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  1. #361
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    Hello RolClubers

    Some time ago I told a friend of mine about the Dinars. He is a small business man who lives in Florida. He and I have spoken may times about the investment and he has acquired a nice nest egg of the little beauties. He makes a very unique product that is used in the electrical and telecommunications industries. Unforunately, the supplier that he teamed up with to produce his product, turned out to be a slimey fellow that has designs on my friends product. To make a long story short, my friend is now in litigation with his supplier about him trying to steal my friends product and business.

    Needless to say, this has put a monetary burden on my friends business and family. As it turns out my friend has some unique skills that he acquired while he was in the military and so he sent his resume off to some various contractors and was contacted immediately about taking a job in Iraq. He passed the interviews and was hired within one week of his posting his resume. Today, Sunday May 6th, he boarded a plane for Houston where he will undergo additional medical testing and barring any complications he will be in Iraq next Monday the 14th of May. I spoke to him last night and told him to contact me immediately upon arriving in Iraq and he promised that he would. He also stated he would send any and all informaion he can get about the dinar once he is in country. We (RolClub) will have the benefit of having a dedicated dinaraholic in country scoping out all the information he can possibly get. His assignment (tour) will last four months and he'll be back in the States in September if all goes well. If the dinar revals before then he's getting on a plane and coming home as soon as he can, but at least we have a very good ear on the ground in country. Once I hear from him I'll be able to post where he is and what he knows. I pray that he is safe and that he can come home to his family. The money he earns while he is there will provide for his family and allow him to carry on his litigation against the slimey supplier. Thanks to all, we'll see what he says once he is in country on the 14th.
    Thank you for your post. My husband has been in Iraq as a civilian contractor for awhile now. He believes in the dinar and patiently sits around waiting for it to rv. he left Iraq on March 26 for his month of leave time. Before he left he was informed by an iraqi that they had an announcement that the rv should happen within the next 60 days. My husband has been told several different things by these Iraqis that he takes it very lightly. My husband left for Iraq on April 18 and was in country 2 hours before they rolled their vehicle and he broke his neck in 2 places. He's okay and not paralyzed. So he's back home and he keeps in touch with alot of guys out there and have not heard anymore rumors. He believes in this dinar and also says that we do not see all the progress thats been made out there. The news reports only bad things and not the good things. He went over there after 911 and was there from the beginning of the war with the military until the end of the war. Now he is a civilian contractor over there and works directly with the Iraqi's but the iraqi's themselves know as much as we do. Alot of speculation. So in ending i would like to say that my husband says that this Iraqi was sooo excited when it was aired on their Iraqi television by the admininster of finance that he feels this iraqi was not lying and this iraqi holds alot of the dinar awaiting the rv.

  2. #362
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    Dear parliamentarians .. Iraqis believe.
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

    Abdul Zahra Zaki

    Iraqi Parliament did not need to listen to criticism directed to the American House of Iraqis likely to enjoy vacation months this summer camps to cancel the holiday or insist upon.

    Before utter spokesman for the White House, the American ambassador in Baghdad and Ishara publicly conclude their government of this holiday was the Iraqi press is behind the Iraqi public have expressed their strong protests while Regale parliamentarians themselves holidays precedent.

    In many cases had not been protests and journalists with the Iraqi street protests by the attention of the House deserves the necessary attention being treated by many deputies, positively or negatively, about American criticism directed to the parliamentary recess.

    Iraqi press is fully aware of the legitimacy of this holiday and stalling humanitarian and professional, but before it realizes the seriousness and importance of time passes, are still dozens of laws and legislation and the tasks required to complete the legal and legislative structure of the new State is still waiting for action by Parliament, to be window materials needed by the government, judicial and other authorities in their daily work.

    The problems incidental to the democratic system of government created a complex bureaucratic system of management .. When this happens such as in the current Iraqi situation, with another system built by Parliament on the basis Mahassat sharp and the newfound political positions usually governed by the prior, the Parliament's agenda remains always crowded lot of programs and action items are deferred and relaxation in dealing with the time factor foregone difference and casual discussions.

