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  1. #401
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    Economic Assabah : decreasing imports Iraq threatens aquatic farming and environmental risks

    He called for Tdabireaglh response to the economic effects

    Baghdad, Haider Al-Rubaie

    Environmental expert warned of the effects that may result from Iqbal riparian neighboring countries with Iraq in the construction of dams in revenue water shortage that hit the country and by 50% and the ratio of these effects on the social and economic reality

    The expert called in the Ministry of Environment Secretary Thair Shafiq government to take urgent and serious action towards the protection of their water resources, pointing to declining rates controversial.
    Referring to the expectations of experts and researchers that the worsening problem of water in the world, leading to potential international conflicts during this century, and in several regions of the world, emphasizing its focus in the Middle East and the Arab world with the upstream States, hinting at the case now between Iraq and Syria on one side and Turkey on the other hand on the quantities and quality of water in the Euphrates and Tigris rivers in the two important water resources in these two countries.
    He said that Turkey established a project to revive the Southeast Anatolia project or technique of (EAP), as well as by Iran to change Tributaries and rivers coming from Iraq will lead to future disagreements between countries of the region.
    Secretary revealed that the water contained to Iraq would be affected significantly after completion of the implementation ((Ilisu dam)), which Turkey is milieus where this would rule out any universally dam in the amount of water contained in Iraq, through the Tigris River, and reduced water resources source of the Tigris River 30 billion cubic meters annually to 9.7 billion cubic meters unrepayable 47% of the normal annual income.
    He pointed out that the neighbor Iran to change a number of tributaries and feet on the implementation of several projects, including the creation of dams are filling Mirohan capacity and 99 million cubic meters of fill capacity of 220 million cubic meters : as well as the implementation of the draft quench the Kermanshah near the Iraqi border of the river Sirwan, stressing that this work will lead to a decrease in Discharge-coming to the Diyala River about 6, two billion cubic meters of any so years 50% of the quantity received by the river and of five billion.
    He pointed out that cutting or diverting the course of the river would deprive the 23 projects Aroaeia addition to the deterioration of water quality of the chest due to the low water level of the river.
    Secretary effects an extremely important when asking for water sharing problem and the dimensions of the future and their impact on population growth and expansion of the large urban centers, which require increased need to secure water equivalent of this expansion.
    He said that what uses development of industrial activities, agricultural and service of the quantities of water would cast a shadow on the economic and social realities in the country as a result of the high cost of living and other cost can not be added to counting and accounting here.
    For this environmental expert reiterates his call for government urgent actions and measures that would mitigate and respond to the effects which may arise due to the problem.
    جريدة الصباح - تناقص واردات العراق المائية ينذر بمخاطر بيئية وزراعية

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  2. #402
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    Morning economic : money laundering phenomenon must be combated

    *Sadeq Rashid Hussein Shamari *
    Money laundering (Money Loundering) was and is a global phenomenon that threatens economic growth and sustainable development of countries as economic crimes which are more dangerous because of its negative effects, especially in the economic cycle of any country, in addition to being pollution financial and banking institutions they contamination society because they are also used financial and banking institutions through ignorance of these institutions such activities and crimes

