international conference may achieve something on the security front, Personally, I am counting on you to a lengthy meetings and individually or collectively to the neighboring countries of Iraq with the American delegation, to believe that the security problem related to the neighboring countries of Iraq to some of the armed groups causing lawlessness.
    He says the Sudanese "all Iraqis want quick and successful solutions to the crises plaguing Iraq, particularly the security had not been solved so far because of regional interventions, due to the insistence of armed groups to achieve its goals in Iraq."
    Sudanese adds that "the results of the international conference in Sharm el-Sheikh all point to the support of Iraq, government and people, and this means that the positive results of the conference will affect the situation in Iraq as positive if this support."

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  2. #232
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    President of the Kurdistan : there is no room for compromise or negotiation on
    (صوت العراق) - 06-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-05-2007
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    President of the Kurdistan : there is no room for compromise or negotiation on the historic character of Kirkuk

    PUKmedia : Chairman of the Kurdistan Mr. Masoud Barzani that Kirkuk is an Iraqi city-a Kurdistani identity, no room for compromise or negotiation of this historic nature, as we have always stated, the Iraqi constitution to resolve the controversy over this vital, in Article 140, and take measures to be applied politically.And Barzani told the Saudi newspaper town : that the only acceptable solution passes through the full normalization, the return of Kirkuk to what it was before the forced change and population affected, and a democratic referendum for the self-determination of peoples, that the referendum is the deciding factor.

    What will be determined by the population of Kirkuk is our full and will not apply another option acceptable to us, we do not want Kirkuk to the city of coexistence and brotherhood among citizens, and visit the cities of Kurdistan, will see that all components coexisting in Kirkuk live brotherly love and harmony and equal.
    As for the Kurds from the Iraqi crisis is worsening head of the Kurdistan We Iraq with a democratic, pluralistic and federal system, and we will make every effort to help others to get rid of this problem, and we are against regional and foreign intervention, but we know that the withdrawal of American forces now Seardhna of the largest catastrophe in the history of Iraq since the civil war raging their withdrawal will begin immediately.

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  3. #233
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    Skinner : Sharm El-Sheikh conference stressed rejected all of the failure
    (صوت العراق) - 06-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-05-2007
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    Skinner : Sharm El-Sheikh conference stressed rejected everyone for the failure in Iraq

    CAIRO-Russian : The spokesman for the Iraqi government to Skinner that the most important characteristic of both Sharm El-Sheikh on Iraq from the rest of the previous conferences, they contained a general feeling of all the participants reject the failure in Iraq and the need to resolve the Iraqi crisis and the eradication of terrorism Prime Minister said "what distinguishes the two Sharm el-Sheikh is a general feeling among the countries of the region that failure in Iraq is unacceptable; because Iraq is subject to the threat of terrorist groups want a disservice not only Iraq but the entire area. "She added that this fact became aware years to everyone that there must be sought to resolve the problem in Iraq and resolving the issue of terrorism ·
    With regard to the scheduling of the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq, Skinner stressed that the withdrawal is the Iraqi government to decide troop withdrawal from the lack · pointing out that the foreign forces exist decision of the Iraqi government and to international jobs. Observers believe widespread, that the neighboring countries expanded ended "without achieving results "She decisive This is the 18th conference to be held on Iraq since the coalition forces invaded the leadership of the United States in ,2003 But divisions between the main actors in this case are still deep ·
    They said that words were wonderful, but unfortunately they did not reflect the reality of Iraq, which seems on the brink of disintegration during the meeting of Prime Minister al-Maliki said that Iraq demands the neighboring countries to stop the flow of "terrorists" into its territory she also believes that most Arab-Maliki sectarian policies constitute one of the fundamental reasons behind the escalation of violence she also seems that the Saudi Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal was responding directly to the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said, "when everyone calls Iraqi people and the government to live up to the historic and moral responsibility to preserve the unity and independence and the sovereignty of Iraq and the Arab-Islamic identity," she said Faisal and the importance of the national reconciliation advocated by the closing statement of the conference all Iraqis, saying that it should not miss the opportunity, which must be reconciliation conference coincides with the security plan for Baghdad to take prompt and effective steps to eliminate violence and disarm the militias ·