    No such postponements and indifference time factor in the exceptional circumstances in everything : the beginnings of the establishment of a new, bad security conditions, economic conditions, and service is just as bad, and a financial and administrative corruption that is unmatched, all of this sheds on the street with their perceived holiday parliamentarians Mitreva behavior does not take into account the needs of citizens and their problems and the problems of building a new nation.

    No objection to that Itrv parliamentarians, and that they deserve Itnamwa religiously and legally, but not everything that is legitimate and legal relished his work in humane conditions and social exceptional, certainly understands the parliamentarians such exceptions as their understanding before members of the executive authority (the government), who also deserve to be annual holidays, but did not hear that one this government has demanded annual his entitlement in such circumstances and infect the matter within the government and ministers to many joints career which did not adhere to its staff hours or days durability are providing their services, said the same thing about working in the military and security apparatus who continue night and day in combat roles and security known.

    This is not what the Iraqis expect of parliamentarians who pay their people's blood and eats and stubbornness and pride to the parliament.

    Iraqis realize that the parliamentarians did not attend the meeting and one of the parliament sessions, and the Iraqis are aware that some other parliamentarians did not give parliament a quarter of his time spent in travel and trips and functions of some magnitude know, and not know, the Iraqis are aware that parliamentarians (or some of them) bemoan the criticism of the press and some of them wanted to download Information responsible for the explosion which occurred in a cafe Parliament because it coincided with the (campaign) information was true and some others talked about allocations makes the wrong parliamentarians and financial dues.

    Iraqis aware of this and much else, but the Iraqis are also aware that Parliament doomed period of time, followed by elections and the last Parliament, and the Iraqis believe not once bitten, twice shy. - ÕæÊ ÇáÚÑÇÞ

  3. #363
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    Quote Originally Posted by berkman64 View Post
    Thank you for your post. My husband has been in Iraq as a civilian contractor for awhile now. He believes in the dinar and patiently sits around waiting for it to rv. he left Iraq on March 26 for his month of leave time. Before he left he was informed by an iraqi that they had an announcement that the rv should happen within the next 60 days. My husband has been told several different things by these Iraqis that he takes it very lightly. My husband left for Iraq on April 18 and was in country 2 hours before they rolled their vehicle and he broke his neck in 2 places. He's okay and not paralyzed. So he's back home and he keeps in touch with alot of guys out there and have not heard anymore rumors. He believes in this dinar and also says that we do not see all the progress thats been made out there. The news reports only bad things and not the good things. He went over there after 911 and was there from the beginning of the war with the military until the end of the war. Now he is a civilian contractor over there and works directly with the Iraqi's but the iraqi's themselves know as much as we do. Alot of speculation. So in ending i would like to say that my husband says that this Iraqi was sooo excited when it was aired on their Iraqi television by the admininster of finance that he feels this iraqi was not lying and this iraqi holds alot of the dinar awaiting the rv.
    Thanks for that info berkman64. So this month would put us in the 40+ day range if your husband was told this March 26th. I hope it comes true !

    I'm sorry to hear about your husbands injury. I hope he has a speedy recovery and a very high RV!
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Hello everyone. While in Iraq in '04 many of us were buying dinar. At the time, the largest objection to investing in the currency was the foreign debt. I seem to remember that the number stated many times was around 138B to 140 Billion USD. Once we learned the the Paris club had a plan to forgive 80% of the debt, announced in Aug. of '04, we got very excited. It was our first evidence that there was an economoc plan for the Iraqi's to return their currency back to higher levels. Since the above article states that the remining debt is around 62Billion, and that around 30B was forgiven at the conference, I really don't feel this has been fully appreciated. (not to mention they received a 5B grant) For a small country to have reduced its foreign debt by 80 Billion is truely remarkable. If this was a tradable currency anywhere else in the world, such a reduction of foreign debt would have sent the value of the currency sky-high on the next trading day. Additionally, if you take into account the income from around 3MBD @ 65$ per, deduct the GOI budget (43Billion?) you arrive at a remaining balance of income that is still impressive and more than adequate to retire the remaining foreign debt in a short period of time. Maybe less than 3 years. In this world, few countries could even dream of a plan like this. It has recently printed that a production rate of 5MBD would make Iraq 153 Billion a year, and also stated that Iraq might be able to achieve this very quickly. So from a balance sheet perspective, this reduction of debt was a very significant event and there may be further reductions. When we take this event and combine this with the removal of currency, a GOI in budget, FIL, ISX to open soon and possible HCL soon, then taken together, ITS ALL GOOD FOR US. Thank You.
    MR Knowles, in your opinion only of course, what do you think the RV rate could be.
    Do you think it could be as high as 1:1
    Is this possible ?


