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  1. #421
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Economic : economic window

    Imad Principality

    Bricker characterized industry wide spread in Iraq, especially in the central and southern governorates of the country, and this proliferation of product availability requirements of the industry and because of the high cost of transport has become associated industries whose local

    The brickwork of the building materials Chairperson in Iraq after the cement industry has witnessed remarkable developments in the last decades of the last century, thanks to growing domestic demand, but domestic production of this article construction did not fill the needs of "private constructability" has production capacity of the factory in the range below the level of domestic demand, because prescription labs, which caused the widening gap between production and demand for a long time.
    The northern governorates have witnessed the evolution of the newly industry brickwork and the large number of "providing quarantine," which is used in the construction of an alternative factory.
    The largest area of the capital, Baghdad industry brickwork, where endemic more than 70% of the brickworks stationed in the country, the share of total investments earmarked for the urban high compared to other governorates share them. In spite of the importance of this industry which provides the building and construction article initial Chairperson, the expansion is at the expense of agricultural land surrounding cities, particularly the city of "Baghdad" turn areas where diggers soil to dig large pools of rainwater, groundwater, and it is imperative for the government bodies concerned to take necessary action to find and develop new alternatives such as prefabricated buildings and concrete blocks and the brickwork limestone, in order to preserve the soil and supplier of agricultural land and thus protect the environment from destruction and pollution.
    جريدة الصباح - نافذة اقتصادية
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-05-2007 at 09:24 AM.

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  2. #422
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    Iraq: the participation of 40 Arab and foreign countries
    Opening fourth international exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq in Amman today

    Amman-Abdul Jabbar Al-Azzawi

    With large Iraqi inaugurated today in Amman fourth international exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq. The exhibition, in which Iraqi companies and Arab and international until the 10th of the current month.

    The organizers of the exhibition mounted on the highway to Queen Alia International Airport to about a thousand opposed directly and indirectly in 700 separate booth from 40 Arab and foreign participants in the presentation attended by a large number of Jordanian businessmen and the Iraqis and foreigners, as well as the participation of about 80 senior Iraqi officials and international representatives the various nations involved. The organizers of the special processing hall meetings Iraqi businessmen and their counterparts of participants in the exhibition to discuss opportunities in the representation contracts and joint ventures in Iraq, Jordan and the Iraqi market needs. Meanwhile begins today, Monday, in Amman also Activities Forum's second Iraqi businessmen organized by the Chamber of Commerce Iraqi industry and American companies big Iraqi and Iraqi businessmen with about 100 companies. The statement of the chamber that 15 Jordanian company working in the fields of industry, commerce, construction, transportation, banking, medical equipment, foodstuffs and plastics industries will participate in the activities of the Forum. The forum will be on the sidelines reconstruction projects and projects and investment opportunities currently available in Iraq for investors The Arab businessmen and foreigners.
    جريدة الصباح - بمشاركة 40 دولة عربية وأجنبية

    English : 4 th Int. fair for Iraq reconstruction starts in AmmanFair for Iraq reconstruction starts in Amman

    Amman, May.7 p.3Amman, May.7 p. 3
    Froth international fair for Iraq reconstruction starts today with big Iraqi contribution.Froth international fair for Iraq reconstruction starts today with Iraqi big contribution. Fair which Iraqi, Arabic and international firms take part on it, would lasts until 10 th of current month.Fair which Iraqi, English and international firms take part on it, would lasts until 10 th of current month.

    Organizers said that almost 1000 exhibitor in 700 suite, from 40 Arabic and international states participate, in addition to great number of businessmen and 80 senior Iraqi and international officials and representatives of participant states.Organizers have prepared a hall for meetings between Iraqi businessmen and their counterparts to have the chance to negotiate about representing contracts and mutual projects between Iraq and Jordan.Organizers said that almost 1000 exhibitor in suite 700, from 40 English and international states participate, in addition to great number of businessmen and 80 senior Iraqi and international officials and representatives of participant states.Organizers have prepared a hall for meetings between Iraqi businessmen and their counterparts to have the chance to negotiate about representing contracts and mutual projects between Iraq and Jordan.
    جريدة الصباح - 4th int. fair for Iraq reconstruction starts in Amman
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-05-2007 at 09:43 AM.