    The question of the emergence of this phenomenon, many economists did not agree on a specific time for the beginning of its appearance, since some minuscule nature of the process include the concealment of funds from confiscated or to evade tax has some were outside the boundaries of the town of Srebrenica, which was supposed to be procedures or laws are far from control or corner, where they are exploited and legitimizing that they resulted from illegal acts (theft, or embezzlement, or the drug trade, or prostitution, or slave, or dishonesty, and trafficking in arms and explosives during sedition, kidnapping, robbery, theft of antiquities ... etc.) Therefore, the perpetrators of these crimes are converted into States which do not have stringent banking regulations with regard to the flow of funds inflows and outflows.
    And it is through this introduction could come to the concept of money laundering (M. L. ) Is a process resulting from the proceeds of criminal activities to disguise and conceal the original source, and they could also consider the dimensions of the competent authorities and the source of those funds and individuals who participated in the commission of those criminal activities of this concept we can determine that this process could include the following : -
    An attempt to change the format of these funds.
    ـAway from the place generates, through moved between a number of sites that are likely to be inside or outside the country.
    An attempt to erase or change the names of holders of these funds through its transition to persons other than suspects. Therefore, we can say that the money-laundering process is to conduct with the purpose of the goal, The behavior whether in the phase of acquisition or disposal or management or conservation and other objective is to either hide or disguise funds nature, origin, hampering attempts to reach the person heading the original perpetrator.
    With supply that there are several variables have helped this phenomenon on the proliferation and according to IMF statistics in 1996, the growth in money laundering operations sways between (6 - 5%) of the GDP of various countries around the world from these variables.
    A domestic concern that there is no adequate funds to protect society and the lack of laws, and legislation deterrent to crimes, mismanagement and rampant corruption and bribery.
    A favorable international environment when she appeared operations Threrahrkac capital between countries, they have helped to create new channels enable the perpetrators of crimes of money laundering to take advantage of those facilities to do inspire and transfer between different countries. , And the latter is changing technological environment favorable, where the great development and improvement in the methods of links between these institutions internationally each other and methods of linking financial markets to each other and also with the variety of financial instruments used Kalkhyarat and futurists and derivatives addition to the use of techniques for dealing with some post-financial sectors such as the use of networks of ATMs and plastic money and other all these things have helped the proliferation of this phenomenon : the expansion-to, this phenomenon is passed through several stages :
    The initial phase or stage of the deposit which is the perpetrator of this crime by trying to instill in the financial and banking sector and often the same place where the crime comes the second phase.
    Stage coverage and camouflage or assembly and the way through a series of complex financial and accounting aimed at deception and camouflage nets or using electronic transfers or bank transfers or through a network of legitimate financial transactions and remittances ambiguous and complex internally and externally, through the granting of bank accounts in names of non-suspects or the names of fictitious companies for the purpose of criminal erase any impact either the last stage is.
    The integration of the national economy and called the consolidation phase where these funds back again to the original owner of the economy or the original legal economy has been used subsequently in financial investments, banking, real estate, or even establish companies or buying shares to be able to control the this phenomenon repercussions on the countries they result in increasing the flow of dirty money into the country and this also leads to a rise in domestic liquidity through the entry of these funds with the perception of the increase in the production of goods and services within the economy, and lead to a rise in prices and rates leads to create inflationary pressures and therefore the deterioration of the purchasing power of money, and affect the balance of trade of countries, and will lead to the leakage of part of the income from within the local tax base and, inevitably, these countries through such dirty money lead to crises may lead to the collapse its economy, low income and poor income distribution.
    This phenomenon also has an impact on the social situation through killing motivated and the motivation of individuals to work and production, through illicit profit from dirty money or illegal, would necessarily negative effects on social balance, creating layers of the most affluent have only exploit the efforts of others and enslave.
    Also, this phenomenon will lead to unequal competition between local and serious investor foreign investor (ie, the money laundered), where there will be negative consequences on the investment climate, and that the law applies to (Crisham) to the fact that the bad currency drives away good currency in the deal or law applies Dislocation is that the investor activity foreign activity expels local investors ..
    It also will be investing money laundered in non-productive activities, which achieves fast payoff play a significant negative impact on large segments of society in increased unemployment because it invests money for a short period of time than the basic legitimizing. It also would lead to imbalances in society and creating an environment big gap be bridged between those classes and lead to the spread or practice of bribery and administrative corruption.
    Therefore, there can be numerous actions to address that phenomenon, detection and control as the law No. 93 of 2004 has systems that process through the article (12) of the Act and that the Iraqi Central Bank to establish an Office for the reporting of money laundering, be subordinate to the Central Bank but retain independence is impractical and this office collection and processing, analysis and dissemination of the reporting of financial transactions subject to the financial control and reporting is also contributing to the implementation of the policy of Iraq to prevent money laundering and the financing of crime including terrorism financing.
    That office, if any suspected money laundering and dealing he had tried to recruit or exaggerated originate from illegal activities or the amounts used in the financing of crime or amounts that the criminal authority to act or that the deal is for the purpose of supporting illegal Somehow it immediately notify the authority of the prosecution authorities and investigative authority, and there also paragraph (6) of article mentioned that no officer or employee of the Central Bank of Iraq who knew he had been news about suspicious dealings should not reveal to any person involved in the deal that the deal had been reported except what is necessary to perform the duties of officer or employee
    جريدة الصباح - غسيل الأموال ظاهرة ينبغي مكافحتها