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  4. #234
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    Iraqi political blocs differ about the recommendations of the neighborly
    (صوت العراق) - 06-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-05-2007
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    Iraqi political blocs differ about the recommendations of the Iraqi neighboring and the International Covenant

    Coalition : a road map> compatibility : crossroads> Iraq : some positive and negative impact

    London : «Middle East»
    Opinions varied political blocs about the recommendations made by a conference of the International and the Iraqi neighboring states, who concluded their work in Sharm el-Sheikh the day before yesterday. While described bloc United Iraqi Alliance recommendations of the positive and it «serves the interest of the stability of Iraq and the region», linked the success of the Iraqi Accord Front Conferences Iraqi government's ability to implement the recommendations of the conferences, and the Iraqi National List felt that the conditions imposed «significant» on the Iraqi government, and questioned the government's ability to fulfill their obligations. The recommendations of the Iraqi neighboring attended by representatives of the United Nations, the European Union and the Arab League and the Islamic Action Organization, to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, also called for the preservation of political independence and national unity of Iraq, as well as the Arab and Islamic identity. Iraq also got to reduce the debt, as well as grants and loans to support economic and start in the reconstruction. Only those States linked its support for Iraq's obligations to the Iraqi government implemented; disbanding the militias, such as the Security Council and move forward a draft national reconciliation and review the constitution and the law abolishing the Baath Party. Abbas Bayati prominent member bloc, the United Iraqi Alliance (Shiite bloc), the conferees forward to support the Iraqi government and the political process, said in an telephone conversation with «Middle East» said that the recommendations that came out Conferences «positive», and that it «reflected sensors everyone that stability in Iraq would, in the interest of stability in the region and exacerbate the crisis would befall the region leveled negative ». Bayati said that the Iraqi government «got international support, which will be positively reflected on the Iraqi political reconciliation». Bayati described the recommendations as «road map common between the Iraqi government and the United Nations needs to mutual cooperation between the two parties to achieve what the Iraqi government to fulfill the obligations and implications of the Iraqi government».
    Meanwhile, Harith al-Ubaydi member of the Iraqi Accord Front, the largest Sunni bloc in the parliament, said that important at this conference is «implementation of the recommendations», said Obeidi told «Middle East» in a telephone call from Baghdad that «important decisions, we want to see on the ground is reached», said Obeidi that these conferences «crossroads methods ». He added «that the government did not investigate the aspirations of the Iraqi people and the political parties through the recommendations, the government reconsider all calculations». For its part, the deputy high Nassif Jassem the existing Iraqi national conferences that some of the results have been positive and the other negative. She said that the positive results were Iraq to get economic aid, as well as to reduce part of its debt owed to the international community. But they promised not to get a meeting between Iranian and American delegations on the sidelines of the Iraqi neighboring, from «negative points». Jassim added in a dialogue with «Middle East» on the phone from Baghdad «we aspire access to a meeting between American Secretary of State, and the Iranian delegation .. We hope that this meeting to settle accounts between them and thus bring about security in Iraq », adding that« we would get political consensus between the United States and Syria on one hand and between them and Iran on the other hand to prevent the leakage of weapons and armed groups in Iraq.

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  5. #235
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    ok, this is dated the 2nd so by sharistanis own words it went to parliament before the conference even started. and the kurds were happy when it went so those other stories since then have been smoke and mirrors.
    The government of Iraq sent oil new law to Parliament
    02 / 05 / 2007
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi government sent a bill to parliament in the oil major step towards fulfilling one of the political criteria set by Washington to Baghdad.

    The declaration of the Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani Wednesday, the eve of a major conference in Egypt exploring the major industrial powers and Iraq's neighbors how to achieve stability in Iraq and seeking to implement reforms in return for reconstruction.

    The draft law is to regulate the distribution of Iraq's vast oil wealth on sectarian and ethnic groups in the country.

    The government had approved the bill in February last and was praised by the then Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as Shiite pillars of the unity of Iraq. But the differences between the central government and the government of Kurdistan region rich in oil, which enjoyed autonomy in the north of the country on the control of the third largest oil reserves in the world disrupted send Act of Parliament.