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  3. #423
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    The first political : next Thursday pay social security for retired workers

    Baghdad-Rali sure

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs next Thursday the 10th of this month, the date for the pay of social security for retired workers.

    An official source in the labor and social security special permission to "Assabah" : that the coordination with the postal offices set next Thursday the 10th of this month, the date for the pay social security for workers and retirees covered by the monthly March and April, pointing out that the distribution will be via postal offices known to have deployed in Baghdad. He added that salaries had not increased so far. He noted that the social security law in the way of legislation, which includes new paragraphs serve segments of the reporting.
    جريدة الصباح - الخمــيس المقبل صــــرف رواتــب الضمان الاجتماعي للعمال المتقاعدين
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 07-05-2007 at 10:03 AM.

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  4. #424
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    Political first : the need to take steps quickly in order not to alienate the unanimous world to help Arroub
    International Covenant in Sharm el-Sheikh imposed on the political forces inside the conclusion of a national covenant between

    Baghdad morning

    Politicians and citizens agreed that the document of the International provided the political process in Iraq, international support, including secure and enhance the stability of its economy, stressing that the activation of the Sharm el-Sheikh decisions and translate them into action programs contribute to the building of the future of the country but requires national covenant and around government programs based on the criterion of Iraqis.

    They also asked for meetings conducted by "Assabah" work seriously to create arable land to crystallize ideas and promises in Sharm el-Sheikh and translated into a march serve the new Iraq, the burden on the Iraqi national forces stand carefully responsibility to support the government's programs and the direction of the events of political and economic reforms and security, stressing that the International Covenant develop lumps political, parliamentary and civil society before the Iraqi difficult tasks requiring a solution from within each problems and achieve tangible positive results on the economic and security situation in light of international support.

    A precious opportunity

    The MP said the Iraqi Coalition Hassan Sunaid : The International provided a great opportunity for the political forces to benefit from the international support it did not receive state in the world to stop global such stand that Iraq obtained, and it has become the responsibility of all parties to create the ground and unite visions within the Iraqi house in order to accommodate this support and development steps advanced.
    That unity alienate international support, I mean compromise important opportunity may not happen by Iraq again.
    He said : The government should also benefit from the opening up diplomatic obtained by the fact that the regional movement to pressure some national parties to take positions consistent with the national interest, adding that the government can also activate the resolutions of Sharm El Sheikh through programs and memoranda of understanding and protocols with participating States begin immediately to move the conclusion Machine diplomacy from now until the leaves eroding international support and become forgotten and said : the government formed a working group to translate data respect the International Covenant and neighborly to national action programs in order to keep such data is not ink on paper.
    He added, we know that the responsibility is exchanged between international forces and the Iraqi national, and this responsibility must go through government programs and projects of different kind of national reconstruction and reform of the Constitution and the draft economic reform and the opening of the political process also has become necessary to the existence of the parallel between success and effort the international community.
    He added Sunaid saying : I think that what got government support could be a good impetus to unify the political vision of national and parking all nations supportive attitude of the government without mudslinging or Touré, I also think that the political forces were not consistent with the government to lose hope after today from any interference or regional states trying to change the equation. political.