  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Cha Ching View Post
    Thanks for that info berkman64. So this month would put us in the 40+ day range if your husband was told this March 26th. I hope it comes true !

    I'm sorry to hear about your husbands injury. I hope he has a speedy recovery and a very high RV!
    Thank you very much. My husband says that this Iraqi told him about a week before he left Iraq. Also this Iraqi is waiting for an rv because he wants to leave Iraq. His exacts words were that the announcement stated that the dinar would have a value within the next 60 days. Also the speculated amount would be anywhere from 40-50cents. Meaning 1 million iraqi dinars would be worth $400,00 - $500,00 american dollars. the announcement never gave a value this is what the iraqi's are speculating. I have to say honestly......My husband believes in this dinar whole heartedly.....I on the other hand believe if its too good to be true it usually is. SORRY but what do I know. I support my husband 100% so if this is what he believes in i gotta go with it.

  6. #366
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    Oil workers decide to launch a strike if the government ignored their demands

    Guinness Mesopotamia : Basra / Muhammad Ali Hussein

    The Federation of Oil Unions government inter demands for improved working conditions and raise living standard of nine points contained in a statement issued by the Russian has been distributed to the media confirming that the Russian after making efforts made over the past years in order to achieve their aspirations for having reached such endeavors a deadlock we warn officials of ignoring demands.

    This was announced at a time when Mr. Faraj Rabat media spokesman of the strike soon will be open if the government did not heed to the suffering associated as a spokesman.

  7. #367
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    Economic event : Proceedings table long table in Kurdistan .. Mechanisms banking work in Iraq

    Within the table for the banking sector, a professor Abdel Aziz Hassun, Executive Director of the Association of Banks Iraqi working paper under the title (s banking work in Iraq) reviewed the reality of actors banking and banking activities and means of activating economic transactions related to the speech :

    That is the banking profession and trades as winner of husbandry through the accumulation of experience, which enables him continuing work in this field.
    It is understood that the important decisions in the lives of the Iraqi individual, daily and repeated in all times where vigilance is the secret or deposited money in reassuring terms, the Treasury or under the pillow or in dividing wall ....

    The continued importance of the resolution of choice even after the emergence of banks in Iraq late nineteenth century began with the entry of proliferation Golan England during the First World War in both Basra and Amarah, Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk.

    The mechanisms of action in the banks since those days and to this day remains an institution governed by the rules and concepts of global fixed is that the banks have issued their place, but the people operating funds deposited with it.

    Take the deposit and pay royalties to the owner and lending to clients for a higher return and keep the difference between what you pay for the capital and wage from clients to cover the various expenses and profitable.

    Similarly, the transfer of funds from one place to another inside Iraq or outside Iraq through its branches or agree with the other banks.

    Everything evolved mechanisms associated with the needs of the banking market is not any demand that the element of any banking service or product
    As it is known these days it comes to a demand tradition of other banks, and not a matter of innovation.

    The school English in the banking was prevailing in Iraq as in the countries of the region, despite the emergence of banks, French, Italian and German in addition to those which were carrying British citizenship, which was only differences between the catalog and some mathematical terminology bank.

    Banking policies and patterns of circulation with the regions and governorates :
    Competed-owned banks with government-owned banks in the private sector proliferation in the territories and provinces.