    And pressed President George W. Bush on Maliki to approve agreements on the division of power to help alleviate violence in the country. And Bush had used the veto on Tuesday against legislation sponsored by Democrats that would set a date for the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.

    After Bush described such a timetable Tuesday Alastana unwieldy, the American army announced on Wednesday the arrival of approximately 4000 additional troops to Iraq under the "increase" in the forces led by the White House, which are seen as the latest attempt to avoid all-out civil war between Shiites and Sunnis.

    He Shahrastani told reporters in Saudi Arabia hoped to be approved oil bill by the end of May this month.

    Shahrastani said that the bill was sent to Parliament now that the political blocs agreed to work together for approval end of the month.

    He added that the government of the Kurdistan is not opposed to the bill but very happy done.

    It was not possible to obtain an immediate comment from Kurdish officials who said earlier that supplements of the law were unconstitutional because they tend to control the oil fields of regional governments and placed under the control of a government company.

    But Haider Abadi, Deputy Chairman of the economy and investment People said to Reuters that the Parliament had not received the bill yet. He expected that the council of ministers will meet on Thursday to send the draft law to Parliament. and who is he??

    In addition to the oil include standards set by Washington to retreat from Iraq to prevent former members of the Iraqi Baath party from assuming positions significantly, amending the constitution and calling for elections of the provincial assemblies.
    The United States hopes that supports those standards reconciliation and attract Sunni Arabs to participate in the political process and away from armed operations.

    Because most of Iraq's oil reserves in areas controlled by Kurds in the north and Shiites in the south is the equitable distribution of wealth in oil revenues Iraq is the key to reducing the violence that resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqis and more than 3300 American troops since the invasion led by the United States in 2003.

    Naturally, those standards American agenda during the conference Thursday in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea port where it is expected to endorse the 60 States (International Charter for the sake of Iraq), a plan to be implemented over five years to provide foreign support in return for reforms.

    The highlight of the talks held Thursday and Friday in order to contain the violence in Iraq and to prevent its spread to the region will be meeting on the margin between the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki.

    Washington accuses Iran leveled violence in Iraq, which Tehran denied.

    Rice said to reporters en route to attend the conference "on Iraq's neighbors take the risk ... Iraq is the center of the Middle East that is stable or unstable Middle East. Hence all of us organize our way contribute to the achievement of stability. "

    "Let us not pass guesses exaggerated (for the meeting). Take remove doubts in the region for some time. "

    In Baghdad, Saleh Al-Ojaili spokesman for the parliamentary bloc of the extremist Shiite cleric opposed to the United States Moqtada Sadr said that 133 deputies from among 150 Iraqis were present on Wednesday parliament, which includes 275 members signed the non-binding memorandum sponsored Sadr demanded determining a timetable for the withdrawal of American forces.

    The Al-Maliki said that he will be for the American forces to stay until the Iraqi army and police are ready to take over security. Some deputies said that they had signed a memorandum of chest after adding a clause stating that he should not be for the American forces to leave, as long as the Iraqis are not ready.

    (Participated in the unlawful Villelabeitia coverage from Baghdad Su Blemenge from Washington and Jonathan Wright in Cairo)

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #236
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    Minister Naimi .. Political situation in Iraq affect the world oil market
    02 / 05 / 2007