    Political commitments

    Meanwhile, spokesman for d Accord Front. Salim Abdullah al-Jabouri need to translate between the local political actors, especially in parliament and the government in the light of the international community to support Iraq.
    Al-Jabouri says : This is achieved by reference to the commitments of the political blocs among themselves and between the citizen and commitments from the other side.
    He adds : all the political blocs to set a timetable agreed by them to make political and economic reforms and security to reassure prevail among them and confidence in the atmosphere and thus demonstrate the gravity of which do not implement the conventions.
    He pointed out that the target of these steps are not enough unless it also supported other points, such as goodwill and revert to the government and solidarity between all the lumps out of the current impasse in addition to giving genuine participation in decision-making.
    The spokesman Accord Front that the current stage is difficult, especially as the security aspect need to be resolved internally and more serious than the present, adding that the first Accord Front called for the internal among all the political blocs to agree on a common vision towards all issues on letting everyone session without marginalizing one.

    Era Constitution

    And found Mr. Ayad Jamal al-Din deputy Iraqi List, which links to the Iraqi people and any of the world's peoples is the Constitution stating that in the event of a disagreement thereon must be reviewed and adjusted in order to be truly tent all Iraqis.
    He explained Gamal Eddin Erman told (morning) that there is a paragraph in the Constitution to be amended. Pointing out that the Constitution Review Committee is the most of any conference this Committee that combines the views of all political forces represented in Parliament, whether or not represented, including the peaceful opposition forces.
    He said : that all conferences and covenants are worthless as long as there is disagreement on the constitution, however, stressed the need for national covenant is the constitution, pointing to the importance of expediting the convening of a national reconciliation conference to meet what they united by different nationalist school of thought there was no mosque only united by the Constitution.

    In the interest of national project

    Dr. Wael Abdel Latif, a member of the Iraqi List confirmed that the document the international community ultimately discharges in favor of the national project, pointing out that accurate reading of this document, and in particular those came in five wanted the government to complete the project nationally.
    Dr Abdul Latif said in a telephone conversation with the (morning) and the International Covenant document contains five points fundamental support national project, including the national government and the national reconciliation as well as political and economic reforms.
    He said : we really needed to national covenant internal reinforcing the International Covenant and do its steps and operating from a basic process for the correction and evaluation of the political process, including the exit of foreign forces and the disbandment and congregation of all political forces, however, pointed out that the draft International Covenant answer every dream involved the political process including the resistance or the opposition.
    He called Dr. Wael Abdel Latif to expedite the convening of a national conference to achieve dialogue and reconciliation, adding that it was important that the Iraqis complete their national project.

    اSatisfaction compatibility

    The Chairman of the Iraqi Accord Front Adnan Al-Dulaimi that the front is great satisfaction as a result of the Sharm el-Sheikh Arab attitudes toward thanking those decisions, in particular support for reforms and an end to the militias and create a balance in governmental institutions.
    He continued, Al-Dulaimi said : "We now await what will be played by the Iraqi government reforms and procedures for balance in the state and the Iraqi government.
    The deputy Ibrahim Relief Accord Front, confirmed that Iraq needed an agreement between all the actors in the arena over the country's need for international covenant. He said Relief : The big success is local unanimity to achieve security and stability in the country and not material support or give money and the issue of reconstruction.
    Adds deputy consensus that the Front supports any action or agreement leading to preserve Iraqi blood and achieve stability in the country, and the politicians and the faithful of this requirement is the public pays Iraq to safety.