    And of course the win for the banks as they become the first agent of the Iraqi Central Bank vaults in the maintenance of accounts and services and State institutions which constitute a large part of their deposits in private banks denied that clung to their positions and their presence in the markets as it preceded the provincial government banks in emerging and it is capable of flexible working , and its relations with its positions, particularly foreign bank branches allow for the implementation of the foreign transactions of credits and other transfers more efficiently.

    Of course, economic conditions in the provinces were different between the province and another.

    They were both Basra and Mosul provinces formed since first is the only port and the second is the natural market for the Northern Region.

    The growing emphasis on capital Baghdad and its commercial center first brought matters to be captured at all centers banks first and the bulk of bank branches in many neighborhoods II.

    Despite the expanded use of sophisticated means of communication but that things have been subject to the central high without granting branches in the regions or provinces sufficient power, although far from the Center, which greatly affect the conduct transactions and interests of the clients.

    Especially in the current situation where the urgent need for a CBE in the Middle Euphrates region in the least to facilitate banking and money transfers among banks for a region comprising five provinces.

    Contexts circulations Almidaineh like banking and North Kurdstan
    The circulations field currently focused on the transfer of funds in the light of the uncertain security situation both for the purpose of transfer or for the purpose of buying foreign currencies, and in both cases the matter is an indicator of recession and stagnation is not.

    In the case of a bank north and the Kurdstan linked in the region is due to the Royal I. addition to the banks in general, with prejudice market almost exclusively mostly on the purchase and sale of foreign currencies by contributing to the auction held by the Iraqi Central Bank every day, which was expected to be Awestmer indefinitely.

    In other words, the banking balance reported economic activity and the market retreated after the reluctance of dealers to rely on banks in their dealings preferring Altadiat or cash remittances outside the banking system.

    Above all, the recession year, which contributed to the incident in addition to security reasons, government measures to reduce spending through
    Amending the Iraqi dinar exchange rate either ignorant or procedures Bansaya fully with the demands of external actors on the basis that this is what will end the economic inflation.

    As persistence and financial procedures to lift returns on remittances treasury to nearly 23%, and expansion in the promotion and delivery of the night deposit proceeds to the high numbers of Attatelv normally with the usual in the world, which is based on the assumption fill immediate needs for a short period may not exceeding 18 hours.

    All this has endeared orientation for banks to invest in treasury and remittances night deposit and obtain high returns without relying on the usual practice of banking and confront what is surrounded by risks.

    Rehabilitation programs and economic reform in the banking field
    Succeed banking work is the solid Influence him of the ability to exercise the flexible methods without compromising those rules.

    Bears banking work acceptable, the two effects :
    External factors come from the retreat and corruption Pacific or the environment.
    Domestic output of underperformance and mismanagement and manipulation.

    Therefore, banks often were strictly adheres to the rules and avoiding risk than paste many of them described the province.

    Over time, the evolution of the banking or banking products as they are called today, as we pointed out earlier that it is continuing and is closely related to the needs of the market and the demand for those products.

    Development requires rehabilitation organ bank of the new service and capacity development at improving performance and efficiency.

    The guide Iraqi banks and abreast of the development of clear through rehabilitation programs by which to train cadres through :
    Giving workers opportunities completing specialized studies and enter the global banking institutes.

    Seize the opportunities of training organized by global banks.

    In addition, the technology innovations are also imposed on banks and the use of machines to facilitate the implementation and the accuracy in addition to the catalog of accounting control and extract data and statistics easily.

    After the delayed state-owned banks so late and famous departed continues through the development of the real private banks and initiated since its return to the market early in 1993 to the use of computers and software available and continued to develop its updating of hardware and software, where there is more than one bank currently uses its way (KOBIETY ), which allows for the implementation of customer transactions at any branch soon, but it holds the accounts in addition to increased capacity and supervision of the activities of the bank and its branches transactions instantaneously.