    Riyadh-5-2 (KUNA) -- The Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources Ali Naimi, the Saudi political situation in Iraq had a negative impact in the use of non-petroleum energy stressing that the current world production does not suffer from a shortage appropriate to meet demand in the international oil market.
    The Minister Naimi, in a joint press conference with Minister of Economy, Trade and industrial resources Japanese Akira Amari expressed the hope that Iraq enjoy stability so as to benefit from the global market in the huge reserve of oil and gas, to return once again to raise production capacity He referred in this respect to the anticipated Iraqi Oil Minister raising productivity to six million barrels per day by 2015.
    He explained that the round table forum for the Asian continent which concluded here today discussed a number of important issues relating to investment in the field of energy and secure energy supply for producers and consumers, as well as discuss energy alternatives and energy conservation and rationalization of consumption, especially for consumers.
    It was announced that Saudi Arabia is planning to raise oil production to 5 million barrels a 12 t the end of 2009 in light of plans to study the need to raise productivity to this level.
    For his part, the Japanese minister of the parties participating in the Conference on the reduction of oil prices in order not to adversely affect the global economy and cooperation to fill the shortage in the event of emergency and find a formula for joint cooperative face obstacles in the energy supply.
    He revealed his plans to meet the emergency in the event of shortage of energy supplies based on the storage of crude oil, despite differences about its impact on oil prices, in addition to the use of organic chemistry alternative energy, taking into account their environmental impacts.
    He said that the meeting focused on energy investments and the need to maintain price stability and to encourage dialogue and promote the concept of the common interests between producers and consumers to agree on appropriate prices in the oil market.
    The ministers of oil in the Asian continent have concluded today in Riyadh work second round-table meeting, which brings together producers and consumers in order to promote dialogue between the two parties so as to achieve common interests on the preservation of a stable energy supply and to maintain appropriate prices for oil.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    but i read where some of the countries have told them they gotta do something to recover economically on their own before they will grant the debt relief. so, they might not get all the debt relief UNLESS they do somethin to recover economically and we all know they have raised interest rates enough that it hasnt helped enough. only one option at this point, painted into the corner. they want debt relief and wont rv til they get it but countries wont give it until they rv. standoff? i think not!!
    Iraq should forget about debt relief and ask the countries it owes money to for LOANS that can be used to help extract the oil out of the ground. Then Iraq can just pay the debts and loans off with interest and be done with it.

  8. #238
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    Second Iraqi Forum for businessmen begin its work in Amman
    05 / 05 / 2007
    Second Iraqi Forum for businessmen begin its work in Amman

    Beginning next Monday in Amman Activities Forum's second Iraqi businessmen organized by the Conference
    Trade and Industry Iraqi-US companies big Iraqi and Iraqi businessmen with about 100 companies.
    The statement of the chamber that 15 Jordanian company working in the fields of industry, trade, construction, transport, banking and fixtures
    Medical and food industries and plastic industries will participate in the activities of the Forum.
    Before the sidelines of the Forum reconstruction projects and projects and investment opportunities currently available in Iraq
    For investors and Arab businessmen and foreigners

    بترا Petra

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Differences between various Iraqi parties of the outcomes
    (صوت العراق) - 06-05-2007
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    بغداد - حسين علي الحياة - 06/05/07//
    Baghdad-Hussein life-06 / 05 / 07 / /

    Varied reactions parties and parliamentary blocs Iraqi decisions of the Sharm el-Sheikh summit, which concluded Friday, and considered bloc «Alliance» successful by all standards and came in to support the government Al-Maliki, but the Accord Front, led by Adnan Al Dulaimi, said that the items requiring Iraq be difficult to achieve, said one Parliamentarians Conference «oratory festival is not needed one substance ».

    He said the leadership of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House Humam Hamoudi told «life» that «the presence of a large number of countries of the world represents a successful record in favor of the Iraqi diplomatic after Iraq had managed to collect various parties to one table, which reflects the desire of the participants to find solutions seriousness of the situation Iraqi ». He pointed out that «the full backing of the efforts of the present government at both the political and security the most important outcome of the Conference».

    But Sunni Accord Front urged political entities to review many of the pending files within them, and called in a statement issued yesterday to respect the covenants and political commitments and negotiate on the contentious issues between the political blocs to achieve «International Covenant» committed to by the Iraqi government, otherwise the »Front taught many the hard political choices and we will not hesitate to take the appropriate political decision in a timely manner ». The MP said Zafir Ani, a member Accord Front told «life» : «We were disappointed with the conclusion of the Sharm el-Sheikh», pointing out that the Front was looking forward to the conference to find solutions to the Iraqi problem seriously and that there are promises and commitments and clear by everyone ».

