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  1. #251
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Event economic : Iraq participate in the Seventh Conference of democracy, development and free trade in Doha

    Baghdad/ long
    Iraq participated delegation head Chief Political Planning in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Mohammed Ali Hakim in the Seventh Conference of democracy, development, free trade, which was held in Doha for the period 23 - April 25, 2007 and was attended by more than 500 personalities from 70 countries and other personalities competent in the areas of development, trade and economy, the conference addressed various treatment issues related to democracy, development and free trade.
    The conference was opened with an address by the Emir of the State of Qatar welcomed by guests of the Conference begins its work after the conference, which included panel discussions on various latest developments in the areas of development and free trade.
    The head of the Iraqi delegation, Dr. Hakeem speech where he talked about the democratic experiment highlighted the achievements of the experiment, both political and economic.
    جريدة المدى - العراق يشارك في المؤتمر السابع للديمقراطية والتنمية والتجارة الحرة في الدوحة

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  2. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by fredgwest1999 View Post

    Was up yesterday but, is down again today???

    No DONG Jokes Please!
    ok, two dongs walk into a bar..............(im sorry im weak, could not help myself)

  3. #253
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    For the people : the revolution in the city of Hilla, the lack of services

    A number of residents in the city of Hilla, the Revolution sent a message calling for the Babylon province need to provide services that are lacking from the surfacing of the city streets and address the scarcity of water and other services needed by citizens and stated that the city did not witness the implementation of any project service so far.
    Mohammad Iqbal
    جريدة المدى - مدينة الثورة في الحلة وانعدام الخدمات

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  4. #254
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    Patience is important weapon in the war in Iraq
    06/05/200706 / 05 / 2007

    (Reuters) - After weary continuing losses and few signs of concrete progress in the war against Iraq began patience of the American people is running out of patience and weapon seems to discount the United States possessed in abundance .. This reflected impatience of the war against Iraq which entered its fifth year on half term elections, due in November, Congress in November, where the Republicans from the party of President George Bush to control the two houses of Congress to Democrats. Since that time, Bush appointed new ministers of defense and commander of the army in the new Iraq and become tasked with the implementation of a new strategy there.

    But despite the fact that Bush has repeatedly called for his patience in a time when more troops to Iraq to implement the new strategy shows the results of opinion polls that pessimism is growing and that most Americans prefer to set a timetable for withdrawing its forces from Iraq.

    Said Anthony Cordesman, an expert Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, "The question now is ... Whether the United States have the patience to implement at least its current and accept the fact that any hope of success must be measured by years of American actions and not through months. "

    According to the Bush plan is to send 28 thousand additional troops to provide security for Baghdad using methods provided in a new work program for the war against gunmen.

    When the American army and the Marines in the preparation of a handbook to fight armed crimes, the first two decades since the initial draft said that success requires a "maximum patience" The final version, which was published in December in December recommended exercise patience "substantial."

    Judging from the fundamentalist Islamic sites on the Internet, the weapon was abundant patience with opponents of the United States. The gunmen make sure that they can not rely on a final number seems recruits.

    He wrote retired General Barry McCaffrey in a memorandum to the leaders of the American army after a visit to Iraq in the spring "Although ... We killed a large number of enemy fighters (perhaps more than 20 thousand), the armed militias and Al-Qaida in Iraq apparently begun forming leaders and soldiers.

    "Numbers and the dangers they pose is not diminished at the time being subjected to such losses in the battles."

    In the first of May Bush used the veto (veto) against the bill passed by the American Congress, led by Democrats, which will link the financing of military size 124 billion dollars to a timetable for withdrawing its forces from Iraq, which Bush considers it a recipe for defeat.

    ."Bush said "all with the terrorists do is ... Increased strength and start planning for how to overthrow the government and control over Iraq. "

    He got the bill, which was rejected Bush's support of four Republicans, but some experts say it is only a matter of time before others follow suit under pressure from their constituencies.

    Lawrence speculated Corp assistant, former Minister of Defense and now the security expert at the Center for American Progress that "even the Republicans run out of patience next year."