    In this area also, Dr Abdul Rahman Khodeir Abbas, a university professor : The spread decisions both Sharm El-Sheikh on many aspects and is a big step on the political, economic, security, as recognized by the countries participating in the conferences importance stabilization of the political process and support the government in the fight against terrorism and to disarm the militias and reconstruction.
    We have a promise to reduce debt and provide loans and offer technical assistance and support for a plan to impose law and the promotion of national reconciliation initiative, and all of this work requires all Iraqi political bloc, their deputies and their governmental and non-governmental organizations that perform joint effort in order to activate these recommendations and to fulfill the promises we have ...Everybody should unite and gather around their voice to government programs and the country's progress towards fulfilling ... On the political blocs must work seriously to create the ground and support dialogue and political accommodation.
    Requesting Hasna Muhammad Hussein-Mustansiriyah University, says : The spread of Sharm el-Sheikh hope and optimism among the Iraqi citizen, but what is more important is how to translate these decisions into practical and effective steps that would provide the requirements of the progress desired by the Iraqis in various fields, and this requires perseverance and effort on the part of political forces that should waive all Tmalsha and cons of responsibility and pushing firmly on the path to success of the political process has damaged Iraqis Hall disasters and crises they have lived and now we hear the internationalization of crises that we first make effort to resolve and cohesion from a national scale and formulate serious steps on the path of reconciliation, tolerance and the elimination of terrorism.
    The d. Haifa Abdul Hamid says : We have heard good things eliminating some debt and strengthen stability in the country and reconciliation.
    As we look to the practical embodiment of the things I think that the parties to the political process in Iraq to coordinate their positions to implement the aspiration of the Iraqi people and to achieve what Aahdona it .. The solution, however, the Iraqis themselves, and there must be a national covenant at home stems from the professional standard and patriotic and builds on the basis reject sectarianism and the lack of obstacles to the process of construction and progress.
    In this context, the highest political body for Iraq Aluchaabanih an uprising launched by saying :
    While optimistic and hope all the best decisions of the positive outcome of the international conference in Sharm el-Sheikh, which opens new horizons of international and regional support for democratic change happening in Iraq and the political and economic support of the oppressed Iraqi people, the sons of Iraq uprising Aluchaabanih kinsmen of the mass graves they thank and appreciation to all the good efforts made to leaders and commanders representatives of the participating countries in this conference who have become convinced the full importance of supporting Iraq in its current ordeal as one of the most important countries in international stability and as Chairperson front in fighting and eliminating terrorism as well as its economic and cultural.
    To Angfel important and prominent role played by the Iraqi diplomacy of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari made clear and distinct effort to persuade regional states to attend the conference and actively participate.
    We call on the Iraqi people to reject the inherent discord and sectarianism and racism abhorrent and to close ranks and Cmir Forearms to build and brotherhood and support the state of institutions and the state of law and the federal pluralistic democratic option and call Messrs. parties, and trends in the national and religious to be role models for the people as people and leaders away from illegal racing and the pursuit chairs and cornering power and selfishness unhelpful in dealing with them and rise on smaller matters and they please their people and nation-building and reconstruction.
    جريدة الصباح - ضرورة العمل على اتخاذ خطوات سريعة بغية عدم التفريط باجماع العالم على مساعدة العر

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  5. #425
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    Civil society : civil society organizations and the oil and gas

    Family Supplement editor

    The civil society organizations played an important role in the period leading up to elections to the National Assembly and the House of Representatives, and vote on the draft constitution, has contributed symposia, conferences and workshops such organizations to explain the contents of elections and constitution

    The debates have served many respects, perhaps the citizens in dire need to identify points of neutral civil and not politicized. These organizations are active players invited today to the attention of the draft law of oil and gas before the vote by the House of Representatives of legislation enacted, the law and a first deputy chairman of the National Council Sheikh Khaled al-Attiyah warned that the most important after the Iraqi constitution, and the importance of this law of the importance of oil to the Iraqis, as they represent about 93% revenue of the total national income of Iraq, a high percentage without any doubt. The purpose of the law as stated in Article 3 : It establishes the management system of oil operations in the Republic of Iraq, and wrote Oil Minister Dr. Hussein Shahrastani article on the law says in paragraph include : "The first concern (of the authors of the law) the supreme interests of Iraq, and the technical and legal considerations that ruled the materials in every detail of the law was based on national considerations, and sought to assimilate and to create a comprehensive and substantive legislative environment for the growth and prosperity of this vital sector for the benefit of the homeland and citizens." Certainly, the draft written with Iraqi hands, written by three unknown Iraqi oil experts commissioned by the Oil Ministry, was presented the draft on (Energy Commission) in the Cabinet, which introduced some amendments, presented to the cabinet, which voted unanimously, it would imply that all the political groups represented in the Iraqi Parliament been approved by the consent of the representatives and ministers in the cabinet, the draft before it reached the House before (the state council) for review and put it in a legal framework, and as oil minister said two days before the draft and arrived in the House of Representatives, which will soon (and as required by the working mechanisms of the Council) for a first reading and then second punctuated by extensive discussions, and then voting law. According to press leaks that some political forces participating in the political process wants this draft to become law binding before the end of this month, and it has no civil society organizations concerned with this law a lot of time, by the initiative to put their affairs in order as well as this draft definition, which was unaware of a large majority citizens of the states, although many of the local newspapers, Internet web sites published this draft, and then holding seminars and specialized conferences, workshops and hosting experts oil and economy policy, and effective parliamentary figures, to benefit from their experiences, views and input regarding this law.
    جريدة الصباح - منظمات المجتمع المدني وقانـون النفـط والـغاز