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  3. #403
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    Morning economic : the impact of corporate governance on investment

    Afif Alaa al-Din
    One of the international principles of corporate governance, a six principles, the protection of the rights of shareholders in companies and identifying posts for owners of property rights. This principle is in line with Article IV, paragraph (2) of the Investment Law No. 13 / 2006 which stipulates that "the protection of human and property investors"

    This congruence between these texts highlight the importance of corporate governance in the development and promotion of investment and in this article, we try to highlight the relationship between these two concepts.
    During two decades of the last century, led the financial crises that struck a number of international economics in the region of Southeast Asia and accepted in Mexico, Russia and financial collapses in some banks and companies to conduct a lot of research and studies to determine the causes and consequences of what happened and the need for changes in work rules and methods Business and management mechanisms so that the attention brought to the forefront the issue of corporate governance Corporate Governance) (in the developed and newly rose to the forefront in developing countries and emerging markets and economies in transition, it has been proven that among the reasons that led to these events is weak corporate governance with its rules for the management and organization of business by nominating a number of performance standards that underpin good governance and reveal cases of manipulation and corruption, mismanagement and avoid the consequences of the economic crisis and operate corporate governance to raise the efficiency of resource use and to reduce risks and improve the performance of leadership and show transparency and accountability for social responsibility, including working to attract funding sources domestic and international operations necessary for the expansion and growth and create new job opportunities and boost the stability of capital markets.
    If the international investment is divided in nature to direct investments and indirect investments, the impact of governance on each consisting convinced investors through standard or contributing funding to be particularly that the investment process in all cases is the extent of risk was mandated financial crises huge losses as investors invited the scrutiny and evaluation to ascertain the extent of the application of rules and standards of governance before embarking on investment.
    As regards foreign direct investment and multilateral, including the establishment of new projects in the host country, buy a large proportion of shares of privatized companies holding strategic partnership, the purchase rate of less contribution, and a corner on the full ownership of the shares, investors professional before entering any obligation seeking evidence and proofs that attest that the company planned investment are managed in accordance with the laws, rules and practices of sound limit the possibility of the appearance of corruption or mismanagement to the lowest possible level also demanding transparent financial reports allow them to determine the economics of operations by the company to be able to assess the risks and benefits of their investments will face no doubt that the company that sober apply governance standards by defining the relations between the executive management and board of directors and shareholders and other relevant parties and ensuring the basic rights of shareholders, including the equal treatment of all shareholders of small shareholders and foreign shareholders and provide disclosure and transparency on all the company's operations and the accountability of management accounting, this company could face testing and evaluation by international and local investors as well. Abstract say that investors seek companies with sound governance structures by which to protect the interests and investments of shareholders and enhance performance, increase competitiveness and growth.
    The foreign investment is a demonstration of indirect foreign ownership of shares and bonds, private or governmental purpose of speculation and take advantage of price differentials or obtain profits generated from those shares and bonds in other words, a real recruitment of capital. The capital markets receptacle Adecharia important to attract capital and provide funding for the national economy On the other hand, capital markets provide vast opportunities for investment and often facing investors who are exploring investment possibilities outside their countries as countless legislation and regulations, including how to enter the market and bankruptcy rules and methods the recovery of capital as well as in-depth analysis and evaluation of the performance of the company's planned investment even have access to proper investment decision. Undoubtedly Banagera this evaluation and comparison of several investment options makes the decision a complex issue, so investors resorted to the use of evaluations at the state level and classification systems at the corporate level, these tools provide a straightforward way to evaluate and compare investment opportunities, risks and benefits in and among nations.