    But the number of banks has been limited as we are constantly urged by the Iraqi Central Bank and the Association of Banks private Iraqi banks to develop means of action and consider all no matter how high spending in this area is unacceptable achieve investment expenditure by raising the efficiency of the banks

  8. #368
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    Quote Originally Posted by berkman64 View Post
    Thank you very much. My husband says that this Iraqi told him about a week before he left Iraq. Also this Iraqi is waiting for an rv because he wants to leave Iraq. His exacts words were that the announcement stated that the dinar would have a value within the next 60 days. Also the speculated amount would be anywhere from 40-50cents. Meaning 1 million iraqi dinars would be worth $400,00 - $500,00 american dollars. the announcement never gave a value this is what the iraqi's are speculating. I have to say honestly......My husband believes in this dinar whole heartedly.....I on the other hand believe if its too good to be true it usually is. SORRY but what do I know. I support my husband 100% so if this is what he believes in i gotta go with it.

    I truly hope you husband finds safety throughout his duty.
    When was this announcement though? Surely, that type of news with a specific timeline would've found it's way in one of the Iraqi papers. You would think there would be some excited reporters out there.

    Another question, and please don't take this the wrong way, but......why would someone become a member of a dinar forum if they didn't believe in it?

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    Economic event : Proceedings table long table in Kurdistan (industrial sector in Iraq) .. Iraqi industrial activity and the prospects of its development

    Yahya Aldjeli
    Industrial expert

    Within the table of the industrial sector in Iraq, completed industrial expert Professor Yahya Aldjeli, especially working paper manufacturing activity in Iraq and the prospects for its development, he dealt with the reality of Iraqi industry in the various sectors and the mechanisms for their advancement as well as the constraints of the contest, scientific and objective indicators is able to resume its session.
    According to the working paper presented by Aldjeli :

    4 - 1
    The objective of designing sound policy to boost the industrial sector should stand on the Iraqi reality and diagnosis of the causes of failure at the present time.

    The public sector, which represents 65 public companies include engineering-construction-food - textile-chemical and extractive sectors along with the mixed and private sectors.

    Public sector :
    All established plants this sector light Feasibility studies and technical been implemented at different stages and by the international companies and different countries. The vast implemented key contracts ready Since the mid-1970s in a different through the purchase of human knowledge and engineering design of the technological paths used by the Iraqi side and the purchase of machinery and equipment directly

    The implementation of the civil works and installation of the cadres and the Iraqi cooperation and coordination with the company's human knowledge and allow experimental operation. all these plants were profitable and give the product quality levels are very good in comparison with international products.

    Problems industry :
    Exposure to the intricacies of the industrial sector in spite of a sharp divergence of these problems, and time periods that led to a retreat session, which requires mentioning.

    Public sector :
    Continued advancement of this sector, and it has natural role in the production of quality and quantity and significant breakthroughs happened during and after the 1970s was broken last giant industries including (sulfur, phosphate, urea industry, petrochemicals, tires, construction industries, electrical and mechanical .... Etc.).

    This sector began suffering severe problems after entering Iraq in the war with Iran, where he had been transferred a number of civilian facilities in the service of military activity, especially engineering industries as well as the development of several specialized installations military production to enhance military capability, at the expense of civil industries needed by the Iraqi society, thus paralyzing the activity of research and development network and transmission majority technical manpower and trained for war service.

    4 - 2
    This caused the deterioration of the quality of most products, particularly in high-tech factories. It arrived in the employment of some companies to the days that were needed to train and qualify for long periods.

    The economic blockade on Iraq, the greatest impact on low civil industries generally either (public sector, private Mokhtat) levels of quantity and quality, where the majority of whom are deprived of raw materials, spare parts, leaving the majority of technical cadres to work sites due to political and economic conditions. Iraq, isolated from the developed world, and denied access to what is happening in the world.