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  6. #426
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    English : Oil registers raise in Revenues

    Baghdad, May.7 p8

    Oil ministry mentioned recently that, the weekly oil revenues exported to the international markets through the few last period more than $ 550 M, as the oil exports low towards the American and the European markets and increased towards the Asian markets at that period, while oil ministry emphasized on parliament ratifying on gas and oil law as it would considers as a real first starting to raise up the oil manufacturing industry in the state.An author sized source at oil ministry said that, the incensement of the international oil price reflected positively on the Iraqi oil revenues, and that increase would participate in improving state economic as the budget of the state depends mainly on the oil exports.And the European markets and increased towards the Asian markets at that period, while oil ministry emphasized on parliament ratifying on gas and oil law as it would considers as a real first starting to raise up the oil manufacturing industry in the state.An author trained at oil ministry source said that, the incensement of the international oil price reflected positively on the Iraqi oil revenues, and that increase would participate in improving economic state as the budget of the state depends mainly on the oil exports.
    جريدة الصباح - Oil registers raise in Revenues

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  7. #427
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    'Announcement of establishment of the Jihad and Reform Front in Iraq...'

    On May 4, Al Quds Al Arabi, a Palestinian-owned daily, reported: "Three exapnsive Iraqi factions have formed what is known as the Jihad and Reform Front. The Front's statement, a copy of which was delivered to Al Quds Al Arabi, said: "The three groups: the Islamic Army in Iraq, the Mujahideen Army and the Ansar Al-Sunna group, have formed a united front called the Jihad and Islamic Front. The Front will be united at the following level: general religious doctrine, general policies, the political program, the stance vis-a-vis the main events, operations and military statements".

    "The statement continued that the Front pledges to continue to conduct Jihad in Iraq until all the goals are achieved, including the full and real withdrawal of the occupiers, the consecration of God's religion,... and the elimination of evil in accordance with the following policies and regulations:

    "1- Justice is guaranteed to all...

    "2- The military actions of the Mujahideen target the occupiers and their agents and not the innocent people, whereby the goal of the Jihad is to defend them and provide them with a dignified life...

    "3- ... Seeking to earn the trust of Muslims in general and the Sunnis in particular while distancing ourselves from all that could harm the Jihad and the Mujahideen even if it is legitimate...

    "4- Commit to moderation and middle-grounds without showing extremism in any saying or action... and follow the Sunna of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, in war and in peace.

    "5- Not get carried away in secondary battles at the expense of the main battle. Limit the circle of conflict with the enemy and spare whoever can be spared among them.

    "6- The Mujahideen are the protectors of the religion and its followers. It is our priority to protect the blood, money and honor of Muslims and alleviate the burden from residential areas as much as possible... What is required in every action is planning and not improvisation. Whoever supports the Mujahideen is one of them.

    "7- Protect the financial and moral wealth, develop it and invest it. Spread the Islamic values in all economic aspects...