    And each institution to assess its own system of classification at the company level and most of these systems extracted from the principles of corporate governance for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), each classification system consists of several indicators are collected results in the form of a final and there are several institutions, such as the evaluation tasks.
    (Credit Lyonnais , Mckinsey Global ,Davis Global advisors) .(Credit Ethos, McKinsey Global, Davis Global advisors).
    The classification systems companies following components : (Governing Council and its members), (ownership structure of the company) (Shareholder rights and relations (incentives for executives and rewarding) (changes associated with the acquisition of the company) (checking procedures and audit) (procedures to divulge information on the accuracy and transparency) (Special texts Bhuqumeh company) (degree of commitment nearly Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) index includes evaluation at the state level and designed by the World Bank to the following components (an overview of the financial market) (Shareholder rights) (role of stakeholders in corporate governance) (the ruling regime and the total degree classification system to investors concise picture of the overall performance of the company or the state, while the results arising from the respective indicators provide a detailed description of the applications of principles of governance in the company or the state these results and indicators help investors accurately assess the risks and then take sound investment decisions. It also helps companies and the applications to attract good investments more appropriate terms in addition to identifying weaknesses that must be addressed in order to improve systems of governance and thus enhance their economic performance and achieve their goals.
    According to the results that have been reached through global survey conducted by McKinsey Foundation (McKinsey) in 2002, the companies with high degrees of governance obtain a higher price to the book value, On average, achieve an increase of between 12-10% of the assessed market and the results of the survey of the views of investors indicated that they are willing to pay premiums of between 12 - 14% in North America and Europe, and 20-25% in Asia and Latin America and 30% in Eastern Europe, Africa, the shares of companies that adhere to high standards of governance. in addition to the use of classification and systematic evaluation of the overall work of the company and in particular, their financial situation both at the level of internal assessment done by the department or outsourcing to conduct the evaluation and issue regular reports emerged second method has opened the stock market in Sao Paulo / Brazil launched by the private sector or the market restriction new. (Novo Mercado) and this market be ready to transfer the shares of companies that voluntarily pursuing additional practices for corporate governance than those organized by the international norms and standards where companies adhere to the rules behind the expansion of the circle of ensuring the rights of shareholders, and pursue a policy more transparent through disclosure and dissemination of comprehensive information on the quarterly financial accounts and financial flows, and when the company pledged to maintain follow these additional obligations, the Department of the securities market in the new fiscal declare bear the task of overseeing and ensuring the implementation of the company's rules and practices. The primary objective of the new stock market is to reduce the expectations of risk and raise the level of investor confidence and thus enhance the value of the shares of the companies and provide more financial resources The more accurate risk assessments sign their own led to the prices of shares more accurate and lead health stocks are priced to encourage companies to issue shares new and encouraging investors to buy more shares at higher prices for companies with good governance practices, according to the results of the implementation of this method, the corporate governance index, which measures the performance of companies in the new market compared with the Sao Paulo stock exchange index for the period from June 2001 until May 2002 indicates that the performance of companies that traded shares in new market better than the performance of companies listed Visawpaulo. Short, clear day after day the importance of corporate governance as advocated States and national companies on one hand, investors and investment institutions on the other hand because what's behind aware of the advantages and benefits to all sides ..
    جريدة الصباح - تأثيرات حوكمــة الشركات على الاستثمــار