    The Kurdistan Alliance questioned the government's ability to fulfill the obligations that called for achievable and made it a key element in providing international support, and welcomed the leadership of the alliance, Mahmoud Othman issuance of the document the international viewing it as «very important», but he pointed out that the lesson lies in implementation, pointing out that the government promised the international community commitment end sectarian violence, disbanding the militias, and to achieve national reconciliation and these represent significant challenges facing the government, expressing his belief that achieved with difficulty.

    He added : «if the government Maliki obtain international and regional support to get over the hump, it should change its policy radically and rapidly accelerate the changes are in this framework, the document that you lose its importance».

    The link, Lubaid Abbawi, announced the Foreign Ministry Undersecretary issue honoring States pledges to support the government in order to achieve freedom, independence and democracy and federalism in doing the required reforms at the political, security and economic. He Mufeed al-Jazairi deputy Iraqi List, led by Iyad Allawi, that «the conference was successful by all standards and at the political, economic and security all, stressing that« the government before a real choice to achieve what it is ».

    For its part, considered the Association of Muslim Scholars Conference starter, calling on Iraqis not to expect good of the Conference. Muhammad Bashar al-Faydi, spokesman body in a statement «We consider the Sharm El-Sheikh conference last attempt by the international community and the occupation forces to support this government», emphasizing «said that the international community tried to save the current government involved committing crimes against the Iraqi people».

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    Washington urges the Iraqi Parliament not to take leave

    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-05-2007

    Washington urges the Iraqi Parliament not to take leave during the summer and deputies refuse
    : The White House announced Friday that the administration of President George W. Bush urging the Iraqi parliament to reconsider the draft and transmit it to take leave during the summer, especially since there is an urgent draft laws require approval. White House spokesman Gordon Jondro said that several American officials, including United States Ambassador Ryan Crocker in Baghdad, thought that this might send a "bad signal not only to the international community but also for the Iraqi people." The American ambassador Thursday that he "raised this issue before the Iraqi officials at various levels, including the Prime Minister."

    (Crocker said that the sentiment in the United States and Iraq is, "How can you go throughout the summer in fighting Iraqi soldiers and American and die just to give you, the members (of Parliament), the area necessary for the country's political work, while you take a holiday for two months."
    The institutions reflect American pressure on the Bush administration in the United States. It is no secret umbrage at the American Vice possibility that the Iraqi parliament takes leave for two months, leaving behind projects are in the reconciliation may not be neglected.
    White House attaches great importance to the approval of this project as soon as possible, especially on the management and sharing of oil revenues, amid the Democratic Majority in Congress to put an end to the American military presence in Iraq, today before tomorrow.
    The Crocker that Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki American administration shares this concern, and said that the Prime Minister believed that the (holiday Parliament) should not be two months or even one month or week, but perhaps weekend only. "
    But he expressed no confidence could take this view because "in the new Iraq, al-Maliki Department could not be ordered Parliament to continue its work if He did not want that." He added, "We hope and expect that the act (parliament) in the form of an official."
    Meanwhile, the MPs Iraqis on Saturday they may cut their vacation summer for the ratification of a number of laws, but they refused to enter the United States in this matter, which he regarded as "an internal matter".
    A number of deputies to the pressure exercised by Washington on the Iraqi Parliament may generate a kind of insistence by the political parties to take the summer vacation which will last for two months.
    The MP Mahmoud Othman from the Kurdistan Alliance bloc that the American position. "Undue interference", adding that "Parliament is a responsible and if they saw there was a need for urgent legislation laws, it is likely not only take a holiday."
    The Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the Iraqi Parliament to take the summer recess "internal affair, which is decided by the Board or nullify."
    On his part, Wael Abdel Latif, deputy Iraqi List, "The people elected and must work 24 hours a day, we talked It is a shame that the United States and tell us what to do for our country" On his part, head Nassar Al-Rubaie chest bloc in the parliament, "We are with the cancellation of the summer vacation, despite the fact that cancellation violation the Constitution not enjoy the holiday, we could find a way out in some way. "
    He added, "We asked for such permission canceled before the (American), in order to pass laws that many of us, we must finish this year."
    The Iraqi - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

    franny, were almost there!!

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