    "8- Differentiate between absolute principles that do not change in time and space, and partial policies related to interests and by which we abide in accordance with time and place...

    "9- Work on achieving interests and completing them and hindering and diminishing corruption... There is no greater interest than monotheism and no corruption greater than polytheism.

    "10- Adopt realism in the performance, the assessment and the handling, while continuously aspiring to reach all goals...

    "11- Take in interest in religious politics and spreading it. Our policies are all based on the Koran and the Sunna... Politics aim to achieve reform. If reform is lost, it is lost.

    "12- Differentiate between political action which is based on religion and entering the so-called political process such as by partaking in elections. Any political action that doesn't place the worries of Iraq, at the head of which is the ousting of the occupiers and the release of the prisoners from the prisons of their sectarian government..., above everything else is useless. Hence, we do not recognize any political game, starting with the infamous Bremer council to Al-Maliki's collaborating sectarian government. We also do not recognize the sectarian elections on the basis of which was formed all the treaties signed by these consecutive governments and the constitution...

    "13- Upholding the people's security is one of our priorities. It is the duty of the army, the police and all the security forces to defend religion and its sanctities, the country and its sovereignty and the people. However, the army, police and security forces in our country are sectarian forces serving the occupiers. They are part of their plans, they complement their aggression and execute their goals." - Al Quds Al Arabi, United Kingdom

    © 2007

    Article originally published by 06-May-07
    'Announcement of establishment of the Jihad and Reform Front in Iraq...' - | Middle East Business News

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  8. #428
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    sico delivers gcc markets outlook at major financial times middle east summit

    Posted: 07-05-2007 , 07:27 GMT

    Securities & Investment Company (SICO), the Bahrain based securities house, recently delivered its outlook for GCC markets at a major Financial Times Middle East Summit held in Bahrain. The “Middle East Financial Services Summit” held on 2 May was attended by leading financial services experts from across the region to present new ideas and insights into how GCC financial markets are developing.

    Speaking to delegates at the summit, SICO’s Head of Asset Management, Mr. Shakeel Sarwar, said, “The region has seen strong economic growth over the past couple of years with real GDP growth rates running at between 6 and 7%. Markets have developed with this growth, meaning the GCC now has 152 companies with a market capitalisation of more than US$1 billion.

    “Following the growth of corporate earnings across the region, we expect earnings to slow down in 2007. We believe corporate earnings growth will remain in line with or be higher than GCC markets’ GDP growth rates.

    “Following the market corrections of late 2005 and 2006, SICO believes that GCC markets are, on average, 20% below fair values. Future returns are expected to come from an expansion in price/earnings multiples and growth in earnings.”

    During the presentation, SICO detailed to delegates how the market corrections of 2005 and 2006 had seen valuations across all GCC markets contract substantially, a situation which has persisted despite the GCC now being favourably valued when compared to other emerging markets such as China and India.

    SICO believes additional factors further underline the investment potential of the GCC. All GCC countries will continue to generate budget surpluses whilst the oil price remains within its expected range of US$55-65. Around US$1.2 trillion is also expected to be spent on real estate, oil and gas and power generation projects over the next few years, further enhancing GCC economies. With a large proportion of the region’s population in the economically active segment, demand for consumer, financial and real estate products is expected to remain high. In addition, compared to other developing markets, the GCC’s consumer financial sector remains largely under-penetrated.

    Key risk factors were also outlined during the presentation, including the risk of slower global economic growth putting pressure on oil prices, the possibility of a real estate correction and other risks.

    SICO’s Asset Management has built the longest track record for equity management in the region, with over US$400m of assets under management. SICO Funds have consistently produced impressive returns outperforming benchmarks and similar funds.

    Securities & Investment Company is a securities house offering a selective range of investment banking services, including asset management, brokerage, market-making and corporate finance, on a regional basis and with a particular emphasis on Bahrain. SICO was incorporated in Bahrain in 1995 and holds an investment-banking license from the Bahrain Monetary Agency.