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  4. #404
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    Economic Assabah : privatization - Goals and style

    Hussein Star

    "Privatization " Spread the word English is the "Privatization" in the economic and political literature and became a term for a particular approach especially in the economic sphere and the social and political general

    This word has been translated into Arabic, using multiple degrees luck in common use and, most commonly the word privatization, and there are other words and allocative including privatization, privatization and privatization .. Etc.. It is ironic in this regard that the term commonly Arab, which is the privatization of Ansaib language of truth, what we found as we inspected the dictionaries, dictionaries of this tough not to do Denationalize impact on those sources, on the contrary, we found the word allocated and the allocation, privatization and clear Arab presence, and thus the first use circulation in scientific forums, preferably in the light of that, if the replacement of the term allocative privatization, with the awareness of the possibility of retaining the use of this term in the privatization of the door it was a mistake but it is common place and familiar. It is the first and last term economic order, and an altercation in terminology, as long as the meaning was clear in the hearts of his audience and clients.
    The privatization was part of the process of structural reforms of the public sector in the economic structure, aiming at raising the rate of economic growth, by improving the efficiency of institutions and institutional performance, in the narrow framework, we find these concepts are turning some public projects to projects, especially in terms of ownership or management of a department established on the basis of trading through the transfer of ownership of all or some of the private sector, professional services or lease the task of conducting business on this road.
    Realistically speaking, we find two concepts go together, making the process of conversion of some public enterprises to private projects in a wide passenger aimed at changing the course of the macro economy and the amendment of the Governor him, we did not find it with us from the experiences of the ceiling as the conversion of some public enterprises to private projects, and without substantive change structural texture and its economy.
    Thus, we find that the views degrees narrow and wider, and awareness of this distinction was important in the identification of the aspects of the subject, especially with regard to rectify the economic level, then we are facing a phenomenon of local and global based on the conversion of some of the projects or to private projects, ownership or management, as well as on redrawing the map so the main actor is the market system instead of the state and central planning system.

    - The motives and goals
    States should adopt policies of privatization of public sector enterprises, is the result of multiple factors can be mentioned some of the lifting of the economic efficiency of the national economy, which shows that the capabilities and capacities of the public sector modest at the administrative level and at the technical level, and therefore incapable of providing the good or service quality high Moreover, the burden on this sector of the losses resulting from the increasingly high costs and low revenues, and thus has become a burden on public budgets of countries rather than be a source of revenue, and the public sector has suffered numerous financial problems and imbalances ballooning budgets, in addition to what has been exercised the waste of many resources and energies due to its control of the economy all joints in the so******t countries and even countries, so that the system reduces the privatization of public expenditure and increase revenue Assembly approved an economic plan based on opening the door to investments, whether local or foreign, according to legal controls set by the State or S. Al.
    But the negative aspects of privatization that many of the workers in the public sector faced during the application of the privatization programs acute problems such as unemployment, and after the public sector roomy sanctuary for the operation of more members of the labor force has been unable to do so, it has become a haven for disguised unemployment, which at least on the economic brunt of open unemployment, It is believed that privatization will contribute, from different sides in the face of this problem, but that fact does not provide support for this belief, but might walk According reversed.