    There is historical precedent for the way in which the results changed by opinion polls since the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 In the first two years of the war against Vietnam and Korea war against the results of opinion polls supporting high then began declining steadily in the absence of rapid progress.

    Avoid General David Petros who was responsible for rewriting booklet crimes against the gunmen, who became commander of the American army in Iraq in January in January was no estimate of the timing of the American forces in Iraq.

    But he said in a television interview that "the hour Washington began moving more quickly than an hour of Baghdad."

    Petros watch and control on September where will formally evaluate how successful the additional troops sent to Iraq in the security operation.

    There has been little change in the overall level of bloodshed since the start of the new Bush strategy. The number of American forces killed between 3352 dead in the beginning of May estimated the number of victims of Iraqi civilians between 63 thousand and less than 69 thousand.

    الصبر سلاح مهم في حرب العراق - موقع الأخبار

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  5. #255
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    Vice Iraqis reject American interference in summer vacations ... They Washington's call for the cancellation of leave (interference in the internal affairs)
    06/05/200706 / 05 / 2007

    .BAGHDAD : «Middle East»-denounced members of the House what they saw Iraqi «interference» from the American administration in the summer vacations, and pressure them to cut in order to ratify the bills Washington considers important. The White House had announced the day before yesterday that the administration of President George W. Bush urging the Iraqi parliament to reconsider the project forward, and to take leave during the summer, especially since there is an urgent draft laws require approval.
    The White House spokesman Gordon Jondro had said that several American officials, including United States Ambassador Ryan Crocker in Baghdad, believed that the summer holiday may send b «bad signal not only to the international community but also for the Iraqi people». But a number of MPs warned that the pressure exerted by Washington on the Iraqi Parliament, may generate a kind of insistence by the political parties to take the summer vacation which will last for two months, according to the French Press Agency.

    The deputy Mahmoud Othman, the Kurdish bloc, the American position «undue interference», stressing that «Parliament is a responsible, and if they saw there was a need for urgent legislation laws, it is likely not only take a holiday». He added : «I think this strange intervention may have negative results».
    The Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the Iraqi Parliament and member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution Shiite, to take a summer recess «internal affair, which is decided by the Board or nullify».

    For his part, Wael Abdel Latif, deputy Iraqi List that the resolution of this matter «must be fired from Parliament and from outside».
    نواب عراقيون يرفضون التدخل الأميركي في عطلتهم الصيفية... اعتبروا دعوة واشنطن لإلغاء الإجازة (تدخلا في الشأن الداخلي) - موقع الأخبار

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  6. #256
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    Qaeda» warns Sunni organizations of allegiance to the government of Maliki
    (Voice of Iraq) - 06-05-2007

    Suicide bomber kills 15 police volunteers near the Abu Ghurayb Prison ... Baghdad-MS-06 / 05 / 07 / /

    The leader of the organization «Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia» Egyptian Abu Ayub, who announced his death Baghdad last week, a warning to «Islamic Army in Iraq», «Army of the Mujahideen», «Ansar al-Sunnah» from dealing with the Iraqi government led by Nuri al-Maliki, while More than 47 dead in Iraq, including 15 police volunteers outside the base units of the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

    In the audio message broadcast on a website, he said Egypt : «hate us that Tsevkoa blood or NSFC you one drop of blood unless Tnekharetwa among soldiers Maliki State», denying access split in the ranks of Sunni fighters. He added : «What Tsumaounh news channels in the fight between us and jihad groups and clans blessed is sheer lies and calumny».

    But Sheikh Sattar Abu brushes President «the rescue Anbar» he told «life» to join elements of the armed factions to by the parties, which declared war on «Qaeda» was a major cause of the outbreak of hostilities and the differences between those factions. He added that the elements that refused to deal with «Qaeda» are not allowed to appear in the tribal zones of influence, and prefers to deal with the rest of the Iraqi armed factions, while the other factions open areas of influence it.

    He believed that the conflict between armed factions around a single issue : support «Qaeda» or repudiation of them, pointing out that «this major issue caused the outbreak of internal conflicts between armed, especially after the participation of elements of the organizations the Islamic Army and Muhammad's Army battalions Revolution Square in the latest fighting against Al Qaeda in Taji».