    Information on SICO’s services and products are available at Welcome to SICO

    © 2007 Al Bawaba ( middle east news information::sico delivers gcc markets outlook at major financial times middle east summit

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  9. #429
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    Economic event : Proceedings table long table in Kurdistan .. Mechanisms banking work in Iraq

    Within the table for the banking sector, a professor Abdel Aziz Hassun, Executive Director of the Association of Banks Iraqi working paper under the title (s banking work in Iraq) reviewed the reality of actors banking and banking activities and means of activating economic transactions related to the speech :


    That is the banking profession and trades as winner of husbandry through the accumulation of experience, which enables him continuing work in this field.
    It is understood that the important decisions in the lives of the Iraqi individual, daily and repeated in all times where vigilance is the secret or deposited money in reassuring terms, the Treasury or under the pillow or in dividing wall ....

    The continued importance of the resolution of choice even after the emergence of banks in Iraq late nineteenth century began with the entry of proliferation Golan England during the First World War in both Basra and Amarah, Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk.

    The mechanisms of action in the banks since those days and to this day remains an institution governed by the rules and concepts of global fixed is that the banks have issued their place, but the people operating funds deposited with it.

    Take the deposit and pay royalties to the owner and lending to clients for a higher return and keep the difference between what you pay for the capital and wage from clients to cover the various expenses and profitable.
    Similarly, the transfer of funds from one place to another inside Iraq or outside Iraq through its branches or agree with the other banks.

    ـEverything evolved mechanisms associated with the needs of the banking market is not any demand that the element of any banking service or product
    As it is known these days it comes to a demand tradition of other banks, and not a matter of innovation.

    The school English in the banking was prevailing in Iraq as in the countries of the region, despite the emergence of banks, French, Italian and German in addition to those which were carrying British citizenship, which was only differences between the catalog and some mathematical terminology bank.

    Banking policies and patterns of circulation with the regions and governorates :
    Competed-owned banks with government-owned banks in the private sector proliferation in the territories and provinces.

    And of course the win for the banks as they become the first agent of the Iraqi Central Bank vaults in the maintenance of accounts and services and State institutions which constitute a large part of their deposits in private banks denied that clung to their positions and their presence in the markets as it preceded the provincial government banks in emerging and it is capable of flexible working , and its relations with its positions, particularly foreign bank branches allow for the implementation of the foreign transactions of credits and other transfers more efficiently.

    Of course, economic conditions in the provinces were different between the province and another.
    They were both Basra and Mosul provinces formed since first is the only port and the second is the natural market for the Northern Region.

    The growing emphasis on capital Baghdad and its commercial center first brought matters to be captured at all centers banks first and the bulk of bank branches in many neighborhoods II.

    Despite the expanded use of sophisticated means of communication but that things have been subject to the central high without granting branches in the regions or provinces sufficient power, although far from the Center, which greatly affect the conduct transactions and interests of the clients.
    Especially in the current situation where the urgent need for a CBE in the Middle Euphrates region in the least to facilitate banking and money transfers among banks for a region comprising five provinces.

    Contexts circulations Almidaineh like banking and North Kurdstan
    The circulations field currently focused on the transfer of funds in the light of the uncertain security situation both for the purpose of transfer or for the purpose of buying foreign currencies, and in both cases the matter is an indicator of recession and stagnation is not.

    In the case of a bank north and the Kurdstan linked in the region is due to the Royal I. addition to the banks in general, with prejudice market almost exclusively mostly on the purchase and sale of foreign currencies by contributing to the auction held by the Iraqi Central Bank every day, which was expected to be Awestmer indefinitely.