    - The methods and forms
    The privatization of public enterprises many of the photos and methods and, in general, two variants or techniques of privatization, the privatization of property first and second administration privatization.
    1.1. The privatization of property : the effect the transfer of ownership of the project wholly or partly to private ownership and can be done through the stock exchange or tender or to the employees, as can be done through the sale of the project or part of the assets, and of course, some of these images are valid for the privatization of all projects, but may Twins method for the draft and is fit for another project, and choose the appropriate style and reduces the great challenges to the success of privatization, according to the nature of the economic system of the State (or o r).
    2.2. Privatization Administration : the effect no change in the pattern of ownership of the project, the project remains owned by the public but not change the style and pattern of his administration, and there are many pictures to privatize management, including management contracts, which the State retains ownership and management of the project entrusted to the private sector to provide him all the necessary funds, in return for specific, and more often in service projects, including leases, where the remaining ownership of the project to the state and lease of the private sector, and the difference between this picture and the one before that in the event of the lease the tenant pays rent, regardless of the outcome of the project, and used it frequently in the projects of a special nature, including construction contracts, operate and transfer known as (Bot), or is this method of this picture of the most common images in the privatization processes, characterized by the simplicity and attract foreign investments, and is often used in infrastructure projects such as road networks, water and electricity stations, airports and ports ..... etc..
    جريدة الصباح - الخصخصة ... الأهداف والأسلوب

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  5. #405
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    English : Kurdistan signs contract with Canadian company

    Baghdad, as-Sabah, May 6, P2Baghdad, as-Sabah, May 6, P2
    Kurdistan's region government has signed a contract with Candia Company to invest in oil domain to dig 1 st oil well in Kerman region, belonging to Sulamina province over the beginning of the next yearKurdistan's region government has signed a contract with Candia Company to invest in oil domain to dig 1st oil well in Kerman region, belonging to Sulamina province over the beginning of the next year

    In press statement, the region's government said: the delegation of Canadian Western Zargross's Company had made field tours in Kerman region.On the lime light of this tour, the delegation offered a report to the vice-president of region's government Omar Fatah, in which, the delegation expressed the company's readiness to dig the first oil well in the mentioned area in the beginning of the next year.In press statement, said the region's government : the delegation of Canadian Western Zargross's Company had made field tours in Kerman region.On the lime light of this tour, the delegation offered a report to the region's vice-president of government Omar Fatah, in which, the delegation expressed the company's readiness to dig the first oil well in the mentioned area in the beginning of the next year.
    جريدة الصباح - Kurdistan signs contract with Canadian company

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  6. #406
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    Morning economic : Public Authority for taxes : should unify taxation between the Kurdistan Center

    Absolved shopkeepers and professionals from the tax Accountability

    Baghdad-Haider Al-Rubaie

    He called Mohsen Abu Gaillah director general of the Public Authority for the taxes that companies and factories and all special pay taxes in the Kurdistan region is not covered Balthasp taxation in the rest of the governorates of Iraq, and that this action was contrary to what they wanted and that the body, especially those budget cuts go to one central

    He added Abu beautiful in a statement addressed by the (morning) that the bodies and financial institutions in the province were all covered Balthasp tax to pay dues of taxes to those institutions in the province, explaining that the limits of the law firms and ends end the geographical boundaries of the city of Dohuk.
    The Abu Gaillah that such action undermines the work consolidated heading the Public Authority for tax collection during the completion of money from individuals, corporations and deposited in the central treasury of the State .. Calling for efforts to unify body and allow it to open branches in Kurdistan.
    In relation to the Assembly authorized the tax managers branches validity coverage commercial complexes, which suffered the destruction and professionals who disrupted their exemption from taxes or reduced.
    An official source in the body that she was empowered managers branches in the governorates of Baghdad and the validity coverage shops and markets and commercial complexes, which suffered the destruction and fire, theft and all professions, including the doctors and pharmacists who have been closing down their shops to the final or temporary exemption from tax or reduced.
    He added : "The exemption will be through a period of stopping business after an inspection by the committees constituted branches.
    The source added : "The sections also empowered to estimate absolute profits 10-36 on real income in accordance with a total daily them multiplied by the 150 working days and calculating the percentage of acceptable expenses.
    جريدة الصباح - الهيئة العامة للضرائب: لابد من توحيد العمل الضريبي بين اقليم كردستان والمركز

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    Morning economic : the timber industry and the furniture back and these are the reasons