    The Interior Ministry issued a statement yesterday calling on the factions carrying arms to the narrative authority of the law and promised to conduct fair trials of those suspected of carrying out acts which targeted civilians. Brigadier Al Abd Al, Director of the national leadership of the Ministry of Interior, said that this statement «aims to mobilize efforts to topple the Al-Qaeda organization in the country and absorption of other Iraqi armed factions».

    The Major General Abdul Aziz Mohammed Jassim director of operations at the Defense Ministry that «splits and infighting between armed factions is a clear sign of a disagreement between ideological and realize some of the armed factions errors that occurred when Al Qaeda was allowed to play a central role in the country and attempt to impose its ideology on the rest later armed groups in Iraq».

    On the other hand Iraqi MPs announced yesterday that they may cut summer vacation to approve a number of laws, but they refused to enter the United States in this matter, which he regarded as «an internal matter».

    A number of deputies to the pressure exercised by Washington on the Iraqi Parliament «may generate a kind of insistence by the political parties to enjoy the summer holidays which will last for two months».

    The White House announced Friday that President Bush's administration is urging the Iraqi parliament to reconsider the draft and transmit it to take leave during the summer, especially since there is an urgent draft laws require approval.

    The deputy Mahmoud Othman, the Kurdish bloc American position «undue interference», stressing that «Parliament is responsible and whether there was a need for urgent legislation laws, it is likely not only take a holiday».

    The Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah, first deputy chairman of the Iraqi Parliament and member of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Shiite taking a summer recess «internal affair, which is decided by the Board or nullify». - صوت العراق
    Last edited by Lunar; 06-05-2007 at 08:14 AM.

  7. #257
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    US eyes $US500m ammunition sale to Iraq
    4:00PM Saturday May 05, 2007

    WASHINGTON - The Bush administration told Congress on Friday of plans to sell Iraq about 400 million rounds of small arms ammunition, 170,000 grenades, demolition explosives and other military gear and services valued at up to $US508 million ($NZ699.24 million).

    The Pentagon's Defence Security Cooperation Agency said the Iraqi government had asked for up to 100 million rounds of both M855 5.56mm and 7.62mm ammunition for small arms, as well as about 200 million other bullets.

    "This proposed sale directly supports the Iraqi government and serves the interests of the Iraqi people and the US, as well as offering hope for a more stable and peaceful Middle East," said the agency that handles government-to-government arms sales.

    The package would help Iraqi forces "sustain themselves in their efforts to bring stability to the country and prevent overflow of unrest into neighbouring countries," a statement said.

    In a previous proposed sale to Iraq, the Pentagon said on December 7 it would supply trucks, trailers and related equipment valued at up to $US463 million. It said that would support a plan by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to train and equip an extra 30,000 Iraqi troops. The strengthened Iraqi force is aimed at speeding up the departure of US troops who ousted President Saddam Hussein in 2003.

    The notice of a proposed sale is required by law. Congress has the power to reject it. The deal could be worth up to $US508 million if all options are exercised.

    As part of the proposed package, the United States would sell 170,000 40mm HEDP grenades, 80,000 C-4 1-1/4 pound plastic explosive packets and 1.28 million metres of detonating cord.

    The deal would also involve up to 341 million litres of diesel, 13 million litres of JP-8 jet fuel and 256 million litres of motor gasoline, the statement said.

    The administration, in a separate notice to lawmakers, proposed to sell to Turkey Raytheon Co.-built AIM-9X Sidewinder air-to-air missiles and related gear valued at up to $US71 million if all options are exercised.