    In other words, the banking balance reported economic activity and the market retreated after the reluctance of dealers to rely on banks in their dealings preferring Altadiat or cash remittances outside the banking system.
    Above all the recession year, which contributed to the incident in addition to security reasons, government measures to reduce spending through
    Amending the Iraqi dinar exchange rate either ignorant or procedures Bansaya fully with the demands of external actors on the basis that this is what will end the economic inflation.
    As persistence and financial procedures to lift returns on remittances treasury to nearly 23%, and expansion in the promotion and delivery of the night deposit proceeds to the high numbers of Attatelv normally with the usual in the world, which is based on the assumption fill immediate needs for a short period may not exceeding 18 hours.
    All this has endeared orientation for banks to invest in treasury and remittances night deposit and obtain high returns without relying on the usual practice of banking and confront what is surrounded by risks.

    Rehabilitation programs and economic reform in the banking field
    Succeed banking work is the solid Influence him of the ability to exercise the flexible methods without compromising those rules.

    ـBears banking work acceptable, the two effects :
    External factors come from the retreat and corruption Pacific or the environment.
    Domestic output of underperformance and mismanagement and manipulation.
    Therefore, banks often were strictly adheres to the rules and avoiding risk than paste many of them described the province.
    Over time, the evolution of the banking or banking products as they are called today, as we pointed out earlier that it is continuing and is closely related to the needs of the market and the demand for those products.
    Development requires rehabilitation organ bank of the new service and capacity development at improving performance and efficiency.
    :The guide Iraqi banks and abreast of the development of clear through rehabilitation programs by which to train cadres through :
    Giving workers opportunities completing specialized studies and enter the global banking institutes.
    Seize the opportunities of training organized by global banks.
    In addition, the technology innovations are also imposed on banks and the use of machines to facilitate the implementation and the accuracy in addition to the catalog of accounting control and extract data and statistics easily. After the delayed state-owned banks so late and famous departed continues through the development of the real private banks and initiated since its return to the market early in 1993 to the use of computers and software available and continued to develop its updating of hardware and software, where there is more than one bank currently uses its way (KOBIETY ), which allows for the implementation of customer transactions at any branch soon, but it holds the accounts in addition to increased capacity and supervision of the activities of the bank and its branches transactions instantaneously.
    But the number of banks has been limited as we are constantly urged by the Iraqi Central Bank and the Association of Banks private Iraqi banks to develop means of action and consider all no matter how high spending in this area is unacceptable achieve investment expenditure by raising the efficiency of the banks.
    جريدة المدى - وقائع طاولة المدى المستديرة في كردستان..آليات العمل المصرفي في العراق

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    Keywords : Massoud Barzani : there is no room for compromise or negotiation on the historic character of Kirkuk

    :Arbil-Sabah Al-Jadeed :

    Chairman Mr. Kurdstan region Massoud Barzani : The Iraqi city of Kirkuk-Cordstanih identity, no room for compromise or negotiation of this historic nature, as we have always stated, the Iraqi constitution to resolve the controversy over this vital, in Article 140, and take measures to be applied politically.

    And Barzani told the Saudi newspaper town : The only acceptable solution passes through the full normalization, the return of Kirkuk to what it was before the forced change and population affected, and a democratic referendum for the self-determination of peoples. The referendum is Faisal, and determined the population of Kirkuk would appreciate full, and will apply, but other potential accepted by us. We do not want Kirkuk to be only city of coexistence and brotherhood among citizens, and visited the cities of the territory Kurdstan; will see that all components coexisting in Kirkuk live brotherly love and harmony and equal. And now Alcord position on the Iraq crisis worsening chairman Kurdstan region : We are with Iraq and a democratic, pluralistic and federal system, and we will make every effort to help others to get rid of this problem, and we are against regional and foreign intervention, but we know that the withdrawal of American forces now Seardhna of the largest catastrophe in the history of Iraq since the devastating civil war will begin soon withdrawal
    جريدة الصباح الجديد - مسعود بارزاني: لا مجال للتنازل او التفاوض حول طابع كركوك التاريخي

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