    Despite the escalation of calls to support small industries

    Baghdad-Imad Principality

    Escalate calls to support SMEs, through provision of soft loans with a view to restore life to these projects scattered throughout the country and its contribution to solving the unemployment problem, as witness the timber industry and furniture declined considerably For many reasons, interdependent because of the security situation

    Evidence suggests that the slowdown in building homes because of the high prices of building materials, including wood had impact in this industry craft distinctive in the country, as security conditions cast a shadow on the industry because of a policy that prompted families forced to sell their furniture at reduced prices in addition to the import of used furniture from the neighboring countries. كل هذه العوامل ادت الى تراجع الانتاج وما زاد الطين بلة ان كلف الانتاج مرتفعة، سيسلط هذا الاستطلاع الاضواء على اسباب هذا التراجع.All these factors resulted in declining production What made things worse is that the cost of production is high, this poll will highlight the reasons for this decline.
    It attributed the number of owners CRAFT reasons for the decline of the timber industry and furniture to slow the wheel of development and construction, furniture importer is not subjected to controls class craft and high prices and lack of availability of imported timber locally as well as migration of families, leaving many furniture or offered for sale at cheap prices contested domestic product, which led to the increase Supplies from the furniture ready, these factors have cast a shadow on the local industrial heritage of timber at a time amid mounting calls for economists to support and encourage small industries, the aim of revitalizing the national economy through absorbing unemployment, the industry faces the challenges of wood and furniture industries contributed to the retreat.
    A number of shop owners wood and furniture industries have called for solutions to address the difficult conditions, and to highlight the situation of this industry met, "Ammar Tai," the laboratory for Trade and logging which he spoke of the wishes of citizens to purchase bedrooms saying : The low-income and middle prefer bedrooms clothes prices ranging between 1 to 1.5 million Iraqi dinars, either affluent families would prefer chambers manufactured locally, which will reach 5 to cost six million dinars, this marked increase in the prices of furniture manufactured locally due to the high prices of imported wood, Tai added that requests families rich by adding inscriptions and hand-drilling and pigment industry desires these other amounts added to the price basis for the bedrooms, Tai pointed out that sales of the timber industry is suffering from, if we compare sales in 2006, which was preceded by years note that the years 2004 - 2005 witnessed a boom in sales compared with 2006, due to labor migration in both the construction and timber industry and labor to obtain employment outside the capital, Baghdad, and orientation towards the southern governorates and the Middle Euphrates and the Kurdistan region of stability and security which, Tai stressed that the rise in prices resulting from the interruption of government support of the treaty for the timber trade The construction materials that were sold at subsidized prices of raw wood by the state for owners of labs in addition to halt the government's support of married what matters worse, and went on to say : The markets of Central and southern governorates are dumping had paid from the bedrooms clothes and originating from countries with the arrival Jawaralaraki chambers used from the United Arab Emirates, In the same context, Abbas Al-Hassan spoke to the owner of a timber trade, saying : Prices vary according wooden doors specifications and manufactured materials, including wood, for example, the door is normal Plywood White reach the price of 75 thousand dinars while the door frame with a white sheet up the price of 160 thousand dinars, and there is a giant doors of houses a modern rule of wood tell price up door 1.500 million to one and a half million dinars, Hassan added that all industries are timber importer of wood that comes from the origins of global wood Iranian, Russian, Romanian and Finnish import wood first-class no longer exists because of the high prices, which are not compatible with the unit prices of the Iraqi dinar, Hassan explained that the problem suffered by the timber industry is the high prices of imported wood and the lack of local wood, and the timber industry is suffering from because of the poor security situation and the slowdown in building homes because of the high prices of construction materials in addition to the threat to labor in the field of construction, this stagnation in the building role overshadows the local carpenters and of the close interdependence between construction and carpentry.
    The poll, which we emerged that the timber industry and furniture witnessing a rise in the prices of the local product with the stagnation in sales compared to popular citizen to buy bedrooms ready for lower prices and still suffers from weak sector in the growth and development with little capital invested in this area, which will require study this reality and find solutions to support small craft industries which are key to the development of the economy as a tool to combat unemployment as well as providing the requirements of society.
    جريدة الصباح - صناعة الأخشاب والآثاث تتراجع وهذه هي الأسباب