    The reality of the situation industrial sector since April 9, 2003 :
    For Adarora to differentiate between industrial sectors in the three suffering since the fall of the former regime and to this very day because they tend to suffer the same problems and obstacles, including the following :

    1) lack of a plan for developing the industrial sector.
    2) the security threat.
    3) lack the infrastructure to meet the needs of industry.
    4) exposure to looting and destruction.
    5) mandated elements inefficient management sectors to reverse the slogan right person in the right place.
    6) creativity in the development and expansion of bureaucracy aimed including obstruction of industrial activity.
    7) financial and administrative corruption rampant in Iraqi society.
    8) the prevailing laws and regulations which hinder industrial activity.
    9) inflation in the last three years.
    10) uncontrolled imports and the loss of quality control and some of the factors that led to the retreat of the industrial sector in a gradual and the best proof of that decline contribution to the total national income.

    Despite all that the State unfair decisions against public and mixed them El salaries and wages of those who are hostile to the service, regardless of the size of vacant and should bear this Haberdasheries the Ministry of Finance. Rose State logo imposed on the industrial sector (the slogan of self-financing) was all that happened to the industry within the responsibility of the industrial and not the responsibility of the State !

    With discusses some of the industrialists and economists Messrs. issue of privatization as the only savior of Iraqi industry called privatization (economic reform). If that were true, why did not promote private, mixed?

    Some people talk about the limitations of technology, particularly from some gentlemen in the Ministry of Industry with deep regret-like sayings such as, superficially, to the termination of a public service or development of industry, but quite the contrary.

    Mmatekadm and aimed to promote the industry Iraqi requires the following :
    1) Feasibility studies and technical each plant separately to contribute engineering cadres in the factories that economic studies and define requirements and according to timetables to achieve in their production lines to split accepted and identify needs of Aallahch stages to achieve an increase in renewable energies and upgrade available.

    2) by the Ministry of Industry and Minerals identify priorities for industries which are urgently required of Iraqi society and preferred to be in ever initial Iraqi contribute to the reduction of unemployment, for example, industries, construction of the urgent need to address the housing crisis, fertilizer and agricultural machinery, which contributes to the development of agriculture.

    3) the consideration of the laws and legislation aimed at economic liberalization and setting the controls to regulate the market and create fair competition between national and imported products and ensure the rights of workers and provide the appropriate climate to restore elements efficient and able to contribute to the process of industrial Audakhl both located outside the country.

    4) to activate the role of metrology and quality control both material imported or produced locally in order to protect consumers and to stop the massive bleeding to leave the funds abroad for goods without much quality.

    5) Consideration of re-link a number of factories belonging to the Ministry of Industry and Minerals and transformed into mixed sector companies, or private sector contribution to be rehabilitated so that they can continue production after the transfer of ownership.

    6) the trend towards small and craft industries in the countryside to contribute to increasing the income of citizens in these areas to migrate to cities.

    7) To encourage the private sector to adopt a policy and tax distinct high-tech projects that contribute to the use of raw materials and local raw materials.

    8) directing the mixed sector and private good share of its production to upgrade industry supplements.

    9) The Iraqi government (the Ministry of Industry) the task of training and retraining of technical and industrial sectors nutrition needs, whether public, private or mixed.

    10) operate on the principle of proper competition between all industrial sectors and the failure to adopt monopoly because of its negative effects on both the quality of the product or price and not a significant stimulus to competition Ttooiralmentojat in general.

    Privatization :
    Linguistically meaning of privatization is the transfer of ownership from public to private ownership and the transfer of ownership of any industrial sector does not necessarily mean economic reform but is one of the means which may lead to reform and there are many experiences in the world, and the long stages.

    There were also procedures for privatization or nationalization of which led to a great success and failure suffered significant depending on the circumstances in which the proceedings along with the circumstances of those countries. In many of the industrially developed countries but was still owns large industries, mainly within its public sector.

    In our country, there is great and urgent need to stimulate the private sector and to provide political and economic climates and Legal appropriate to exercise its role in economic reform. We recognize the fact that our country desperately needs to promote national industry and all sectors. At this particular stage that the advancement of the private sector at the expense of the public sector.

    I think quite the contrary that the retention of the public sector and the introduction of his hand, and restore life to help will result in the mixed and private sectors at the same time.