    US eyes $US500m ammunition sale to Iraq - 05 May 2007 - NZ Herald: World / International News

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  8. #258
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    Political first : the exclusion of 15 thousand of employees of the Interior

    The number of associates who had been eliminated from the Ministry of Interior about 15 thousand officers and rank, according to an announcement by the Director of the national leadership in the ministry Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf.
    He explained Brigadier Khalaf said in a press statement : that this step comes within the framework of the program, which was developed to purge the ministry of the elements, which he described as (bad).
    He added : The ministry continued to dismiss all proven to be involved in cases of financial corruption, administrative or other crimes detrimental to the ministry and citizens. He pointed out that a number of those were referred to the courts for trial for crimes committed financial and administrative corruption and bribery, forgery and theft, and others, with others due to the separation of incompetence in the performance of their work, especially with the protection of citizens
    جريدة الصباح - إقصاء 15 ألفا من منتسبي الداخلية

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  9. #259
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    Political first : 240 billion dinars for the implementation of projects vital service in Diyala

    Diyala Hadi Al-Anbuge
    The head of the local council of Diyala province, Ibrahim Hassan Albajlan endorsement of the reconstruction of maintaining the allocation (138) billion dinars within the assessed budget for the current year 2007 and add the remaining funds from last year to this year's budget, bringing the total budget to maintain macro (240) billion dinars.

    He told Albajlan (morning) : that amount will be distributed among government departments according to the urgent need them, stressing that most of the Diyala witnessed a reluctance clearly in the process of implementing projects in the past year because of the targeting of workers in these projects and the assassination of several contractors during direct action pretext that the need to work with government and the multinational forces despite the fact that these projects will contribute to enhancing the services offered to citizens and the advancement of their realities and provide thousands of jobs for the unemployed and prevented from joining the ranks of terrorist groups and reduce its role.

    Meanwhile called for a number of dignitaries and tribal leaders in the district towns of Khalis and Baquba some central government allocations covering their financial resources for the implementation of projects vital task, especially projects (water and electricity), confirming that most areas suffer a lack of drinking water, which forced families to use river water, which cause outbreaks many diseases and appealed to Sheikh (Mohammed al-Shamri) one of the dignitaries sincere / governorate and the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works to work hand in the water project operations, which provides services to dozens of villages that suffer the lack of drinking water.
    جريدة الصباح - 240 مليار دينار لتنفيذ المشاريع الخدمية الحيوية في ديالى

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  10. #260
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    Political first : said : it included amnesty for-stained hands

    Internal calls gunmen in the province of Anbar, to surrender
    The Interior Ministry yesterday, Saturday, the armed factions in Anbar province to lay down their arms and surrender voluntarily to the security forces, to guarantee them a fair trial.

    Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf Director of the Center for the national leadership of the Ministry of Interior : said that "a significant security achieved in the province of Anbar, especially in the past three weeks by targeting the capital of terrorism by clans Anbar and Iraqi security forces."He added during a press conference held with the American Gulf to rebuild Anbar province : "declared for the first time in four years in a wave of groups carrying arms could put aside and surrendered voluntarily to the government," stressing that "we will ensure a fair trial for those who tarnished their hands the blood of Iraqis and who are not involved will ensure them amnesty years. " He continued that evolution "did not come from a vacuum but was the result of Anbar clans and the security forces shift position where our troops to attack rather than defend, which was always play." He stressed that "terrorism in the region began demolished and now more than 80% of the area of Anbar, which represents nearly a quarter of the country and the three neighboring countries are not much love for the establishment of security in Iraq is safe." He continued, "there is no institution in Anbar could be struck easily as they have in the last year now difficult to beat the police station and seized because the operations began to take another trend. "
    He pointed out that behind the Anbar province was hijacked by terrorists for a long time and it is considered a major incubator for terrorists and criminal gangs and homeless centers leaders, and criminal organizations engaged in killings throughout the country, and the point of departure to other Iraqi cities. He continued that "Most cities maintain the devastating because of the presence of terrorists intense that the council was set up to save the Anbar governorate of clans is a small organization, at the end of last year." The Board is a coalition of Sunni Arab tribes supported by the Iraqi government to fight Al Qaeda elements in the province and was able to expel them from large areas during the period years.
    He stressed that behind the government agreed to a huge budget to rebuild police stations, emphasizing that the authorities intend to increase the number of security forces from the people to maintain up to 12 thousand element to control security.
    جريدة الصباح - قالت: إنها تضمن العفو عن غير الملطخة أيديهم

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