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  8. #408
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    Canadian company drills the first oil well in Kurdistan

    05/05/2007م - 12:48: 2305 | times reading : 23

    The government signed a contract with the Kurdistan Company (Western Zacros) Canadian investment in the field of oil, where the company will
    - the first oil well drilled in the area Kremian, of Sulaymaniyah early next year. " The delegation met with the company's Vice President of the government of the province, Omar Fattah, and presented a detailed report of the results of rounds in the field Kremian, to prospect for oil, and emphasized during the meeting that the company is ready to drill the first oil well in that area, in Meanwhile early next year. "
    It is noteworthy that another Norwegian company started some time ago, digging a number of oil wells in the Zakho region, near the Kurdish-Turkish border, but work stopped because of some differences between the central and regional governments, on contracts for work in the field of oil investment, pending the resolution of those problems with the oil law, which sources Kurdish in Baghdad, the Iraqi Council of Ministers referred the draft law, the Iraqi Parliament. The spokesman of the Kurdistan Regional government, Dr. Khaled Saleh, had confirmed yesterday in a press statement, that "there are four oil supplements to the law had not been agreed upon, namely the distribution of oil resources, and the Oil Ministry and the National Oil Company Law, the Law Council of the Federal oil and gas Without agreement on these supplements, not the oil can be introduced to the Iraqi Parliament. "
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    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #409
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    Preparations for Arab Iraqi reconciliation conference

    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

    ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديق
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    Cairo / agencies

    He met with Secretary General Amr Moussa of the Arab League, Barham Salih Deputy Prime Minister was talking about how to prepare for a national reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Comprehensive Arab League at the earliest, according to item 13 of the final statement of the neighboring countries, which was held in Sharm El Sheikh on Friday.
    In the same vein senior source revealed that the Arab League has begun to intensify its contacts with members of the Iraqi government and various parties to consult on ways to implement the recommendations of the Sharm el-Sheikh activating the Arab League initiative for Iraqi National Accord.

    The source said that the conference called for an end to sectarian and dismantle militias and armed groups, promote reconciliation and expand political participation, which will be done at the university.
    The source expressed hope in the implementation of the International Covenant document endorsed by the Sharm el-Sheikh Arab and international consensus has been identified time frame as much as five years.
    It should be noted that item 13 of the final communiqué of the International Ministerial Conference of the neighboring countries of Iraq and Egypt and Bahrain and the permanent members of Security Council and the Group of Eight Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh had pointed out the importance of supporting the United Nations and the need to strengthen its central role in coordinating international assistance in support of the political process national reconciliation and welcome the role played by the Arab League to activate the initiative of the Iraqi National Accord and the call to resume preparations for a reconciliation conference under the auspices of the Arab League as soon as possible and welcome the effective contribution of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the ongoing political process, and their active role in promoting tolerance between different communities in Iraq .

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    Bdialldoreh fourth for the reconstruction of Iraq in Amman

    (صوت العراق) - 07-05-2007
    (Voice of Iraq) - 07-05-2007

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    Amman / agencies

    Participate today, Monday, the 40th state in the work of the fourth session of the "reconstruction of Iraq" to be held in Amman in order to attract international companies to participate in the process of reconstructing Iraq.
    Prominent among the countries participating in the exhibition, which lasts until the 10th of May, the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia, Germany, Italy, Japan and Iran in addition to the seven Arab countries.
    The aim of the exhibition organizers, which confirms that "the biggest", to grant international organizations the opportunity to conclude deals with Iraq, which was one of the most advanced Arab States and prosperous world.

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