    Before the industrial sectors fields are very large and reconstruction needs of Iraq are widely and long periods, which requires the contribution of all these sectors and not for the expense of one of them at the expense of others.

    It must not be subject to privatization as the only savior of the Iraqi economy and at the same time not committed in the public sector continued possession of all the attributes of the industries we study the cases carefully and transparently and then take the necessary steps for economic reform in general.

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    Recent:At the end of a week long cultural Irbil .. Weddings Arab, Kurdish and music from each of Iraq and cuisine Pghaddadeh

    Irbil / Hussein Shihabi

    Concerts, weddings, replacing, DBCAT, thus concluded a week long fifth last night in the gardens of the Sheraton Hotel, tasting guests range Baghdad authenticity and heritage like a rich menu different, identified the Kurds and Araguethem. Four performances of different colors in the night Finally, the curtain falls on the fifth week, Arab and Kurdish flavor, originality embodied people and cohesiveness.

    Task chair Kurdish, and the task of replacing the music of the Rafidain, Grain visual, and dinner Baghdadi, weddings Arab and Kurdish presented at the last night of the long nights of deposit guests warmly and Trem heritage.

    The celebration started to chair a task group of Kurdish music, songs, a troupe of young formed in 2006 with support from the chair of the Media and printing, the division commander told us Umid, alias (Balaban) ratio of machine used by the music that his participation in this is the second week,

    Where he participated last year with the concert band of Saadoun Jaber and the playing time on the flute, he told us that his band always sing in the Kurdish eastern and western flavor. This group of some traditional songs of singer Burhan Khoshnaw and some delightful songs by now Hoban.

    With the end of the ceremony Task Aras heard drums wedding Baghdadi to make Arousan and sitting on the bench of the high public uneasy Arab and Kurdish wedding flavor Pghaddadeh As previously era, where drums and trumpets played throughout the hotel and move on until the place sit.
    Certain long-Arab guests this filing since some of them did not see the wedding ceremony taking place in Iraq, and referred to the effectiveness of their attention.

    The groom seated launched Task tunes Rafidain lieu of the Iraqi playing and singing music composed wedding Moussalli (Algeloh) also provided some traditional songs primarily from Iraqi including Alejalghe Baghdadi.

    After completion heard sounding the drums again, and the guests began to lift our heads to see where the sound came, it was a beautiful sight, as no guests saw groom, because of a briefing by the people, and that a move toward the podium, which left the married couple's Arabian, sat Arousan Kurds, and the tunes started Aldepkat Kurdish relentless talk, come to the Task Aras once again and made the second presentation during this ceremony, the wedding ceremony salutes Kurd.

    Then the artist Maged Abdel Razzaq solo lute unilateral lasted for ten minutes when most enjoyable attendance until the end of paragraph.
    Then came the role of the Iraqi Dean singing, and the first of Ghent in radio before television appearance, Ibrahim morning, the vote Ttarbena stream sing (Yamsherni) for the Lady Arabic singing Umm Kulthum, was cordially received by the public large, and despite her age, she Amtaata attendees vote which still retains Bjmalh despite her old age.

    He concluded the ceremony to provide visual Party (Grain) for the three songs are (Live and die for Basra), (Cousin) and the interval Hewa. Rotating band members to sponsor, and told us one of the band members about where Alhiwa told us : that of Alhiwa primarily visual, but he knows one Kuwaiti Standings, but the original visual, and why not documenting what it produces music in that period in Basra.

    During this ceremony Manifold provide some foods and juices البغداديه old Kalpaglane fat free (Kaddouri Abu beans) and Kabbah Lanhen, also provided drinks البغداديه Kalzbib (Hegi scraps), and tamarind.

    The concert lasted until the early morning hours, and the hotel gardens had stalls Gargano, who did not affordable long hours of sitting, where lasted for almost eight hours.

    Thus ended the night was magical title unification, and familiarity, and love, gave the impression to the Arabs in particular, that Iraq is one, there is no difference between Arabs and Kurds.

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